m1112sp Iiii 3, m1112sp Iiii 4 Capilayan, Cris

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Instructional Planning
(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional process by using
principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

School Tomas Cabili National High School Grade Level 12

Teacher Cris A. Capilayan Learning Area Statistics and Probability
Time & Dates 6:30-7:30 am Quarter 3rd

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of estimation of population
mean and population proportion.
B. Performance The learner is able to estimate the population mean and population proportion to
Standards make sound inferences in real-life problems in different disciplines.
C. Learning identifies the appropriate form of the confidence interval estimator for the population
Competencies / proportion based on the Central Limit Theorem.
Objectives. computes for the confidence interval estimate of the population proportion.
Write the LC code for M11/12SP-IIIi-3, M11/12SP-IIIi-4
II. CONTENT Confidence interval estimate of the Population Proportion
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Statistics and Probability, Xavier University
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages 115-118
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUV12zT5RUc
Resources https://onlinecourses.science.psu.edu/stat100/node/56


Introductory Activity Game: Unscramble the following letters and form a phrase from it.
(____ minutes). This
lesson content.
Although at times
optional, it is usually
included to serve as a
warm-up activity to
give the learners zest
for the incoming
lesson and an idea
about what it to
follow. One principle
in learning is that
learning occurs when
it is conducted in a
pleasurable and
(____ minutes). This Let the students watch this video:
is an interactive
strategy to elicit
learner’s prior
learning experience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUV12zT5RUc
It serves as a
springboard for new
learning. It illustrates
the principle that
learning starts where
the learners are.
Carefully structured
activities such as
individual or group
reflective exercises,
group discussion, self-
or group assessment,
dyadic or triadic
interactions, puzzles,
simulations or role-
play, cybernetics
exercise, gallery walk
and the like may be
created. Clear
instructions should be
considered in this
part of the lesson.

Analysis (____
minutes). Essential After that, they will answer the following questions:
questions are
included to serve as a 1. What is p?
guide for the teacher 2. What is q or 1-p?
in clarifying key 3. How do we find the critical value (or z*)?
understandings about 4. What formula should you use for finding the confidence interval for population
the topic at hand. proportion?
Critical points are
organized to structure
the discussions
allowing the learners
to maximize
interactions and
sharing of ideas and
opinions about
expected issues.
Affective questions
are included to elicit
the feelings of the
learners about the
activity or the topic.
The last questions or
points taken should
lead the learners to
understand the new
concepts or skills that
are to be presented in
the next part of the
Abstraction (____
minutes). This Confidence intervals can be used to estimate several
outlines the key
concepts, important
population parameters. One type of parameter that can be
skills that should be estimated using inferential statistics is a population proportion.
enhanced, and the
proper attitude that
should be The formula for a confidence interval for a population proportion is
emphasized. This is
organized as a
lecturette that
summarizes the
learning emphasized is the sample proportion, n is the sample size, and z* is the appropriate value from
from the activity,
analysis and new the standard normal distribution for your desired confidence level. The following
inputs in this part of
the lesson. table shows values of z* for certain confidence levels.

z*–values for Various Confidence Levels

Confidence Level z*-value

80% 1.28

90% 1.645 (by convention)

95% 1.96

98% 2.33

99% 2.58

To calculate a CI for a population proportion:

1. Determine the confidence level and find the appropriate z*-value.

Refer to the above table for z*-values.

2. Find the sample proportion,

by dividing the number of people in the sample having the characteristic of interest
by the sample size (n).

Note: This result should be a decimal value between 0 and 1.

3. Multiply

and then divide that amount by n.

4. Take the square root of the result from Step 3.

5. Multiply your answer by z*.

This step gives you the margin of error.

6. Take

plus or minus the margin of error to obtain the CI; the lower end of the CI is

minus the margin of error, and the upper end of the CI is

plus the margin of error.

A recent study of 100 people in Miami found 27 were obese. Find a 90% confidence
interval of the proportion of individuals living in Miami who were obese.

p = 27/100 = .27
q = 1-.27 = 0.73
n = 100
z90 = 1.645

( .27 ) (.73)
0.27 - 1.645
√ 100
( .27 ) (.73)
0.27+ 1.645
√ 100

= 0.197 and 0.343

Application (____
minutes). This part is Group Work:
structured to ensure
the commitment of For example, suppose you want to estimate the percentage of the time (with 95%
the learners to do
something to apply confidence) you’re expected to get a red light at a certain intersection. Suppose you
their new learning in
their own take a random sample of 100 different trips through this intersection and you find
that a red light was hit 53 times.
1. Because you want a 95% confidence interval, your z*-value is 1.96.
2. The red light was hit 53 out of 100 times. So

3. Find

4. Take the square root to get 0.0499.

The margin of error is, therefore, plus or minus 1.96 ∗ 0.0499 = 0.0978, or 9.78%.

5. Your 95% confidence interval for the percentage of times you will ever hit a
red light at that particular intersection is 0.53 (or 53%), plus or minus 0.0978
(rounded to 0.10 or 10%). (The lower end of the interval is 0.53 – 0.10 = 0.43 or
43%; the upper end is 0.53 + 0.10 = 0.63 or 63%.)

To interpret these results within the context of the problem, you can say that with
95% confidence the percentage of the times you should expect to hit a red light at
this intersection is somewhere between 43% and 63%, based on your sample.

Assessment (___ On ¼ sheet of paper, solve this problem.

minutes). For the
Teacher to: A research study obtained data regarding sexual behavior from a sample of unmarried men
a) Assess whether and women between the ages of 20 and 44 residing in geographic areas characterized by
learning objectives high rates of sexually transmitted diseases and admission to drug programs.  Fifty percent
have been met for a of 1229 respondents reported that they never used a condom.  Construct a 95 percent
specified duration, confidence interval for the population proportion never using a condom.
b) Remediate and/or
enrich with Solution
appropriate strategies
as needed, and c) (1) Given
Evaluate whether
learning intentions         n = 1229
and success criteria
          = .50
have been met.
(Reminder: Formative
(2) Calculation: (Identifying the formula)
Assessment may be
given before, during,
or after the lesson).
Choose any from the
Assessment Methods

We interpret this interval that the population proportion, p = .50.  We are 95% confident
that the true value of p lies between .4725 and .5248.

Assignment/Agreeme Assignment:
nt (____ minutes).
Fill-in below any of Why is confidence interval for population proportion important? In what way?
the four purposes
 Reinforcing /
the day’s
 Enriching /
inspiring the
day’s lesson
 Enhancing /
improving the
day’s lesson
 Preparing for the
new lesson
Indicate special cases
including but not
limited to
continuation of lesson
plan to the following
day in case of re-
teaching or lack of
time, transfer of
lesson to the
following day, in
cases of class
suspension, etc.
Reflect on your
teaching and assess
yourself as a teacher.
Think about your
student’s progress.
What works? What
else needs to be done
to help the students
learn? Identify what
help your
supervisors can
provide for you so
when you meet them,
you can ask them
relevant questions.
Indicate below
whichever is/are
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

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