LEIDOS Flight Service
LEIDOS Flight Service
LEIDOS Flight Service
1. Feedback ............................................................................................................................................ 6
2. Account Registration, Password Management, and Login .................................................. 6
a. Account Registration .................................................................................................................. 6
b. Login ............................................................................................................................................... 8
c. Forgotten Password.................................................................................................................... 9
d. Change Password........................................................................................................................ 9
e. Change Username ..................................................................................................................... 11
f. Unlock Your Account................................................................................................................ 14
3. Helpful Videos ................................................................................................................................ 16
4. Contact Us ....................................................................................................................................... 17
5. Home Page ...................................................................................................................................... 18
a. News and Information .............................................................................................................. 18
b. Links.............................................................................................................................................. 20
c. System Alerts.............................................................................................................................. 21
6. Dashboard Page............................................................................................................................. 21
a. Flight Plan List............................................................................................................................ 22
b. Route Alerts ................................................................................................................................ 24
c. Weather Charts........................................................................................................................... 25
d. Airport Conditions ..................................................................................................................... 27
e. System Alerts.............................................................................................................................. 29
6.1. Advanced Services Dashboard.................................................................................................. 30
a. ACAS: Adverse Condition Alerting Service ....................................................................... 31
b. EasyActivateTM and EasyCloseTM ......................................................................................... 37
c. Close Reminders........................................................................................................................ 40
d. ATC Notices ................................................................................................................................ 44
e. SE-SAR ......................................................................................................................................... 47
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f. Preflight Summaries ................................................................................................................. 53
7. Interactive Map ............................................................................................................................... 55
7.1. Interactive Map Page .................................................................................................................... 55
a. Overview and Basic Functions .............................................................................................. 56
b. Additional Functions by Product Selection ........................................................................ 58
c. Flight Plan Short Form ............................................................................................................. 62
d. Plan a Route ................................................................................................................................ 63
e. Graphical Checklist ................................................................................................................... 66
8. Wx Charts ........................................................................................................................................ 66
9. Plan & Brief ..................................................................................................................................... 69
9.1. Flight Planning ............................................................................................................................... 70
a. Domestic Flight Plan Form Validation ................................................................................. 71
b. ICAO Flight Plan Form Validation ......................................................................................... 77
c. Advanced Services.................................................................................................................... 96
d. Flight Plan Helper Menu and Dialogs ................................................................................... 96
e. Flight Plan Hover Text and Field Help Dialogs ................................................................ 100
f. Flight Plan Functions.............................................................................................................. 101
g. Activating a Proposed VFR Flight Plan ............................................................................. 102
h. Closing an Active VFR Flight Plan ...................................................................................... 102
i. Route of Flight Validations.................................................................................................... 103
j. Flight Planning Restrictions ................................................................................................. 103
k. Recent and Flight Planning Lists ........................................................................................ 104
l. Pre-Stored Flight Plans (Scheduled Flight Plans) .......................................................... 105
m. Sunrise and Sunset Times (ICAO Flight Planning only) ............................................... 115
9.2. Briefing Customization .............................................................................................................. 115
a. “Old” vs “New” Toggle .......................................................................................................... 116
b. Standard Briefing..................................................................................................................... 116
c. Abbreviated Briefing ............................................................................................................... 117
d. Outlook Briefing ....................................................................................................................... 118
e. Route Settings .......................................................................................................................... 118
f. Area Settings ............................................................................................................................ 119
g. Briefing Output Settings ........................................................................................................ 119
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h. Briefing Content Filters .......................................................................................................... 119
i. Briefing Output ......................................................................................................................... 120
9.3. New Briefing .................................................................................................................................. 121
a. New Web Briefing Menu ......................................................................................................... 122
b. Email Briefing ........................................................................................................................... 123
9.4. Old Briefing ................................................................................................................................... 123
a. Briefing Menu............................................................................................................................ 125
b. Plain Text/NEXTGEN Settings Help .................................................................................... 126
c. Registering for Briefing Updates ......................................................................................... 126
d. Email Briefing ........................................................................................................................... 128
e. Textual Briefing Printing Page ............................................................................................. 130
f. Briefing Tabs............................................................................................................................. 130
g. Briefing Graphics Pane .......................................................................................................... 150
h. Route Briefing........................................................................................................................... 160
i. Area Briefing ............................................................................................................................. 161
j. Dashboard Area Briefing for Airports ................................................................................ 162
k. Next Generation Briefing ....................................................................................................... 163
l. Locations Briefing ................................................................................................................... 179
9.5. Navigation Log ............................................................................................................................. 184
a. Navigation Log Customization Dialog ............................................................................... 184
b. Popups Disabled ...................................................................................................................... 185
c. Navigation Log Results Page ............................................................................................... 186
d. Navigation Log Restrictions ................................................................................................. 190
9.6. Altitude Optimization .................................................................................................................. 191
9.7. Departure Time Evaluation........................................................................................................ 194
a. Evaluate Departure Time Details ......................................................................................... 197
9.8. Estimated Elapsed Time Calculation...................................................................................... 199
9.9. Route Mapping ............................................................................................................................. 200
9.10. Route Planning ..................................................................................................................... 204
a. IFR – Recent ATC Assigned.................................................................................................. 206
b. GPS Direct ................................................................................................................................. 207
c. Low Altitude V Airways .......................................................................................................... 207
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d. VOR Direct ................................................................................................................................. 207
e. FAA Preferred ........................................................................................................................... 208
f. Coded Departure (See FAA overview) ............................................................................... 209
9.11. Pilot History Page ................................................................................................................ 210
a. View Flight Plan Event Details Page ................................................................................... 212
b. View Flight Plan Briefing Event Page ................................................................................. 212
c. View Navigation Log Event Page......................................................................................... 213
d. View UOA Manipulation Event Page ................................................................................... 214
e. View ATC Route Notice Transmission Event Page ........................................................ 215
f. View Graphical Checklist Logged Event Page................................................................. 215
10. Airports Page ................................................................................................................................ 216
a. Location Information .............................................................................................................. 218
b. Operations Data ....................................................................................................................... 219
c. Airport Communications ....................................................................................................... 219
d. Runways ..................................................................................................................................... 219
e. Ownership Information .......................................................................................................... 219
f. Remarks ..................................................................................................................................... 220
g. Airport Charts ........................................................................................................................... 220
11. UAS .................................................................................................................................................. 221
11.1. UAS Operating Area Planning .......................................................................................... 221
a. UOA Form Validation .............................................................................................................. 224
b. Active, Pending and Past UOA Lists .................................................................................. 228
c. UOA states and actions ......................................................................................................... 228
d. NOTAM Submission ................................................................................................................ 229
12. Account .......................................................................................................................................... 232
a. Account Holder (User) ............................................................................................................ 232
b. Aircraft ........................................................................................................................................ 236
c. Service Provider Authorization ............................................................................................ 241
d. Aircraft & Favorite Plan Sharing .......................................................................................... 241
e. Change Password.................................................................................................................... 242
f. Change Username ................................................................................................................... 242
13. Features ......................................................................................................................................... 242
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14. Links................................................................................................................................................ 243
15. Help ................................................................................................................................................. 243
16. Login ............................................................................................................................................... 245
17. Logout............................................................................................................................................. 245
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LFS Web User Guide
1. Feedback
Leidos Flight Service encourages all users to provide feedback so that we can continue to
enhance the service offerings and user experience of our website.
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If pilot has an existing call-in profile with LFS, the system will link the web account and
profile when web account is created.
b. Login
The Leidos Pilot Web login box appears near the top right of the Home page when you
are not logged in. Your username is the email address associated with your account.
Once you have logged in, the login box is no longer displayed.
If the user is not logged in, "Login" link appears at the right corner of the menu bar from
the following pages.
o Weather
o Airports
o Announcements
o Contractions Lookup
When the Login link is clicked on, the user is navigated to Home page.
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Some functionality on the website is not available if you are not logged in. These items
will appear grayed out in the menu bar (see graphic below), and clicking them will have
no effect. Once you have logged in, they will not be grayed and will be clickable.
c. Forgotten Password
If you have a need to reset your password for an existing account, select the
Forgot/Reset link in the Leidos Pilot Web login box near the top right of the Home page.
A new default password will be sent to the email account associated with the existing
account. The next time you sign in using this account, use the new default password from
the email. The system will immediately display the Change Password and Acknowledge
Terms of Agreement page before allowing any other action. If not, you will need to
change your password using the Account Tab.
d. Change Password
Hovering over the Account tab on the menu displays the Change Password link, as
shown below.
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Once clicked, the change password page is displayed where users can enter a new
password. The password criteria are also listed on the page.
Users have to enter the new password twice to confirm the spelling. If the new password
entered matches, users have to click the Save button. If successful, the change
password page remains displayed with the password input fields blanked out, and a
password changed confirmation dialog displayed. When OK is selected in the dialog, the
change password page remains displayed.
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If the password criteria are not met, the screen will remain the same with a failure
message and the password rules.
e. Change Username
Hovering over the Account tab on the menu displays the “Change Username” link, as
shown below:
Once a user clicks the “Change Username” link, the change username page is
displayed. This is where a user can change their current username to a new username.
The username criterion is a valid email address.
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Users have to enter the new username twice to confirm the spelling. The users have the
following options:
If the user clicks the “Send Test Email” button, the following “Results” dialog is displayed:
When the “OK” button is selected in the dialog, the change username page remains
If the user clicks the “Submit” button, and the username changed successfully, the
following “Results” dialog is displayed:
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The user is sent a confirmation email containing a temporary password and further
instructions. When the “OK” button is selected in the dialog, the user is logged off his or
her session, and redirected to the home page where the user may log in using the new
username and temporary password sent via email.
If the user clicks the “Submit” button, and the username changed successfully, but there
is an error sending the confirmation email. The following “Results” dialog is displayed:
When the “OK” button is selected in the dialog, the change username page remains
When either the “Test Email” button or “Submit” button is selected, if the usernames do
not match or fail validation, the following “Results” dialog is displayed:
When the “OK” button is selected in the dialog, the change username page remains
displayed with one of the following failure messages:
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f. Unlock Your Account
If you enter an invalid username or password on login you will see the following screen:
If you are using a valid Username, but an invalid password, there is a limit to the number
of consecutive login failures. When the next failure will cause your account to be locked,
the message above the Username entry will be:
After receiving this message, you must enter the current password correctly or your
account will become locked. Using the “Forgot/Reset” link will change your password
and provide a temporary password in an email. Using the “Forgot/Reset” link before your
account is locked provides several opportunities to enter the temporary password
correctly before your account is locked again.
Once you have entered an incorrect password more than permitted number of
consecutive times, your account will be temporarily locked the message above the
“Username field will be:
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An e-mail will be sent once each time your account is locked. The e-mail contains
instructions to unlock your account. Unlocking the account does not change the
password. The “Forgot/Reset” link that changes passwords will not reset a locked
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3. Helpful Videos
To view the Training Videos, select the How-To Videos link under Resources on the Home
You can also select Helpful Videos from the Help menu.
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4. Contact Us
The contact information for Leidos Flight Service can be found on the website’s footer menu
by selecting the Contact Us link.
For flight services support, please contact Leidos Flight Service: 1-800-WX-BRIEF (1-800-
For all other support needs, including technical support, please click on the Help & Feedback
link in order to access the Request Help or Submit Feedback form per section 1 of this
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5. Home Page
a. News and Information
The Home page contains news and information about Leidos Flight Service. On this
page are Featured Capabilities, Resources, News & Announcements, Upcoming
Events, and Featured Video. If you are not logged on, the Leidos Pilot Web login box
appears on this page. For more information about logging in, see the “Account
Registration, Password Management, and Login” section of this guide.
Additionally, the home page has 3 different column layouts depending on the size of the
browser window. If the window is full size, it will show all 3 columns as seen in the
graphic above. If the browser is shrunk slightly smaller, it will bump down to a 2 column
layout, and will bump down once more to a single column if the window is made even
smaller. Note that all of the Home page content is still available, it is just pushed down
the page in order to fit the smaller column layout. You can see examples of the 2 and 1
column layouts below.
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There is also a layout for thin window sizes across the entire PilotWeb website. If the
window size goes below a certain pixel threshold, the header will collapse into a
hamburger menu located on the top left side of the window, shown below.
The footer collapses into a stacked bank of links on the bottom left of the window as
seen below.
b. Links
At the bottom of the Home page are links for Feedback and Contacts. Reference the
Feedback section of this document for more information on leaving feedback.
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c. System Alerts
If Leidos Flight Service is experiencing temporary technical difficulties, a message will
be displayed on the Home page to notify users of the issue. For example, if there is a
US NOTAM Service Interruption, a notification will be displayed below the “Welcome…”
message. The following is an example of such a message.
6. Dashboard Page
Once you have successfully logged in, the default webpage is the Dashboard page, which
can also be selected at any time by clicking on the tab towards the top of the page labeled
The Advanced Services Dashboard allows the user to register for alerts and notifications.
Any Active or Proposed Flights associated with your profile can be found here along with any
charts, if configured in the Edit Charts popup, or METARs, TAFs, and NOTAMs if configured
in the Edit Airports pop-up.
If any Active flight has gone into Search and Rescue status, then a red exclamation icon will
be displayed to the left of the flight’s aircraft ID and an alert message will be displayed at the
top left of the Dashboard page.
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a. Flight Plan List
i. The Flight Plan list is read-only.
ii. It is displayed in the following order:
a) Active flight plans
b) Proposed flight plans
c) Scheduled email briefs (Reference section Error! Reference source not found. for m
ore details)
iii. The primary sort for the Active Flights list is the ETA column in ascending order. The
secondary sort is the ACID in ascending order. The primary sort for the Proposed
Flights and Scheduled Email Briefings is the ETD column in ascending order. The
secondary sort is the ACID in ascending order.
iv. The flight plans display the following data (from left to right):
a) Flight state: Active, Proposed, or Briefing
b) Alerts: An icon is displayed when there are alerts for the flight plan. This is only
applicable to active and proposed flight plans.
c) Email icon: An email icon is displayed if there are scheduled email briefings
associated with the flight plan. A scheduled email briefing can be associated with
an active flight plan, proposed flight plan, or other scheduled email briefings. It is
matched with another flight plan if it shares the same ACID, Departure,
Destination, Route, and ETD.
d) ACID: The Aircraft Identifier
e) Departure to Destination: The departure point will be displayed, followed by “to”,
followed by the destination point.
f) Flight rule: The flight rule for the flight plan
g) ETA or ETD: For active flight plans, the ETA in the user’s time zone and UTC time
zone will be displayed. For proposed flight plans and scheduled email briefings,
the ETD in the user’s time zone and the UTC time zone will be displayed.
h) Action Button: The button is displayed for flights in the active state. When
the user clicks the Close button, the system displays the Close confirmation dialog
with and buttons. This helps ensure every opportunity is available
to avoid accidentally closing an Active Flight Plan prematurely.
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Reference Closing an Active VFR Flight Plan for more details on closing a Flight Plan.
Reference Activating a Proposed VFR Flight Plan for more details on activation of proposed
flight plans. Reference Flight Planning Restrictions for restrictions on activating proposed
flight plans.
i) Drop down menu: A drop down menu will provide several options depending on
the flight plan type.
(1) Active flight plans will have the following options:
(a) Activate the flight plan
(b) Cancel the flight plan
(c) Briefing & Amend Flight Plan redirected to the tab Plan & Brief
(d) View the alerts (reference Route alerts for details) for the flight along
its route
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(b) Cancel email briefings. Reference section Error! Reference source not f
ound. for more details on amending and canceling scheduled email
briefs. Reference section Multiple Scheduled Email Briefings Dialog: for
details on trying to amend/cancel email briefs where there are multiple
associated scheduled briefs with a flight plan.
j) “Go” button: The Go button activates the action that was selected from the drop
down menu.
v. Multiple Scheduled Email Briefings Dialog:
If the email icon or the amend/cancel email briefing action is selected and there is
more than one scheduled email associated with the flight plan, the following dialog is
The briefing time for each scheduled email brief is displayed in chronological order.
The format for the briefing time is the system time, followed by the UTC time in
parenthesis. The user can select one of the times and then press “OK”. At this point
the appropriate dialog (View & Amend Email Briefing or Cancel Email Briefing) will be
displayed. The user can then follow the usual steps for amending or canceling an
email briefing.
b. Route Alerts
Alerts for Flight plans are available on the Dashboard page if configured in accordance
with pilot’s Dashboard -> Advanced Services Dashboard.
Notices for ATC route changes are available on the Dashboard page for users that have
registered to receive ATC Notices. For more information on registering for ATC Notices,
see the "Advanced Services Dashboard" section of this guide.
The is displayed when there are alerts for a particular flight plan. Clicking on the
button displays a dialog from which the alerts can be viewed and acknowledged. The
alerts and notices window presents text alerts on the left and a map area on the right,
with previous/next controls to step through the alerts. When the “Don’t Show This Alert
Again” button is clicked, the text added next to the alert number indicates that the alert
has been acknowledged. The acknowledged alert will remain in the dialog while the
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dialog remains open and is still selectable via the arrow buttons, but the alert will be
suppressed when the dialog is opened in the future.
c. Weather Charts
The Weather Charts section displays small versions of your favorite weather charts as
shown below. As a new user, the system will provide you with four default weather charts,
two of which are shown. The default charts show the most recent versions of US
HR LOW LEVEL SIG PROG. Selecting an image will open a new popup window with a
larger version of the chart. Only two charts will be shown on the dashboard at a time. You
may click the blue arrows next to the charts in order to scroll through the four chart
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You may change the weather charts to your own personal selection from the Weather Charts
pop-up window by selecting the Edit Charts link on the Dashboard page. Each Weather Chart
dropdown includes charts for both CONUS and Alaska.
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d. Airport Conditions
The Airports section displays METARs, Density Altitude, TAFs and NOTAMs related to
the airports you are interested in. As a new user, the system will provide you with this
information for a default set of airports. The default airports are SFO, DEN and JFK. An
area briefing may be retrieved for any of these airports by entering an Aircraft ID and
clicking the button. Also, as a new user, the METAR, TAF, and NOTAM text is
shown by default in plain-text translation. Pilots also have the ability to view the METAR,
TAF, and NOTAM text without plain-text translation by deselecting the
You may change the airports to your own personal selection by clicking the Edit Airports
link on the Dashboard page and selecting the airports in the Airports for METARs, TAFs
and NOTAMs pop-up window. You may select up to three airports to display by typing
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their identifiers in the text entry boxes or searching for them using the icon next to the
Airports for METARs, TAFs, and NOTAMS pop-up window.
Flight Plan Helper Menu and Dialogs for Departure/Destination/Alternates for airports.
In the event a particular NOTAM spans more than two lines of space, an indicator of
…(more) will be displayed. You can view the full NOTAM text by using your mouse to
hover over the affected NOTAM.
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e. System Alerts
If Leidos Flight Service is experiencing temporary technical difficulties, a message will be
displayed on the Dashboard page to notify users of the issue. For example, if there is a
US NOTAM Service Interruption, a notification will be displayed below the “Welcome…”
message. The following is an example of such a message.
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6.1. Advanced Services Dashboard
Advance Services Dashboard provides fast and convenient access to manage important
notification services including email and SMS texting support.
To guarantee email and phone numbers have been entered correctly and services are
working properly the dialogs have a “Test” button that will send a test email to SMS
message. It’s important to note that SMS users have the ability to send the commands
“UNSUBSCRIBE”, “STOP”, “CANCEL”, “QUIT, or “END”. If the last command received is
one of these, then Test Messages will not be sent. You will instead see a pop up dialog
in the Advanced Services window notifying you that the number is currently unsubscribed
and you will need to enter START on your phone to resume notifications.
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a. ACAS: Adverse Condition Alerting Service
The ACAS service will send alert messages to devices, text message phone numbers
and email addresses registered for the service.
The dialog will display a list of all devices and contacts registered for the service.
If no contacts or devices have been registered, then the dialog will display “No
devices or contacts are currently registered.”
Clicking on the “Read More +” link will expand the instructions at the top of the dialog
to look like this:
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The user can choose which categories of weather product alert notifications to receive
by selecting the individual weather product checkboxes in this portion of the dialog:
Deselecting all weather products while still having at least one registered device or
contact will result in the following message, and will disable the saving of ACAS
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registration changes until at least one weather product is selected or there are no
The user can enter the number of minutes before the estimated time of departure
(ETD) when alerts will start being sent to registered devices and contacts. The
default value is 120 minutes (2 hours). The range is from 0 minutes (start sending
alerts at the ETD) to 360 minutes (start sending alerts 6 hours before ETD).
The user can choose whether to filter out ACAS alerts based on filed altitude by
selecting the checkbox in the ACAS service window.
The user can choose whether or not to receive ACAS alert messages for conditions
that will begin more than 2 hours after their calculated arrival time.
The user can choose whether to receive a message at a specified time prior to ETD if
no new adverse conditions were detected since the last standard briefing by selecting
the checkbox in the ACAS service window.
The message horizon value must be between 5 and 60 or this error message will be
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The value must be less than the value used for alert start time or this message will be
Clicking on the Video icon will open a help video on how to register for the
ACAS service.
Clicking on the “Device Information” link will open a dialog showing the service
providers that support ACAS.
Clicking on a link for a service provider will open a new browser tab with that service
provider’s home page.
Clicking on the “Add from My Devices & Contacts” button will open a
new dialog which contains a list of all Devices, Phone Numbers, and Email Addresses
associated with the pilot’s profile.
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The user can register any of the shown contacts for the ACAS service by selecting
the checkbox next to each contact.
Pressing the “OK” button will close the “Add from My Devices & Contacts” dialog.
The selected contact or device will be displayed in the main ACAS dialog.
The user can choose whether to receive InFlight alerts, PreFlight alerts or both by
selecting the checkbox associated with the type of alert.
Clicking on the “Add Text Phone Number” button will display a blank
Phone Number row. A valid phone number must be provided to successfully register.
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Clicking on the “Add Email Address” button will display a blank Email row.
A valid email address must be provided.
Clicking on the “Add Portable Device” button will display a blank portable
device row. A valid device provider and device ID must be entered.
When a device provider is selected, the “Help” button will become enabled.
Clicking on the “Help” button will open a new window with information based on the
selected device provider.
To receive alerts for Garmin devices, the user can provide a Garmin/Iridium phone
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To receive alerts on an installed device, the user must add the device on the Account-
>Aircraft tab. This device will then be displayed in the “Add from My Devices &
Contacts” dialog.
Clicking on the “OK” button will submit the changes made to the ACAS registration.
If an entry is not valid, or if any field is left blank, an error dialog will popup.
After selecting OK, the error fields will be highlighted in yellow and the error will be
displayed under each field.
If there are no errors, the ACAS dialog will close and a Confirmation dialog will popup.
If you have not registered any device or contacts, then the icon border will be clear.
If you want to stop the notification/alerts that are sent to the phone number, you can
reply with “STOP”, “END”, “UNSUBSCRIBE”, “QUIT”, or “CANCEL”. If you want to
restart the notifications to the phone number, you can reply with “START”. You can
also reply with “HELP”. If a pilot tries to use the same number that they had previously
replied “STOP” to or had removed entirely from their account, it will result in an error
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The EasyActivateTM EasyCloseTM service will send alert messages to text message
phone numbers and email addresses registered for the service.
