ICT Skills Questions

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Unit 3: Basic ICT Skills

SESSION 1: Information and Communication Skills

1. How do we use information in various ways?
Information is dealt with by us in following ways:
1. Accessing the information: Various means like computers, communication networks, smart
phones help us access information through world wide web.
2. Creation of information: Computers, digital cameras, digital recorders, smart phones, scanners
etc. help us create information in various forms like text, audio-video and image.
3. Sharing and distributing information: The internet, communication networks and tools like
video conferencing, video chat platforms, smart phones and computers are the tools to
disseminate information.
4. Storing and managing information: Databases, computers, storage devices like disks, pen drives,
online drives are the means to store and manage information.

2. How are computers useful in our daily life?

Computers help us in almost all aspects of life be it education, entertainment, travel, our profession,
using various services, communication, using social media, health care, doing our business, doing
financial trancsactions etc.

3. How computers help in running various businesses and industries?

All kinds of business operations are carried out very easily and accurately by computers. Database
of all the business details are maintained by computers. Small shops, supermarkets, big companies,
restaurants, small offices use computers for efficient service. People access the services and buy
products from businesses online. New technologies like big data and cloud computing provide
enormous capabilities to the computers for bright future of industries.

4. Why ICT skills are necessary for us in today’s world?

World around us is impossible to believe without the presence of computers. To survive in out trade
and profession, we must have necessary ICT skills. Information and communication technology
skills make our lives easier by easing our tasks up to greater extent. Availing a domestic service,
booking travel tickets, hotel room and flights, ordering food, finding a location using GPS,
interacting with people, instant communication are the part of our daily life. It also helps us remain
competitive in our career.
2. Explain any 2 roles of ICT in our personal daily life.
Presentation of content today has gained completely a different level. Entertainment, news and field
of journalism are greatly supported by computers. Sports, online games, movies, songs, web series,
video interaction with others have taken the entertainment to a next level.
Social Media
Sharing ideas, information, your personal views, achievements, setbacks or any news with almost
anyone and everyone across the globe in moments over internet is due to the World Wide Web
running on networks of computers. Integrated chat services, photo sharing services, video uploads
and video interactions are a routine today. Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Skype and YouTube
have entirely changed the way we connect with people. Writing, photography, filmmaking, singing,
video editing, video consulting, online coaching, relationship advice are new opportunities today.

SESSION 2: Computer System

1. What is the role of input and output devices in a computer system?
Input devices are used to feed input to the computer in different forms like clicking on command
with the mouse, typing data through keyboard, scanning image using scanner, feeding video through
a web camera and recording audio with microphone.
Output devices generate result of processing in various forms like text, image and video on monitor,
hard copy print by printer, maps by plotter, and audio through speaker.
2. List differences between primary and secondary memory.
Primary memory is usually not permanent. It loses data once power is switched off while secondary
memory is permanent storage. Storage capacity of primary memory is very less as compared to
permanent memory which can store data in bulk form. Primary memory is less expensive than
permanent memory.

3. How is RAM different from ROM?

RAM is main working memory of the computer. It stores the working data of the user as long as
computer is powered on while ROM contains permanent instructions. RAM is Read/Write memory
as data can be read and written on it while ROM is Read Only memory. Storage capacity of RAM is
higher than that of ROM. RAM is upgradable.

4. What do you mean by peripheral devices?

In addition to standard devices that form the actual computer system for standard input, output and
processing operations there are additional devices which extend the functionality of a computer
system such as printing out the content (printer), transmitting messages over network (modem),
scanning images (scanner), recording voice and video (microphone and web camera).

5. Describe any 3 peripheral devices.

1. Printer: It prints out the hard copy of the documents and images over variety of medium like
paper, plastic sheets etc. Ranging from a simple deskjet printer to industry line printer used to
print banners and posters, printers come in a wide variety to cater to various printing needs of
various industries.
2. Scanners: This device is used to scan documents and store them in the computer for later use. A
flatbed scanner can scan whole sheets of documents while handheld scanners are useful for quick
scanning of a part of a document like a few lines or an image.
3. Speakers: Speakers are used to generate sound. They convert analog electric signals into air
vibrations. Speakers are used to listen to music and sounds on the computer.

