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The Effect of Work Discipline, Work Motivation and Leadership On Employee Performance at PT. Devrindo Widya Karawang - Indonesia

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International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)

ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019

The Effect of Work Discipline, Work Motivation

and Leadership on Employee Performance at PT.
Devrindo Widya Karawang - Indonesia
Tubagus Ahmad Darojat, Abdul Rahmat, Lucyane Djaafar
 with and enjoy the rules, norms and procedures that apply in
Abstract: This research is to find out, explain and analyze the the organization where they work. A good work discipline
influence as well as the partial and simultaneous influence of reflects the amount of one's responsibility towards the tasks
work discipline, work motivation and leadership on employee assigned to him.
performance at PT. Devrindo Widya Karawang - Indonesia.
Newstroom (2011: 109) argues that work motivation is
There were 82 employees of which 68 were used as the sample
group. The research method used is the descriptive and the result of a collection of internal and external forces that
verification method. The following conclusions result from the cause workers to choose a way of acting that is in accordance
analysis of research data: 1) work discipline is good, 2) work with certain behaviors. It can be concluded that motivation is
motivation is good, 3) leadership is good, and 4) employee a strength or drive that arises in a person to achieve something
performance is good. There are influences both partially and desired. Motivation is the emergence of behaviors that lead to
simultaneously of work discipline, work motivation and specific goals with full commitment to achieve the intended
leadership on employee performance at PT. Devrindo Widya purpose.
Karawang - Indonesia.
According to Boulding (1956) in book “The Image:
Keywords : The influence, significant and performance
Knowledge in Life and Society”, outlined the general
transdisciplinary theory of knowledge and human, social, and
organizational behaviour that the basis of a good leadership is
In an organization, the ability of employees to carry strong character and selfless devotion to an organization
out their duties and responsibilities is the main benchmark for (Jenkins, 2013). From the perspective of employees,
achieving goals. Work discipline involves the awareness and leadership is comprised of everything a leader does that
willingness of employees to comply with all organizational affects the achievement of objectives and the well-being of
rules and prevailing social norms. Disciplinary factors play a employees and the organization (Abbasialiya, 2010). Kasmir
very important role in the implementation of organizational (2016: 182) states performance is the result of work and work
goals. Disciplined employees also obey all the regulations in behavior that has been employed in completing the tasks and
a work environment with high awareness and without responsibilities that have been given in a certain period.
coercion. In addition to the level of discipline, motivation in Performance is the result of achievement in an activity or
work is also important for employees. Work motivation is program carried out by a person or group in an organization in
related to personal factors that influence direction, desire and order to achieve the goals of the organization that have been
persistence in doing certain behaviors. Maslow's theory set.
suggests factors that influence a person's work motivation
consisting of: physiological, safety and security, social, III. RESEARCH METHOD
rewards, and self actualization. And leadership involves a
The research used is the descriptive and verification
type of responsibility aimed at achieving particular ends by
method. Population : In this study are the 82 employees of PT
applying the available human resources and ensuring a
Devrindo Widya Karawang. Sample In this study, researchers
cohesive and coherent organization in the process (Ololube,
used the Probability Sampling method.
2013). Also leadership as a process, whereby influences an
individual or a group of individuals to achieve a common goal
as well.

II. FOUNDATION OF THEORY n = sample size

According to Lijan (2016: 334), work discipline is a person's N = population size
willingness to follow the rules that apply in the organization. e = error level
Work discipline is useful for educating employees to comply Based on the calculations above, the researcher took 68
Revised Manuscript Received October 05, 2019 respondents as the sample.
Tubagus Ahmad Darojat, Lecturer Singaperbangsa University
Karawang Indonesia.
Abdul Rahmat, Lecturer Gorontalo State University, Indonesia
Lucyane Djaafar, Lecturer Gorontalo State University, Indonesia