The dialog will display a list of all contacts registered for the service.
If no contacts have been registered, then the dialog will display “No contacts are
currently registered.”
Clicking on the Video icon will open a help video on how to register for the
EasyActivateTM EasyCloseTM service.
Selecting the “Add from My Contacts” button will open a new dialog which
contains a list of all Phone Numbers, and Email Addresses associated with the pilot’s
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The user can register any of the shown contacts for the EasyActivateTM EasyCloseTM
service by selecting the checkbox next to each contact.
Pressing the “OK” button will close the “Add from My Contacts” dialog.
The selected contacts will be displayed in the main EasyActivateTM EasyCloseTM
Clicking on the “Add Text Phone Number” button will display a blank
Phone Number row. A valid phone number must be provided to successfully register.
Clicking on the “Add Email Address” button will display a blank Email row.
A valid email address must be provided.
Clicking on the “OK” button will submit the changes made to the EasyActivateTM
EasyCloseTM registration.
If an entry is not valid, or if any field is left blank, an error dialog will popup.
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After selecting OK, the error fields will be highlighted in yellow and the error will be
displayed under each field.
If there are no errors, the EasyActivateTM EasyCloseTM dialog will close and a
Confirmation dialog will popup.
If you have not registered any contact, then the icon border will be clear.
If you want to stop the notification/alerts that are sent to the phone number, you can
reply with “STOP”, “END”, “UNSUBSCRIBE”,“QUIT” or “CANCEL”. If you want to
restart the notifications to the phone number, you can reply with “START”. You can
also reply with “HELP”. If a pilot tries to use the same number that they had previously
replied “STOP” to or had removed entirely from their account, it will result in an error
c. Close Reminders
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The Close Reminders service will send messages to devices, text message phone
numbers and email addresses registered for the service.
The dialog will display a list of all devices and contacts registered for the service.
If no contacts or devices have been registered, then the dialog will display “No
devices or contacts are currently registered.”
Clicking on the Video icon will open a help video on how to register for the
Close Reminders service.
Clicking on the “device providers” link will open a dialog showing the service providers
that support Flight Plan Close Reminders.
Clicking on a link for a service provider will open a new browser tab with that service
provider’s home page.
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Clicking on the “Add from My Devices & Contacts” button will open a
new dialog which contains a list of all Devices, Phone Numbers, and Email Addresses
associated with the pilot’s profile.
The user can register any of the shown contacts for the Close Reminders service by
selecting the checkbox next to each contact.
Pressing the “OK” button will close the “Add from My Devices & Contacts” dialog.
The selected contact or device will be displayed in the main Close Reminders dialog.
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Clicking on the “Add Text Phone Number” button will display a blank
Phone Number row. A valid phone number must be provided to successfully register.
Clicking on the “Add Email Address” button will display a blank Email row.
A valid email address must be provided.
Clicking on the “Add Portable Device” button will display a blank portable
device row. A valid device provider and device ID must be entered.
When a device provider is selected, the “Help” button will become enabled.
Clicking on the “Help” button will open a new window with information based on the
selected device provider.
To receive alerts for Garmin devices, the user can provide a Garmin/Iridium phone
To receive alerts on an installed device, the user must add the device on the Account-
>Aircraft tab. This device will then be displayed in the “Add from My Devices &
Contacts” dialog.
Clicking on the “OK” button will submit the changes made to the Close Reminders
If an entry is not valid, or if any field is left blank, an error dialog will popup.
©2020 Leidos Page 43 of 245
After selecting OK, the error fields will be highlighted in yellow and the error will be
displayed under each field.
If there are no errors, the Close Reminders dialog will close and a Confirmation dialog
will popup.
If the user has not registered any device or contacts, then the icon border will be
If you want to stop the notification/alerts that are sent to the phone number, you can
reply with “STOP”, “END”, “UNSUBSCRIBE”, “QUIT”, or “CANCEL”. If you want to
restart the notifications to the phone number, you can reply with “START”. You can
also reply with “HELP”. If a pilot tries to use the same number that they had previously
replied “STOP” to or had removed entirely from their account, it will result in an error
d. ATC Notices
©2020 Leidos Page 44 of 245
The ATC Notices service will messages to email addresses and phone numbers
registered for the service.
The dialog will display a list of all contacts registered for the service.
If no contacts have been registered, then the dialog will display “No contacts are
currently registered.”
Clicking on the Video icon will open a help video on how to register for the
ATC Notices service.
Selecting the “Add from My Contacts” button will open a new dialog which
contains a list of all Email Addresses and phone numbers associated with the pilot’s
The user can register any of the shown contacts for the ATC Notices service by
selecting the checkbox next to each contact.
©2020 Leidos Page 45 of 245
Pressing the “OK” button will close the “Add from My Contacts” dialog.
The selected contacts will be displayed in the main ATC Notices dialog.
Clicking on the “Add Text Phone Number” button will display a blank
Phone Number row. A valid phone number must be provided to successfully register.
Clicking on the “Add Email Address” button will display a blank Email row.
A valid email address must be provided.
Clicking on the “OK” button will submit the changes made to the ATC Notices
If an entry is not valid, or if any field is left blank, an error dialog will popup.
©2020 Leidos Page 46 of 245
After selecting OK, the error fields will be highlighted in yellow and the error will be
displayed under each field.
If a valid contact is provided and there are no errors, the ATC Notices dialog will close
and a Confirmation dialog will popup.
If you have not registered any contact, then the icon border will be clear.
©2020 Leidos Page 47 of 245
The SE-SAR service will send messages to devices, text message phone numbers
and email addresses registered for the service.
The dialog will display a list of all devices and contacts registered for the service.
If no contacts or devices have been registered, then the dialog will display “No
devices or contacts are currently registered.”
Clicking on the “click here” link will display the SE-SAR Service dialog.
©2020 Leidos Page 48 of 245
Clicking on the Video icon will open a help video on how to register for the SE-
SAR service.
Clicking on the “device providers” link will open a dialog showing the service providers
that support SE-SAR.
Clicking on a link for a service provider will open a new browser tab with that service
provider’s home page.
Clicking on the “Add from My Devices & Contacts” button will open a
new dialog which contains a list of all Devices, Phone Numbers, and Email Addresses
associated with the pilot’s profile.
The user can register any of the shown contacts for the SE-SAR service by selecting
the checkbox next to each contact.
©2020 Leidos Page 49 of 245
Pressing the “OK” button will close the “Add from My Devices & Contacts” dialog.
The selected contact or device will be displayed in the main SE-SAR dialog.
Clicking on the “Add Text Phone Number” button will display a blank
Phone Number row. A valid phone number must be provided to successfully register.
©2020 Leidos Page 50 of 245
Clicking on the “Add Email Address” button will display a blank Email row.
A valid email address must be provided.
Clicking on the “Add Portable Device” button will display a blank portable
device row. A valid device provider and device ID must be entered.
When a device provider is selected, the “Help” button will become enabled.
Clicking on the “Help” button will open a new window with information based on the
selected device provider.
To receive alerts for Garmin devices, the user can provide a Garmin/Iridium phone
To receive alerts on an installed device, the user must add the device on the Account-
>Aircraft tab. This device will then be displayed in the “Add from My Devices &
Contacts” dialog.
Clicking on the “OK” button will submit the changes made to the SE-SAR registration.
If no device is entered and at least one contact is entered, an error dialog will popup.
©2020 Leidos Page 51 of 245
If an entry is not valid, or if any field is left blank, an error dialog will popup.
After selecting OK, the error fields will be highlighted in yellow and the error will be
displayed under each field.
If there are no errors, the SE-SAR dialog will close and a Confirmation dialog will
In order to successfully register for SE-SAR, the user must register at least one
device and select the Confirmation checkbox to confirm they have set up with their
service providers to send position reports to LFS.
If the user has registered at least one device, but has not selected the Confirmation
checkbox, the icon border will be yellow and the Registration Status will be
‘Confirmation Required.’
If the user has not registered any device or contacts, then the icon border will be
If you want to stop the notification/alerts that are sent to the phone number, you can
reply with “STOP”, “END”, “UNSUBSCRIBE”,“QUIT” or “CANCEL”. If you want to
restart the notifications to the phone number, you can reply with “START”. You can
also reply with “HELP”. If a pilot tries to use the same number that they had previously
replied “STOP” to or had removed entirely from their account, it will result in an error
©2020 Leidos Page 52 of 245
f. Preflight Summaries
Upon ETD or cancellation of your IFR flight plans, the Preflight Activity Summary
service will send messages to the email addresses registered for the service.
Upon activation or cancellation of your VFR flight plans, the Preflight Activity
Summary service will send messages to the email addresses registered for the
The dialog will display a list of all contacts registered for the service.
If no contacts have been registered, then the dialog will display “No contacts are
currently registered.”
Clicking on the Video icon will open a help video on how to register for the
Preflight Summaries service.
Selecting the “Add from My Contacts” button will open a new dialog which
contains a list of all Email Addresses associated with the pilot’s profile.
©2020 Leidos Page 53 of 245
The user can register any of the shown contacts for the Preflight Summaries service
by selecting the checkbox next to each contact.
Pressing the “OK” button will close the “Add from My Contacts” dialog.
The selected contacts will be displayed in the main Preflight Summaries dialog.
Clicking on the “Add Email Address” button will display a blank Email row.
A valid email address must be provided.
©2020 Leidos Page 54 of 245
Clicking on the “OK” button will submit the changes made to the Preflight Summaries
If an entry is not valid, or if any field is left blank, an error dialog will popup.
After selecting OK, the error fields will be highlighted in yellow and the error will be
displayed under each field.
If a valid contact is provided and there are no errors, the Preflight Summaries dialog
will close and a Confirmation dialog will popup.
If you have not registered any contact, then the icon border will be clear.
7. Interactive Map
Clicking the Map button in the main menu bar will link to the Interactive Map Page.
©2020 Leidos Page 55 of 245
a. Overview and Basic Functions
The Flight Plan Short Form can be accessed by pressing on the icon on the upper
left corner of the map. Once opened, the dialog can be used to:
©2020 Leidos Page 56 of 245
Use a graphical checklist to step through all selected phenomena associated
with an entered route of flight
Log the viewed portions of a graphical checklist to pilot history
A list of nearby airports, heliports, and waypoints can also be generated by right-
clicking (desktop) or long-pressing (touchscreen devices) on any area of the map.
Disclaimer: Aerial and Street base layers should not be used for real-time navigation
or emergency services purposes.
©2020 Leidos Page 57 of 245
Access to Layer Controls (5)
Pressing the icon will open a Layer Controls menu that provides a list of various
adverse condition and forecast layer products or Local Area Knowledge (LAK) layer
products – depending on which tab is selected.
©2020 Leidos Page 58 of 245
user sessions. Two primary types of weather data can be displayed on the map.
Overlay data includes the following, and can be displayed simultaneously:
Pilot Reports
Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs)
Significant Meteorological Information (SIGMETs)
Airmen’s Meteorological Information (AIRMETs)
Center Weather Advisory (CWA)
Severe Weather
Winds Aloft
UAS Operating Areas (UOA)
Weather imagery includes the following, and can only be displayed one product at a
Radar (NEXRAD Precipitation)
Satellite (Cloud Imagery)
EDR Turbulence (Graphical Turbulence Guidance)
Icing (Current/Forecast Icing Potential)
©2020 Leidos Page 59 of 245
Some product types contain multiple sub products that are only shown when the
associated product group is selected. From this expanded selection, sub product
layers can be turned on and off individually.
Certain products will also enable additional controls, such as the Flight Level Slider,
Time Slider, and Animation Controls, which are discussed in more detail below.
The map is configured to refresh layer data every 5 minutes. The amount of time since
the last refresh is indicated by text on the lower right hand side of the map.
NOTE: When the Single Site Radar layer is enabled, pressing on any site with a radar
icon will expose local radar imagery.
Upon opening or refreshing the map, the slider will return to its default level of 10,000
©2020 Leidos Page 60 of 245
data active during the selected timeframe is displayed. Legends for a particular
product will reflect and display the selected time when applicable.
Upon opening or refreshing the map, the slider defaults to the current time, which is
always displayed in the furthest left slider position. Up to 23 hours of future data can
be viewed by pressing on slider values to the right.
If data for a selected overlay layer is unavailable for any reason, text within the
abbreviated legend will inform the user that no data is found.
©2020 Leidos Page 61 of 245
c. Flight Plan Short Form
Auto-fill Airways
If the auto-fill airways control will enable/disable the insertion of airways in the route.
When dragging and dropping the magenta course line, if two points are selected that
are connected by an Airway, that airway is inserted in the route of flight. Low altitude
airways are available for altitudes below 18,000 feet while high altitude airways are
available for altitudes above 18,000 feet.
Plan (16)
If a valid Departure and Destination are entered into the short form, the button is
displayed. When pressed it will open a dialog that provides the option to select from
several route types. This includes GPS Direct, VOR Direct, Low Altitude V Airways,
©2020 Leidos Page 62 of 245
High Altitude J Routes, RNAV Low T Routes, RNAV Hight Q Routes, IFR - Recently
Cleared, FAA Preferred, and Coded Departure routes.
The button is available whenever a route of flight is displayed on the map. When
pressed, the map will be zoomed and centered on the route of flight.
d. Plan a Route
Plan a Route provides routing options between the
departure and destination locations that are entered in the
flight plan. The system will attempt to generate routes for
each route type. When a route is selected on the list, the 22
route will be highlighted and the map will display the
route. 23
Route types:
IFR - Recent ATC Assigned
GPS Direct
VOR Direct
Low Altitude V Routes
High Altitude J Routes 25 26
RNAV Low T Routes
RNAV High Q Routes
FAA Preferred
Coded Departure
Note that calculated routes do not consider weather, flight restrictions, altitude, or traffic
flow management initiatives and that it is the pilot's responsibility to verify the route is
©2020 Leidos Page 63 of 245
flyable given their aircraft’s performance envelope, fuel capacity, equipage and weather
IFR - Recent ATC Assigned: The most frequently assigned routes by air traffic control
over the past 24 hours for flights between the flight plan departure and destination.
GPS Direct: The direct route between the flight plan departure and destination consisting
of GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude) at predetermined distances.
VOR Direct: The shortest route of flight between the flight plan departure and destination
for navigating by VORs.
Low Altitude V Airways: An optimized route between the flight plan departure and
destination using low altitude Victor Airways.
©2020 Leidos Page 64 of 245
High Altitude J Routes: An optimized route between the flight plan departure and
destination using high altitude Jet Routes.
RNAV Low T Routes: An optimized route between the flight plan departure and
destination using low altitude RNAV T Routes.
RNAV High Q Routes: An optimized route between the flight plan departure and
destination using high altitude RNAV Q Routes.
FAA Preferred: The FAA predefined routes between the flight plan departure and
destination designed to decrease delays from weather, traffic density, and other system
delays. Not all airport pairs have FAA preferred routes.
Coded Departure: The FAA predefined routes between the flight plan departure and
destination meant to reduce workload between various ATC facilities and frequency
congestion by minimizing read-back time between ATC and pilots. Not all airport pairs
have FAA coded departure routes. See FAA overview.
SIDs and STARs for a given airport will be provided regardless of RNAV
equipment provided in the flight plan.
Routes are provided for all options regardless of the flight plan altitude.
Routes are provided for all options regardless of RNAV equipment provided in
the flight plan.
Provided routes do not consider weather conditions, aeronautical restrictions,
altitude, or traffic flow management initiatives. It is the pilot's responsibility to
verify the route is navigable given aeronautical restrictions, weather
conditions, the aircraft’s performance capabilities, fuel capacity, and equipage.
©2020 Leidos Page 65 of 245
e. Graphical Checklist
The graphical checklist dialog can be used to create a 27 28
selection of adverse conditions, satellite and radar layers,
charts, websites, and other artifacts that can be stepped 29
through and individually displayed on the Interactive Map
when selected. This provides a visual representation of
selected items that parallel those contained within a
briefing, but is not considered a substitute for an actual
8. Wx Charts
The Wx Charts Page (Weather Page) is opened by selecting the Wx Charts menu bar
item. The page allows users to view graphical weather data for a variety of geographic
Select the desired geographic area via the tabs, then select the specific graphical
product within the geographic area. Each area has numerous weather charts available.
©2020 Leidos Page 66 of 245
Clicking on external links on the page such as ADDS Wind & Temperature Forecast will
open an external webpage in a separate window. GFA Products such as Cloud
Coverage allow you to choose a region and forecast time and then click the Go button
to open the specific product in a new window. All other links in the list will directly
display the selected product in a new window.
The examples below depict some of these various weather products. Additional
features in some of these charts include the ability to view the complete legend as well
as the ability to scroll through certain charts that are part of a series for a particular
category within a region. The Complete Legend link can be seen at the bottom of the
window in the first two examples. Clicking on the link will open a new window showing
the full legend. The last two examples below show scroll links with arrows on the bottom
left and/or right to allow the user to replace the chart with the previous/next in the series
of charts.
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9. Plan & Brief
Hovering over Plan & Brief in the menu bar displays the drop-down menu shown below. If
the pilot has Pre-Stored Flight Plan (PSFP) access, an additional link for Scheduled Flight
Plans will be displayed.
a. Plan & Brief
b. Locations Briefing
c. Scheduled Flight Plans (Displayed with PSFP access)
d. Pilot History
©2020 Leidos Page 69 of 245
Create new flight plans
Perform area and route briefings
Generate a navigation log (NavLog)
Manage favorite flight plans
Retrieve recent flight plans.
The Plan & Brief page supports both Domestic and ICAO compliant flight plans. Each
flight plan form is offered as a separate template because of the differences in
requirements between Domestic and International (ICAO) flight plans.
You can switch between the two templates by clicking on the Domestic or ICAO button
When the button is selected, the ICAO Flight Plan template displays.
Please note that although entered field data will be retained if you navigate to another
page, switching between the Domestic and ICAO Flight Plan template may result in
some entered data being lost due to differences in requirements between Domestic and
ICAO flight plans.
A return flight plan in Draft status can be created by clicking the button on the
bottom right of the page.
The new flight plan for the return flight route will switch the Departure and Destination
field, as well as reverse the Route. Please note that some information will be lost due to
it no longer being relevant in the return route of the flight.
©2020 Leidos Page 70 of 245
a. Domestic Flight Plan Form Validation
The syntax validation for the fields and the required minimum fields for additional
actions for flight planning and briefing are described in the table below.
©2020 Leidos Page 71 of 245
Field Syntax Validation Required for Actions
Mach: M followed by 3 digits, max of Amend
500, with an implicit decimal after the Activate
first digit (M075 = 0.75 Mach, M200 = NavLog
2.00 Mach, M312 = 3.12 Mach) Optimize Altitude
Examples: 50, 100, 130, M100 Evaluate Departure Time
Altitude (100s ft) Flight Level: 2-3 digits Route Brief
OTP and Flight Level: OTP/ followed Amend
by 2-3 digits Activate
VFR and Flight Level: VFR/ followed Optimize Altitude
by 2-3 digits Evaluate Departure Time
ABV and Flight Level: ABV/ followed
by 2-3 digits
Block Altitude: 2-3 digits followed by B
and 2-3 digits
Examples: 65, 80, 210, VFR/095
Additional Format Rules for Use of
Altitude Optimization:
IFR, MIFR flights:
Flight Level: 20-600
ABV and Flight Level: ABV/20-
OTP and Flight Level: OTP/20-
VFR and Flight Level: VFR/25-
VFR, MVFR flights:
Flight Level: 25-179
ABV and Flight Level: ABV/25-
OTP and Flight Level: OTP/25-
VFR and Flight Level: VFR/25-
©2020 Leidos Page 72 of 245
Field Syntax Validation Required for Actions
dd is minutes longitude in the
range 00-59
(A) is either N or S (North or
South, default to N if unspecified)
(B) is either W or E (West or
East, default to W if unspecified)
Example: 4449N/7322W
©2020 Leidos Page 73 of 245
Field Syntax Validation Required for Actions
(c)cc is degrees longitude in the
range 00-180
dd is minutes longitude in the
range 00-59
(A) is either N or S (North or
South, default to N if unspecified)
(B) is either W or E(West or East,
default to W if unspecified)
Example: 4449N/7322W
8-11 alphanumeric fix-radial-distance
in the format (A)(A)(A)AAaaabbb,
where parentheses denote optional
(A)(A)(A)AA is 2-5 alphanumeric
aaa is radial measure in degrees
from North in the range 001-360
bbb is distance in nautical miles
in the range 001-999
Example: HGR001024
V and J Airways
V Airway in the format Vd(d)(d),
where parentheses denote
optional digits
J Airway in the format Jd(d)(d),
where parentheses denote
optional digits
Examples: V469, J123
Standard Instrument Departure (SID)
1 letter followed by 2-5
alphanumeric characters
Example: DRWN6
Standard Terminal Arrival Route
1 letter followed by 2-5
alphanumeric characters
Example: SKETR5
Full Route Example:
For validations, refer to Route of Flight
For restrictions, refer to Flight Planning
Destination 3-5 alphanumeric Route Brief
airport/heliport/navaid (default airport), File
or waypoint identifier Amend
Examples: HGR, KSEA, 9OI5 Activate
Dest Area Brief
Refer to Domestic Flight Plan Form for Save Favorite
8-12 character latitude/longitude in Optimize Altitude
the format aabb(A)(/)(c)ccdd(B), where Plan a Route
parentheses denote optional Evaluate Departure Time
aa is degrees latitude in the
range 00-90
bb is minutes latitude in the range
©2020 Leidos Page 74 of 245
Field Syntax Validation Required for Actions
(c)cc is degrees longitude in the
range 00-180
dd is minutes longitude in the
range 00-59
(A) is either N or S (North or
South, default to N if unspecified)
(B) is either W or E (West or
East, default to W if unspecified)
Example: 4449N/7322W
©2020 Leidos Page 75 of 245
Field Syntax Validation Required for Actions
For restrictions, refer to Flight Planning
Pilot Contact Information 1-200 characters File
Example: Amend
JONES, BOB, (202) 555-1111 Activate
HGR, (301) 555-2222
Beacon Code 4 octal digits (0000-7777). Only N/A
Present on form if assigned. Value
cannot be changed by user.
Aircraft Color 1-15 letters File
Use a / to separate colors Amend
Examples: W, R/T Activate
©2020 Leidos Page 76 of 245
b. ICAO Flight Plan Form Validation
The syntax validation for the fields and the required minimum fields for additional
actions for flight planning and briefing are described in the table below.
©2020 Leidos Page 77 of 245
Field Syntax Validation Required for Actions
Aircraft Type 1 letter followed by 1-3 alphanumeric characters File
Must be valid aircraft type in Aircraft Type Search Amend
Examples: J2, C25A, B738 Activate
If ZZZZ or AFIL is entered, then a location of one of the
above formats must be provided in DEP/ in the Other
information field
For restrictions, refer to Flight Planning Restrictions
Departure Sunrise HHMM TZ; where HHMM is the 4 digit time and TZ is the N/A
and Sunset time zone. Example: 0530 EST
Only present on form if Departure is valid and Departure Date
and Time are entered.
Value cannot be changed by user.
