A Study On Organisational Climate in The BPO Concern: Management

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Volume : 2 | Issue : 12 | December 2013 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179

Research Paper

A Study on Organisational Climate in the KEYWORDS : Personnel Policies,
Rewards System, Training Programme
BPO Concern and Career Opportunities

Ms. R.Devi Ph.D Research Scholar, Pachaiyappas College, Chennai-30. Asst Professor Dept of
Corporate Secretaryship, K.C.S Kasi Nadar College of Arts & Science, Chennai –600021.
Dr.D.Venkatarama Raju Research Guide, Associate Professor,Department of Commerce,Pachaiyappa’s College,

ABSTRACT Organizational climate (sometimes known as Corporate Climate) is the process of quantifying the “culture”
of an organization, it precedes the notion of organizational culture. It is a set of properties of the work environ-
ment, perceived directly or indirectly by the employees, that is assumed to be a major force in influencing employee behavior. The
present study was undertaken with an aim of understanding the organizational climate prevailing in the BPO concern and identifies
the expectation of the employees.


Although there is continuing controversy surrounding defi- Primary Objectives
nitions of organizational climate, and especially its differen- • To analyze the HRD climate prevailing in the organization.
tiation from organizational culture, the most widely adopted • To find out the degree of developmental environment in the
definition is that of Benjamin Schneider (1975), who defined concern.
organizational climate as a mutually agreed internal (or molar)
environmental description of an organization’s practices and Secondary Objectives
procedures. Within this definition, it should be noted that the • To identify the employee expectation and requirements.
focus is on organizational members’ agreed perceptions of their • To identify the changing needs of the employees.
organizational environment. This is what distinguishes climate
from culture, where the focus is on judgments and values, rather LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY
than perceived practices and procedures. The main limitations of the study are the following:
 The study was restricted only to non- executives.
Organizational climate, while defined differently by many re-  The result of the study cannot be generalized.
searchers and scholars, generally refers to the degree to which  The expectation and requirements of employees are ever
an organization focuses on and emphasizes: changing as such the company should be dynamic enough
to gauge the changes and to meet the expectations effec-
 Innovation tively.
 Flexibility
 Appreciation and recognition RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
 Concern for employee well-being The present study of research belongs to the category of ‘De-
 Learning and development scriptive study’. Descriptive studies are those studies which are
 Citizenship and ethics concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular in-
 Quality performance dividual or group. The approach of this research was Qualitative
 Involvement and empowerment approach. Within the qualitative approach this study belongs to
 Leadership the category of ‘inferential approach’.


Dynamic and growth oriented firm require HRD to succeed Primary data
in a fast-changing environment. Organizations flourish only The method of data collection was primarily through question-
through the efforts and competencies of their human resources. naires that were handed over personally to the targeted group.
Personal polices of the Organizations to provide the morale and
motivation of employees high but these efforts are not enough Secondary data
to make the organization dynamic and take it in new directions The secondary data for the study was collected from the sources
.Employee capabilities must continuously be acquired, sharp- such as journals, magazines, websites etc.,
ened and used. When employee use their initiative, task, risks,
experiment, innovate and make things happen the organization Size of the sample
may say to have a good climate’. Even an organization that has The number of samples collected from the universe was 100.
reached its peak has to adapt to changing environment. The en- The samples were selected as the convenience of the researcher.
tire organization do require the need for process that help to The ‘Convenience Sampling’ method was used in the study.
acquire an increase its capabilities’ for stability and renewal.
Tools Used
Human Resource Development in the organization context is a The tools used for analysis and interpretations of data are the
process by which the employees of an organization are helped, following:
in a continuous and planned way, to;  Percentage method
 Weighted Average method
1. Develop their general capabilities as individuals and dis-  ANOVA
cover and/ or organizational development purpose.
2. Acquire and sharpen capabilities required to perform vari- DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION
ous functions associated with their present or expected fu- ANOVA
ture roles. ANOVA is used to test the difference among the sample mean.
3. Develop an organizational culture in which superior – sub-
ordinate relationships, team work and collaboration among Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference in the
sub units are strong and contribute to the professional well- opinion of the respondents of different designation towards
being, motivation and pride of employees. team spirit.


