DLP9 Emotional Intelligence

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Daily Lesson Plan in Personal Development

Name: Date/Time:
Grade & Sec: Teacher:

I. TOPIC Module 8: Emotional Intelligence

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to
a) discuss that understanding the intensity and differentiation of your
emotions may help in communicating emotional expressions;
b) explore your positive and negative emotions and how you e x p r e s s or hide
them, and
c) demonstrate and create ways to manage various emotions

III. REFERENCES: Personal Development


A. Daily Routine
∙ Prayer
∙ Greetings
∙ Classroom Management
∙ Attendance

B. Motivation/ Review
 Give 1 example of Emoji that you can see in any social media.

C. Development of the Lesson

Concept Note: Emotional Intelligence

More Than One Kind of Intelligence

You may have heard people mention "IQ" when talking about intellect and how smart
someone is. (For example, "My brother doesn't need to study as much as I do because he has a
really high IQ.") IQ stands for "intellectual quotient." It can help predict how well someone may
do academically. IQ is just one measure of our abilities, though.

There are many other kinds of intelligence in addition to intellect. For example, spatial
intelligence is the ability to think in 3D. Musical intelligence is the ability to recognize rhythm,
cadence, and tone. Athletic, artistic, and mechanical abilities are other types of intelligence.
One important type of intelligence is emotional intelligence.

Emotions are what you feel on the inside when things happen. Emotions are also known as
1. Afraid: feeling fear and worry
2. Angry: feeling mad with a person, act, or idea
3. Ashamed: feeling bad after doing wrong
4. Confident: feeling able to do something
5. Confused: feeling unable to think clear
6. Depressed: feeling sad, blue, discouraged, and unhappy
7. Embarrassed: feeling worried about what others may think
8. Energetic: feeling full of energy
9. Excited: feeling happy and aroused
10. Glad: feeling joy and pleasure
11. Jealous: feeling upset when someone has something that you would like to have or
they get to do something you wanted
12. Lonely: feeling alone and that nobody cares
13. Proud: feeling pleased for doing well
14. Relaxed: feeling at ease and without worry, calm
15. Stressed: feeling tense, tired, uneasy, and overwhelmed

What Is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions.
Emotional intelligence is sometimes called EQ (or EI) for short. Just as a high IQ can
predict top test scores, a high EQ can predict success in social and emotional situations. EQ
helps us build strong relationships, make good decisions, and deal with difficult situations.
One way to think about EQ is that it's part of being people-smart. Understanding and
getting along with people helps us be successful in almost any area of life. In fact, some studies
show that EQ is more important than IQ when it comes to doing well in school or being
successful at work.

Improving Your EQ
Emotional intelligence is a combination of several different skills:

Being Aware of Your Emotions

Most people feel many different emotions throughout the day. Some feelings (like surprise)
last just a few seconds. Others may stay longer, creating a mood like happiness or sadness.
Being able to notice and accurately label these everyday feelings is the most basic of all the
EQ skills. Being aware of emotions — simply noticing them as we feel them — helps us
manage our own emotions. It also helps us understand how other people feel. But some
people might go through the entire day without really noticing their emotions. Practice
recognizing emotions as you feel them. Label them in your mind (for example, by saying to
yourself "I feel grateful," "I feel frustrated," etc.). Make it a daily habit to be aware of your

Understanding How Others Feel and Why

People are naturally designed to try to understand others. Part of EQ is being able to
imagine how other people might feel in certain situations. It is also about understanding why
they feel the way they do. Being able to imagine what emotions a person is likely to be
feeling (even when you don't actually know) is called empathy. Empathy helps us care
about others and build good friendships and relationships. It guides us on what to say and
how to behave around someone who is feeling strong emotions.

Managing Emotional Reactions

We all get angry. We all have disappointments. Often, it's important to express how
you feel. But managing your reaction means knowing when, where, and how to express
yourself. When you understand your emotions and know how to manage them, you can use
self-control to hold a reaction if now is not the right time or place to express it. Someone who
has good EQ knows it can damage relationships to react to emotions in a way that's
disrespectful, too intense, too impulsive, or harmful.
Choosing Your Mood
Part of managing emotions is choosing our moods. Moods are emotional states that
last a bit. We have the power to decide what mood is right for a situation, and then to get into
that mood. Choosing the right mood can help someone get motivated, concentrate on a task,
or try again instead of giving up. People with good EQ know that moods aren't just things
that happen to us. We can control them by knowing which mood is best for a particular
situation and how to get into that mood.

EQ: Under Construction

Emotional intelligence is something that develops as we get older. If it didn't, all
adults would act like little kids, expressing their emotions physically through stomping,
crying, hitting, yelling, and losing control!
Some of the skills that make up emotional intelligence develop earlier. They may seem
easier: For example, recognizing emotions seems easy once we know what to pay attention to.
But the EQ skill of managing emotional reactions and choosing a mood might seem harder to
master. That's because the part of the brain that's responsible for self-management continues
to mature beyond our teen years. But practice helps those brain pathways develop.
We can all work to build even stronger emotional intelligence skills just by
recognizing what we feel, understanding how we got there, understanding how others feel and
why, and putting our emotions into heartfelt words when we need to.

1. List down 10 different emotions and identify which ones you already experienced.
2. How can someone manage his/her own emotion?
3. How to improve Emotional Intelligence?


Activity: Named Something

Direction: In one whole sheet of pad paper, draw an object that you think it can be
helpful for you and your classmate to control their emotion. Explain.

d. Performance Task
Think of the various ways by which you approach challenges or problems using TIKTOK application.
Problem Encountered: Failed Grades

Write a journal entry that explains how understanding how the brain works can help improve
one’s learning.

Prepared by: Ms. Irica Jessel T. Parreno

Subject Teachers

Checked by: Mr. Marvin M. Calanoc

Research/Social Sciences Coordinator

Noted by: Junna Bulay


Approved by: Mrs. Josephine Solivera

Assistant Principal

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