Departure Date & MM/DD/YYYY; based off of the selected time zone value Standard Brief
Time HHMM; where HHMM are 4 digits, current time based off of Outlook Brief
the selected time zone value; if not available, will default to Abbreviated Brief
UTC time File
Area Brief
Optimize Altitude
©2020 Leidos Page 78 of 245
Field Syntax Validation Required for Actions
Time zone: Evaluate Departure Time
©2020 Leidos Page 79 of 245
Field Syntax Validation Required for Actions
Route of Flight 1. 2-558 characters File
2. 3-5 alphanumeric airport/heliport/NAVAID/waypoint identifier Amend
Examples: KSEA, KHGR Activate
3. 8-12 character latitude/longitude in the format
aabb(A)(/)(c)ccdd(B), where parentheses denote optional
aa is degrees latitude in the range 00-90
bb is minutes latitude in the range 00-59
(c)cc is degrees longitude in the range 00-180
dd is minutes longitude in the range 00-59
(A) is either N or S (North or South, default to N if
(B) is either W or E(West or East, default to W if
Example: 4449N/7322W
4. 8-11 alphanumeric fix-radial-distance in the format
(A)(A)(A)AAaaabbb, where parentheses denote optional
(A)(A)(A)AA is 2-5 alphanumeric
airport/heliport/NAVAID/waypoint identifier
aaa is radial measure in degrees from North in the range
bbb is distance in nautical miles in the range 001-999
Example: HGR001024
5. V and J Airways
V Airway in the format Vd(d)(d), where parentheses
denote optional digits
J Airway in the format Jd(d)(d), where parentheses
denote optional digits
Examples: V469, J123
6. Standard Instrument Departure (SID)
1 letter followed by 2-5 alphanumeric characters
Example: DRWN6
7. Standard Terminal Arrival Route (STAR)
1 letter followed by 2-5 alphanumeric characters
Example: SKETR5
8. Cruising Speed and/or Level change at a point in the route, in
the format <point>/<speed><altitude>
<point> as defined in items 2, 3, and 4 above
<speed> is in the same format as the Cruising Speed
<altitude> is in the same format as the Level field
Must include both Speed and Level values, even if only
one is changing
Example: MSN/N0150A090
9. Flight Rules change at a point in the route, in the format:
o <point><space><VFR or IFR>
Example: MSN240020 VFR
o Or with a speed/altitude change:
<point>/<speed><altitude><space><VFR or IFR>
<point> as defined in items 2, 3, and 4 above
<speed> is in the same format as the Cruising
Speed field
<altitude> is in the same format as the Level field
Must include both Speed and Level, even if only
one is changing
Example: MSN/N0150A090 IFR
Full Route Example:
©2020 Leidos Page 80 of 245
Field Syntax Validation Required for Actions
For validations, refer to Route of Flight Validations.
For restrictions, refer to Flight Planning Restrictions.
If ZZZZ is entered, then a location of one of the above
formats must be provided in DEST/ in the Other
information field
For restrictions, refer to Flight Planning Restrictions
Destination Sunrise HHMM TZ; where HHMM is the 4 digit time and TZ is the N/A
and Sunset time zone. Example: 2015 EST
Only present on form if Destination is valid and Departure
Date and Time are entered.
Value cannot be changed by user.
Est Elapsed Time HHMM; where HHMM are 4 digits File
Example: 0530 Amend
If 0000 is entered, then the Estimated Time of Arrival must be Activate
provided in the ETA field.
©2020 Leidos Page 81 of 245
Field Syntax Validation Required for Actions
2-5 alphanumeric significant point
11 character latitude/longitude in the format aabbAcccddB
aa is degrees latitude in the range 00-90
bb is minutes latitude in the range 00-59
ccc is degrees longitude in the range 000-180
dd is minutes longitude in the range 00-59
A is either N or S (North or South)
B is either E or W (East or West)
Example: 4449N07322W
If ZZZZ is entered, then a location of one of the above
formats must be provided in ALTN/ in the Other
information field
For restrictions, refer to Flight Planning Restrictions
Alternate 2 3-4 alphanumeric airport identifier Alternate 2 Area Brief
Examples: KSEA, KHGR
If ZZZZ is entered, then a location of one of the above
formats must be provided in ALTN/ in the Other
information field
For restrictions, refer to Flight Planning Restrictions
Beacon Code 4 octal digits (0000-7777). Only present on form if assigned. N/A
Value cannot be changed by user.
Other Information 1-325 alphanumeric characters, spaces, and forward slash (/)
Use the Other Information helper dialog for a list of all
valid codes and for formatting the following subfield
STS/: Enter special handling codes for Air Traffic
Services. If more than one code is used, each
code must be separated by a space.
Example: STS/ALTRV
©2020 Leidos Page 82 of 245
Field Syntax Validation Required for Actions
PBN/: Enter RNAV and/or RNP capabilities. A
maximum of 8 codes may be entered. Aircraft
Equipment field must contain “R”.
Example: PBN/A1
NAV/: Enter significant data related to navigation
equipment, other than that specified in PBN/
subfield. A "Z" will be automatically inserted into
the Aircraft Equipment field. This subfield is a free
text field.
COM/: Enter communications applications or
capabilities that are not specified in the Aircraft
Equipment field. A "Z" will be automatically
inserted into the Aircraft Equipment field. This
subfield is a free text field.
DAT/: Enter data applications or capabilities that
are not specified in the Aircraft Equipment field. A
"Z" will be automatically inserted into the Aircraft
Equipment field. This subfield is a free text field.
SUR/: Enter the surveillance capabilities of the
aircraft not specified in the Surveillance Equipment
field. This subfield is a free text field.
DEP/: Enter the departure of the flight plan when
ZZZZ is entered in the departure field, as shown
below. DEP/ will be automatically inserted into the
Other Information field.
3-4 alphanumeric airport identifier
2-5 alphanumeric significant point
11 character latitude longitude in the format
aa is degrees latitude in the range 00-90
bb is minutes latitude in the range 00-59
ccc is degrees longitude in the range
dd is minutes longitude in the range 00-
A is either N or S (North or South)
B is either E or W (East or West)
8-11 alphanumeric fix-radial-distance in the
format (A)(A)(A)AAaaabbb, where
parentheses denote optional characters
(A)(A)(A)AA is 2-5 alphanumeric
aaa is radial measure in degrees from
North in the range 001-360
bbb is distance in nautical miles in the
range 001-999
Example: DEP/KHGR
Example: DEP/4449N07322W
Example: DEP/HGR001024
Location name is required following
latitude/longitude when latitude/longitude is
used for the DEP/ and/or DEST/ subfields.
DEST/: Record the destination of the flight plan
when ZZZZ is entered in the departure field. Use
the same rules as the DEP/ subfield.
Example: DEST/KHGR
Example: DEST/4449N07322W
Example: DEST/HGR001024
©2020 Leidos Page 83 of 245
Field Syntax Validation Required for Actions
DOF/: Records the departure date of the flight as
YYMMDD if the Proposed Departure Time is more
than 24 hours ahead of the current time. DOF/ will
be automatically inserted into the Other
Information field.
Example: DOF/141025
REG/: Enter the nationality or registration mark of
the aircraft. This subfield is a free text field.
EET/: Enter significant points or FIR boundary
designators, and accumulated estimated elapsed
times from take-off to the points or FIR
boundaries. If multiple points or boundaries are
entered, they must be separated by a space, and
the time values must be in increasing order from
left to right. None of the time values may be equal
to, or exceed the Total Estimated Elapsed Time.
Points and designators can be identified using FIR
ID, enroute point, latitude/longitude, or Fix-Radial-
Distance (FRD).
EET/<position><time> or
Example: EET/CZEG0026
SEL/: Enter the SELCAL (Selective Calling) code
for aircraft so equipped. This subfield is a free text
Example: SEL/ABCD
TYP/: Enter the aircraft type, if ZZZZ is entered
into the Aircraft Type field. This subfield is a free
text field.
Example: TYP/J2
CODE/: Enter the aircraft address, which is
expressed in the form of an alphanumerical code
of six hexadecimal characters.
Example: CODE/AC82EC
DLE/: Enter the en-route delay or holding at
significant point(s) on the route. If multiple delay
points may be included, they must be separated
by a space. DLE/<significant point>HHMM or
DLE/<significant point>HHMM<space><significant
point>HHMM. The <significant point> can be one
of the following formats:
3-4 alphanumeric airport identifier
2-5 alphanumeric significant point
11 character latitude longitude in the format
aa is degrees latitude in the range 00-90
bb is minutes latitude in the range 00-59
ccc is degrees longitude in the range
dd is minutes longitude in the range 00-
A is either N or S (North or South)
B is either E or W (East or West)
8-11 alphanumeric fix-radial-distance in the
format (A)(A)(A)AAaaabbb, where
parentheses denote optional characters
(A)(A)(A)AA is 2-5 alphanumeric
aaa is radial measure in degrees from
North in the range 001-360
©2020 Leidos Page 84 of 245
Field Syntax Validation Required for Actions
bbb is distance in nautical miles in the
range 001-999
Example: DLE/4449N07322W0045
OPR/: Enter the ICAO designator or name of the
aircraft operating agency. This subfield is a free
text field.
ORGN/: Enter the originator's 8 letter AFTN
PER/: Enter the aircraft performance data. This
subfield accepts one of the following codes: A, B,
C, D, E, or H.
Example: PER/H
ALTN/: Enter the alternate airports of the flight
plan when ZZZZ is entered into either of the
alternate aerodrome field. Use the same rules as
the DEP/ subfield.
Example: ALTN/KHGR
Example: ALTN/4449N07322W
Example: ALTN/HGR001024
RALT/: Enter the en-route alternate airports. Use
the same rules as the DEP/ subfield.
Example: RALT/KHGR
Example: RALT/4449N07322W
Example: RALT/HGR001024
TALT/: Enter one take-off alternate aerodrome.
Use the same rules as the DEP/ subfield.
Example: TALT/KHGR
Example: TALT/4449N07322W
Example: TALT/HGR001024
RIF/: Enter route details for a revised destination
airport. This subfield is a free text field, but should
follow the rules of the Route of Flight field.
Example: RIF/KHGR
RMK/: Enter any other plain language remarks for
the flight plan. This subfield is a free text field.
Refer to ICAO Flight Plan – Other Information Field for details.
Supplementary Information
Fuel Endurance HHMM; where HHMM are 4 digits File
Example: 0530 Amend
Persons on Board 1-30 alphanumeric characters, spaces, and backslash “\” File
Example: 1, TWO, 3\4 Amend
Aircraft Color & 1-500 alphanumeric characters, spaces, and colon “:” N\A
Markings Example: B:BE AND RED
Emergency Equipment
Survival Equipment Select appropriate checkboxes for your aircraft N/A
Emergency Radios Select appropriate checkboxes for your aircraft N/A
Jackets Select appropriate checkboxes for your aircraft N/A
Number 1-2 digits N/A
Example: 01
Capacity 1-3 digits N/A
Example: 003
Covered Select if dinghies are covered N/A
©2020 Leidos Page 85 of 245
Field Syntax Validation Required for Actions
Color 1-20 alpha characters including spaces N/A
Example: B
Supplemental 1-500 alphanumeric characters, spaces, and colon “:” N/A
Pilot in Command 1-201 alphanumeric characters, spaces, and colon “:” N/A
Example: Jones: 202 555 1111
Pilot Contact 1-200 characters File
Information Example: Amend
JONES, (202) 555-1111 Activate
HGR, (301) 555-2222
©2020 Leidos Page 86 of 245
The Other Information Helper Dialog
To assist you with filling in the Other Information field, the Web site provides
a helper dialog which is accessible by clicking on the icon next to the
field. The helper dialog is shown below.
©2020 Leidos Page 87 of 245
STATE – This code indicates a flight engaged in military, customs, or police
The STS Helper Dialog
To assist you with filling in the STS subfield, the Web site provides a helper
dialog which is accessible by clicking on the icon next to the STS check
box on the Other Information as shown below.
©2020 Leidos Page 88 of 245
iii. The NAV subfield
The NAV subfield is used to record significant data related to navigation
equipment, other than that specified in PBN/ subfield, as required by the
appropriate ATS authority.
The subfield accepts alphanumeric and spaces in free text.
If the Other Information field contains the NAV subfield, the Web site will insert the value
Z into the Aircraft Equipment field. Omitting “Z” invalidates the flight plan.
iv. The COM subfield
The COM subfield is used to record communications applications or capabilities
that are not specified in the Aircraft Equipment field.
The subfield accepts alphanumeric and spaces in free text.
If the Other Information field contains the COM subfield, the Web site will insert the
value Z into the Aircraft Equipment field. Omitting “Z” invalidates the flight plan.
v. The DAT subfield
The DAT subfield is used to record data applications or capabilities that are not
specified in the Aircraft Equipment field.
The subfield accepts alphanumeric and spaces in free text.
If the Other Information field contains the DAT subfield, the Web site will insert the value
Z into the Aircraft Equipment field. Omitting “Z” invalidates the flight plan.
vi. The SUR subfield
The SUR subfield is used to record the surveillance capabilities of the aircraft
not specified in the Surveillance Equipment field.
The subfield accepts alphanumeric and spaces in free text.
vii. The DEP subfield
The DEP subfield is used to record the departure of the flight plan. The subfield
accepts the following formats:
3 – 4 alphanumeric FAA airport identifier
4 alphanumeric ICAO aerodrome identifier
©2020 Leidos Page 89 of 245
2 – 5 alphanumeric significant point
11 character latitude/longitude in the format aabbAcccddB
aa is degrees latitude in the range 00-90
bb is minutes latitude in the range 00-59
ccc is degrees longitude in the range 000-180
dd is minutes longitude in the range 00-59
A is either N or S (North or South)
B is either E or W (East or West)
8 – 11 alphanumeric fix-radial-distance in the format (A)(A)(A)AAaaabbb, where
parentheses denote optional characters
(A)(A)(A)AA is 2-5 alphanumeric airport/heliport/navaid/waypoint identifier
aaa is radial measure in degrees from North in the range 001-360
bbb is distance in nautical miles in the range 001-999
If ZZZZ or AFIL is entered into the Departure Aerodrome field, then a location must be
provided in DEP/ in the Other Information field. Omitting ZZZZ, AFIL or DEP/ invalidates
the flight plan.
The Latitude/Longitude Location Name Dialog
When a latitude/longitude value is entered in the DEP/ subfield a description
of the location(s) must be provided after latitude/longitude. The following
dialog is displayed for assistance:
©2020 Leidos Page 90 of 245
8 – 11 alphanumeric fix-radial-distance in the format (A)(A)(A)AAaaabbb, where
parentheses denote optional characters
(A)(A)(A)AA is 2-5 alphanumeric airport/heliport/navaid/waypoint identifier
aaa is radial measure in degrees from North in the range 001-360
bbb is distance in nautical miles in the range 001-999
If ZZZZ is entered into the Destination Aerodrome field, then a location must be provided
in DEST/ in the Other Information field. Omitting either ZZZZ or DEST/ invalidates the
flight plan.
The Latitude/Longitude Location Name Dialog
When a latitude/longitude value is entered in the DEST/ subfield a
description of the location(s) must be provided after latitude/longitude. The
following dialog is displayed for assistance:
©2020 Leidos Page 91 of 245
The EET subfield can be used to record multiple points or designators. Each
point/designator and time is separated from the next point/designator and time by a
Points and designators can be identified using FIR ID, enroute point,
latitude/longitude, or Fix-Radial-Distance (FRD).
When reporting multiple positions in this subfield, the time values must be in increasing
order from left to right and none of the EET times may equal or exceed the value in the
Total Estimated Elapsed Time field.
©2020 Leidos Page 92 of 245
xvi. The OPR subfield
The OPR subfield is used to record the ICAO designator or name of the aircraft
operating agency.
The subfield accepts alphanumeric and spaces in free text.
xvii. The ORGN subfield
The ORGN subfield is used to record the 8 letter AFTN address.
xviii. The PER subfield
The PER subfield is used to record aircraft performance data. The aircraft
performance data are represented by the codes shown below.
The subfield accepts one of the following codes: A, B, C, D, E, or H.
PER Helper Dialog
To assist you with filling in the PER subfield, the Web site provides a helper
dialog which is accessible by clicking on the icon next to the PER check
box on the Other Information. The helper dialog is shown below.
©2020 Leidos Page 93 of 245
The maximum number of entries in alternate aerodromes is 2. If there are two
entries, each alternate is separated by a single space, and the ALTN/ subfield is
not repeated.
An example of the format is shown below.
For restrictions, refer to Flight Planning Restrictions.
xx. The RALT subfield
The RALT subfield is used to record en-route alternate aerodromes.
The subfield accepts the following formats:
3 – 4 alphanumeric FAA airport identifier
4 alphanumeric ICAO aerodrome identifier
2 – 5 alphanumeric significant point
11 character latitude/longitude in the format aabbAcccddB
aa is degrees latitude in the range 00-90
bb is minutes latitude in the range 00-59
ccc is degrees longitude in the range 000-180
dd is minutes longitude in the range 00-59
A is either N or S (North or South)
B is either E or W (East or West)
8 – 11 alphanumeric fix-radial-distance in the format (A)(A)(A)AAaaabbb, where
parentheses denote optional characters
(A)(A)(A)AA is 2-5 alphanumeric airport/heliport/navaid/waypoint identifier
aaa is radial measure in degrees from North in the range 001-360
bbb is distance in nautical miles in the range 001-999
If there are multiple en-route alternate aerodromes, each alternate is separated
by a single space, and the RALT token is not repeated.
An example of the format is shown below.
For restrictions, refer to Flight Planning Restrictions.
xxi. The TALT subfield
The TALT subfield is used to record one take-off alternate aerodrome.
The subfield accepts the following formats:
3 – 4 alphanumeric FAA airport identifier
4 alphanumeric ICAO aerodrome identifier
2 – 5 alphanumeric significant point
11 character latitude/longitude in the format aabbAcccddB
aa is degrees latitude in the range 00-90
bb is minutes latitude in the range 00-59
ccc is degrees longitude in the range 000-180
dd is minutes longitude in the range 00-59
A is either N or S (North or South)
B is either E or W (East or West)
8 – 11 alphanumeric fix-radial-distance in the format (A)(A)(A)AAaaabbb, where
parentheses denote optional characters
(A)(A)(A)AA is 2-5 alphanumeric airport/heliport/navaid/waypoint identifier
aaa is radial measure in degrees from North in the range 001-360
bbb is distance in nautical miles in the range 001-999
For restrictions, refer to Flight Planning Restrictions.
©2020 Leidos Page 94 of 245
xxii. The RIF subfield
The RIF subfield is used to record route details to a revised destination
aerodrome. The subfield accepts alphanumeric and spaces in free text and may not
contain non-navigable items such as Remote Communications Outlets (RCOs) or
weather station identifiers.
xxiii. The RMK subfield
The RMK subfield is used to record any other plain language remarks when
required by the appropriate ATS authority or deemed necessary.
The subfield accepts alphanumeric and spaces in free text.
©2020 Leidos Page 95 of 245
c. Advanced Services
If more than one Special Device has been added from the Advanced Services
Dashboard, the Portable Device section will be displayed on the flight plan form.
If the Aircraft selected is equipped with a Position Reporting Device and this special
device is set in the Aircraft tab in Account page, then the Portable Device field will
not be visible; instead the special device in the aircraft will be used for position
©2020 Leidos Page 96 of 245
Aircraft Equipment
This pull down menu lets the pilot select an Aircraft Equipment.
©2020 Leidos Page 97 of 245
Waypoints ID (Not available for Alternates or from Airports Page)
Enter characters in the text box on the FP form and click on
Departure/Destination/Alternates button. The helper dialog opens with the Exact
Match checkbox deselected by default. Selecting Exact Match checkbox will narrow
the search results.
If no match is found, the following message is displayed “No records match search
criteria”. In that case, deselect the Exact Match checkbox and initiate another
search by clicking on the Search button.
If the helper dialog is opened with no text in the FP form field, the search box
displays “ID, Name, or City”, and the Exact Match checkbox will not be checked by
For Airports, Heliports, and NavAid, the Departure/Destination/Alternates results will
display the tie-in ARTCC and the tie-in FSS, if available.
Aircraft Color
This helper dialog lets the pilot select one or more Aircraft Color.
Airport Info
When Airport Info button is clicked, the Airport Information Page, if available, is
opened in a separate window for the requested airport. Reference Airports Page
for description of the information available.
©2020 Leidos Page 98 of 245
If your browser is configured to block popups and www.1800wxbrief.com is not on
your list of websites with popups allowed, you will see the “Request Complete”
dialog below. Clicking on “OK” will allow the popup to appear. To allow this popup
to appear without the “Request Complete” dialog, add www.1800wxbrief.com to
your list of websites where popups are allowed.
Surveillance Equipment
This helper dialog lets the pilot select one or more Surveillance Equipment. If N =
NIL is selected the rest of the options are disabled.
©2020 Leidos Page 99 of 245
Departure, Destination, Alternate 1, Alternate 2 –
Departure/Destination/Alternates Reference Domestic Flight Plan Form,
Departure/Destination/Alternates above
Other Information
Reference ICAO Flight Plan – Other Information Field for details.
Aircraft Color & Markings
This helper dialog lets the pilot select one or more Aircraft Color & Markings.
Reference Domestic Flight Plan Form, Aircraft Color above.
Airport Info
Reference Domestic Flight Plan Form, Aircraft Info above.
On the ICAO form, if ZZZZ is entered into the Departure field, then the DEP/
subfield value in the Other Information field will be used for Airport Info. If ZZZZ is
entered into the Destination field, then the DEST/ subfield value in the Other
Information field will be used for Airport Info. If ZZZZ is entered into the Alternate1
field, then the first value after the ALTN/ subfield in the Other Information field will be
used for Airport Info. If ZZZZ is entered into the Alternate2 field, then the second
value after the ALTN/ subfield in the Other Information field will be used for Airport
©2020 Leidos Page 100 of 245
Flight Plan actions. For the ICAO Flight Plan form, any field that maps to an ICAO
field has the associated ICAO field number included in the hover text.
Each Flight Plan field is a link which, upon being clicked on, will bring up a helper
text dialog. The helper text provides detailed validation rules for the field and also
indicates whether the field is required for any Flight Plan actions. For the ICAO
Flight Plan form, any field that maps to an ICAO field has the associated ICAO field
number included in the helper text dialog title bar.
ii. The following flight plan functions are available on flight plan forms for VFR flight
plans that have been filed.
iii. The following flight plan functions are available on flight plan forms for IFR flight
plans that have been filed.
iv. The following flight plan functions are available on flight plan forms for VFR flight
plans that have been activated.
For details on Flight Activation, reference Activating a Proposed VFR Flight Plan.
©2020 Leidos Page 101 of 245
For restrictions, refer to Flight Planning Restrictions.
v. Flight Plan Alerts and Notifications
In order to setup Alerts and Notifications, the Alerts and Notifications Contact
Information section must be saved in your profile by navigating to Dashboard ->
Advanced Services Dashboard.
If more than one Special Device is added from the Advanced Services
Dashboard, the Portable Device section will be displayed on the flight plan form.