Research Paper Volume : 2 | Issue : 12 | December 2013 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179

Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is significant difference in Sources of Variation Sum of Degree of Mean sum of
the opinion of the respondents of different designation towards squares Freedom Squares
team spirit. Between Columns 234 2 117
Within Columns 645 9 71.66
Total 671 11
X1 X2 X3 X12 X22 X32
Ndf=(2,9) at 5% significant level is 4.26.
22 12 26 484 144 676
7 6 5 49 36 25 Variance ratio = 1.63.

6 4 4 36 16 16 Inference : Therefore the Null hypothesis is accepted, there is

3 3 2 9 9 4 no significant difference in the opinion of the respondents to-
wards team spirit irrespective of the designation.
38 25 37 578 205 721


Q. No Questions
1 Year of experience of the respondents.
2 Department of the respondents.
3 Age distribution of the respondents.
4 The top management in the organization goes out its way to make sure that employees enjoy their work. 3.64
5 Development of subordinates is seen as an important part of their job by managers/ officers. 3.78
6 Personnel policies facilitate employee development. 3.84
7 People lacking competencies are helped to acquire it. 3.74
8 Employees are helpful to each other. 4.00
9 Employees are very informal and don’t hesitate to discuss problems. 3.78
10 Promotion decisions are based on suitability of the employees rather than favoritism. 3.60
11 Rewards are given to employees for any good work done or any contribution made. 3.66
12 Superior takes special care to appreciate good work. 3.92
13 Appraisal systems are based on objective assessment. 3.70
14 Compensation package is fairly good. 3.28
15 Encouragement to try out the methods and creative ideas. 4.16
16 Training programs are based on genuine training needs. 3.78
17 Team spirit is of high order. 4.28
18 Rewards are always timely and for right purpose. 4.06
19 Changes in the organization are always encouraged. 4.28
20 Career opportunities are pointed out by senior officers 3.84
Total Mean 72.46

Inference  Giving due weight age to meritorious performance in pro-

The above table shows that the overall HRD Climate score is motion and other decisions concerning employee career.
72.46 by adding the scores of all items, which indicates that a  Rewarding innovative and creative efforts through financial
moderate HRD climate with some scope of improvement is pre- and non-financial incentives.
vailing in the BPO organization.  Developing sense of belonging towards the organisms.
 Timely publication and distributed of In-house journal and
FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS improving the effective of the channels of communication.
 Among the total respondents 80% were males and 20%  Positive attitude towards employee grievances and readi-
were females. ness to solve them.
 Majority of the respondents agreed that the development  Enhance employee satisfaction and developing into them a
of subordinate is seen as an important part of the job of the feeling management is fair and just.
superiors.  To help individual through performance counseling.
 It was found that the personnel policies of the organization
facilitate employee development. CONCLUSION
 Most of the employees that the people in the organization The effective performance of organization depends not just on
are helpful to each other. the available resources, but its quality and competence as re-
 Almost all the employees felt that their superior take spe- quired by the organization from time to time. The difference
cial care to appreciate the good work done by the employ- between two nations largely depends on the level of quality of
ees. human resources. Similarly the difference in the level of perfor-
 It is necessary to create a climate of trust and good will. mance of two organizations also depends on the utilization val-
 Inculcating sense of healthy competition between employ- ue of human resources. Moreover, the efficiency of production
ees and teams. process and various areas of management depends to a greater
 Encouraging constructive criticism. extend on the level of human resource development. This study
 Anticipating employee needs, aspiration and expectation has attempted to understand to what extend a developmental
and taking effective steps to meet them to the extent pos- climate exists in the BPO concern. From the study it has under-
sible. stood that the prevailing HRD climate with some scope of im-
 Providing facilities for learning and growth. provement is prevailing in the organization.

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