6. Describe the functioning of processing unit.

A CPU consists of Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit (CU).
1. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): The ALU performs all arithmetic operations and logic operations.
Logic operations test various logical conditions encountered during processing and different
actions to be taken.
2. Control Unit (CU): It coordinates the components of a computer system. The control unit
manages the execution of program instructions by fetching instructions from memory, parsing
those instructions as necessary and then scheduling the appropriate hardware components to
act on those instructions.
7- Explain any 2 storage devices.
Digital Card Reader-Writer
Digital card readers are found in devices like laptops, digital cameras and smart phones. These
devices have slots to read from and write on the memory cards. These cards are available in various
storage capacities ranging from 16 GB to 1 TB.

External Hard Drives

In addition to computer's main storage device – Hard disk there are external hard drives available.
They can be easily connected with the computer through USB port. External drive is the best suited
device for keeping backup of the computer data since it can store data in the range of 500 MB to 2
TB or even more in near future.

8- Explain the optical disks briefly.

Optical discs can store information or data like video, audio, text, images, games, software etc.
Various types of optical discs are available which can store up to 8 GB data.
CD-ROM stores data for distribution for example, music CDs. It is read-only storage media. It stores
data up to 700 MB.
There are 3 types of CDs:-
CD-R (Compact Disc Recordable): Data can be written once but read many times from it.
CD-RW (Compact Disc Re-Writable): It allows us to erase previous data and write new data on them.

9- What is the basic difference between a printer and a plotter?

Printer prints out the hard copy of the documents and images over variety of medium like paper,
plastic sheets etc. while plotters draws or plots building maps or product designs. It is used by
architects and product designers. A Plotter prints high-quality graphics or drawings.

SESSION 3: Basic Computer Operations

1. List the steps to switch on and shutdown a computer system.
Switching a Computer System On
1. Switch on the UPS by a long press on its power button.
2. Press the power button on the CPU cabinet or system unit.
Shutting down the Computer
1. Click on Start button.
2. In the Start menu, click on Shutdown.
3. Switch off the monitor and then UPS.

2. What is the use of operating system?

Operating system controls entire functionality of the computer system. It allows the user to interface
with the computer hardware and make use of other software applications on the computer. Common
functions are managing hardware devices, managing software and scheduling programs, files and
storage management and system security.

3. How CUI is different from GUI?

CUI is difficult to learn and operate since commands need to be type in and remembered correctly.
In GUI, commands need not to be remembered, we use graphical interface to click on work. It is
less interactive than GUI which is very intuitive.

4. What is the use of a file and folder?

A file is a collection of related information. In other words, a file is a collection of data stored on a
storage device. There are different types of files depending on the types of information they contain,
like document, image file, music file, movie file, etc.
Folder contains files and other folders. Folders help us organize our data.

5. List the main components of a GUI desktop.

Desktop, icons, Start menu, Taskbar, Program Windows, Dialog boxes and Toolbars etc.
10- What is operating system? List any 2 functions of operating system.
Operating system controls entire functionality of the computer system. Operating system allows the
user to interface with the computer hardware and make use of other software applications on the
Two Functions of Operating System
Managing hardware devices: Controls functioning and interaction among devices.
Managing software and scheduling programs: Keeps track of installed software and allocates/
deallocates memory to the required programs.

11- Describe any 4 types of operating system.

Single User OS: Such operating systems allow one user at a time on a system. Examples: DOS and
Windows 95
Multi-User OS: Such operating systems support more than one user at a time on the same computer.
Examples: Windows 7, Windows 10, Linux, Unix.

12-How is application software different from an operating system?

Application software are used to perform various tasks in a variety of fields while operating system
controls the functioning of the computer system.

SESSION 4: Internet and Its Applications

1. What do you mean by the terms Homepage and Web page?
A web page generally consists of text, images, audios, videos, links, animations, etc. The homepage
is the first web page of a website. It provides introductory information and the links to the other
pages of the website.

