Apostila 4 Semestre2

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Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022 .

Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022 .

Present Perfect
What is a selfie? Do you take selfies? When/where?


Key words
Complete the definitions with the correct words below:

airbrush draw attention make a fuss

out of fashion share terminally vain viral

a) If something goes , it is not popular anymore.

b) If somebody is , they are too proud of their appearance or abilities.
c) If you a photo, you improve it with special equipment or computer software.
d) If something goes , it becomes extremely popular on the internet.
e) If a person is ill, they have an illness that cannot be cured.
f) If you about something, you show unnecessary excitement or
interest about it.
g) If you something on Facebook or Twitter, you let other
people see, read, or use it.
h) If you to something, you focus on it.

Find the information

You are going to read an article about selfies. Find the information below in the text.

a) Who took a selfie that raised £3 million?.............................................................................................

b) Which religious leader took selfies with fans?.........................................................................................
c) When was the first selfie taken?...........................................................................................................
d) Where was the selfie taken?................................................................................................................
e) What does it show?...............................................................................................................................
f) Where was it shared?...........................................................................................................................

Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022

Selfies: a visual revolution?

They are not just a vain trend. They are also a form of communication.

1. What to say about the selfie? Good or bad? the lens of an old analogue camera. It’s
Are they going out of fashion or are they a possibly the world’s first selfie. The date is
symbol of our vain times? And which to do? December 1920.
A no-make-up selfie? Gym selfie? Is it OK 4. "We didn’t have a word for it until recently,"
to airbrush? And what if, after all of that, says Jason Feifer, creator of the infamous
nobody bothers to "like" it? ‘Selfies at a Funeral’ on the social
2. It seems that almost every week, a selfie networking site Tumblr. "And it is the word
is on the news. There’s the thumbs-up ‘selfie’, I think, which helped draw so much
selfie by a 19-year old terminally ill patient, attention to them. Will we get bored of
which went viral and raised £3 million. taking selfies? I doubt it. Selfies are a
There were selfies taken by Pope Francis convenient way to document yourself. But
with fans at the Vatican. There was the first I’m sure we’ll get bored of talking about
selfie from Space, and that Obama funeral selfies, or treating them like they’re new."
selfie. 5. The fact is, we live in a world in which
3. We have been making a fuss about the we all have camera phones. The new
selfie recently, especially since the word generation has grown up with them. Young
entered our dictionaries. It is like we have people have created a new visual
discovered something new and brilliant. In language which is understood by both
fact, we were taking selfies for most of the sender and recipient. Communicating with
past century. For example, there’s a photo this new visual language takes less time
that has been shared on Twitter. It shows than writing long text messages.
five men on the roof of the Marceau Studio Adapted from The Independent, by Lena Corner, 12 May
in New York, looking into 2014

Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022

Checking understanding

Put T (True) or F (False) next to the statements below. Correct the statements which are false.

a) The writer thinks that selfies are something new.

b) The word ‘selfie’ has made people draw attention to selfies.

c) According to Jason Feifer, people will get bored of taking selfies.

d) According to Jason Feifer, people will get bored of talking about selfies.

e) It takes more time to communicate with selfies than with long text messages.

Find the words

Find the words and phrases from the text which mean ...

a) takes the time or trouble to do something (verb, P1)

b) a ceremony or service held shortly after a person’s death (noun, P2)
c) famous for a bad reason (adjective, P4)
d) easy to do/use (adjective, P4)
e) someone who receives a message (noun, P5)

Now complete the sentences below with the above words/phrases:

I. Tim didn’t to do his homework. He was too lazy.

II. My smartphone is very . I can do so many things with it.
III. Jesse James was an bank robber who lived in the United States in the 19th
IV. The of my email didn’t get the message. There must be a problem with the email
V. Everybody came to Joanne’s to pay their respects.

Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022 .

