External Auditory Canal Osteoma A Case Report

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

External Auditory Canal Osteoma: A Case Report


Abstract:- EAC osteomas are rare, benign, unilateral, II. CASE REPORT
solitary tumour, which are slow growing. usually
asymptomatic and are found incidentally. But they A 28 year old male patient presented to ENT
rarely present with conductive hearing loss, otalgia, outpatient department with complaints of mass in the right
mass, aural fullness, tinnitus in large lesion completely external auditory canal for 1 year. He also complained of
occluding the EAC. Diagnosis is based on clinical decreased hearing and blocking sensation in the right ear
examination, radiographic imaging, and histopathology. during the last 3 months. They were insidious in onset and
They are often confused with EAC exostosis and must be gradually progressive, no aggravating and relieving factors.
differentiated from EAC osteomas. We present a case of There is no history of ear pain, discharge, tinnitus,
28yrs old male patient presented to ENT Department giddiness. He denied history of swimming or trauma.
with complaints of mass in the right external auditory
On clinical examination, mass is seen completely
canal for 1 year and decreased hearing and blocking
sensation in the right ear during the last 3 months. After occluding the EAC. It is hard in consistency, non-tender.
examination and imaging, it was diagnosed as right EAC Tympanic membrane could not be visualised due to
osteoma. surgical excision via post auricular approach complete occlusion of EAC. A pure tone audiometry
was done. revealed a 45 dB conductive hearing loss while another ear
was normal. High resolution CT scan of temporal bone
Keywords:- Osteoma, EAC, Exostosis. revealed bony mass in the Right EAC measuring 2x0.7cm
with underlying soft tissue density. Patient underwent
I. INTRODUCTION excision of the Rt EAC osteoma under local anaesthesia
using a postauricular approach.
EAC osteomas are rare, benign tumours which are
unilateral, solitary, pedunculated mass arising from the After elevating the tympanomeatal flap, a mass is seen
lateral part of the bony EAC.1 They are slow growing. arising from the posterior wall, initially with the micro
Incidence estimated to be 0.05% of total Otologic surgery. 1 curette we tried to curette it out, then with the microdrill the
Osteomas have been described in all regions of the temporal pedicle was drilled, and osteoma was removed. Medially
bone, including the middle ear, internal auditory canal, there was wax and keratin debris on removal revealed
semi-circular canals, squamous temporal bone, mastoid and normal tympanic membrane. The ear canal is packed with
in the external auditory canal.2 They are usually gel foams. The mass was sent for histopathological
asymptomatic and discovered incidentally. They rarely examination. Post-operative period was uneventful, and
present with conductive hearing loss, otalgia, aural fullness, patient was discharged on postoperative day3.
Tinnitus, or mass in EAC. Diagnosis is based on clinical
examination, radiographic imaging, and histopathology. Histopathological Examination revealed features
Here we present a case of Rt EAC osteoma. suggestive of osteoma which consist of lamellated bone
surrounding fibrovascular channels with minimal

Fig. 1: Otoendoscopic image of Rt external auditory canal osteoma

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 2: HRCT temporal bone Axial view showing osteoma in the Rt EAC

Fig. 3: Coronal view showing Rt EAC Osteoma

Osteoma in the
Fig. 4: Excision of Rt EAC osteoma via post auricular approach

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 5: Post operative image on day 3, intact tympanic membrane seen after the excision of osteoma

III. DISCUSSION A recent development in the field of osteoma surgery

is the piezoelectric device. It is a bony scalpel that uses
Osteomas are rare benign tumours of the temporal ultrasonic frequency micro vibrations so that soft tissues
bone, that can present in any part of the temporal bone with will not be damaged even on accidental contact with the
EAC being the most common site. Osteoma of EAC usually cutting tip.9
arise in the lateral part of the bony EAC, and its base is
located at the tympanomastoid or tympanosquamous suture
lines.3 The etiology of osteoma includes trauma, glandular IV. CONCLUSION
causes like a pituitary dysfunction, surgery, radiotherapy,
persistent infection. The precise etiology is still unknown, it EAC osteoma are rare benign slow growing tumour.
is thought to be a true bone tumour.4,5,10 But in our case, no Usually asymptomatic and found incidentally. surgical
such cause is present. excision is treatment of choice in symptomatic patient with
large lesions.
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