If the Aircraft selected is equipped with a Position Reporting Device and this
special device is set in the Aircraft tab in Account page, then the Portable
Device field will not be visible; instead the special device in the aircraft will be
used for position reporting.
If the user clicks on the OK button on the Close Flight Plan dialog, the following
actions occur:
The confirmation dialog is closed, and
The flight plan is closed and removed from the list on the Dashboard page.
If the user presses the Do not Close button on the Close Flight Plan dialog, the
confirmation dialog is closed and no action is performed.
©2020 Leidos Page 102 of 245
If the flight plan is in an overdue state, the pilot will be prompted to provide the
aircraft location and select the OK button in the dialog.
The Aircraft Location field requires at least 3 characters in length, otherwise the
message “Aircraft Location must be at least 3 characters.” is displayed.
©2020 Leidos Page 103 of 245
ii. IFR Flight Plans within 46 minutes of ETD cannot be amended or cancelled.
The following message will be displayed if a user tries to amend such an IFR flight
o Amendment of an IFR flight plan is not allowed within 46 minutes of ETD. Please contact
a Leidos Flight Service Specialist (800-WX-BRIEF) for assistance.
The following message will be displayed if a user tries to cancel such an IFR flight
o Cancellation of an IFR flight plan is not allowed within 46 minutes of ETD. Please contact
a Leidos Flight Service Specialist (800-WX-BRIEF) for assistance.
v. Flights that depart from within an allowable foreign airspace or intersect foreign
airspace must be filed as an ICAO flight plan.
The exception to this, are flights that depart from Canadian airspace; they must be
filed as ICAO IFR or YFR flight plans.
The following countries are considered allowable foreign departure locations:
Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Pacific Rim, Turks & Caicos, and US
Virgin Islands.
Once added, Personal or Shared Favorite Flight Plans are available to be selected
from the pull down menu.
©2020 Leidos Page 104 of 245
Fill out the Flight Plan form and click on the button to be added to your
Recent Flight Plan list. Up to 30 Flight Plans that have been filed recently will get
added to the Recent Flight Plans which are available to be selected from the pull
down menu.
The Scheduled Flight Plans page is used to view and manage Pre-Stored Flight
plans. It may be selected by navigating to the Plan & Brief menu item and selecting
“Scheduled Flight Plans”.
©2020 Leidos Page 105 of 245
When the Scheduled Flight Plans page is selected, the following page is displayed:
©2020 Leidos Page 106 of 245
Operators are able to create flight plans and then add schedules for that flight plan
using this interface. Each flight plan must have at least one schedule.
Selecting a plan from the list allows the operator to edit or view the details of the
plan and the plan’s schedules. Selecting a plan in the list will cause the plan to
be populated in the Flight Plan Area as well as its schedules to be populated in
the Schedule Summary Area.
The Delete Flight Plan button is enabled when a scheduled flight plan has been
selected. When the Delete Flight Plan button is clicked a confirmation dialog
appears with buttons OK and Cancel.
If OK is selected, the confirmation dialog will close, the flight plan will be removed
from the Scheduled Flight Plan table, all associated schedules will be removed from
the Schedule Summary Area and the plan is deleted.
If the flight plan is successfully deleted, a dialog appears with the message
“Scheduled flight plan was deleted.” If the deletion is unsuccessful, a dialog
appears with the message “Unable to delete selected flight plan. Please retry or
refresh the web browser. If the problem persists, please contact a Leidos Flight
Service Specialist (800-WX-BRIEF) for assistance.”
If Cancel is selected, the confirmation dialog will close and no changes are made to
the plan.
Select the Add Schedule button to create a new schedule. The Add Schedule
button is enabled when a scheduled flight plan has been selected. When the
Add Schedule button is clicked the flight plan form is validated and if the flight
plan form validation succeeds, the plan and schedules are saved.
©2020 Leidos Page 107 of 245
Selecting a schedule from the list will cause the Schedule Dialog (reference
section Schedule Dialog) to be opened. The dialog will be populated with the
schedule details for the row selected.
iii. Flight Plan Area
The flight plan area allows operators to enter or modify a flight plan to be
Note: Values on a new flight plan mask, including the Aircraft ID, will be populated from
the user's primary aircraft profile.
Switching Between Form Types
Flight plans can be entered using a ICAO or Domestic flight plan mask. Operators
can switch between the different flight plan masks by selecting the desired form
using the buttons below:
The Flight Plan Template Switch Buttons are displayed above the Flight Plan
template area. The selected Flight Plan template is highlighted with a light blue
color. The image above shows what would be displayed when “ICAO” is selected.
If a flight plan is selected from the Scheduled Flight Plans area, the Flight Template
Switch Buttons are all disabled to prevent the user from changing the flight plan
type. Operators may clear the selection using the “Clear” button. If a flight plan is
not selected in the table, the button associated with the currently displayed template
is disabled. Otherwise, the buttons are enabled.
If a user presses a template switch button while the template for another flight plan
type is displayed, the newly selected switch button will have a background
highlighted in blue, and the button associated with the original template will have a
grey background. Note that data is not transferred between template switches but
the user’s entries on each template are maintained until the form is saved or
All flight plan masks have 2 buttons below the mask “Save Flight Plan” and “Clear”.
©2020 Leidos Page 108 of 245
For a pre-store flight plan to be saved the following fields are required:
o For Domestic FP:
Flight Rules, Aircraft Id, Aircraft Type, Aircraft Equipment, Airspeed, Departure,
Altitude, Destination, Estimated Time Enroute, Aircraft Color
o For an ICAO FP:
Aircraft ID, Flight Rule, Aircraft Type, Wake Turbulence Category, Aircraft
Equipment, Surveillance Equipment, Departure Aerodrome, Cruising Speed,
Level, Route of Flight, Destination Aerodrome, Total Estimated Elapsed Time
When the Save Flight Plan button is pressed, the new or modified scheduled flight
plan is validated. Saving a scheduled flight plan will follow the same validation
process and error responses as filing a flight plan on the Flight Planning and
Briefing Page. Reference Flight Planning Restrictions for additional error
conditions and required dialog responses relating to route validation, SFRA/FRZ
penetration, Canadian departures, and altitude conflicts.
If the flight plan fails validation, a dialog appears with either the general error
message “There are errors in the submitted data.” or a specific error message
related to restrictions mentioned above. Additionally, an error message will appear
below each field causing the validation failure. If the required fields are not
populated, an error message in red text beneath each missing field, “Required” is
displayed. If any of the submitted entries do not pass validation, “Invalid” in red text
beneath each invalid field is displayed.
For a new flight plan with no schedules, if all of the required fields are populated and
pass validation, the blank Schedule Dialog window is displayed. Saving a valid
schedule through the dialog will also save the flight plan.
For a new or modified flight plan with schedules, if all of the required fields are
populated and validation is successful, the scheduled flight plan is saved and a
success dialog with title “Confirmation” and button “OK” is opened containing the
message “Scheduled flight plan was updated”.
If the user presses the Clear button when there is no selected flight plan, a default
flight plan template is displayed.
If there is a selected flight plan and the currently displayed flight plan template have
fields that have been changed by the user since the last save, a confirmation dialog
with the message “Flight Plan changes have not been saved. Discard changes?”
and two buttons: OK and Cancel is displayed. If the OK button is pressed, the
scheduled plan list selection is cleared, and a default flight plan template is
displayed. If the Cancel button is selected, the Clear Flight Plan dialog is
closed and there are no changes to the displayed flight plan template.
If there have been no changes to the fields since the last save, the scheduled plan
list selection is cleared and displays a default flight plan template.
Note that in all cases, the default flight template will be of the same type as the
previously displayed flight plan template. So if the previously displayed flight plan is
domestic, a default domestic flight plan template is displayed.
©2020 Leidos Page 109 of 245
Domestic Mask
When the Domestic flight plan mask is selected, the flight plan mask below
will be displayed.
Refer to section 7.1.a for Domestic Flight Plan Form validation rules.
Note that placing the mouse over a field label or clicking on the field label
will also display the validation rules for that field.
©2020 Leidos Page 110 of 245
When the ICAO flight plan mask is selected, the flight plan mask below will
be displayed.
Refer to section 7.1.b for ICAO Flight Plan Form validation rules.
Note that placing the mouse over a field label or clicking on the field label
will also display the validation rules for that field.
©2020 Leidos Page 111 of 245
iv. Schedule Dialog
The Schedule Dialog allows a pilot to add, view, modify, and delete schedules
for scheduled flight plans. This dialog is displayed whenever the user selects an
existing schedule to edit or clicks the “Add Schedule” button in the Scheduled
Flight Plan Area.
Each scheduled flight plan must have at least one schedule. Each schedule
must have a departure time specified in UTC. Each schedule has a start day
(the day the schedule becomes active). Optionally, each schedule can also
have a stop day (the day the schedule becomes inactive).
The “Automatically adjust for daylight savings time.” option automatically adjust
the departure time for daylight savings when checked.
Each schedule also has a recurrence pattern. This pattern allows the operator
to schedule the flight plan to be automatically filed on a day(s) of week, day of
the month or a specified day of the week and week of the month (i.e. the first
Sunday of every month).
The table below lists the action buttons available on the Plan Schedule Dialog
and provides details related to these buttons.
©2020 Leidos Page 112 of 245
Button Name Description Action on Click
Plan Schedule Controls
Save Save the current If Departure Time or Start Date contains no data then the red text
schedule and “Required” will be displayed under the field.
plan. If Stop Date radio button is selected and Stop Date contains no data then
the red text “Required” will be displayed under the field.
If Departure Time contains invalid data, then the red text “Invalid Time” will
be displayed under the field.
If Start Date or Stop Date contains invalid data, then the red text “Invalid
Date” will be displayed under the field with invalid data.
If any of the recurrence records created by the user are defined such that
there will be no occurrences in the future, the dialog will display in red text:
"The selected schedule has no future occurrences. Please modify and try
If the schedule save is associated with a new scheduled flight plan that
does not pass the route restrictions , the associated error dialog will be
displayed and all entered schedule information will be lost.
Otherwise, the following will occur:
The full pre-stored flight plan form and schedules are saved to the pre-
filed plan system.
The Schedule Dialog is closed.
A success dialog is opened and contains the message “Scheduled
flight plan was updated
Delete Delete the current The schedule is deleted from the schedule list and the full pre-stored flight
schedule from the plan form and remaining schedules are saved.
plan. The Schedule Dialog is closed.
A success dialog is opened and contains the message “Scheduled flight
plan was updated.”
Cancel Close this dialog The Schedule Dialog is closed.
without saving. If an existing schedule was displayed, any modifications to the schedule are
discarded and the schedule remains unchanged.
If the dialog was for a new schedule, any input data is discarded.
The table below lists all of the fields on the Plan Schedule Dialog and provides
details including validation rules, expected formats and interactions.
Field Name Description Expected Data Format
Plan Scheduled Fields
Departure Time Departure time for the flight in UTC. HHMM
Start Date Displays the starting date for the schedule 8 digits separated by “/”
recurrence of this flight plan. MM/DD/YYYY
On click: Must be earlier than Stop Date
The date selector is displayed.
Stop Date Radio Indicates that the scheduled recurrence of this Selected/Not Selected
Button flight plan has an end date.
On click:
The Stop Date field is enabled.
Stop Date Displays the ending date for the scheduled 8 digits separated by “/”
recurrence of this flight plan. MM/DD/YYYY
On click: If a Stop Date is specified, it must be later
The date selector is displayed. than Start Date
No Stop Date Radio Indicates that the scheduled recurrence of this On click:
Button flight plan has no end date. The Stop Date field is disabled.
Note that the entry in the Stop Date field
will be retained until the schedule is saved
so that if the user toggles back to the Stop
Date Option, the original entry will still be
©2020 Leidos Page 113 of 245
Field Name Description Expected Data Format
Automatically adjust When entering times in the Departure Time Checked/Unchecked
for daylight savings field the user must specify if the time has been
time check box adjusted for daylight savings time (e.g., the
current date is July 4th and the DEP is not in
When checked and daylight savings time is in
effect, the plan's estimated departure time is
interpreted as being relative to daylight time,
and is reduced by one hour so that it will be
properly processed by the. The effect is that
the flight's estimated departure time is a
constant local time, regardless of the time of
Every week on radio Indicates that the recurrence pattern is weekly Selected/Unselected
button on specified days of the week.
The following 3 radio buttons are in a radio
button group and only one of these radio
buttons can be selected at a time:
“Every week on”
“Once a month on the” day of month
“Once a month on the” week/day of
Days of the week Displays the days of the week that the flight Checked/Unchecked
check boxes plan will be filed every week.
Note that the user may specify that a
recurrence is daily simply by selecting all of the
Once a month on the Indicates that the recurrence pattern is monthly, Selected/Unselected
day of month radio on a day of the month specified numerically
button (e.g., Once a month on the 15th). When this
radio button is selected the associated day of
the month drop-down is enabled.
The following 3 radio buttons are in a radio
button group and only one of these radio
buttons can be selected at a time:
“Every week on”
“Once a month on the” day of month
“Once a month on the” week/day of
Day of the month drop Displays the day of the month, 1-31, that the Select a value in the drop down list.
down box flight plan will be filed.
Note that if the current month of filing has less
than the specified days, the last day of the
month is used. For example, if 31 is selected
and the current month is April, than the filing
will take place on the 30th.
Once a month on the Indicates that the recurrence pattern is monthly, Selected/Unselected
week/day of week as specified by a particular week of the month
radio button (e.g., First, Second, Third, Fourth) and day of
the week (e.g., Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday).
The following 3 radio buttons are in a radio
button group and only one of these radio
buttons can be selected at a time:
“Every week on”
“Once a month on the” day of month
“Once a month on the” week/day of
Week drop down box Displays the week of the month for this Select a value in the drop down list.
recurrence pattern.
Day of week drop Displays the day of the week for this monthly Select a value in the drop down list.
down box recurrence pattern.
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DataComm (CPDLC) Dialog:
The filter options available in the dialog are updated dynamically based on the selection
of version (Old/New), type (Standard, Abbreviated, Outlook), and briefing content (for
Abbreviated briefings). Additionally, some filters are not applicable to Area Briefings and
are subsequently not displayed.
With a few noted exceptions, all values selected are saved to the user’s profile, and will
be retrieved for future briefings.
©2020 Leidos Page 115 of 245
a. “Old” vs “New” Toggle
The Briefing Customization dialog is used to generate both the “Old” (interactive tabular
briefing) and “New” (certified HTML or PDF formatted briefing) briefing versions. The
briefing version can be selected via the toggle shown below in the upper right corner of
the dialog. Selecting the “What’s different” link will display a dialog that provides a
breakdown of the primary differences between the briefing versions:
Selection of the Old briefing version will disable all Briefing Output Settings, as
applicable settings can be controlled within the interactive tabular briefing window once
it is generated:
b. Standard Briefing
*Image depicts Standard Route Brief options for New Briefings. Area Brief options will
differ slightly. Selecting ”Old” will provide a reduced set of filter options.
©2020 Leidos Page 116 of 245
When Standard is selected as the Briefing Type, the Briefing Customization dialog will
adjust the Briefing Content Filter options to show those pertaining to Standard briefings.
c. Abbreviated Briefing
*Image depicts Abbreviated Route Brief options for New Briefings. Area Brief options
will differ slightly. Selecting ”Old” will provide a reduced set of filter options.
©2020 Leidos Page 117 of 245
When Abbreviated is selected as the Briefing Type, the Briefing Customization dialog
will display Briefing Content checkboxes to personalize the briefing output by selecting
the desired briefing products to display. The Adverse Conditions group will always be
selected by default.
Furthermore, the dialog will adjust the Briefing Content Filter options when certain
briefing products are selected.
d. Outlook Briefing
*Image depicts Outlook Route Brief options for New Briefings. Area Brief options will
differ slightly. Selecting ”Old” will provide a reduced set of filter options.
When Outlook is selected as the Briefing Type, the Briefing Customization dialog will
adjust the Briefing Content Filter options to show only those pertaining to Outlook
e. Route Settings
The Route Settings section within the Briefing Customization dialog contains dropdown
menus used to select the corridor width around the route for both winds aloft and all
other briefing data.
Options for the route Briefing Corridor are 50, 75, and 100 nautical miles with a default
value of 50 nm. Options for the route Winds Aloft Corridor are 100, 200, 300, and 600
nautical miles with a default of 200 nm.
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f. Area Settings
For Area Briefings, the Area Settings section within the Briefing Customization dialog
contains dropdown menus used to select the radius around the selected area for both
winds aloft and all other briefing data.
Options for the Area Briefing Radius are 25, 50, 75, and 100 nautical miles with a
default value of 25 nm. Options for the Winds Aloft Briefing Radius are 50, 100, 150,
and 300 nautical miles with a default of 100 nm.
Area Settings selections made on the Briefing Customization window for any of the four
locations (Departure, Destination, Alternate 1, and Alternate 2) will set the values for all
The Briefing Output Settings section on the Briefing Customization dialog contains
checkboxes used to enable or disable settings that alter briefing output for New
Include Graphics
o Display graphical representations of the route and each briefing product, if
Include NextGen Content:
o Displays briefing with NEXTGEN features:
Translated summaries of adverse conditions
Customized graphics for individual briefing conditions
Anticipated times and locations of the flight intersecting conditions
Highlighting and color coding of important conditions
Filtering of extraneous information not applicable to the flight
Plain Text Translations
o Displays briefing data translated to plain readable text
©2020 Leidos Page 119 of 245
dynamically displayed based on briefing version, type, and whether Route or Area brief
is selected. For example, New briefings have filters for Graphical Forecast Product
graphics and NOTAMs that are unavailable for the Old version of the briefing.
i. Briefing Output
The Web Briefing button generates an HTML briefing in a new browser window.
The PDF Briefing button generates a PDF-based briefing in a new browser window or
within a device’s default PDF viewing software. If the Old briefing version is selected,
the Generate PDF button will be disabled.
A PDF copy of each requested briefing, regardless of the type requested, will be
accessible in account holders’ Pilot History for 45 days.
The Email Briefing button schedules a briefing to be emailed to the provided email
address. Clicking the button will popup a dialog that accepts a date and time for
specifying when to send the briefing. Email addreses can be entered, in addition to the
default email address, as recipients of the scheduled briefing . Upon successfully
scheduling a briefing, a subsequent popup containing a Register for Updates button is
presented. This button enables registration for briefing updates if the scheduled briefing
is less than 48 hours from the current time.
Emailed briefings will be displayed in the body of the email for Old briefings, and as a
PDF attachment to the email for New breifings.
©2020 Leidos Page 120 of 245
9.3. New Briefing
The New Web briefing window provides users with weather and other data pertinent to
the route of flight in a simple, scrollable format.
New briefings can be viewed in either web HTML or PDF format. Regardless of the
format requested, a dialog will popup upon the request showing the progress of the
briefing preparation.
It is important to note that preparation of a New briefing may take slightly longer than
that of an Old briefing. This is due to the fact that all graphics and textual content for
these briefings are generated prior to the briefing being displayed, ensuring smoother
navigation within the briefing. The Old briefing generates content each time the tab
being viewed is changed.
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a. New Web Briefing Menu
When a Web Briefing is selected, the New briefing window supports two sets of
navigation controls: a dropdown selection menu and a popout navigation menu on the
left side of the window. The New briefing window appears with navigation menu open.
Both menus will mark sections as viewed with a green checkmark when the section has
been clicked into view from the menu list or scrolled into view as the user passes
through each section.
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*Popout side navigation menu, accessed via icon
b. Email Briefing
The New Web Briefing window has an email icon button to allow the user to email the
current briefing as a PDF attachment.
When the button is clicked, a popup dialog will display for the user to select an
existing email address or add a new email address to receive the briefing. Clicking the
Send button with a valid email address entered will submit the email briefing request
and display a subsequent dialog.
The Weather Briefing window provides the user with weather and other data pertinent
to the route of flight. Users can request a briefing on the website by clicking either the
Route Brief button or an Area Brief button on the flight plan form then on the
©2020 Leidos Page 123 of 245
subsequent Briefing Customization window, selecting the Use Legacy Briefing
checkbox and clicking the Show Webpage button.
For Route Briefs, if there is no or incomplete Aircraft Performance data available for the
selected aircraft, the following warning dialog with an option to not remind the user
again will appear. If the flight plan has a departure, destination, or alternate location in
non-FS21 owned airspace, the dialog will contain a warning message about entering
foreign airspace. If the departure time is more than 6 hours from the time of the briefing,
the dialog will contain a disclaimer about possibly incorrect weather data.
For Area Briefs and Route Briefs with completed Aircraft Performance data, the
following standard dialog will appear. This will also appear if the checkbox in the above
dialog was previously selected:
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This window consisting of two panes/frames – one for text briefing and one for graphics
will be displayed in a new browser window after clicking the Continue button on the
a. Briefing Menu
The type of briefing requested, either Standard brief or Area brief, is displayed left of the
menu bar with additional flight details.
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Register for Briefing Change Alerting Service
Display Email Briefing
Display the Textual Briefing Printing Page
Altitude filtering is applied to UAS Operating Areas (UOAs) for briefing updates. All
UOAs within 10nm of the departure, destination or alternates are shown; an en-route
UOA is only shown where the flight plan altitude is within 2,000ft of the UOA's altitude
Briefing updates are registered for on a briefing-by-briefing basis and are available for
all briefing types. Note that for the scheduled email briefings, this service is available 48
hours into the future. The system will display the Briefing Update Registration dialog
when the button is clicked. This page allows the pilot to choose the
sections to register for Briefing Change Alert Service emails.
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Clicking on the Video icon will open a help video on how to register for Briefing
Change Alerting Service (BCAS).
The Stop Notification Service time field defaults to ETD when the dialog is accessed
from immediate briefings, and shows "HHMM" when accessed via the Scheduled Email
Briefing page.
When registered for briefing updates, emails like the following example will be sent to
the pilot during the specified notification period if any briefing changes in the pilot-
selected sections are received.
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The Briefing Update email has a link at the bottom of the email to cancel any future
d. Email Briefing
The system will display the Email Briefing popup when the button is clicked. This
page allows the pilot to choose the sections to email. In dialogs for selecting the
contents of briefings, the Adverse Conditions group will be selected by default.
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e. Textual Briefing Printing Page
The system will display the Textual Briefing Printing Page popup when the
button is clicked. This page allows the pilot to choose the sections to print. In dialogs for
selecting the contents of briefings, the Adverse Conditions group will be selected by
f. Briefing Tabs
There are several briefing tabs created in the briefing as described in this section.
Depending on screen orientation, the orientation of the briefing window automatically
switches between the following views:
landscape view with the text pane on left and graphics pane on right.
portrait view with text pane on top and graphics on bottom.
The left pane contains the text briefing for the flight. The briefing window has a button to
expand the size of the text pane to the full size of the window.
The graphics pane has a popup configuration panel that allows the user to customize the map
with weather imagery and auxiliary layers that are displayed on the graphics pane.
Tabs with unviewed data contain a yellow icon next to the tab label.
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If a prior briefing window is open from a previous briefing request, the newly requested
briefing will be displayed in this existing window.
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i. Adverse Cond
The Adverse Cond tab allows the user to access Adverse Conditions that intersect
the flight plan route corridor or an area briefing. The tab will appear with one of two
views, depending on whether the briefing is eligible for Delta Conditions.