6 Recent changes

Form sentences with the present perfect simple to describe the recent changes below. Make the sentences
true like in the examples.

a) English / stop / learning English

People haven’t stopped learning English.
b) communication / become / easier
c) smartphones / make / our lives easier
d) technology / create / new trends

e) people / stop / watching television
f) global temperatures / increase
g) my English / improve
h) the transport system in my country / become / more efficient

Recent events
Complete the sentences below with the verbs in the present perfect simple.

break finish open steal discover win

a) Scientists have discovered a cure for cancer!

b) Brazil ……………………………………..the World Cup!

c) It’s cold in here. ………………………………..someone ……………………………..the window?
d) Look at Tom. It looks like he……………………………………..his leg.
e) I can’t find my wallet. I think someone ……………………………………..it.
f) At last! I……………………………………..my homework.

Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022 .

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

a) seen / just / movie! / "We’ve / new / the / Star Wars

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . …
b) room / already / for / "We’ve / by / paid / credit card." / the
. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .
c) Paris, / to / can / already / else?" / we / "We’ve / so / been / somewhere / go

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
d) what / please / I / yet, / finished / me / happens!" / so / haven’t / book / the / tell / don’t

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .
e) the / washed / don’t / again!" / just / it / floor, / "I’ve / make / dirty / so


9 Complete the dialogue between Julie and her mom with the adverbs located in the column
at the right side.

(Julie) Hi, mom! I’ve __________________ arrived in Santiago.

(Mom) Santiago? Where’s that?
(Julie) It’s the capital of Chile.
(Mom) Have you been to Argentina __________________?
(Julie) No, we haven't __________________, but we’ve __________________ visited
Ecuador and Peru.
(Mom) You’re so lucky.
(Julie) Why?
(Mom) Well, I’ve __________________ been to Peru or Chile.
(Julie) But mom, have you __________________ been to Argentina?
(Mom) No dear, I’ve __________________ been to South America.
(julie) You should come with me. I’ve __________________ decided I’m coming back next
(Mom)I don’t know, dear. It’s a long way to travel.
(Julie) Maybe for you... I don't care about distance. I haven't visited all the world
__________________, but I will do it soon.
(Mom) I wish, my baby! You deserve it.

Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022 .

Do we use for or since with the following time references?

a) I haven't phoned home _________________ Christmas.

b) We've been here _________________ nine o'clock.
c) I have worked for International House _________________ more than eight years.
d) I haven't visited my home town _________________ I left school.
e) Johan has been in England _________________ two weeks.

Present Perfect Continuous

Recent unfinished activities

Complete the sentences below with the present perfect continuous.

look for rain run sleep spend work teach wait

a) Julia is exhausted. She ’s been working hard for over 10 hours.

b) If you want to go outside, you’ll need an umbrella. It__________________________ all morning.
c) People in my country ___________________________________ less money over the past few years
because of the economic situation.
d) Scientists ____________________a cure for cancer for centuries.
e) Joe is a teacher. He______________________________________________since June.
f) They are almost at the end of the marathon. They for over three hours.
g) Are you almost here? I____________________________________________for over 20 minutes!
h) It’s nearly midday. How long _________________________Dan _________________________?

2 Tell me why
Match the situations on the left with the causes on the right.

Ex. Mary’s eyes are very red. Why? She’s been crying all night.

Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022 .

E. 1. Mary’s eyes are very red. A. She’s been leaning on the blackboard
2. The streets are wet. B. She’s been exercising all month.
3. The children aren’t hungry now. C. She’s been dancing for hours.
4. He’s out of breath. D. It’s been raining for hours.
5. Carol’s pants are dirty. E. She’s been crying all night.
6. Both boys have black eyes. F. He’s been running for an hour.
7. The teacher’s sweater is covered in chalk. G. She’s been working in the garden.
8. Andrew coughs all the time. H. They’ve been eating cookies all day.
9. Lily’s feet are sore. I. He’s been smoking for years.
10. Donna feels great. J. They’ve been fighting.


Complete the dialogue below according to the audio.

MAGGIE: Hey, Bob, how’s it going?

BOB: Pretty good, thanks.

MAGGIE: I haven’t (been with /seen) you for a while. What have you been (look to/ up to)?

BOB: Well, I’ve been looking for a house to buy. I finally found one last month.

MAGGIE: That’s terrific!

BOB: Yeah. I’m really tired of (resting/ renting). So what ________________________________ lately?

MAGGIE: Well, I went to Italy last month.

