Performance Comparison of PWM Inverter and Variable DC Link Inverter Schemes For High-Speed Sensorless Control of BLDC Motor
Performance Comparison of PWM Inverter and Variable DC Link Inverter Schemes For High-Speed Sensorless Control of BLDC Motor
Performance Comparison of PWM Inverter and Variable DC Link Inverter Schemes For High-Speed Sensorless Control of BLDC Motor
and variable DC link inverter schemes on the PWM scheme used this control scheme may cause a commu-
tation delay or an irregular switching frequency of the power devices
for high-speed sensorless control in a high-speed sensorless control.
of BLDC motor Fig. 1 shows the relation between the PWM switching period and
commutating instant in the two-phase PWM scheme. Fig. 1a shows a
Kyeong-Hwa Kim and Myung-Joong Youn case of the commutation delay. Since the commutating instant depends
on the rotor position, it does not usually coincide with the end of the
A performance comparison of the pulse width modulation (PWM)
PWM switching period. In this case, the commutation is normally
inverter and variable DC link inverter schemes for a high-speed
sensorless control of a brushless DC (BLDC) motor is presented.
performed synchronised with the end of the present PWM period to
The practical implementation issues for a high-speed sensorless start the next inverter sequence. This results in a commutation delay and
control are discussed and it is verified through comparative the maximum delay becomes the PWM switching period. Even though
experiments that the variable DC link inverter scheme can give a this commutating delay can be neglected for a medium speed range, it
more stable performance than the PWM method at high speed. has a significant influence on the phase current and drive performance
at high speed since the 60 interval in which the commutation arises is
Introduction: In many industrial fields, the presence of shaft sensors relatively small. To avoid such an undesirable commutation delay, the
may increase the cost as well as complicate the motor configuration. next inverter sequence has to be applied as soon as the commutation
In particular, for a motor built in a completely sealed compressor, a signal interrupt occurs. The present PWM period then has to be
shaft sensor is difficult to apply owing to degradation of the sensor terminated and the new PWM period synchronised with the commu-
reliability in high temperature and the need for extra lead wires. tation signal must be started. In the upper and lower switch PWM
Furthermore, these sensors, particularly Hall sensors, are temperature schemes, this may yield an irregular switching frequency much larger
sensitive, limiting the operation of the motor to below about 75 C. than the switching frequency f, under a high-duty condition as shown in
Also, the sensor accuracy be affected by the mounting accuracy. Fig. 1b. In the on-going and off-going phase PWM schemes,
To overcome these drawbacks, sensorless control schemes of a this irregular switching frequency does not occur since the phase
brushless DC (BLDC) motor have been proposed [1, 2]. In this control executing the PWM is continually changed every 60 degrees. Thus,
scheme, the pulse width modulation (PWM) is generally used for a the on-going and off-going phase PWM schemes can be the preferred
speed control. To reduce a switching loss, the PWM is often executed way of a high-speed sensorless control.
on one of the two active switches, while the other remains in the on
state. However, since the PWM for speed control and the 4
phase current ia
commutation process cannot be performed independently, a significant 2
commutation delay may exist in a high-speed region.
PWM signal
Nevertheless, there is still a problem. At high speed, only a few PWM
switching frequency>fs pulses can be used for the speed control during 60 . Since the 60
next inverter sequence
interval of a two-pole motor becomes 200 ms at 50000 rpm, if the
no commutation delay switching frequency of 16 kHz is employed, the number of PWM pulses
b during 60 is only 3.2. Unless the resolution of the pulse width is
considerably high, this may result in a speed ripple at steady state and
Fig. 1 Relation between PWM switching period and commutating instant
degrade the accuracy of the position signal detection. This is more
a Commutation delay b Irregular switching frequency serious at a higher speed region. This problem can be overcome by
controlling the voltage and frequency independently using the variable
Problems of existing sensorless control scheme: The back electro- DC link inverter scheme in which the circuit consists of an inverter and
motive forces (EMFs) of a BLDC motor have trapezoidal waveforms a step down chopper acting like a buck converter [3]. Based on this
and the stator currents are applied by a two-phase excitation scheme. scheme, the inverter is operated with the square wave of 120
Based on the position at which the PWM is superimposed, the conduction and the speed control is achieved by regulating the DC
switching method is classified as the on-going phase PWM, off-going link voltage of the inverter through the chopper. If the DC voltage in the