Refer to Next Generation Briefing – Adverse Condition for details on Delta Conditions.
Standard Briefing without Delta Conditions
This displays the Adverse Conditions that have changed for a filed plan since the last
standard briefing was performed.
Refer to Next Generation Briefing – Adverse Condition for details.
Special Notice
This allows the user to review Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) associated with the
flight path of the aircraft. User can click on Notices to Airmen Publication (NTAP) link to
display FAA Notices to Airmen
If there is an interruption in the US NOTAM Service, the following message will be
displayed: “NOTAM data may not be current due to a US NOTAM Service interruption. A
recheck of data prior to departure may be warranted.” This message will also be
displayed under the TFR section in the All tab, Emailed Briefings, and Textual Printed
Refer to Next Generation Briefing – Adverse Condition for details.
Closed/Unsafe NOTAMs
This is focused on helping the user quickly check for Adverse Condition NOTAMs at the
Departure, Destination, and Alternate Airports.
Adverse condition NOTAMs are NOTAMs indicating runway or aerodrome closures or
unsafe conditions. Note that the tab can include International as well as D-NOTAMs. If
both International and D-NOTAMs exist for an airport, the D-NOTAMs will be listed first
and the International NOTAMs will follow.
Additionally, from this tab the user has quick access to Airport Information Pages and
Airport Diagrams (if these are available) via hyperlinks, as in this example:
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Conv SIG
This allows the user to review Convective Significant Meteorological (SIGMET) data
associated with the flight path of the aircraft.
Refer to Next Generation Briefing – Adverse Condition for details.
This allows the user to review Significant Meteorological (SIGMET) weather advisories
along the flight path of the aircraft.
Refer to Next Generation Briefing – Adverse Condition for details.
Airmen’s Meteorological (AIRMET) records are issued for potentially hazardous weather
conditions, such as moderate turbulence and icing, surface winds of more than 30 knots,
or restricted visibility.
AIRMET Reporting Areas
ID Location Alternate ID
HNL Honolulu, HI FAHW31
BOS Boston, MA FAUS41
MIA Miami, FL FAUS42
CHI Chicago, IL FAUS43
DFW Dallas/Ft Worth, TX FAUS44
SLC Salt Lake City, UT FAUS45
SFO San Francisco, CA FAUS46
JNU Juneau, AK FAAK47
ANC Anchorage, AK FAAK48
FAI Fairbanks, AK FAAK59
The AIRMET tabs are categorized by type and presented on separate sub-tabs as there
may be many AIRMETs associated with a given flight plan. It allows the user to review
AIRMETs along the pilot’s planned route of flight.
Refer to Next Generation Briefing – Adverse Condition for details.
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This contains AIRMETs that indicate Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) conditions. These
AIRMETs have headings that contain “AIRMET SIERRA” and AIRMET phenomenon
sections that begin with “AIRMET IFR” or contain “IFR” on the first line.
Mtn Obsc
This contains AIRMETs that indicate Mountain Obscuration (Mtn Obsc) conditions.
These AIRMETs have headings that contain “AIRMET SIERRA” and AIRMET
phenomenon sections that begin with “AIRMET MTN OBSCN”, “MTN OBSCN”,
This contains AIRMETs that indicate icing conditions. These AIRMETs have
headings that contain “AIRMET ZULU” and AIRMET phenomenon sections that
begin with “AIRMET ICE” or “FRZLVL…”.
Freezing Level
This contains AIRMETs that indicate freezing level conditions. These AIRMETs
have headings that contain “AIRMET ZULU” and AIRMET phenomenon sections
that begin with “AIRMET ICE” or “FRZLVL…”.
Turb Low
This contains AIRMETs that indicate turbulence at altitudes less than Flight Level
(FL)180. These AIRMETs have headings that contain “AIRMET TANGO” and
AIRMET phenomenon sections that begin with “AIRMET TURB”.
Turb High
This contains AIRMETs that indicate turbulence at or above Flight Level (FL)180.
These AIRMETs have headings that contain “AIRMET TANGO” and AIRMET
phenomenon sections that begin with “AIRMET TURB”.
Wnds>30 Kts
This contains AIRMETs that indicate surface winds greater than 30 knots. These
AIRMETs have headings that contain “AIRMET TANGO” and “STG SFC WNDS”
and phenomenon section contains “AIRMET STG SFC WNDS”.
©2020 Leidos Page 134 of 245
This contains AIRMETs that indicate low level wind shear conditions. These
AIRMETs have headings that contain “AIRMET TANGO” and AIRMET phenomenon
sections that begin with “LLWS POTENTIAL”.
This contains AIRMETs that do not fall into any of the other categories.
This allows the user to review urgent Pilot Report (PIREP) and urgent Aircraft Report
(AIREP) data. The user also has the ability to view the text in plain-text translation
by selecting the checkbox.
*Note that the icon displayed will reflect the most severe condition reported. Also note that an
urgent PIREP or AIREP will be depicted using the UUA icon regardless of the conditions reported
in the message text.
If a PIREP or AIREP contains more than one condition, a composite icon is displayed
depicting all of the conditions.
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This allows the user to review Center Weather Advisory information for US ARTCC
Refer to Next Generation Briefing – Adverse Condition for details.
Severe Weather
This allows the user to review Aviation Watch Notification Messages issued by the
National Weather Service (NWS) Storm Prediction Center (SPC) as well as Warning
Messages issued by local NWS offices. These messages alert the aviation community to
the presence of organized thunderstorms that are forecast to produce tornadoes and/or
severe weather in the conterminous U.S.
The SPC also issues Public Watch Notification messages. These messages alert a
broader audience and are displayed on this tab. The area described in the Public Watch
Notification messages will be contained within the area described in the Aviation Watch
Notification message.
The SPC issues the following three types of Watch messages:
Aviation Watch Notification Message
Public Severe Thunderstorm Watch Notification Message
Public Tornado Watch Notification Message
Local NWS offices issue the following two types of Warning messages:
Severe Thunderstorm Warning Message
Tornado Warning Message
The Public Severe Thunderstorm Watch Notification Message and Public Tornado Watch
Notification Message alert the aviation community, NWS offices, the public, the media,
and emergency managers to the presence of organized thunderstorms that are forecast
to produce tornadoes and/or severe weather in the conterminous U.S.
The Severe Thunderstorm Warning Message is issued when trained Skywarn spotters or
Doppler capable weather radar indicates a strong thunderstorm is producing dangerously
large hail or high winds, capable of causing significant damage. It does not account for
lightning or flooding.
The Tornado Warning Message is issued to warn an area that a tornado may be
imminent. It can be issued after either a tornado or funnel cloud has already been
spotted, or if there are radar indications that a tornado may be possible.
Refer to Next Generation Briefing – Adverse Condition for details
ii. Synopsis/Surface Analysis
This allows the user to review a synopsis for each area forecast region associated
with the route of flight. It also allows the user to view the Surface Analysis Chart for
the route of flight. The user also has the ability to view the Synopsis/Surface
Analysis tab in plain-text translation by selecting the checkbox.
iii. Current Wx
The Current Wx allows the user to access METARs and PIREPs for affected
locations included in a flight plan route corridor or an area briefing. The user also
has the ability to view the text in plain-text translation by selecting the
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This allows the user to review Meteorological Aviation Reports (METAR) along the flight
path of the aircraft, or around the location selected, in the case of an area briefing.
If the High Altitude Briefing Filter checkbox, “For briefings > FL180 only include Dep &
Dest METARs & TAFs”, is checked and the flight plan altitude level is above the transition
level (FL180) then METAR data along the route will not be provided in the briefing result.
Refer to Next Generation Briefing – Current Wx for details.
This allows the user to review both routine and urgent PIREP and AIREP data. The tab
will contain routine PIREP, urgent PIREP, routine AIREP, and urgent AIREP data.
Reference UUA section above for icon legend.
iv. Forecasts
This allows the users to review a list of cloud coverage charts. The list of charts will be
ordered by regions along the route of flight, with the CONUS region always listed last.
Each region will be ordered by forecast times from earliest to latest.
The forecast times are within the overall flight time +/- 3 hours.
Each chart will be a hyperlink that when clicked will open a window displaying the
associated cloud coverage chart.
There is a “Help” link above the list of charts that links to a document provided by FAA
that gives the user access to additional information concerning graphical area forecast
If there are no charts associated with the flight plan, due to the route of flight or the
planned flight time then “No current Cloud Coverage data for this briefing.” will be
displayed in the text pane. When data is missing for a particular time or region, the
hyperlink will become inactive and “current data unavailable” will be displayed next to the
link text.
©2020 Leidos Page 137 of 245
Vis, Sfc Winds & Precip
This allows the users to review a list of visibility, surface winds, precipitation and weather
charts. The list of charts will be ordered by regions along the route of flight, with the
CONUS region always listed last. Each region will be ordered by forecast times from
earliest to latest.
The forecast times are within the overall flight time +/- 3 hours.
Each chart will be a hyperlink that when clicked will open a window displaying the
associated visibility, surface winds, precipitation and weather chart.
There is a “Help” link above the list of charts that links to a document provided by FAA
that gives the user access to additional information concerning graphical area forecast
If there are no charts associated with the flight plan, due to the route of flight or the
planned flight time then “No current Visibility, Surface Winds, Precipitation & Weather
data for this briefing.” will be displayed in the text pane. When data is missing for a
particular time or region, the hyperlink will become inactive and “current data unavailable”
will be displayed next to the link text.
Refer to Next Generation Briefing Forecasts – Vis, Sfc Winds & Precip for details
©2020 Leidos Page 138 of 245
Terminal Forecast
This allows the user to review the expected meteorological conditions at a landing facility
for a specific time period. A TAF contains information on the expected surface wind,
visibility, weather and clouds as well as on expected significant changes to one or more
of these elements during the validity period.
If the High Altitude Briefing Filter checkbox, “For briefings > FL180 only include Dep &
Dest METARs & TAFs”, is checked and the flight plan altitude level is above the transition
level (FL180) then TAF data along the route will not be provided in the briefing result.
The Web supports TAF data for all sites located in CONUS, Atlantic, Mexico/Caribbean,
South America, Pacific, Canada, and Alaska. Majority of these sites are located in the
CONUS and Alaska, however sites on various islands in the Pacific, the Caribbean, the
North and South Atlantic, and Indian oceans are also included.
Refer to Next Generation Briefing Forecasts – Terminal Forecast for details.
Winds Aloft
©2020 Leidos Page 139 of 245
This allows the user to review wind and temperature aloft forecasts as produced by the
NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).
The forecasts are for specified locations in the Continental United States (CONUS), the
Hawaiian Islands, Alaska and coastal waters, and the western Pacific Ocean, and
Canada. The forecasts include wind direction, wind speed, and temperature. These
values are reported across different forecast periods, at different altitudes, and at
different locations.
Each forecast includes 3 forecast periods. These periods are 6 hour use, 12 hour use,
and 24 hour use. The Winds Aloft tab presents the 6, 12, and 24 hour forecast periods.
Winds Aloft Forecast Periods
Data Available Model Run 6 hour 12 hour 24 hour
FOR USE times FOR USE times FOR USE times
~0200Z 0000Z 0200-0900Z 0900-1800Z 1800-0600Z
~0800Z 0600Z 0800-1500Z 1500-0000Z 0000-1200Z
~1400Z 1200Z 1400-2100Z 2100-0600Z 0600-1800Z
~2000Z 1800Z 2000-0300Z 0300-1200Z 1200-0000Z
The forecasts support 3 different sets of altitudes depending on the region of the forecast.
One set of altitudes covers the CONUS and Alaska region. The second set of altitudes
covers Hawaii and the Western Pacific region. The third set of altitudes covers Canada
region. Each set of altitudes is further split into 2 levels, high and low.
Winds Aloft Altitude Levels by Region
CONUS, Alaska Hawaii, Western Pacific Canada
Low Level Low Level Low Level
030 010 030
060 015 060
090 020 090
120 030 120
180 060 180
240 090
300 120
340 150
390 180
High Level High Level High Level
450 300 240
530 340 300
390 340
450 390
530 450
©2020 Leidos Page 140 of 245
The altitudes within 4000 feet checkbox is checked by default and allows users to
show or hide columns with altitudes 4000 feet greater than or less than the filed
altitude. The state of the checkbox is remembered for the next time the Winds
Aloft tab is visited. The table below has the checkbox checked and displays
columns with altitudes within 4000 feet of the filed altitude.
The image below has the checkbox unchecked and displays all altitude columns.
The graphics pane of the winds aloft tab will always display an image with a route
corridor as specified on the Flight Planning and Briefing page for Winds Aloft
Corridor. The default is 200 nm.
Area Forecast
This allows the user to review regional weather conditions that could impact aviation
operations in the U.S. and adjacent coastal waters. The National Weather Service (NWS)
issues FAs for the regions described in the following sections.
Area Forecasts are issued in “bulletins” containing several states or zones worth of
forecast data in a single area forecast product. If a flight penetrates any states or zones
in an area forecast product, the entire FA bulletin(s) will be included in the briefing with
the states or zones broken out.
Refer to Next Generation Briefing Forecasts – Area Forecast for details.
©2020 Leidos Page 141 of 245
Forecast Areas
The Aviation Weather Center (AWC) issues six (6) FAs covering
separate geographical areas of the CONUS.
Within the 6 FAs, the data are divided along state boundaries.
The Weather Forecast Office (WFO) in Honolulu issues an FA for the
main Hawaiian Islands and adjacent coastal waters extending out 40
nautical miles from the coastlines.
Gulf of Mexico
The Aviation Weather Center (AWC) issues an FA for the northern
Gulf of Mexico.
The Aviation Weather Center (AWC) issues an FA for portions of the
Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea and adjacent portions of the
North Atlantic.
The Alaskan Aviation Weather Unit (AAWU) issues seven
(7) FAs covering separate geographical areas of Alaska
and the adjacent coastal waters, including the Pribilof
Islands and Southeast Bering Sea.
Area ID Area Name
FAAK47 Part 1, Juneau Area Forecast
FAAK48 Part 1, Anchorage Area Forecast
FAAK49 Part 1, Fairbanks Area Forecast
FAAK57 Part 2, Juneau Area Forecast
FAAK58 Part 2, Anchorage Area Forecast
FAAK59 Part 2, Fairbanks Area Forecast
FAAK68 Part 3, Anchorage Area Forecast
©2020 Leidos Page 142 of 245
Forecast Areas
The 7 Alaskan FAs are comprised of a non-overlapping
subset of 25 forecast zones.
Area ID Included Zones (Zone ID)
FAAK47 12 - Lynn Canal / Glacier Bay (JB)
13 - Central Southeast Alaska (JC)
14 - Southern Southeast Alaska (JD)
FAAK48 17 - Copper River Basin (AC)
18 - Cook Inlet/Susitna Valley (AB)
19 - Central Gulf Coast (AD)
20 - Kodiak Island Area (AE)
FAAK49 03 - Upper Yukon Valley (FB)
04 - Koyukuk/Upper Kobuk Valley (FE)
07 - Tanana Valley (FC)
08 - Lower Yukon Valley (FF)
FAAK57 16 - Eastern Gulf Coast (JE)
15 - Southeast Alaska Coastal Waters (JF)
FAAK58 09 - Kuskokwim Valley (AF)
10 - Yukon – Kuskokwim Delta (AG)
11 - Bristol Bay Area (AH)
21 - Alaska Peninsula, Port Heiden to Unimak Pass (AI)
22 - Alaska Peninsula, Unimak Pass to Adak (AJ)
FAAK59 01 - Arctic Coast (FG)
02 - North Slope Brooks Range (FH)
05 - Northern Seward Peninsula - Lower Kobuk Valley (FI)
06 - Southern Seward Peninsula - Eastern Norton Sound (FJ)
23 - St. Lawrence Island and Western Norton Sound (FK)
FAAK68 24 - Alaska Peninsula, Adak to Attu (AK)
25 - Pribilof Islands and Southeast Bering Sea (AL)
The NOTAMs tab allows the user to access all Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) that
intersect the flight plan route corridor or an area briefing. Each sub-tab provides a
filtered view of NOTAMs. The user also has the ability to view NOTAM (except
FDC NOTAM) text in plain-text translation by selecting the checkbox.
This is focused on helping the user quickly review all NOTAMs for the departure
specified in a flight plan.
NOTAMs are separated in to the following headings:
Navigation, Communication, Service, Obstruction within 10 nautical miles, Airspace
within 10 nautical miles, Special Use Airspace within 10 nautical miles, Runway,
Taxiway, Apron, Aerodrome, FDC, Other/Unverified, Military
This is focused on helping the user quickly review all NOTAMs for the destination
specified in a flight plan.
NOTAMs are separated in to the following headings:
Navigation, Communication, Service, Obstruction within 10 nautical miles, Airspace
within 10 nautical miles, Special Use Airspace within 10 nautical miles, Runway,
Taxiway, Apron, Aerodrome, FDC, Other/Unverified, Military
Alternate 1
©2020 Leidos Page 143 of 245
This is focused on helping the user quickly review all NOTAMs for the first alternate
destination specified in a flight plan. This tab will not be visible if the first alternate
destination is not specified.
NOTAMs are separated in to the following headings:
Navigation, Communication, Service, Obstruction, Airspace, Special Use Airspace,
Runway, Taxiway, Apron, Aerodrome, FDC, Other/Unverified, Military
Alternate 2
This is focused on helping the user quickly review all NOTAMs for the second alternate
destination specified in a flight plan. This tab will not be visible if the second alternate
destination is not specified.
NOTAMs are separated in to the following headings:
Navigation, Communication, Service, Obstruction, Airspace, Special Use Airspace,
Runway, Taxiway, Apron, Aerodrome, FDC, Other/Unverified, Military
For NOTAMs that can be graphically depicted, the following symbology is used in the
graphical layer:
En Route->NAV
This is focused on helping the user quickly review all Navigation NOTAMs that intersect
the flight plan route corridor or an area briefing.
For Navigation NOTAMs, the following symbology is used in the graphical layer:
Navigation types are color coded based on the condition and depicted on the graphics
showing the affected location as labels. The corresponding NOTAM text for each of the
Navigation types is shown on the text pane. Navigation types that cannot be graphically
depicted are indicated with (Not Depicted On Graphics) after the NOTAM text as shown
The user can choose to hide the labels by deselecting the Show Labels checkbox from
the Auxiliary section of the Graphics Configuration Panel.
©2020 Leidos Page 144 of 245
On top of the text pane, pilots can select or deselect Navigation types; only selected
Navigation types will be displayed on both text pane and graphics pane.
En Route->COM
This is focused on helping the user quickly review all Communication NOTAMs that
intersect the flight plan route corridor or an area briefing.
For Communication NOTAMs, the following symbology is used in the graphical layer:
Communication types are color coded based on the condition and depicted on the
graphics showing the affected location as labels. The corresponding NOTAM text for
each of the Communication types is shown on the text pane. Communication types that
cannot be graphically depicted are indicated with (Not Depicted On Graphics) after the
NOTAM text as shown below.
The user can choose to hide the labels by deselecting the Show Labels checkbox from
the Auxiliary section of the Graphics Configuration Panel.
En Route->SVC
This is focused on helping the user quickly review all Service NOTAMs that intersect the
flight plan route corridor or an area briefing.
The following symbology is used in the graphical layer:
The corresponding NOTAM text for each NOTAM is shown on the text pane. NOTAMs
that cannot be graphically depicted are indicated with (Not Depicted On Graphics) after the
NOTAM text as shown below.
©2020 Leidos Page 145 of 245
En Route->OBST
This is focused on helping the user quickly review all Obstruction NOTAMs that intersect
the flight plan route corridor or an area briefing and not within 10 miles of the Departure
or Destination.
Obstruction NOTAMs are categorized within the text pane as follows. NOTAMs found to
be within the route corridor are added under the header “Location within route corridor”.
NOTAMs whose location is determined to be outside the route corridor are found under
the header “Location outside route corridor (Not Depicted On Graphics)”. NOTAMs for
which an exact location cannot be determined are found under the header “Others (Not
Depicted On Graphics)”.
For Obstructions NOTAMs, the following symbology is used in the graphical layer:
Obstructions are color coded in relation to the filed altitude of the flight plan and depicted
on the graphics showing the Mean Sea Level (MSL) as labels. The corresponding
NOTAM text for each of the Obstructions is shown on the text pane. Obstructions that
cannot be graphically depicted will appear under the “Location outside route corridor
(Not Depicted On Graphics)” or “Others (Not Depicted On Graphics)” headers as
described above.
The user can choose to hide the labels by deselecting the Show Labels checkbox from
the Auxiliary section of the Graphics Configuration Panel.
On top of the text pane, pilots have the ability to view the summary of the Obstruction
NOTAMs. Pilots can also choose to exclude obstructions beyond 1000ft of filed altitude;
this will display the obstructions below 1000ft of the filed altitude highlighted in red and
orange on the graphics pane.
This is focused on helping the user quickly review Airspace NOTAMs that intersect the
flight plan route corridor or an area briefing.
For AIRSPACE NOTAMs, the following symbology is used in the graphical layer:
©2020 Leidos Page 146 of 245
En Route->SUA
This is focused on helping the user quickly review Special Use Airspace NOTAMs
whose actual or affected locations (ARTCCs or FIRs) intersect the flight plan route
corridor or an area briefing.
This is focused on helping the user quickly review all Runway, Taxiway, Apron,
Aerodrome, and FDC NOTAMs that intersect the flight plan route corridor or an area
The following symbology is used in the graphical layer:
The corresponding NOTAM text for each NOTAM is shown on the text pane. NOTAMs
that cannot be graphically depicted are indicated with (Not Depicted On Graphics) after the
NOTAM text as shown below.
En Route->Other/Unverified
This is focused on helping the user quickly review Other and Unverified NOTAMs that
intersect the flight plan route corridor or an area briefing. Other refers to NOTAMs
whose equipment, aid, facility area, or service does not fit one of the identified
keywords, such as a house on fire near an airport, but not on the airport grounds.
En Route->Mil
This is focused on helping the user quickly review Military (Mil) NOTAMs that intersect
the flight plan route corridor or an area briefing.
The following symbology is used in the graphical layer:
The corresponding NOTAM text for each NOTAM is shown on the text pane. NOTAMs
that cannot be graphically depicted are indicated with (Not Depicted On Graphics) after the
NOTAM text as shown below.
©2020 Leidos Page 147 of 245
This is focused on helping the user quickly review and brief General Flight Data Center
(GFDC) NOTAMs. General FDC NOTAMs are the same informational class of NOTAMs
as FDC NOTAMs because they report information that is regulatory in nature. However,
General FDC NOTAMs are not correlated to any specific affected location identifiers
included in a flight plan route corridor or area briefing.
This is focused on helping the user quickly review International (Intl) NOTAMs whose
affected locations are included in the flight plan route corridor or an area briefing.
This is focused on helping the user quickly review all NOTAMs that do not have a
recognized NOTAM type. NOTAMs may not be categorized because the type does not
exist or because it was unintentionally misspelled.
This allows the user to review advisories from the Air Traffic Control System
Command Center (ATCSCC) that are associated with the flight path of the aircraft.
vii. UOA
This allows the user to see the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Operating Areas
(UOAs) that intersect the route corridor for the briefing.