Published By:
Retrieval Number: F83741088619/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8374.109119 627 & Sciences Publication
The Effect of Work Discipline, Work Motivation and Leadership on Employee Performance at PT.
Devrindo Widya Karawang - Indonesia
Data sources used by researcher are primary data and Sig.
,000 ,000
secondary data. Data collection techniques used in this study (2-tailed)
are questionnaire and archival research. N 67 67 67
Work Pearson **
,796 1 ,797**
Motivation Correlation
,000 ,000
PT. Deverindo Widya Karawang is located at Klari - (2-tailed)
Karawang Barat, Kabupaten Karawang. It is a company N 67 67 67
engaged in the industry and trade sectors. Respondents in this Leadership Pearson ** **
,773 ,797 1
study were all employees of PT. Deverindo Widya Karawang. Correlation
The total number of employees is 82 and the researcher took Sig.
,000 ,000
68 respondents from the total number of employees.
N 67 67 67
Validity test :
From the analysis above, the correlation coefficient between
1. Test Results for Validity of Work Discipline (x1)
the independent variables of work discipline (x1) and work
Work Discipline indicator (x1) is declared valid (r count>
motivation (x2) is 0.796 indicating a strong relationship. The
relationship between the independent variable work discipline
2. Test Results for Validity of Work Motivation (x2).
and leadership (x3) is equal to 0.773 and again the level of
The indicator of Work Motivation (x2) is declared valid (r
relationship is strong. Meanwhile the relationship between the
count> 0.30).
work motivation variable and the leadership variable is 0.797
3. Leadership Validity Test Results (x3)
which is also considered strong. It can be concluded that the
Leadership indicator (x3) is declared valid (r count> 0.30).
three variables of work discipline, work motivation and
4. Test Results for Validity of Employee Performance (y)
leadership have a strong correlation.
Employee Performance indicator (y) is declared valid (r
Path Analysis Results
count> 30).
Table 4
Unstandardized Standardized
Table 1 Reliability Test Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
No Variable Alpha Critical Remark
Model B Error Beta
Value value
1 Work Discipline 0,930 0,70 Reliabel 1 (Constant) 2,809 8,164 ,344 ,732
2 Work Motivation 0,873 0,70 Reliabel x1 ,355 ,133 ,319 2,662 ,010
3 Leadership 0,907 0,70 Reliabel x2 ,455 ,172 ,337 2,649 ,010
4 Employee 0,925 0,70 Reliabel x3 ,140 ,098 ,150 1,424 ,159
Path coefficient between variables.
Table 1. shows that each variable has an Alpha value> 0.70 1) Variable working pathline coefficient (X1) on employee
and it can therefore be concluded that the variables of work performance (Y)
discipline, work motivation, leadership and employee Based on the table, the equation obtained from the
performance are reliable. pathline of the work discipline variable (X1) on employee
performance (Y) is 0.319.
Table 2 Data Normality Test Results 2) Path coefficient of work motivation variable (X2) on
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test employee performance (Y)
Work Work Leader Based on the table, the equation obtained from the work
Discipline Motivation ship y motivation variable path
N 68 68 68 68 coefficient (X2) on employee performance (Y) is 0.337.
Normal Mean ,00000
,0000000 ,0000000 59,07 3) Leadership (X3) variable path coefficient on employee
Parametersa,b 00
6,33165653 6,02269312
8,339 performance (Y)
Deviation 5916
Most Extreme Absolute ,100 ,104 ,124 ,121 Based on the table, the equations obtained from the
Differences Positive ,070 ,065 ,078 ,071 working proficiency variable (X3) path coefficient on
Negative -,100 -,104 -,124 -,121
Test Statistic ,100 ,104 ,124 ,121
employee performance (Y) are equal to .150.
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,088c ,066c ,011c ,014c The path coefficient of the Work Discipline variable (X1),
Work Motivation (X2), and Leadership (x3) on Employee
Table 2 above shows that all variables have a value> 0.05, so Performance (Y) is described as follows:
the data is normally distributed. ∈
Verification Analysis and Hypothesis Test X1 0,
The results of the analysis of relationships between variables 0, 0, 31
processed using SPSS: 77 79
0, 9
33 Y
Table 3 Inter Variable Correlation 3 79 X2 15
7 0
Work Work
Discipline Motivation Leadership
Work Pearson
1 ,796 **
,773** Figure 1 Path Analysis Employee
Discipline Correlation Performance

Published By:
Retrieval Number: F83741088619/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8374.109119 628 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-1, October 2019

Path Analysis of Work Discipline (X1), Work Motivation There exists a partial effect of leadership on employee
(X2), and Leadership (X3) on Employee Performance performance.
Variables (Y). Simultaneous variable influence
The diagram above shows that the path coefficient of the Table 6 : Calculation of F value
Work Discipline variable (X1) is 0.319, lower than the Work ANOVAa
Motivation variable (X2) which is 0.337, but higher than Sum of Mean
Leadership (X3) of 0.150. Model Squares Df Square F Sig.
The path equation is as follows: 1 Regression 2341,096 3 780,365 17,320 ,000b
Y = 0.319 X1 + 0, 337 X2 + 0.150 X3 + ∈ Residual 2838,546 63 45,056
(Y = employee performance and ∈ = other variables that are Total 5179,642 66
not measured but still affect Y).
The Effect of the variables: Work discipline (X1), Work The significant influence of the three variables: work
Motivation (X2) and Leadership (X3) on Employee discipline, work motivation and leadership , on performance
Performance (Y). can be illustrated in the table below:
Based on figure 1 above, it can be seen that there is a Table 7 Simultaneous effect of work discipline, work
relationship between the independent variables (work motivation
discipline, work motivation and leadership) that acts on the and leadership on employee performance
dependent variable (employee performance).
Table 5 : Structural Sig. Taraf Fcount Ftable Rejected
The Effect of Work Discipline (X1), Work Motivation ρyx1yx2yx3 0,000 0,1 17,320 2,38 H0
(X2) and Leadership (X3) on Employee Performance (Y) =0 Rejected

