Sujatha 2017
Sujatha 2017
Sujatha 2017
Contributors: Abstract
1Professor and Head, 2 Post Forensic radiology has a lot of scope in human identification, it acts as vital evidence
Graduate 3Senior Professor, for antemortem and postmortem records and assists in identifying the person, age,
4,5Assistant Professor , Department
gender, race, etc. This paper reviews the different radiological techniques using
of Oral Medicine and Radiology,
Faculty of Dental Sciences, M.S. Cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) and advances available for
Ramaiah University of Applied successful identification of the deceased.
Sciences, Bengaluru-560054
Keywords: Forensic Odontology, Cone Beam CT, Age Estimation, Sex
Determination, Pre and Post Mortem Data
Forensic science deals with the identification of review we have discussed various radiological
the dead which depend largely on the techniques and new developments available for
preservation of soft-tissue components of the successful identification of the dead, cause of
body and cannot be used if the remains are burnt, death, for medico legal purposes and also
decomposed, mutilated, and destroyed. In the anthropological research.
human body, teeth and facial bones are resilient
and withstand the decompositional/destructional Age estimation of living and deceased individuals
forces well even under extreme forces and/or is imperious in both forensic and clinical work.
temperature variations.1 Teeth are particularly There is increase in skeletons and unidentified
useful in determining the gender where there is dead bodies globally due to instances such as fire,
nothing to suggest the individual's identity.2 As air crash, natural calamities, building collapse,
radiographs are able to capture characteristic railway accidents or manmade incidences like
anatomical features, they can be auxiliary tool in murder, bomb blasts or mass firing etc., hence it
identification of the dead and in solving medico- is essential to determine the identity of the dead
legal cases. Radiographic identification person for legal, criminal and ethical
technique is efficient, comparatively easy, perspectives.3 In 1950, Gustafson was first to
records can be obtained in both living and dead, introduce a scientific method for age estimation
and they are economical than DNA technology. using six age-related changes in tooth structure,
Radiographs of skull and teeth have been mostly such as secondary dentine formation, periodontal
used for forensic identification as these structures recession, attrition, apical translucency,
are the strongest and highly resistant to trauma cementum apposition and external root
and decomposition. With the advent of CBCT, resorption3,4. Matsikidis et al. described that the
which shows greater precision to diagnose trauma characteristics of Gustafson method (except
and pathologies of the cranium, the number of apical translucency) using dental radiographs.
image requests by forensic professionals has Subsequently, numerous studies 3,5, 6, 7 have been
increased, making possible the use of this conducted with different dental radiographic
technique to support human identification by techniques employing the characteristics studied
comparing images of significant anatomical by Gustafson to aid in age determination.
structures of the cranium. So, in the present
Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 13 Issue 02 Aug 2017 JDOR
Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 13 Issue 02 Aug 2017 JDOR
Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 13 Issue 02 Aug 2017 JDOR
Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 13 Issue 02 Aug 2017 JDOR
sex predictability of FM dimensions, the foramen identification using cone beam computerized
measurements can be used to supplement other tomography and concluded that frontal sinus can
sexing evidence available, so as to precisely be accurate tool for gender determination.
ascertain the sex of the skeleton. Significant differences were observed in the
frontal sinus measurements between males and
females supporting the dimorphic features of
frontal sinus in humans with 67.59% accuracy
rate. Sai Kiran et al.29 Therefore frontal sinus
index can be used as a reliable tool in sex
Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 13 Issue 02 Aug 2017 JDOR
Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 13 Issue 02 Aug 2017 JDOR
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