BOB: Really? What were you doing there?

MAGGIE: I was (taking/ making) a short Italian course. But guess what! I fell in love.

BOB: You did? Who’s the lucky guy?

MAGGIE: Actually I fell in love with the ___ ___ ___ ____ there. So I’ve been taking some classes in Italian cooking.
That pizza you’re eating – I made it!

Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022 .

Read the information in the chart below and then write two sentences about each person with the
present perfect continuous tense.

Ex. Doris has been writing e-mails for three hours. Or Doris has been writing e-mails since 1:00.

Person Doris Judy Wayne Michael Bonnie

time now 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M.
activity in writing meeting playing tennis fixing computers baking
progress e-mails customer
now s

began 1:00 P.M early this morning 3:00 P.M. 9:00 A.M. 12:30 P.M.

two cakes
completed so far twenty twelve customers three games six computers andfour

1. Judy

2. Wayne

3. Michael

4. Bonnie

Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022

Past Perfect
Changes before the past
Look at the pictures of the actress Marilyn Monroe in 1945 and 1957. Look at the
picture on the right and complete the sentences below.

become be married change dye earn receive

a) She____________________________________a famous actress.

b) She____________________________________her hair blond.
c) She____________________________________her name.
d) She____________________________________twice.
e) She____________________________________a number of awards for her performances.
f) She____________________________________a lot of money.

Read the text

Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022

Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022

Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022

Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022

Passive form of the verbs

1 Verbs in the passive

Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form:

clean hide hurt invite make teach write

1. Bread from flour and water.

2. I didn’t see you at the party because I .
3. The office by the janitor every morning.
4. Nobody knows when the book .
5. John French at school when he was a child.
6. Did you hear about the accident this morning? Fortunately, only two people .
7. The burglar didn’t find Janet’s jewelry box because it under her bed.

Questions with the passive

Write questions using the passive.

When / the television / invent? When was the television invented?

1. When / the first website / build?........................................................................................................... ?

2. When / the telephone / invent? ............................................................................................................ ?
3. How often / the Olympics / hold? ......................................................................................................... ?
When / the first car / make?.................................................................................................................. ?
Língua Inglesa IV – 2º Semestre /2022

5. When / America / discover? .................................................................................................................. ?

6. Which leader / show / on Indian banknotes?....................................................................................... ?

Watch a video

About the vídeo:

T(True) or F (False):

a) ( ) O chefe queria demitir o funcionário por conta de atraso.

b) ( ) O rapaz encarava sérios problemas para chegar até o trabalho na hora certa.
c) ( ) O funcionário inventava muitas mentiras.
d) ( ) A polícia precisou interferir na ida do personagem ao trabalho mais de uma vez.

Retire do video uma frase NA VOZ PASSIVA em cada um dos tempos verbais abaixo:

a) Simple past;
b) Present Simple;

c) Past Continuous;

d) Past Perfect;

e) Present Perfect;



