Bead Wire
Bead Wire
Bead Wire
Bead wire
for tire reinforcement
Bead wire
优势 Benefits 为什么选择
Improved 2
Improved safety 3
Total cost of
durability ownership
reduction Why choose
The wire drawing and coating specialist
Experience in tires
贝卡尔特在钢丝变形和镀膜技术领域居全球科技和 历史经验以及工艺技术能为您生产各
市场领先地位,全球30%的轮胎都使用了贝卡尔特 种规格、成分或机械性能的钢丝产
钢帘线进行加固。 品。贝卡尔特总部位于比利时,拥有
Bekaert is a world market and technology leader in 遍及120多个国家。
steel wire transformation and coating technologies.
30% of all tires in the world are reinforced with Bekaert has the flexibility, the
Bekaert steel cord. historical background, and the
technical skills to create any steel wire
no matter what shape, composition
贝卡尔特在轮胎市场的产品开发和生产领域拥有悠久的历史及丰富的经验,持续为客户创 or mechanical characteristic.
造价值。我们对创新的专注以及在全球范围内贴近客户的理念使贝卡尔特成为了轮胎行业 Headquartered in Belgium, we have
客户的首选供应商 。 been producing continuously for over
130 years, serving customers in over
We have a long history of manufacturing and developing products that drive value creation 120 countries.
for its customers in the tire sector. Our strong focus on innovations for tire markets, and the
company’s firm belief in customer proximity all over the world, have made us a preferred 您的战略合作伙伴
supplier to the tire industry. Your strategic partner
安全性及轮辋的稳固性,同时给胎体帘线提供一个必要的锚固点。贝卡尔特胎圈丝是经过 我们遍布全球的销售和服务网络意味
冷拉的高碳钢丝,可以为客户提供固定范围内不同直径、强度、形状以及很好的延伸性能 着我们能结合位于欧洲、北美洲、拉
的胎圈钢丝产品。无论是传统的镀青铜或特殊的黄铜镀层胎圈丝都可以找到合适的终端应 丁美洲和亚洲的钢帘线工厂的实力。
用。贝卡尔特为客户提供高质量且稳定的胎圈钢丝产品,按照现有的标准或支持新的发展 同时,本地化的支持能够为您提供
需求,胎圈钢丝可以缠绕在工字轮或线圈上。 及时的客户服务。我们将与您密切合
Tire beads worldwide contain multiple loops of Bekaert’s bead wire as the preferred steel 满足您的需求。
component to keep the tire safely and firmly on the rim, while serving as an anchoring point for
the carcass cords. Bekaert ‘s bead wire is a hard drawn, high carbon steel wire available in a Our global footprint means that we
range of wire diameters, strengths and shapes, with excellent elongation. Both classic bronze can combine our strengths across
and special brass coatings are available matching the final application. Our customers are our steel cord plants in Europe, North
provided with a high quality and consistent level of bead wire on spools or coils to make their America, Latin America and Asia. Our
bead bundles, according to their existing specifications or supporting new developments. local presence means that we are
at your service at all times. We work
closely with you to create a lasting
solution that answers your needs.
技术标准 Technical Standard
公称直径 强度等级 破断拉力最小值 断裂延伸率最小值 扭转最小值 试样标距
(±0.020毫米) Tensile (牛顿) (%) (次) (毫米)
Diameter Min breaking force Minimum elongation Minimum number of Depends on the test
(±0.020 mm) (N) at break torsion length used
(%) (Nt) (mm)
1 NT 1385 5 25 L=100d
2 HT 5800 5 15 L=100d
联系我们 Contact us
上海市大渡河路168弄31号 修订版
Waterfront Place E栋17楼 依据正式的产品规格书。除非有另外的申明,本文件中的所有