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viii. Misc
The Misc tab contains several sub-tabs containing information that is less frequently
required for a pilot briefing.
NHC Bulletins
This allows the user to review National Hurricane Center (NHC) bulletins, also known as
Tropical Storm Public advisories and Tropical Cyclone Advisories (TCAs) or a Tropical
Cyclone Public (TCP) advisory.
Convective Outlook
This allows the user to review Convective Outlook messages that are associated with the
flight path of the aircraft.
ix. All
This allows the user to review the entire content of the briefing. Pilots also have the
ability to view the text for some products in plain-text translation by selecting the
©2020 Leidos Page 149 of 245
g. Briefing Graphics Pane
The graphics pane contains the accompanying graphical data for the particular tab or
sub-tab currently selected and displayed on the text panel. When a sub-tab is selected
on the text pane, the graphics pane will display the appropriate graphics like overlays
for the tab. The table below lists the briefing product overlays displayed by default for
each briefing tab along with the supplemental weather charts which may be accessed
using the Supplemental Wx button and the default weather imagery displayed for each
briefing tab. Note that the default imagery may be replaced with alternative imagery
using the Graphics Configuration button.
©2020 Leidos Page 150 of 245
Briefing Graphics Pane
Level 1 Level 2 Tab Level 3 Tab Graphics Default Imagery
Alaska Surface Map
Alaska Sig Wx Pro 24Hr
Alaska Sig Wx Prog 36Hr
NE Pacific Surface Analysis 00
NE Pacific Surface Analysis 06
NE Pacific Surface Analysis 12
NE Pacific Surface Analysis 18
©2020 Leidos Page 151 of 245
Briefing Graphics Pane
Level 1 Level 2 Tab Level 3 Tab Graphics Default Imagery
Supplemental Weather Charts:
Same as SIGMET
Other (default)
Other With Outlooks
Other All
Supplemental Weather Charts:
Same as SIGMET
Overlays: None
Supplemental Weather Charts: None
Overlays: Same as Convective
Adverse CWA polygon layer SIGMET
Supplemental Weather Charts: None
Severe Severe Weather
Supplemental Weather Charts: None
Overlays: Same as Convective
Supplemental Weather Charts:
Surface Analysis (default)
Surface Prog 12Hr
Surface Prog 24Hr
Surface Prog 36Hr
Surface Prog 48Hr
Radar Summary CONUS
Radar Summary North East
Radar Summary South East
Radar Summary North Central
Radar Summary South Central
Radar Summary North West
Radar Summary South West
Caribbean Surface Analysis
Synopsis/S (default)
urface N/A N/A Mex/Carib Surface Prog Day 1
Analysis Mex/Carib Surface Prog Day 2
Caribbean Surface Analysis
Caribbean Surface Prog 12hr
Caribbean Surface Prog 24hr
Caribbean Surface Prog 36hr
Alaska Surface Map (default)
Alaska Sig Wx Prog 24Hr
Alaska Sig Wx Prog 36Hr
NE Pacific Surface Analysis 00
NE Pacific Surface Analysis 06
NE Pacific Surface Analysis 12
NE Pacific Surface Analysis 18
Overlays: Same as Convective
Current METAR/SPECI (default) SIGMET
Supplemental Weather Charts:
©2020 Leidos Page 152 of 245
Briefing Graphics Pane
Level 1 Level 2 Tab Level 3 Tab Graphics Default Imagery
Wx Depiction
Other Regions
Overlays: Same as UUA above
Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
Cloud Coverage Chart (NEXTGEN)
Clouds N/A Base Map (STANDARD)
Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
Visibility, Surface Winds,
Precipitation and Weather Chart
Vis, Sfc Winds (NEXTGEN)
& Precip
Supplemental Weather Charts:
©2020 Leidos Page 153 of 245
Briefing Graphics Pane
Level 1 Level 2 Tab Level 3 Tab Graphics Default Imagery
Overlays: None
Airspace, OBST and SUA types at
the Alternate 1
A single graphic located at the
Alternate 1 will depict any and all
Alternate 1 N/A Navigation, Communication, Service,
Runway, Taxiway, Apron,
Aerodrome, FDC, Other/Unverified
and Military NOTAMs
Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
Airspace, OBST and SUA types at
the Alternate 2
A single graphic located at the
Alternate 2 will depict any and all
Alternate 2 N/A Navigation, Communication, Service,
Runway, Taxiway, Apron,
Aerodrome, FDC, Other/Unverified
and Military NOTAMs
Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
Navigation types based on NOTAM
NAV condition
Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
Base Map
COM Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
Base Map
SVC Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
Obstruction (MSL) proximity to filed
OBST altitude
Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
Airspace types other than SUA
En Route
Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
ALL (default)
SUA Unspecified
Military IFR Route
Military VFR Route
Military Slow Route
Aerial Refueling Route
Supplemental Weather Charts:
RWY/TWY/ Overlays: None
C Supplemental Weather Charts:
©2020 Leidos Page 154 of 245
Briefing Graphics Pane
Level 1 Level 2 Tab Level 3 Tab Graphics Default Imagery
Overlays: None
Other/Unverifie Base Map
d Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
Base Map
Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
ARTCC Boundaries
Gen FDC N/A Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
Base Map
Intl N/A
Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
Base Map
Uncategorized N/A
Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
Flow ARTCC Boundaries
Control Supplemental Weather Charts:
Overlays: None
UOA polygon layer
UOA N/A Supplemental Weather Charts: None
Overlays: None
Base Map
Supplemental Weather Charts:
Gulf of Mexico Active Cyclones
NHC Bulletins N/A Gulf of Mexico Active Cyclones
Misc Caribbean
Caribbean Se Active Cyclones
Central North Pacific Active
Cyclones (default)
Charts: None
Convective Day 1 Convective Outlook
Outlook Day 2 Convective Outlook
Day 3 Convective Outlook
Overlays: None
Base Map
All N/A N/A
Supplemental Weather Charts:
i. Background Map
©2020 Leidos Page 155 of 245
Additionally the background map for most of the briefing tab graphics may be
modified by the pilot using the dropdown list that appears at the top of the graphic
The Terrain & Color Map is the default background for all tabs except the UUA and
PIREP tabs, which use the Monochrome Dark Map. Alternatively, the pilot may
select the Color Map or the Monochrome Light Map as the background. This
selection is only retained for the duration of this briefing.
The Sectional Map data will be displayed above the base imagery but below all
other overlays if is selected. The image in the Briefing Graphics Pane
will be updated to display a set of seamless Sectional charts.
These Sectional charts have been modified from their original format in order to
allow multiple adjacent charts to be displayed simultaneously without the legends
from one chart obscuring the map data from another. Zoom in on the selected area
of interest on the graphics window to see the navigation data on the chart,
©2020 Leidos Page 156 of 245
ii. Button Bar
At the bottom of the graphics pane is a button bar which contains a number of
buttons the pilot may use to modify the graphic.
a. Weather Imagery Dropdown List:
This dropdown list allows the user to select radar or satellite imagery to display
on the map. The imagery products that are available are categorized by the
following geographical areas: Alaska, Canada, CONUS, Caribbean, Hawaii, and
Mexico. The user can turn off imagery by selecting “None”.
©2020 Leidos Page 157 of 245
b. Animate Wx button:
This button displays the Animation controls which allow the pilot to animate the
radar or satellite weather graphics. Clicking the button displays the following
Clicking on the play button, , starts the animation of the weather. The
weather images may also be stepped through one at a time using the forward,
, or back, , buttons. The speed of the animation may also be controlled
The system will display the Graphics Configuration Panel popup when the
button is clicked. This popup allows the user to select the
Auxiliary Layers that overlays on the map displayed in the Graphics pane.
Map Features
Map Features allow the user to select additional graphics layers to be
displayed on the map. Different categories of layers are grouped together,
and an accordion control allows expansion and contraction of each group.
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A small black square (4x4 Pixels) is used when a technical issue
prevents the correct icon from being displayed.
d. Supplemental Wx button:
This button launches the Supplemental Weather Graphics dialog which the pilot
may use to open weather charts which may be useful in relation to the current
briefing tab. These weather charts will open in separate windows. The dialog
appears as follows:
©2020 Leidos Page 159 of 245
h. Route Briefing
For a Route Briefing, select the Route Brief button from the Plan & Brief page then
select the Use Legacy checkbox. A standard route briefing can also be requested from
the dropdown on a filed flight plan on the Dashboard page.
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iii. Abbreviated Brief
The Abbreviated Brief option will display Route Briefing tabs based on what the
user selects from the Briefing Customization window. The Adverse Conditions
group will be selected by default, thus the tab will show in the briefing result
unless the user unselects the group.
i. Area Briefing
For an Area Briefing, select the Area Brief button, next to the Destination, Departure,
Alternate 1 or Alternate 2 fields on the Plan & Brief page. The provided Area Brief will
use the flight plan’s departure date and time and will cover a configurable radius around
the fix. The default radius is 25 nautical miles and can be changed on the Briefing
Customization window. The user can choose from three briefing types (Standard,
Abbreviated, or Outlook) from the same window.
©2020 Leidos Page 161 of 245
Freezing Level
Turbulence Low Altitude
Turbulence High Altitude
Winds over 30 Knots
Low Level Wind Shear
Other (AIRMET)
Urgent Pilot Report
Center Weather Advisory
Severe Weather
Synopsis/Surface Analysis
Vis, Sfc Winds & Precip
Area Forecast
Terminal Forecast
iii. Abbreviated Brief
The Abbreviated Brief option will display Route Briefing tabs based on what the
user selects from the Briefing Customization window. The Adverse Conditions
group will be selected by default, thus the tab will show in the briefing result
unless the user unselects the group.
For Area Briefing of an Airport, select the button from the Dashboard page. It
brings up a Briefing Customization dialog that allows the user to customize the briefing.
Refer to Briefing Customization section for more information about the Briefing
Customization Dialog.
©2020 Leidos Page 162 of 245
After selecting one of the available briefing buttons of , , or
(available buttons differ based on Briefing Version), an area briefing request
is started. If your Briefing Version is you will see a progress bar as your
briefing is generated. If your Briefing Version is your area briefing for the
associated airport is initiated after another button is selected from the “Please
wait” dialog. Any setting you change on the Briefing Customization dialog will be saved
to the pilot preferences.
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A confirmation dialog is displayed when NEXTGEN View is unchecked.
The following products have NEXTGEN brief option which gives pilots enhanced next
generation briefing capabilities.
Adverse Cond
Delta (NEXTGEN only)
Conv SIG
MTN Obsc
Freezing Level
Turb Low
Turb High
Wnds>30 Kts
Severe Weather
Current Wx
Vis, Sfc Winds & Precip
Terminal Forecasts
Area Forecasts
Winds Aloft
Convective Outlook
In addition, for TFRs and the NextGen enhanced weather products that are defined by
polygons, the pilot will be shown an estimate of when the route of flight is predicted to
pass by or pass through those polygons as well as how close in time the route is to the
weather product’s active times. This information is displayed in timetags in the text
©2020 Leidos Page 164 of 245
summaries and graphics pane of the Next Generation Briefing. These timetags aid the
pilot in decision making and avoidance of TFRs and severe weather phenomena.
In order to see the passing timetags and summaries you must first put the briefing in
NextGen briefing view. Intersection timetags can be seen for
Convective SIGMET
Severe Weather
These timetags will be displayed on the pilot web briefing page in the text summary
area of the text pane and in the graphic pane as labels attached to the route. Using the
planned cruising speed the system estimates the time at which the planned route of
flight passes through or near one of the polygon types listed above. The timetags are
attached at the points along the route the aircraft is expected to reach by the time
displayed in the timetag. In the graphic image and text summary, three different icons
are used to give you a quick indication of your route’s proximity to a TFR or weather
product when it is active. The icons are shown below:
©2020 Leidos Page 165 of 245
The figures above show a Convective SIGMETs that are active more than 60 minutes prior to
the time the aircraft following this route of flight is estimated to pass through the Convective
The figures above show a TFR that is passed through while it is active. Non-severe weather
product intersection is shown with warning icon and yellow background.
©2020 Leidos Page 166 of 245
The figures above show an AIRMET - IFR that is passed through while it is active. The route’s
AIRMET - IFR intersection is shown with red icon and red background.
Based on the flight route, the number of available elements will be listed in the top bar
with the navigation buttons. Click on the buttons to step through each element
and view both the text and the corresponding highlighted graphics.
Page Numbers
The Delta tab displays the list of Adverse Condition products that have changed since
the last standard briefing was performed for a filed plan, provided the last briefing is not
older than the configured briefing horizon time (currently set at 12 hours). The products
are ordered based on the where the condition occurs along the route and the list can be
stepped through using the navigation buttons.
i. Adverse Conditions
In NEXTGEN view pilots have the ability to step through individual elements of TFR,
Conv SIG, SIGMET, AIRMET, UUA, CWA, and Severe Weather while at the same
time view the corresponding highlighted area in the graphic.
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Phenomenon Summary
Graphic depiction
Full Text
Pilots also have the ability to view smart plain-text translation of Conv SIG, SIGMET,
AIRMET and CWA where translations of weather phenomena are provided with the
ability to view the corresponding highlighted area in the graphic.
For the TFR tab, Conv SIG tab, SIGMET tab, AIRMET subtabs, CWA tab, Severe
Weather tab, when the pilot switches to NextGen mode, only those weather
polygons that intersect the route of flight will be displayed on the graphics pane. In
Standard mode, pilots will see all polygons for that weather product, including those
that do not intersect their route of flight.
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In addition, pilots also have the ability to view smart plain-text translation of PIREPs
and METARs.
For the METAR tab color indicates general ceiling and visibility conditions described
in the METAR
VFR, MVFR, IFR, LIFR, or undetermined.
Overall Condition Color Indication
Condition Block Condition Color
VFR Green
LIFR Magenta
The following screenshots depict the action of stepping through the METAR
groupings. The first grouping is an overview of all METAR stations.
©2020 Leidos Page 169 of 245
Third page:
If the High Altitude Briefing Filter checkbox, “For briefings > FL180 only include Dep
& Dest METARs & TAFs”, has been selected and the requested flight plan altitude
level is above the transition level (FL180), then METAR data along the route will not
be included in the briefing result.
Pilots also have the ability to view the METAR text in plain-text translation by
selecting the checkbox.
©2020 Leidos Page 170 of 245
For the PIREP tab reported conditions are depicted using icons rather than
polygons. The display includes a scrollable legend defining the conditions
associated with these icons. In NEXTGEN view the pilot may step through each of
the PIREPs within their route corridor along their route of flight and see the location
associated with the report highlighted on the graphic pane. Additionally, these
reports may be translated to plain text using the Plain Text checkbox.
There is also a “Help” link above the summary that links to a document provided by
FAA that gives the user to additional information concerning graphical are forecast
If there are no charts associated with the flight plan, due to the route of flight or the
planned flight time then “No current Cloud Coverage data for this briefing.” will be
displayed in the text pane. When data is missing for a particular time or region, the
selected chart will include “current data unavailable” in its text and will display
“Image unavailable” within the graphics pane.
©2020 Leidos Page 171 of 245
iv. Forecasts – Vis, Sfc Winds & Precip
In NEXTGEN view pilots have the ability to step through the list of visibility, surface
winds, precipitation and weather along the route of flight while at the same time
view the visibility, surface winds, precipitation and weather chart in the graphic. The
list of charts will be ordered by forecast times from earliest to latest and also
ordered by the regions with the CONUS region at the bottom of the list.
There is also a “Help” link above the summary that links to a document provided by
FAA that gives the user to additional information concerning graphical are forecast
If there are no charts associated with the flight plan, due to the route of flight or the
planned flight time then “No current Visibility, Surface Winds, Precipitation &
Weather data for this briefing.” will be displayed in the text pane. When data is
missing for a particular time or region, the selected chart will include “current data
unavailable” in its text and will display “Image unavailable” within the graphics pane.
©2020 Leidos Page 172 of 245
v. Forecasts – Terminal Forecast
In NEXTGEN view pilots have the ability to view Time-based display of TAFs along
the route of flight. Projected flight times are used to identify the applicable forecast
©2020 Leidos Page 173 of 245
periods of the TAF reports. The forecasted flight conditions are highlighted and
displayed as color-coded icons in the graphics.
If the High Altitude Briefing Filter checkbox, “For briefings > FL180 only include Dep
& Dest METARs & TAFs”, has been selected and the requested flight plan altitude
level is above the transition level (FL180) then TAF data along the route of flight will
not be included in the briefing result.
Top of Climb
Top of Descent
Offset Time
©2020 Leidos Page 174 of 245
Note: if the flight passes a TAF station more than once, the range of passing times is
used to determine the related TAF line(s), but only the earliest passing time is shown.
The Offset Time indicates when the passing time is close to a different forecast line of
the TAF message. The number indicates how many minutes earlier or later that TAF line
is in effect relative to the passing time.
The Flight Condition is determined for each line based on the reported Ceiling and
The Full Text contains the full text of the TAF message. The Ceiling and/or Visibility will
be shown in bold when lower than VFR conditions.
The TAF map icons are used to display the Flight Conditions related to the time
the flight is projected to pass the TAF station. A buffer of 60 minutes before and
after the passing time is used to include any nearby forecast period.
The icon is composed of three different regions: left, center, right. These
different regions are used to symbolize “Passing Time - 1 hour”, “Passing Time”,
and “Passing Time + 1 hour”, respectively. The three regions of a TAF icon will
commonly be the same, resulting in a single-colored circle. However when
forecasted conditions are changing within the hour around the passing time, the
icon can have multiple colors.
If a TAF station is in the briefing that does not include passing times (example:
an Area Brief or an Alternate airport outside of corridor), the icon will be
displayed as a yellow square
Reference table Overall Condition Color Indication.
Pilots also have the ability to view the TAF text in plain-text translation by
selecting the checkbox.
©2020 Leidos Page 175 of 245
vi. Forecasts – Area Forecast
In NEXTGEN view pilots have the ability to step through State Based Area
Forecasts along the route of flight while at the same time view the highlighted area
of the displayed state in the graphic.
Based on the route corridor, the number of available elements will be listed in the
top bar with the buttons. Click on the buttons to view only the states and
regions that are within the route corridor of the flight plan while at the same time
view the corresponding highlighted region in the graphic.
©2020 Leidos Page 176 of 245
Pilots also have the ability to view the text in plain-text translation by selecting the
Plain Text checkbox.
When the tab is first opened, the default selection shows the briefed Altitude and
the Forecast Period that contains the ETD highlighted in blue. If the briefed Altitude
is outside the minimum or maximum Winds Aloft data altitude (e.g. less than A010
or greater than F530), then the default is either the first or last column respectively.
©2020 Leidos Page 177 of 245
Click on the up and down arrow buttons to change the selected Forecast Period and
click on the left and right arrow buttons to change the selected Altitude. If
necessary, the table is scrolled to view the newly highlighted section. If the selected
Altitude is not the briefed Altitude, the column header for the briefed Altitude is
highlighted in green. If the scroll bars are used to display table data not currently
visible, the selected Altitude and Forecast Period are not changed. If the current
Altitude selection is not within 4000 feet and the “Altitudes within 4000 feet” is
checked, then the view returns to the default selection. If another tab is selected
and then the Winds Aloft tab is reselected, the previous selected data is displayed.
When the arrow buttons change either the selected Altitude or Forecast Period, the
graphics pane updates to match the current selections. If the Winds Aloft data is
updated by NWS National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) after the
briefing is requested, the graphic pane displays the latest Winds Aloft data. The
table data remains static for the briefing and therefore may not match the graphics
pane. The table scroll bars do not change the graphics pane data displayed.
©2020 Leidos Page 178 of 245
l. Locations Briefing
Locations Briefing allows users to submit a single form to request Area Briefings for up to
10 different locations. The Locations Briefing form can be reached by selecting the option
in the Plan & Brief menu.
The Aircraft ID defaults to the user’s primary aircraft if available, and any secondary
or shared aircraft is available by selecting the dropdown arrow next to the input
Aircraft ID, Departure Date & Time, and Location 1 are required for a Locations
Briefing; all other Locations are optional.
The Optional Standard Brief Products are additional product information that may
be selected to be included in the Standard Briefing.
The following table shows the information users must provide to successfully
request a Locations Briefing. This data is also available by hovering and/or clicking
the field labels on the Locations Briefing form.
©2020 Leidos Page 179 of 245
Field Name Valid Form Data
Aircraft ID 2-7 letters/numbers
Example: N1234F6
Example: 1234NF
Departure Date & MM/DD/YYYY
Departure Date & Time must not be in the past or 27 days in the future.
Location Only Location 1 is required; all others are optional. Users must provide
(1-10) either:
Airport, Heliport, NAVAID, Waypoint Identifier
3-5 letters/numbers, will default to Airport if the identifier applies to more
than one type.
Examples: JFK, KSEA, 9OI5
Use the icon next to each Location input field to search for valid
Refer to the Departure/Destination/Alternates section under Domestic Flight Plan
Form for more information.
Latitude/Longitude Coordinates
Must be in the format aabb(A)(/)(c)ccdd(B), where parentheses denote
optional characters.
aa is degrees latitude (00-90)
bb is minutes latitude (00-59)
(c)cc is degrees longitude (00-180)
dd is minutes longitude (00-59)
(A) is either N or S (North or South, default to N if not provided)
(B) is either W or E (West or East, default to W if not provided)
Examples: 44497322, 4449N7322W, 4449N/7322W
Must be in the format (A)(A)(A)AAaaabbb, where parentheses denote
optional characters.
(A)(A)(A)AA is an Airport, Heliport, NAVAID, or Waypoint Identifier (2-5
aaa is radial measure in degrees from North (001-360)
bbb is distance in nautical miles (001-999)
Example: HGR001024
After completing the form, users can request the Locations Briefing by clicking the
Standard Brief, Outlook Brief, or Abbreviated Brief button.
©2020 Leidos Page 180 of 245
b. Outlook Locations Briefing
The Outlook Brief option will return a Locations Briefing containing only the
following briefing sections for each location requested:
Temporary Flight Restrictions
Closed/Unsafe NOTAMs
Convective SIGMET
Mountain Obscuration
Freezing Level
Turbulence Low Altitude
Turbulence High Altitude
Winds over 30 Knots
Low Level Wind Shear
Other (AIRMET)
Urgent Pilot Report
Center Weather Advisory
Severe Weather
Synopsis/Surface Analysis
Vis, Sfc Winds & Precip
Area Forecast
Terminal Forecast
Reference Briefing Tabs for more information on each of these briefing sections.
©2020 Leidos Page 181 of 245
ii. Reading the Locations Briefing
The Locations Briefing will return in a separate browser window or tab, depending
on browser settings.
©2020 Leidos Page 182 of 245
Help Briefing Type
Dialog (Standard, Outlook, or Locations in the Register for Briefing Updates
Abbreviated) briefing See Plain Text/NEXTGEN Settings
The following
dialog is
displayed when
the Plain
Plain Text ETD (DDHHMM in Briefing Radius (always 1.5 nautical
Aircraft ID
Translation Control UTC) miles forText/NEXTGEN
Locations Briefing)
Settings Help
For each location in the briefing, the full textual briefing content iconforis that location will
appear on a single tab, labeled by the location identifier. This is similar to the “ALL”
tab in Area Briefings. .