Coef. Simultaneously there is a positive and significant effect of

No Correlation Path Tcount ttable Test result work discipline variable , work motivation and leadership on
employee performance.
1 Work 0,319 2,662 1,294 Significan
Research Discussion
Discipline → t
Employee Discussion of Descriptive Research
Performance 1. Based on work discipline research shows that of the 15
2 Work 0,337 2,649 1,294 Significan statements all are of good value.
Motivation → t 2. Based on work motivation research shows that from 15
Employee statements divided into 2 groups where 12 statements are
Performance in good position while the remaining 3 are in a fairly
3 Leadership 0,150 1,424 1,294 Significan good position. .
→ Employee t 3. Based on Job Satisfaction research shows that of the 20
statements divided into 2 groups where 17 statements are
in good position while the remaining 3 are in a fairly
Hypothesis testing
good position ..
Free Inter-Variable Correlation
4. Based on the performance research shows that out of 16
1) Inter Variable correlation of Work Discipline (X1) with
statements are divided into 2 groups where 15 of the 16
Work Motivation (X2)
statements are in good areas while the remaining 1 in the
A significant relationship exists between the two.
area is quite good.
2) Correlation between Work Discipline Variables (X1) with
Discussion of Verification Research
Leadership (X3):
1. Partial Influence of work discipline, work motivation and
There is a significant relationship between the work
leadership on employee performance.
discipline and leadership variables.
a. Based on the results of this study, work discipline
3) Inter variable correlation of Work Motivation (X2) with
variables have a significant influence on employee
Leadership (X3):
There is a significant relationship between the work
b. Based on the results of this study, the work motivation
motivation and leadership satisfaction variables.
variable has a significant influence on employee
Partial Influence of Variables
There is a partial effect of work discipline on employee
c. Based on the results of this study, the leadership
variable has a significant influence on employee
Effect of work motivation variables on employee
performance. The partial influence of work motivation on
2. Simultaneous effects of work discipline, work motivation
employee performance is illustrated in the following table:
and leadership on employee performance.
There is a partial effect of work motivation on employee
Based on this study, the variables of work discipline, work
motivation and leadership simultaneously have an influence
2) Variable Influence of leadership on employee performance
on employee performance.
Partial influence of leadership on employee performance
is illustrated in the following table:

Published By:
Retrieval Number: F83741088619/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8374.109119 629 & Sciences Publication
The Effect of Work Discipline, Work Motivation and Leadership on Employee Performance at PT.
Devrindo Widya Karawang - Indonesia
V. CONCLUSION 15. Sahakiants Ihar. DeSimone, R. L., Werner, J. M., Human Resource
Development (6th International Edition), South-Western, Cengage
1. The work discipline research shows that the variable work Learning, 2012 2014-jan;:453-456.
discipline has a scale range value of 4,062 with an average 16. Sujianto, A. E. (2009). With SPSS Statistics 16.0. Jakarta: The
value of 271. This indicates that work discipline at PT. Achievements Of The Library Publisher.
Devrindo Widya Karawang – Indonesia has been good. 17. The Leadership & Organization DevelopmentJournal, Vol. 30, No. 7,
2. The work motivation research shows that work motivation pp. 649-663.Sims Jr., H. P., Faraj, S., & Yun, S. (2009).
18. TheLeadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 25, No.
variables have a scale range value of 3,771 with an average
6, pp. 528-544.Wendt, H., Euwema, M. C., & Hetty van Emmerik, I. J.
value of 251. This indicates that overall work motivation at PT. (2009).Leadership and team cohesiveness across cultures.
Devrindo Widya Karawang – Indonesia is good TheLeadership Quarterly, Vol. 20, pp. 358-370.
3. The leadership research shows that the range of scales for the
variable Leadership is 4,951 with an average value of 248.
This shows that employee job satisfaction at PT. Devrindo
Widya Karawang – Indonesia is good.
4. The employee performance research shows that the value of the Tubagus Achmad Darodjat, Lecturer Singaperbangsa
Author-1 University Karawang Indonesia.
variable scale of employee performance is equal to 4,069 with Photo
an average value of 254. This shows that the performance of Email [email protected]
employees at PT. Devrindo Widya Karawang – Indonesia is
5. There is a partial effect of the work discipline, work motivation
and leadership variables on employee performance at PT.
Devrindo Widya Karawang - Indonesia. Abdul Rahmat, Lecturer Gorontalo State University,
a. Work discipline has a significant influence on employee Indonesia. Email. [email protected]
b. Work motivation has a significant influence on employee
c. Leadership has a significant influence on employee
Lucyane Djaafar, Lecturer Gorontalo State University,
performance. Indonesia. Email. [email protected]
6. There is a simultaneous influence of the work discipline, work .
motivation and leadership variables on employee performance
at PT. Devrindo Widya Karawang - Indonesia.


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Published By:
Retrieval Number: F83741088619/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F8374.109119 630 & Sciences Publication

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