Infinitivo PastPast PastParticiple
Past Participle Tradução Tradução
to arise
to arise arosearose arisen arisen levantar-se levantar-se
to awake
to awake awoke
awoke awokeawoke acordar acordar
to bear
to bear borebore bornborn / borne
/ borne suportar
suportar / dar à luz,/ darnascer
à luz, nascer
to beat
to beat beatbeat beaten beaten bater bater
become became
became becomebecome tornar-se tornar-se
to begin
to begin began
began begunbegun começar começar
to bend
to bend bentbent bent bent dobrar dobrar
to bet bet
to bet bet bet bet apostar apostar
to bind
to bind bindbind bind bind amarrar amarrar
to bitebite
to bit bit bitten bitten morder, picar morder, picar
to bleed
to bleed bledbled bled bled sangrar sangrar
to blowblow blew blew blownblown soprar soprar
to bring
to bring brought
brought brought
brought trazer trazer
to build
to build builtbuilt built built construir construir
to burst
to burst burstburst burst burst estourar, explodir
estourar, explodir
to buy to buy bought
bought bought bought comprar comprar
to castcast
to castcast cast cast lançar lançar
to catch
to catch caught
caught caught caught pegar, apanhar pegar, apanhar
to choose
to choose chose
chose chosen chosen escolher escolher
toto cling
cling clungclung clung clung agarrar, apegar-se
agarrar, apegar-se
to come
to come came came come come vir vir
to cost to cost costcost cost cost custar custar
to creep
to creep creptcrept crept crept arrastar-se, arrastar-se,
rastejar rastejar
to cut cut
to cut cut cut cut cortar cortar
toto deal
deal dealtdealt dealt dealt lidar, tratar lidar, tratar
to dig dig
to dug dug dug dug cavar
to doto do did did done done fazer fazer
toto draw
draw drew drew drawndrawn desenhar, sacar desenhar, sacar
to drink
to drink drankdrank drunk drunk beber beber
to drive
to drive drovedrove drivendriven dirigir dirigir
to eat to eat ate ate eaten eaten comer comer
to fall fall
to fell fell fallen fallen cair cair
toto feed
feed fed fed fed fed alimentar alimentar
to feel to feel felt felt felt felt sentir sentir
to fight
to fight fought
fought fought fought brigar, lutar brigar, lutar
to findfind
to found
found found found encontrar encontrar
to fling
to fling flungflung flung flung arremessar, arremessar,
lançar lançar
to flyto fly flewflew flown flown voar voar
to forget
to forget forgot
forgot forgot // forgotten
forgot esquecer esquecer
to forgive forgave forgiven
forgotten perdoar
freeze froze
forgave forgivenfrozen perdoar congelar
get frozegot got / gotten
frozen congelar conseguir
to get to give got gave given
got / gotten conseguir dar
toto give
go gave went given gone dar ir
to grind
go ground
went gone ground ir moer
to grow
to grind grew
ground ground grown moer crescer
toto grow
hang grew hung grownhung crescer pendurar
to hang hung hung pendurar


Infinitivo Past Past Participle Tradução
to have had had ter
to hear heard heard ouvir
to hide hid hidden esconder
to hit hit hit bater
to hold held held segurar, manter
to hurt hurt hurt ferir, machucar
to keep kept kept manter, guardar
to know knew known saber, conhecer
to lay laid laid pôr, colocar
to lead led led conduzir
to leave left left partir, deixar
to lend lent lent emprestar
to let let let deixar
to lie lay lain deitar-se, situar-se
to light lit lit acender
to lose lost lost perder
to make made made fazer
to mean meant meant significar
to meet met met encontrar
to pay paid paid pagar
to quit quit quit desistir, abandonar
to read read read ler
to ride rode ridden cavalgar, andar de
to ring rang rung tocar, soar
to rise rose risen levantar-se
to run ran run correr
to say said said dizer
to see saw seen ver
to seek sought sought procurar
to sell sold sold vender
to send sent sent enviar
to set set set ajustar, fixar
to shake shook shaken agitar
to shine shone shone brilhar
to show showed shown mostrar
to shrink shrank shrunk encolher
to shut shut shut fechar
to sing sang sung cantar
to sink sank sunk afundar
to sit sat sat sentar-se
to sleep slept slept dormir
to slide slid slid escorregar
to slit slit slit fender, cortar
to speak spoke spoken falar
to speed sped sped correr
to spend spent spent gastar
to spin spun spun girar
to split split split dividir, partir
to spread spread spresd espalhar
to spring sprang sprung saltar, pular
to stand stood stood ficar, permanecer

Infinitivo Past Past Participle Tradução

to steal stole stolen roubar
to stick stuck stuck grudar
to sting stung stung picar, ferroar
to strike struck struck bater, golpear
to string strung strung amarrar
to swear swore sworn jurar
to sweep swept swept varrer
to swim swam swum nadar
to swing swang swung balançar
to take took taken tomar, levar
to teach taught taught ensinar
to tear tore torn rasgar
to tell told told contar
to think thought thought pensar
to throw threw thrown arremessar, atirar
to understand understood understood entender
to wake woke woken acordar
to wear wore worn usar
to weave wove woven tecer
to wed wed wed casar
to weep wept wept chorar
to wet wet wet molhar
to win won won vencer
to wind wound wound dar corda, serpentear
to wring wrung wrung retorcer-se, espremer
to write wrote written escrever

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