The option allows users to read data in some of the briefing sections
in plain text.
Reference Briefing Tabs for more information on each of the available briefing
The briefing graphics pane is provided similar to standard area briefings. The
default state of the graphics pane is similar to that of the “ALL” tab on area briefings.
Reference Briefing Graphics Pane for more information on the default state and the
options available for customizing the graphics pane.
Registering for
Briefing Updates for
more information.
©2020 Leidos Page 183 of 245
9.5. Navigation Log
Navigation Log is used by the pilot as a tool for flight planning, for example to compute
estimated time enroute for the flight plan or to compute fuel consumption.
The NavLog button is available on the Flight Plan form.
When the NavLog button is clicked, the Navigation Log Customization dialog is
displayed with the various options to format the requested navigation log.
a. Navigation Log Customization Dialog
The Navigation Log Customization dialog provides the capability to customize the
requested navigation log. If the aircraft being used for this navigation log request does
not contain aircraft performance data (Account>Aircraft), then the navigation log will not
be able to calculate fuel consumption nor determine the top of climb and top of descent
i. Generate PDF
If the user clicks on the Generate PDF button, the system requests a Navigation
If the Navigation Log request is successful, the system will display the Navigation
Log Results page in a new browser window; otherwise, the system displays an error
©2020 Leidos Page 184 of 245
iii. Cancel
If the user clicks the Cancel button, the system closes the Navigation Log
Customization dialog and no navigation log is generated.
iv. No-Winds Navigation Log
If the user checks the No Winds checkbox, the navigation log results will contain
information that is calculated without using winds aloft data.
The checkbox is not checked by default.
v. Display Top of Climb/Top of Descent
If the user checks the Display Top of Climb/Top of Descent checkbox, the
navigation log results will display the rows at which the aircraft reaches the top of
climb and top of descent. Aircraft performance data needs to be set in order to show
these rows. If the aircraft does not have performance data, this checkbox will be
The checkbox is not checked by default.
vi. Navlog Format
a) Kneeboard
Selecting “Kneeboard” format results in a two-column landscape oriented
navigation log intended to be printed for use on a kneeboard.
b) Full page
Selecting “Full page” format results in a single-column portrait oriented
navigation log.
b. Popups Disabled
If your browser is configured to block popups and www.1800wxbrief.com is not on your
list of websites with popups allowed, you will see the “Request Complete” dialog below.
Clicking on “OK” will allow the popup to appear. To allow this popup to appear without
the “Request Complete” dialog, add www.1800wxbrief.com to your list of websites
where popups are allowed.
©2020 Leidos Page 185 of 245
c. Navigation Log Results Page
The Navigation Log Results are compiled using aircraft performance data (Account >
Aircraft), navigation data (Route of flight) and weather data (winds and temperature
aloft, forecast or actual).
If the aircraft does not have performance data, then a navigation log results page is
generated without fuel consumption.
i. Navigation Log with Aircraft Performance Data (Full Page format)
With aircraft performance data, fuel burn is calculated. Here is an example in
kneeboard format:
The Fuel Burn will not be calculated if the navigation log is generated without
performance data. Here is an example in Full Page format:
©2020 Leidos Page 186 of 245
iii. Navigation Log Results Page Description
The section describes the various sections of the Navigation Log Results Page.
Navigation Log Results Page Description
Field Description Format Conditional
Departure Information – Contains a series of labels which are used by the pilot to write in frequencies and
other departure information.
ATIS/AWOS/ASOS For Pilot’s note
UNICOM For Pilot’s note
Clearance Del For Pilot’s note
Ground For Pilot’s note
Tower For Pilot’s note
Departure For Pilot’s note
Cleared To For Pilot’s note
Depart For Pilot’s note
Altitude For Pilot’s note
Dep Frk/Squawk For Pilot’s note
Summary – Displays a summary of the planned flight
Route Flight Plan Departure, Route of Per Flight Plan page N/A
Flight, and Destination fields
ATD Actual Time of Departure For Pilot’s note N/A
ETE Estimated Time Enroute is the total HH:MM N/A
flight time
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival For Pilot’s note N/A
Total Distance Total flight distance NNNNN, nautical miles N/A
Fuel Required Total fuel used for this flight In fuel units specified in the Displayed if aircraft
aircraft performance data profile has
performance data
Fuel Available Available fuel N/A N/A (For Pilot’s note)
Navigation Information – Contains the following information:
©2020 Leidos Page 187 of 245
Navigation Log Results Page Description
Field Description Format Conditional
Fix Contains the fixes, listed vertically, Listed below for each fix type. N/A
in the order shown in the Route field
from the Flight Plan page.
Fixes can be
Fix/Radial/Distance (FRD)
Navigational Aids
Fix (Airport) Airport identifier 3 or 4 alphanumeric Airport N/A
lat/long in format degrees
and minutes in tenths digit
Fix (NavAid) NavAid identifier 2 to 3 letter NavAid N/A
followed by hyphen and
first 10 characters of
NavAid short name ( when
available )
lat/long in format degrees
and minutes in tenths digit
Morse code identifier
Frequency included
Fix (Waypoint) Waypoint identifi The identifier of the fix from N/A
which the waypoint is
lat/long in format degrees
and minutes in tenths digit
Fix (Top of Climb Labels for Top of Climb or Top of “Top of Climb” Only appears under all
or Top of Descent) Descent. They can be combined if or three of these
they are the same. “Top of Descent” conditions:
Or Top of Climb/Top
“Top of Climb/Top of of Descent
Descent” Checkbox
Aircraft profile has
performance data
They exist
Lat/Long Latitude followed by a slash and lat/long in format degrees N/A
longitude and minutes in tenths digit
Morse Code Morse Code for Fix( if available) 20 characters N/A
Freq Closest radio frequency(TACAN, Frequency in MHz N/A
Wind (Deg/kt ) The display for leg wind is compass Degrees – NNN, values Zero when NavLog
degrees/speed. from 001-360 generated without wind
Wind speed – NNN, values data.
Temp Outside air temperature (OAT) for a NNN in degrees Celsius; Zero when NavLog
particular leg at the corresponding below zero degrees C have generated without wind
Altitude a minus (-) sign data.
Magnetic Heading These values are derived from the NNN degrees, values from N/A
(MH) / direction of the aircraft’s route of 001-360
Magnetic flight, based on each leg.
Course(MC) Magnetic course is the aircraft’s true
north course corrected for magnetic
north variation (and provides the
aircraft’s ground track).
Magnetic heading is the Magnetic
Course corrected for wind (the
direction the aircraft is pointed)
(using current or actual winds aloft
for the corresponding Altitude).
©2020 Leidos Page 188 of 245
Navigation Log Results Page Description
Field Description Format Conditional
If there is a direct headwind or
tailwind, then these values are the
Leg Leg distance in units matching NNNNN nautical miles or N/A
Aircraft Speed entry. A Leg is the kilometers (km)
route an aircraft travels from one fix values of 1 to 99999
to another.
Rem (Remaining Total distance remaining in units NNNNN nautical miles or N/A
distance) matching Aircraft Speed entry kilometers (km)
values of 1 to 99999
Route The Route consists of either a victor Alphanumeric string. N/A
airway or jet airway as shown in the When no airway is shown
Navigation Log Request page Route in the route of flight field,
field. then the word “Direct” is
used instead of an airway
ETE Estimated Time Enroute for the leg HH:MM N/A
ATE Actual Time Enroute for the leg (For Pilot’s note) N/A
Alt (m|ft) An approximate altitude is Alt (ft): Approximate altitude
calculated if passing a fix while For altitudes up to can only be calculated
climbing or descending. 17,999 feet, in format using airplane
NNNNN. performance info.
Altitudes at and above
18,000 feet expressed as
flight levels, in format
Alt (m):
For altitudes up to
30,480 meters, in format
GS Estimated ground speed is the Airspeed format is the same N/A
aircraft airspeed plus or minus the as that in the aircraft profile
effects of wind (current or actual performance section.
winds aloft for the corresponding
Altitude). Groundspeed can change
as leg direction and/or winds aloft
direction/speed change.
Leg Fuel Fuel consumption for the given leg. Up to six numeric Displayed if aircraft
characters with one profile has
decimal (NNNNNN.N) performance data
Append unit in column
header from aircraft profile:
Gallons/hr “(gal)”
Liters/hr “(L)”
Pounds/hr “(lb)”
Kilograms/hr “(kg)”
For the first leg the
Startup/Taxi Fuel Burn from
the Aircraft Profile
Performance Characteristics
will be included. It is
displayed as <Startup//Taxi
Fuel Burn> "+" <first leg fuel
*First leg includes Aircraft’s performance data has Text comment Displayed when startup
startup/taxi Fuel startup and taxi fuel amount and and taxi fuel from
Pilot has asked for fuel consumption aircraft profile is added
calculation to the first leg fuel
Total The total fuel consumed after the Up to six numeric Displayed if aircraft
completion of the leg. characters with one profile has
decimal (NNNNNN.N) performance data
Append unit in column
header from aircraft profile:
©2020 Leidos Page 189 of 245
Navigation Log Results Page Description
Field Description Format Conditional
Gallons/hr “(gal)”
Liters/hr “(L)”
Pounds/hr “(lb)”
Kilograms/hr “(kg)”
For the first leg, the sum of
fuel used and startup/Taxi
fuel burn value from Aircraft
Profile Performance
Characteristics will be
Destination Information – Contains a series of labels which are used by the pilot to write in frequencies
and other destination information.
ATIS/AWOS/ASOS For Pilot’s note
Approach For Pilot’s note
UNICOM For Pilot’s note
Tower For Pilot’s note
Ground For Pilot’s note
Dep For Pilot’s note
Dest For Pilot’s note
Notes – blank area for use by the pilot for writing any pertinent notes during the flight.
Notes Area provided for pilot to take notes For Pilot’s note N/A
©2020 Leidos Page 190 of 245
9.6. Altitude Optimization
Altitude Optimization helps the pilot decide at which altitude to fly the route by
estimating fuel usage and ETE for up to five different altitudes. It will estimate the ETE
and fuel for 2,000 and 4,000 ft above a target altitude entered as well as 2,000 and
4,000 ft below it. It can check altitudes from 2,500 ft to 17,900 ft if flying VFR, MVFR, or
ZFR and 2,000 ft up to 60,000 ft if flying IFR, MIFR, or YFR.
When the Optimize button is clicked, the Altitude Optimization dialog box is displayed
with up to five different altitude options and corresponding ETE and fuel usage
estimates for the pilot to select.
©2020 Leidos Page 191 of 245
If the user clicks on the Cancel button, the system closes the Altitude Optimization
Dialog and the original altitude entered by the user remains populated in the field.
Aircraft performance characteristics are required in order to calculate fuel usage. The
following message, “* Results are not tailored to your aircraft’s performance. Enter your
aircraft’s information at Account > Aircraft,” will be displayed if performance
characteristics for a given aircraft are not present.
Depending on the flight rule and its associated altitude boundary conditions, if the user
enters an altitude near the threshold, blank rows will be displayed if the 2,000 or 4,000
ft below or above altitudes are outside the acceptable range.
©2020 Leidos Page 192 of 245
There are some cases in which altitude optimization cannot figure out a solution. The
following screenshot shows the message that will be displayed.
This generally happens when the climb or descent rates were entered incorrectly, which
can be verified on the Account Profile page in the Aircraft section. The user may still select
any of the altitudes as they wish.
©2020 Leidos Page 193 of 245
9.7. Departure Time Evaluation
Evaluate Departure Time helps the pilot decide the best time to depart by presenting a
summarization of TAF and adverse conditions along the planned route of flight over a
range of departure times. The system divides the route of flight into 20 segments and
presents a summary of the TAF conditions for each segment based on the proposed
departure time. The system will also present TAF and adverse condition summaries for
the previous six hours and the following six hours.
When the Evaluate button is clicked, the Evaluate Departure Time dialog is displayed
showing the forecasted TAF and adverse conditions along the route of flight for 13
different departure times. Each column presents the worst case TAF condition in that
time segment. The ordering of the TAF conditions from best to worst is: VFR, MVFR,
When any adverse condition data (note: missing TAF data is not included in this
evaluation ) is known to be missing, the Evaluate button on the FP&B will not open the
Evaluate Departure Time Tool. Instead a pop-up will open with the following error
The image below shows the TAF summaries for a route of flight from IAH to ORD with a
proposed departure time of 2100. Summaries are provided for the six previous hours
and the following six hours. Each row is divided into 20 segments and if there are TAF
reports in the appropriate segment, the summarized condition is indicated with an icon.
If there are no TAF reports for the segment, a blank image is displayed to indicate no
TAF reports. When an adverse condition exists for the segment, the background of the
segment is shaded.
©2020 Leidos Page 194 of 245
Once the Evaluate Departure Time dialog is displayed the pilot may:
i. Double-click a row
If the user double-clicks on a row,
The system closes the Evaluate Departure Time Dialog.
The system populates the Departure Date and Time fields with the value
selected by the user.
ii. Use the “Detail” button
If the user clicks on a row, then chen clicks the Detail button,
The system closes the Evaluate Departure Time Dialog.
The system opens the Evaluate Departure Time Details Dialog.
iii. Use the “Select” button
If the user clicks on a row, then clicks the Select button,
The system closes the Evaluate Departure Time Dialog.
The system populates the Departure Date and Time field with the value
selected by the user.
iv. Use the “Cancel” button
If the user clicks on the Cancel button, the system closes the Evaluate Departure
Time and the original departure date and time entered by the user remains
populated in the field.
©2020 Leidos Page 195 of 245
In order to accurately calculate the flight’s ETE, the aircraft’s performance data is used.
The following message, “* Results are not tailored to your aircraft’s performance. Enter
your aircraft’s information at Account > Aircraft,” will be displayed if performance
characteristics for a given aircraft are not present.
By default, the Evaluate Departure Time dialog displays conditions for the departure
time entered by the user plus six hours surrounding the departure time. The row
indicating the proposed departure time is highlighted in blue and is in the middle.
However, if the departure time is less than six hours in the future, additional TAF and
adverse conditions are added after the proposed departure time row until all 13 hours
rows are populated.
Clicking on the Video icon will open a help video on Departure Planning Tool.
For more information on adverse conditions, click on the “What’s this?” link.
©2020 Leidos Page 196 of 245
a. Evaluate Departure Time Details
This dialog displays rows for each adverse weather condition product. If a condition is
not found along the route of the flight, then it will display “(None along the route of
flight)”. If there is any Adverse Condition data known to be missing, it will display
“(Adverse Condition data unavailable)”.
©2020 Leidos Page 197 of 245
Once the Evaluate Departure Time Details Dialog is displayed the pilot may:
i. Use the What’s this? text button
If the user clicks on What’s this?,
The system displays the Evaluate Departure Time Details What’s this?
popup, from which the pilot can exit through the OK button.
©2020 Leidos Page 198 of 245
The system closes the Evaluate Departure Time Details Dialog.
The system populates the Departure Date and Time field with the proposed
departure time selected by the user.
iv. Use the “Cancel” button
If the user clicks on the Cancel button,
The system closes the Evaluate Departure Time Details Dialog
The system displays the Evalute Departure Time Dialog with the row
corresponding to the proposed departure time selected.
Note that when there are AIRMETs assigned to the "Other" category, an extra row is
added to the Evaluate Departure Time Details pop up (This should be located after the
rows for the Sierra, Tango and Zulu AIRMETs ). The row should not be displayed when
there are no "Other" category AIRMETs relevant to the route of flight. If the AIRMET is
an outlook, then it will display OTLK.
Calculating estimated elapsed time requires the following fields to be filled out: Aircraft
ID, Aircraft Type, Departure, Departure Date & Time, Cruising Speed, Level, and
Destination. The Route of Flight field is not required but it is included in the calculation.
If the aircraft has a profile with performance characteristics, they are used in the
calculation. Otherwise, the default characteristics for the Aircraft Type are used. When
the button is pressed, the Calculate Estimated Elapsed Time dialog is
presented to the user containing the estimated time.
Note: the Calculated Estimated Elapsed Time dialog may have information or warning
messages on it related to system weather availability and aircraft performance characteristics.
©2020 Leidos Page 199 of 245
If the user accepts the estimate, then it is placed into the Est Elapsed Time field. If the
user cancels from that dialog, the Est Elapsed Time field is unchanged.
Once an estimated elapsed time has been calculated, if the user changes any fields
related to its calculation and then attempts to File, Amend, or Activate the flight plan,
the user will be presented with the following warning dialog and offered the option of
recalculating the estimated elapsed time.
The warning dialog will not appear if there was manual change to the Est Elapsed Time
For Route Mapping, the button is available on the Flight Plan form.
No fields are required for interactive map. When the button is clicked, the
interactive map is opened. The dialog also features pan/zoom capability. The interactive
map also has an interactive map form capability which is the condensed version of the
Briefing, Filing, and NavLog page.
©2020 Leidos Page 200 of 245
©2020 Leidos Page 201 of 245
Interactive Flight Plan Form Description
Field Description Format Conditional
Aircraft ID Contains the name of the 2-7 alphanumeric characters N/A
Speed Contains the speed of the Zero value for Airspeed in N/A
plane invalid
Knots: N followed by 4 digits,
max of 3700
Mach: M followed by 3 digits,
max of 500, with an implicit
decimal point after the first
digit (M084 =0.84 Mach, M100
= 1.00 Mach, M215=2.15 Mach)
©2020 Leidos Page 202 of 245
Altitude Contains the altitude of Format: N/A
the plane Route Brief, File, Amend and
Flight Level: 2-3 digits
ABV/<Flight Level>
OTP/<Flight Level>
VFR/<Flight Level>
Block Altitude: <Flight
Level>B<Flight Level>
NavLog, Optimize Altitude, Evaluate
Departure Time
Flight Level: 2-3 digits
ABV/<Flight Level>
OTP/<Flight Level>
VFR/<Flight Level>
Block Altitude: <Flight
Level>B<Flight Level>
©2020 Leidos Page 203 of 245
Departure Contains the location of 4 letter ICAO airport/heliport or N/A
where the plane takes off ZZZZ for non-standard ICAO
airport location. If AFIL or ZZZZ
is entered, then a location must
be provided in DEP/ in the Other
Information field
Route of Flight Contains the route the 2-558 characters; 3-5 N/A
plane will take for the alphanumeric
duration of the flight airport/heliport/NAVAID/wayp
oint identifier
Destination Contains the location of 3-5 alphanumeric N/A
where the flight will land airport/heliport/NAVAID/wayp
at the end of its route. oint identifier
Distance The number of miles that Generated automatically N/A
the route of the flight will
take up
Time The amount of time that Generated automatically N/A
the route will take
Burn Contains the amount of Filled in by the pilot through AC N/A
fuel that will be burned for performance and will be
during flight generated automatically.
For Route Planning, the button is available on the Flight Plan form. Plan a
Route helps the pilot decide a route of flight using the departure and destination of the
flight plan. The system will generate various types of routes based on the route types
listed below. Once a route type is selected the system will generate the appropriate
route of flight.
*Note that the calculated route does not consider weather, flight restrictions, altitude, or traffic flow
management initiatives and that it is the pilot's responsibility to verify the route is flyable given their plane's
performance envelope, fuel capacity, equipage and weather conditions .
Route types:
I. IFR - Recent ATC Assigned
II. GPS Direct
III. Low Altitude V Airways
IV. VOR Direct
V. FAA Preferred
VI. Coded Departure (See FAA overview)
When the button is clicked, the Plan a Route dialog page is displayed. The pilot
is presented with a set of radio buttons to select a route type.
©2020 Leidos Page 204 of 245
When a route type is selected and the button is clicked, the Plan a Route
results dialog is displayed. For a GPS Direct route, the dialog will contain a route
consisting of zero to 46 Lat/Long fixes, dependant upon route length. For a Low
Altitude V Airways or VOR Direct route, the dialog will contain the shortest route if
found. For other types of routes, the dialog will show an airway or multiple airways in a
tabular form. If the button is clicked, the dialog closes and returns to Plan &
Brief page.
Once the Plan a Route results dialog is displayed the pilot may:
I. Double-click a row
If the user double-clicks on a row, the system closes the Plan a Route dialog.
The system populates the Route of Flight field with the value selected by the user.
II. Use the button
If the user clicks the Select button, the system closes the Plan a Route dialog.
The system populates the Route of Flight field with the value selected by the user.
III. Use the button
©2020 Leidos Page 205 of 245
If the user clicks the Map button, the system will open a Map Route dialog
Error messages will be displayed following the Results: preceeded with icon.
Columns , , , are
sortable in both ascending and descending manner.
If there are no IFR routes exist between departure and destination of the specified
Flight Plan, the following will be displayed:
©2020 Leidos Page 206 of 245
b. GPS Direct
The GPS Direct radio button selection will return a route with Lat/Long coordinates
along the route. SIDs and STARs are not supported when GPS Direct Routes are
selected. The distance between the calculated coordinates is configurable, nominally
set at 75 nmi. If the route is less than the configured distance, a direct route from
departure to destination is returned. For longer routes, the route is divided into
segments of the configured length. If the number of interim points exceeds 46, the
route segment length will be extended as only 46 Lat/Long points will fit in the route
d. VOR Direct
The VOR Direct radio button selection will return the shortest route flying direct between
VORs, VORTACs, VOR-DMEs, and TACANs from the flight plan departure to the flight
©2020 Leidos Page 207 of 245
plan destination. Departure and destination points can be Airports, FRDs, NAVAIDs, or
If the flight plan departure and destination too close for routing, a direct route is
If a VOR Direct route is found, but too long to be efficiently flown, a warning is
e. FAA Preferred
The FAA Preferred routes radio button selection will return a list of FAA Preferred
airways between the flight plan departure and destination in a tabular structure.
©2020 Leidos Page 208 of 245
Columns , , , , , are
sortable in both ascending and descending manner.
©2020 Leidos Page 209 of 245
9.11. Pilot History Page
The Pilot History page may be selected by navigating to the Plan & Brief menu item and
selecting Pilot History. The Pilot History Page displays up to forty-five (45) days of pilot
history events. Each event displayed contains the Event Date and Time, Event Type,
Aircraft ID, Source (Web or Provider or Scheduled Flight Plan), Departure and
Destination. Details of certain events may be further examined by selecting the View
button located next to the event.
The Pilot History page displays up to 15 events at a time. The current set of events being
looked at and the total number of events available are displayed at the top of the table in
©2020 Leidos Page 210 of 245
between the navigation buttons. The user can navigate through the events by clicking on
the next and previous buttons. They can view the most recent events
by clicking on the jump to first page button. They can view the oldest events by
©2020 Leidos Page 211 of 245
f. Graphical Checklist Logged Events
i. Graphical Checklist Logged Events saved by the user.
Additional details are available for Graphical Checklist Logged events, by pressing
the View button.
The View Flight Plan Event Details field items are described in the DOMESTIC FLIGHT
PLAN table which is located in the 8.1. Flight Planning part a. Domestic Flight Plan
Form Validation in this document.
The View Flight Planning Event Details page can be printed by selecting the print icon
located on the top right side of the page.
©2020 Leidos Page 212 of 245
The View Flight Briefing Event display contains the briefing material that was present at
the time of the request. For a Locations Briefing event, the display contains the briefing
material for all locations in the Locations Briefing request.
