Chapter2 2 Annotated
Chapter2 2 Annotated
Chapter2 2 Annotated
Transportation Engineering
Spring 2024
Vehicle Dynamics
▪ Tractive effort is simply the force available at the roadway surface to
perform work (expressed in lbs [N])
▪ Resistance (expressed in lbs [N]) is defined as the force impeding vehicle
▪ Three major source of vehicle resistance: aerodynamic, rolling, grade
𝑅𝑔 = 𝑊 sin𝜃𝑔
sin𝜃𝑔 ≈ tan𝜃𝑔
𝑅𝑔 ≅ 𝑊𝐺
G: road grade, defined as the vertical rise per some specified horizontal distance
(in percentage %)
CE361 Traffic Engineering – Road Vehicle Performance 6
Example (2.2)
Step 2: Calculate the additional power (𝑃𝑎𝑑𝑑 ) and weight (𝑊𝑎 ) needed
L = length of wheelbase
h = height of the center of gravity
lf, lr = distance from the front, rear axle to the center of gravity
Wf, Wr = weight of vehicle on front, rear axle
CE361 Traffic Engineering – Road Vehicle Performance 12