2. What is the role of browser in accessing internet?

A web browser is an application software that is used to access the information (websites) on the
web. Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera are some commonly used

3. What is electronic mail? What are its advantages over traditional mail?
The term e-mail refers to Electronic Mail. E-mail is a communication system that sends and receives
messages through the internet by using specific e-mail addresses or e-mail IDs.
Advantages of e-mail
E-mail offers many advantages over traditional mailing system listed below:
1. Sending and receiving e-mail is very fast. It is received and delivered within seconds across the
2. E-mail is an affordable means of communication as compared to other systems.
3. Sending and receiving e-mail is very easy and convenient. Any type of files can be sent as an
attachment through e-mail.

4. Write the steps to compose and send a simple mail without any attachment.
Compose Mail
The steps to compose or create a new mail and send are:
1. Click on Compose button located on the left side pane. A Compose mail frame appears.
2. Type the e-mail address in the To box.
3. Type the subject name in the Subject box to send it with message.
4. Type your message in the message box.
5. Click on Send button.

5. What is the difference between replying a mail and forwarding a mail?

When we reply a mail, the message goes back to the original sender of the email. Forwarding means
sending the mail received from someone to other recipients.

1. What is the difference between a blog and a standard web site?
Blog, earlier known as Weblog, is an online platform which allows a person to post his/ her views
on a particular topic or issue in the form of an online article for other people to visit and go through.
Readers can post their comments on the article and this way threads of interaction and dialogues
begin. Blog is maintained by blogger or blog writer. Blogs may be the part of a web site.
Website is a huge collection of web pages linked together and identified by a web url. They are
maintained by team of professionals and showcase products and services of an organisation.

2. How a Facebook post different from a Tweet?

Facebook post has no word limit. Tweet is 280 characters max. Posts can be shared. Tweets are
forwarded as retweets.
3. Describe the features of Twitter and Whatsapp.
Twitter is social media website where users can post short messages including videos, links and text
called Tweets. It needs user account name called Twitter handle. Username is preceded by @ sign.
People can be followed on Twitter Twitter timeline displays all the Tweets which are updating
amongst your connections. This is called Twitter feed.

WhatsApp is a messaging application that you can download to your smartphone and use to easily
send messages to other people's mobile phones freely. It also allows video calls freely by using your
phone's data connection. WhatsApp allows creating groups of your contacts. WhatsApp allows video
calling too for all Android versions 4.1 and above.

4. List salient features of FaceBook and Youtube.

Timeline or wall, Page, Events, Photo Albums, News Feeds, Privacy Settings, Profile picture and
Cover Picture etc.

It is an online platform dedicated to video sharing. People can shoot videos and upload them on
Youtube. It lists the most trending or popular videos. You can search videos or click on the video
thumbnails to watch them. Youtube Channel, video playlist, restricted viewing by applying parental
control and safety mode.

5. What do you mean by a Youtube channel?

Youtube Channel: People who are regular users of Youtube and upload videos on it are
recommended to create a channel. Channel is simple a series or collection of related vidoes. The
advantage of having a channel for creator is that popularity of multiple videos can analysed as one
channel. It is easier to manage a channel as compared to individual videos. For users, it is easier to
subscribe the channel so that they get reminder about any new video updated by the channel owner.

6. What is Digital India campaign? List its 4 main initiatives.

To ensure that government services and government schemes’ information reaches to masses online
easily, government of India (GoI) launched Digital India campaign in July 2015.
Connecting rural areas over high speed internet connection to bring the remote areas of the country
into mainstream and improve digital literacy is the ambitious objective of the campaign.
Its 4 main initiatives are:
1. Access to mygov.in portal that lists details of all the government services and schemes.
2. Multi channel, multi-lingual, multi-service mobile app Unified Mobile Application for New Age
Governance (UMANG) to access all government services over handheld devices.
3. Adhaar number has enable to access digital signature service eSign.
4. People can keep digital copies of their important documents over DigiLocker.

7- How Whatsapp is different from Twitter? Describe briefly.

Twitter is social media website where users can post short messages including videos, links and
text called Tweets. It needs user account name called Twitter handle. Username is preceded by
@ sign.
People can be followed on Twitter Twitter timeline displays all the Tweets which are updating
amongst your connections. This is called Twitter feed.

WhatsApp is a messaging application that you can download to your smartphone and use to
easily send messages to other people's mobile phones freely. It also allows video calls freely by
using your phone's data connection. WhatsApp allows creating groups of your contacts.
WhatsApp allows video calling too for all Android versions 4.1 and above.

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