The View Flight Briefing Event page can be printed by selecting the print icon located
on the top right side of the page.
©2020 Leidos Page 213 of 245
The Navigation Log Event display contains the Navigation Log material that was present at
the time of the request.
The View Navigation Log Event page can be printed by selecting the print icon located on
the top right side of the page.
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The View UOA Manipulation Event page can be printed by selecting the print icon
located on the top right side of the page.
The ATC Route Notice Transmission Event display contains the ATC Route Notice
Transmission material that was present at the time of the request.
The View ATC Route Notice Transmission Event page can be printed by selecting the
print icon located on the top right side of the page.
The View Graphical Checklist Logged Event page may be displayed by selecting the
View button located next to a Graphical Checklist Logged event item displayed in the
Pilot History. The image below is an example of a Graphical Checklist Logged Event.
©2020 Leidos Page 215 of 245
The Graphical Checklist Logged Event display contains the Graphical Checklist Logged
material that was present at the time of the request
The View Graphical Checklist Logged Event page can be printed by selecting the print
icon located on the top right side of the page.
Airport Lookup
©2020 Leidos Page 216 of 245
Retrieving information on specific airports can be accessed via the Airports page. Enter the
appropriate three letter airport identifier in the open box, and select the GO button. If more
than one airport can be associated with the three letter identifier given, several choices will
be present in a drop down menu. Alternatively, a search function can be used to lookup the
desired airport code by clicking the magnifying glass. Reference
Departure/Destination/Alternates in Flight Plan Helper Menu and Dialogs for more
information on this search function.
There is a convenient link to the National Flight Data Center (NFDC) website under the
Airport Identifier search box. This link will be located at the very bottom of the page with a
successful search and populated airport information.
The auto-populate and ENCODE/DECODE capabilities are only available via the Airports
page and not via the dropdown Airports menu.
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Under each topic header there is more detailed information.
a. Location Information
This Topic displays the Lat/Long and Altitude of the airport, as well as the number of
miles to the closest city.
The View on Map link takes the user to the Interactive Map page and displays the
airport in Aerial View. The airport location is centered and indicated by a location icon.
©2020 Leidos Page 218 of 245
b. Operations Data
This Topic shows the Airport Use indicating availability to the public, as well as whether
there is a control tower available, and the NOTAMS facility associated with the airport.
c. Airport Communications
This Topic displays all the frequencies associated with this airport.
d. Runways
This Topic indicates the runways for the airport, as well as their composition and
maintenance (but NOT current weather) condition(s).
e. Ownership Information
This Topic provides the airport ownership information including the airport manager.
©2020 Leidos Page 219 of 245
f. Remarks
This Topic indicates any restrictions and/or concerns while operating on, at, or near the
airport location.
For military airports, there are two additional sections / topics that are available:
g. Airport Charts
Below the remarks section is an area consisting of chart links related to the specified
airport. The first section provides links to the Airport Charts and Publications. The
second contains the links to the Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR) Charts. Following
STAR charts are the Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) Charts. The last section
provides Departure Procedure (DP/ODP) Charts. By clicking each link, a new window
opens with the related chart.
©2020 Leidos Page 220 of 245
Note: Charts are typically Adobe .pdf files and will require a .pdf compatible browser to
use correctly.
11. UAS
The UAS NOTAM Form menu item is shown when you hover over the Plan & Brief
menu bar item and it allows access to capabilities for Unmanned Aircraft Systems
The UAS planning page identifies the required fields to create a UAS Operating Area.
Hovering with the mouse pointer over any field label will provide a summary of general
syntax and semantic rules for the field and indicate for which actions the field is
required. Clicking the label will provide more detailed information about the field.
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Select the Submit NOTAM check box to submit a NOTAM. Select the Preview NOTAM
button to display the NOTAMs that will be submitted.
Clicking on the Video icon will open a help video on UAS Operating Area (UOA)
Planning Form.
Clicking on the Address button located in the Circular Area section of the form will
display an address search dialog. This allows you to search for an address that can be
used to populate the Center Point field with the address. The Center Point field will then
be disabled until the field is cleared by clicking the “Clear” button.
To search for an address, enter the search criteria (2-125 characters) in the text box
and click the Search button. A list of address matches will be displayed. Select the
desired address by clicking on it, and then clicking the Select button. If no matches are
found, the text “No addresses match search criteria.” is displayed. If the address
lookup service is unavailable, the text “Address search is unavailable. It will be available
again tomorrow.” is displayed. Any other error displays the text, “There was an error
during processing.”
©2020 Leidos Page 222 of 245
Clicking on the Map button located in the Operating Area section of the form will display
a map depicting the proposed UAS operating area. An operating area must be specified
prior to displaying the map. If no operating area is specified, the map will not open and
the operating area section on the form will indicate being required. The map can be
panned and zoomed using either the mouse and on screen controls. The map provides
three selectable views; Street, Aerial and VFR, the default being the Street view.
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a. UOA Form Validation
The syntax validation for the fields and the required fields are described in the table
UOA Form
Field Syntax Validation Description
Aircraft ID or Reg. No. 8-10 alphanumeric characters or 1 letter This is the identification for the
followed by 1-6 alphanumeric UAS. The Aircraft ID or
characters Registration Number of the
Examples: 2330012013, N0819W UAS should be used when
Minimum Altitude 1-5 digits, max of 17999 The minimum height of the
UOA in Mean Sea Level
(MSL) feet or Above Ground
Level (AGL).
When AGL is selected, this
field defaults to Surface
Maximum Altitude 1-5 digits, max of 17999 The maximum height of the
UOA in Mean Sea Level
(MSL) feet or in Above
Ground Level (AGL)
Frequency One Flight or Recurring Flight must be Indicates if the UOA is being
selected defined for a single or
recurring flight.
Start Date & Time MM/DD/YYYY; based off of the selected This identifies the start time of
time zone value the UOA for a single flight.
HHMM; where HHMM are 4 digits, Visible when One Flight is
current time based off of the selected selected for Frequency
time zone value; if not available, will
default to your local time
Time zone:
End Date & Time MM/DD/YYYY; based off of the selected This identifies the end time of
time zone value the UOA for a single flight
HHMM; where HHMM are 4 digits, Visible when One Flight is
current time based off of the selected selected for Frequency
time zone value; if not available, will
default to your local time
Time zone:
©2020 Leidos Page 224 of 245
UOA Form
Field Syntax Validation Description
Must be no more than 365 days from
current day
First Day MM/DD/YYYY The day the UOA schedule
If submitting UOA with NOTAMs, or begins.
previewing NOTAMs, in combination Visible when Recurring Flight
with the start of the daily active time is selected for Frequency
range, must be less than or equal to 72
hours from the current time.
Last Day MM/DD/YYYY The day the UOA schedule
Must be no more than 365 days from ends.
current day Visible when Recurring Flight
is selected for Frequency
Active Days At least one must be selected The days of the week the
UOA will be active, within the
first and last days of the
Visible when Recurring Flight
is selected for Frequency
Daily Active Time Range At least one of the three options must The time range during the day
be selected. the UOA will be active, on
When specifying start and end time those days where it is active.
explicitly: Visible when Recurring Flight
o HHMM; where HHMM are 4 digits, is selected for Frequency
current time based off of the selected
time zone value; if not available, will
default to pilot’s local time
o Time zone:
Operating Area Selection of either Circular Area, Non- This selection is used to select
circular Area or Line if the UOA will be a circular
shape, a polygon or a line.
Circular Area - Center Point One of the following formats: This field identifies the center
point of a circular area.
2-4 alphanumeric airport/heliport/navaid Different formats can be used
(default airport) identifier to identify this area, including
Examples: HGR, KSEA, 9OI5 navaids, FRDs, or
8-20 character latitude/longitude in the FRDs only permitted when
format referenced from a VOR
aabb(ss)(.)(t)(A)(/)(c)ccdd(ss)(.t)(B), Visible only when Circular
where parentheses denote optional Area is selected
aa is degrees latitude in the range 00-90
bb is minutes latitude in the range 00-59
(c)cc is degrees longitude in the range
dd is minutes longitude in the range 00-
ss is seconds in the range 00-59
(.t) is tenths of a second .0 to .9
(A) is either N or S (North or South,
default to N if unspecified)
(B) is either W or E (West or East,
default to W if unspecified)
©2020 Leidos Page 225 of 245
UOA Form
Field Syntax Validation Description
Example: 4449N/7322W
9-11 alphanumeric fix-radial-distance in
the format AAAaaabbb(.b(b)), where
parentheses denote optional characters
AAA is 3 alphanumeric VOR identifier
aaa is radial measure in degrees from
North in the range 001-360
bbb(.b(b)) is distance in nautical miles in
the range 001-999 or 000.01-999.99
Example: HGR001024
Circular Area - Radius Point Range .1 to 25.0 This identifies the radius of the
UOA in nautical miles from the
center point.
Nautical miles can be
calculated by multiplying miles
by 0.87.
Visible only when Circular
Area is selected
Non-circular Area 2-558 character describing at least three This field is used to define a
point which can be in the following non-circular area. The points
formats: entered will be used to create
the boundary for the UOA.
2-4 alphanumeric airport/heliport/navaid FRDs only permitted when
(default airport) identifier referenced from a VOR
Examples: HGR, KSEA, 9OI5 Visible only when Non-circular
Area is selected
8-20 character latitude/longitude in the
where parentheses denote optional
aa is degrees latitude in the range 00-90
bb is minutes latitude in the range 00-59
(c)cc is degrees longitude in the range
dd is minutes longitude in the range 00-
ss is seconds in the range 00-59
(.t) is tenths of a second .0 to .9
(A) is either N or S (North or South,
default to N if unspecified)
(B) is either W or E (West or East,
default to W if unspecified)
Example: 4449N/7322W
9-11 alphanumeric fix-radial-distance in
the format AAAaaabbb(.b(b)), where
parentheses denote optional characters
AAA is 3 alphanumeric VOR identifier
aaa is radial measure in degrees from
North in the range 001-360
bbb(.b(b)) is distance in nautical miles in
the range 001-999 or 000.01-999.99
Example: HGR001024
Line - Points 2-558 character describing at least three This field is used to define a
point which can be in the following line to be used to create the
formats: boundary for the UOA.
FRDs only permitted when
2-4 alphanumeric airport/heliport/navaid referenced from a VOR
(default airport) identifier Visible only when Line is
Examples: HGR, KSEA, 9OI5 selected
©2020 Leidos Page 226 of 245
UOA Form
Field Syntax Validation Description
where parentheses denote optional
aa is degrees latitude in the range 00-90
bb is minutes latitude in the range 00-59
(c)cc is degrees longitude in the range
dd is minutes longitude in the range 00-
ss is seconds in the range 00-59
(.t) is tenths of a second .0 .9
(A) is either N or S (North or South,
default to N if unspecified)
(B) is either W or E (West or East,
default to W if unspecified)
Example: 4449N/7322W
9-11 alphanumeric fix-radial-distance in
the format AAAaaabbb(.b(b)), where
parentheses denote optional characters
AAA is 3 alphanumeric VOR identifier
aaa is radial measure in degrees from
North in the range 001-360
bbb(.b(b)) is distance in nautical miles in
the range 001-999 or 000.01-999.99
Example: HGR001024
Line - Width Range .1 to 25.0 This identifies the width of the
UOA line in nautical miles
around the center line.
Nautical miles can be
calculated by multiplying miles
by 0.87.
Visible only when Line Area is
Contact Information 1-200 characters. The name and phone number
of the UAS operator.
Additional Information (optional) 1-200 characters. Any additional information,
such as a description of the
Pre-programmed Contingency Route 1-500 characters. This field is used if the UAS
(optional) includes a pre-programmed
contingency route.
NOTAM COA Identifier Authorized COA Identifier Authorized identifier issued to
(Certificate of Waiver or a public operator for a specific
Authorization) UOA activity for which
NOTAMs are submitted.
Required for the UOA
Enabled when the User is
Preview NOTAM N/A Displays the NOTAM text that
would be submitted to the
USNS when the UOA is
Enabled when the User is
View NOTAM N/A Displays the NOTAM text that
has already been successfully
submitted to the USNS for the
Visible only after the UOA has
been submitted.
©2020 Leidos Page 227 of 245
b. Active, Pending and Past UOA Lists
These lists provide access to the UOAs associated with your account. When a UOA is created it
will be added to one of the lists.
Active UOAs – A UOA will be in this list if it the start time is in the past and the end time
is in the future
Pending UOAs – A UOA will be in this list if the start time is in the future.
Past UOAs – A UOA will be in this list if the end time is in the past. UOAs remain in the
system and are assessable for 45 days.
Submit – Validates the data on the form. If validation of the submitted form data
is successful, a dialog with a map of the specified UOA is displayed.
Clear – This clears the form and returns to an empty Draft form
UOAs with a start time in the future will show the state of Pending. The following
options available are:
Amend – Validates the data on the form. If the operating area is modified and
validation of the submitted form data is successful, a dialog with a map of the
specified UOA is displayed.
Cancel – This cancels the UOA. Since the UOA was not active, it is not shown
in the Past UOA list.
Copy & Create Draft – This creates a draft copy of the details in the form. The
original Pending UOA is not changed.
Clear – This clears the form and returns to an empty Draft form. The original
Pending UOA is not changed.
UOAs with a start time in the past and an end time in the future will show the state of
Active. The following options available are:
Amend – Validates the data on the form. If the operating area is modified and
validation of the submitted form data is successful, a dialog with a map of the
specified UOA is displayed.
Cancel – This cancels the UOA. Since the UOA was active, it is shown in the
Past UOA list.
Copy & Create Draft – This creates a draft copy of the details in the form. The
original Active UOA is not changed.
Clear – This clears the form and returns to an empty Draft form. The original
Active UOA is not changed.
UOAs with an end time in the past will show the state of Past. The form is not
modifiable, because the UOA has been closed. The following options available are:
©2020 Leidos Page 228 of 245
Copy & Create Draft – This creates a draft copy of the details in the form. The
original Closed UOA is not changed.
Clear – This clears the form and returns to an empty Draft form. The original
Active UOA is not changed.
d. NOTAM Submission
The NOTAM section of the UOA input form indicates your current registration
status. A link is provided that displays a dialog window which describes the training
requirements and terms and conditions for usage of the service. Agreeing to the
service via the dialog window will cause the user to become certified.
Registration is valid for 1 year. To view your expiration date, click on the link in the
NOTAM section of the UOA form to open the registration dialog window. When your
registration expires, you will be required to re-register before being permitted to file
a UOA with an associated NOTAM.
Prior to registration for NOTAM submission, the NOTAM section will display a link
for registering:
After successful registration, the NOTAM section will enable controls for allowing
NOTAM submission and NOTAM preview:
©2020 Leidos Page 229 of 245
4. If you agree to the terms and conditions, check the applicable checkbox.
5. Click the “Register” button.
a) Note: The “Register” button will not be enabled until both of the above
checkboxes have been checked.
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12. Account
Hovering over the Account menu displays the links shown below.
In this section, the pilot’s current user name is shown in the Username field which is
the email address used to login to the Website. The user may change their
username by clicking on the “Change Username” link. Once clicked, the user will be
directed to the “Change Username” page.
The second section is the Name box.
©2020 Leidos Page 232 of 245
In this section, pilots enter the details of their name. Please note that pilots can
update any field in this section at a later date if needed.
Pilots can enter their first name in the First Name field which can be special
characters, numbers and space with maximum length of 15 characters. Please note
that this field is optional and can be left blank.
Pilots can enter their middle initial in Middle Initial field which can be a special
character or number with maximum length of 1 character. Please note that this field
is optional and can be left blank.
Pilots can enter their last name in the Last name field which can be special
characters, numbers and space with maximum length of 40 characters.
Pilots can enter their name suffix in the Suffix field which can be special characters,
numbers and space with maximum length of 4 characters. Please note that this field
is optional and can be left blank.
The third section is the Pilot Details box.
In this section there are three fields: Certification, Logged Hours, and Instrument
Rated. These fields are optional and can be updated at a later date if needed.
Pilots can select their certification from the Certification drop down box.
Pilots can record the hours they have flown in the Logged Hours field. Only numbers
can be entered in this field with maximum length of 6 characters.
Pilots can indicate if instrument rated by checking the box Instrument Rated. This
can be checked later once instrument rated is achieved.
The fourth section is the Address box.
©2020 Leidos Page 233 of 245
In this section there are six fields for pilots to record the details of their address. All
these fields can be left blank or updated at a later date if needed. However, if one of
these fields is filled out, the user must enter all other fields with the exception of
Address (line 2).
Pilots can enter their street address in the Address (line 1) field which can be
special characters, numbers and space with maximum length of 50 characters.
Pilots can enter additional address information in the Address (line 2) field which
can be special characters, numbers and space with maximum length of 50
characters. This can be used if the address does not fit in the Address (line 1) field.
Pilots can enter the city where they live in the City field which can be special
characters, numbers and space with maximum length of 25 characters.
Pilots can select the state or province where they live from the State/Prov field drop
down box. Pilots also have the option to enter the first letter and it will display the
first state or province that starts with that letter. If there are more than one state or
province starting with that letter, hitting the letter again will cycle though the different
choices. Example if M is selected then Maine is displayed; if you press the M key
more than once it will cycle though the other states or provinces that start with the
letter M - Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan etc.
Pilots can select the country where they live from the Country field drop down box.
Currently, the 3 choices are - United States of America, Canada or blank.
©2020 Leidos Page 234 of 245
Pilots can enter their zip code in the Postal Code field which can be special
characters, numbers and space with maximum length of 10 characters.
The fifth section is the Primary Phone Number box.
Pilots can enter their emergency contact name in the Name field which can be
special characters, numbers and space with maximum length of 51 characters.
©2020 Leidos Page 235 of 245
Pilots can enter their emergency contact phone number in the Phone Number field
which can be numbers or (xxx) xxx-xxxx format with maximum length of 15
characters. Next to the Phone Number field is a drop down box to select the phone
In this section the pilot’s primary email address is shown in the Email Address
(Primary) field. Nine additional email addresses may be added.
Email address must include a @ sign in the Email Address (Primary) field which can
be special characters, numbers and letters. Next to the Email Address (Primary)
field is a drop down box to select the email type.
b. Aircraft
For each aircraft there are two sections: Aircraft Information and Aircraft
Performance. The first aircraft that is added will automatically be set as the primary
To set another aircraft as primary, the Aircraft ID must be selected from the “View
Aircraft ID:” drop down. Information for the selected aircraft will be presented for
©2020 Leidos Page 236 of 245
Click the button to allow changes to the aircraft information including the
selection . Selecting the Primary
Aircraft checkbox and then saving, will set the currently viewed aircraft as primary.
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The second section is the Aircraft Performance box.
In this section pilots can enter the performance data of the aircraft previously
entered into the Aircraft Information section. Please note that pilots can update the
fields in this section at any time for an aircraft in their profile.
The performance data entered in the Aircraft Performance section is used when
generating Navigation Logs, Route Briefings, Altitude Optimization, EET calculation,
and Departure Time Evaluation. The availability of the performance data will
improve the fuel consumption estimates and accuracy of the time enroute
calculations provided in the Navigation Log and Altitude Optimization dialogs. It will
improve the accuracy of the estimated intersection times provided in the NextGen
Route Briefings and the Evaluate Departure Time dialog. Aircraft performance data
is not required. If aircraft performance data is not provided the fuel consumption will
not be calculated. The time enroute and estimated intersection times will be based
on the airspeed provided in the flight plan and will not include the aircrafts climb and
descend characteristics. Following sections constitute Aircraft’s Performance profile.
Startup/Taxi Fuel Burn
Climb Performance
Cruise Performance
Descent Performance
©2020 Leidos Page 239 of 245
Climb Performance
Parameters used to calculate the fuel burn for the climb portion of the flight plan.
Airspeed - representing knots in the format, 1-4 digits; minimum 1, maximum
Fuel Burn Rate - representing units selected above in the format, 1-6 digits;
minimum 0.1, maximum 99999.9.
Climb Rate - representing ft/min in the format 1-5 digits; minimum 1, maximum
Cruise Performance
Parameter used to calculate the fuel burn for the cruise portion of the flight plan.
Fuel Burn Rate - representing units selected above in the format, 1-6 digits;
minimum 0.1, maximum 99999.9.
To enter hourly fuel burn rates, click on the following button:
Fuel Burn Rate for Cruise Performance can be entered in increments of hours
for a total of 8 hours. These values enable the system to improve the accuracy
of the fuel consumption estimate. If a flight exceeds the total number of Hourly
Burn Rate entries, the system will use the last hourly entry for the remainder of
the cruise portion of the flight. If Hourly Burn Rates are not provided, the system
will use the single Cruise Performance Fuel Burn Rate for the cruise portion of
the flight.
©2020 Leidos Page 240 of 245
Hourly Fuel Burn Rates can be added, up to a maximum of 8 hours, by clicking
on the button.
By clicking the button, the last Hourly Fuel Burn Rate entered in
aircraft’s profile can be deleted.
Descent Performance
Parameters used to calculate the fuel burn for the descent portion of the flight
Airspeed - representing knots in the format, 1-4 digits; minimum 1, maximum
Fuel Burn Rate - representing units selected above in the format, 1-6 digits;
minimum 0.1, maximum 99999.9.
Descent Rate - representing ft/min in the format 1-5 digits; minimum 1,
maximum 99999.
©2020 Leidos Page 241 of 245
Account->Aircraft page. The user will also be able to view and select both your
Favorite Flight Plans and/or Aircraft from the Flight Planning page.
e. Change Password
Reference section Change Password
f. Change Username
Reference section Change Usernames
13. Features
Hovering over the Features menu displays the links shown below.
©2020 Leidos Page 242 of 245
Mobile Web
NextGen Briefings
Preflight Summaries
Surv Enhanced Search & Rescue (SE-SAR)
Text Message Service
14. Links
Hovering over Links in the menu bar causes a drop-down to appear containing links for
navigating to external websites with FAA, weather, and general aviation resources.
15. Help
Hovering over Help in the menu bar causes a drop-down menu to be displayed. It
contains the links shown below.
a. Announcements
b. Contractions Lookup
c. Frequently Asked Questions
d. Helpful Videos
e. User Guide
Selecting Announcements will display the announcements page for the Leidos
Flight Service (LFS) Website.
©2020 Leidos Page 243 of 245
Selecting Contractions Lookup will display the page allowing the user to encode
or decode Contractions, Company Codes, or Country Codes.
©2020 Leidos Page 244 of 245
Selecting Frequently Asked Questions will display answers to Frequently Asked
Questions about the LFS Website.
Selecting Helpful Videos will display the Training Videos page in a new tab or
window. This link is also available toward the bottom of the LFS Web logon
page entitled: Helpful Videos.
Selecting User Guide will display the LFS Web User Guide in a new tab or
window. Right click and select Save Target As… to save a copy of help.pdf
16. Login
To be redirected to the home page for login, click “Home” at the far left of the menu bar.
If you are already logged in, the login section requesting for your credentials does not
appear on the home page.
17. Logout
To logout, click “Logout” at the far right of the menu bar. If you are not logged in,
“Logout” does not appear in the menu bar.
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