Implementation of Ac Induction Motor Control Using Constant V/HZ Principle and Sine Wave PWM Technique WITH TMS320F28027
Implementation of Ac Induction Motor Control Using Constant V/HZ Principle and Sine Wave PWM Technique WITH TMS320F28027
Implementation of Ac Induction Motor Control Using Constant V/HZ Principle and Sine Wave PWM Technique WITH TMS320F28027
This paper presents the hardware implementation of V/f control of induction motor using sine wave PWM method. Because of its
simplicity, the V/F control also called as the scalar control, is the most widely used speed control method in the industrial
applications. In this method the ratio between stator voltage to frequency is maintained constant so that the stator flux is
maintained constant. As the stator flux is maintained constant, the torque developed by the motor depends only on the slip speed
and is independent of the supply frequency. Thus we can control the speed and torque of induction motor by simply controlling the
slip speed of induction motor. The complete control is achieved with the help of TMS320F28027 Development Board. One of the
basic requirements of this scheme is the PWM inverter. The gating signals are generated using sine wave PWM technique.
Implementation issues such as PWM signal generation, ramp control, v/f control, inverter design are discussed. The results are
discussed based on the various waveforms.
V1 ≈ E1 = 2πf λm (1)
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2015, Available @ 124
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Thus we can generate the sine wave with this method and
different values of carrier frequency can be taken. Higher
the carrier frequency means more the no of samples and less
is the quantization error.
Table-1:12-Sample Digitized Sine Table system, Experimental setup based on F28027 and the
Degree Radian sine(Radian) Normalize to 0 % Experimental results. The control algorithm has been
0 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.50 implemented based on microcontroller TMSF28027 from
30 0.5233 0.4998 1.4998 0.75 Texas Instruments Company. The TMS320F28027 is a 32
60 1.0467 0.8658 1.8658 0.93 bit floating point microcontroller devoted for drive
application. The complete system is designed for 42V rms.
90 1.5700 1.0000 2.0000 1.00
120 2.0933 0.8666 1.8666 0.93
150 2.6167 0.5011 1.5011 0.75 4.1. Block scheme of implemented control system:
180 3.1400 0.0016 1.0016 0.50 The Block diagram of V/F drive is shown in the figure 7.
210 3.6633 -0.4984 0.5016 0.25 The AC supply is first rectified to get the DC link voltage.
240 4.1867 -0.8650 0.1350 0.07 In the scalar control mode the algorithm obtains the
270 4.7100 -1.0000 0.0000 0.00 command voltage vector based on the reference frequency.
300 5.2333 -0.8673 0.1327 0.07 The command voltage vector is realized by sine pulse width
330 5.7567 -0.5025 0.4975 0.25 modulation (SPWM). The three phase voltage source
inverter converts the DC link voltage to 3-phase AC using
The digitized sine wave is then compared with the triangular the command signals. The scalar control maintains the V/F
wave to get the PWM signals. These signals are used to ratio constant. The output 3-ph AC voltage is fed to the
switch the power devices which give the desired AC output induction motor which gives the desired motor
having the fundamental frequency.[3] characteristics.
3. F28027 Microcontroller:
The F28027 microcontroller is from the C2000 family from
Texas instruments. The kit has all the hardware and software
features required to build applications using F28027
microprocessor. It is a low cost experimenter board specially
made for motor control applications. It has 32K flash and
6K SARAM on chip memory. The clock frequency is
60MHz with a instruction cycle time of 16.67ns. the
Enhanced PWM makes it easier to generate the PWM
waveforms. The control algorithm is constructed in the Code
composer software and then dumped in the flash memory by
using the JTAG emulation tool which allows direct interface
with the PC for easy programming, debugging and testing. It
requires 5V supply to run the board through USB port. The Fig-7: Block Diagram of V/F Drive Scheme
detailed description of the board is given in the figure
below. 4.2. Experimental setup based on TMS320 F28027:
The Experimental setup of V/F control of induction motor
using Sine wave PWM technique is shown in figure 9. The
whole system is designed for 42 V for experimental
purpose. The 230V, 50 Hz mains AC supply is stepped
down to 42 volts and then it is rectified and filtered to obtain
DC link voltage. The DC voltage is then converted to AC
supply using 3 phase voltage source inverter. The gating
signals for power devices are generated using the F28027
microcontroller. The detailed explanation about the whole
system is given below:
4. System Overview:
Thissection describes the complete implementation of V/F
control scheme of induction motor. It comprises of three
sections namely, block scheme of implemented control Fig-8: Structure of Experimental setup
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2015, Available @ 126
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
4.2.1. Rectifier: The rectifier converts the 42V single 4.2.2. Inverter: Inverter circuit is used to convert the Dc
Phase AC supply to DC. Single phase 400V, 25A bridge supply to AC. The gating signals generated from the
rectifier IC is used. The rectified voltage is then filtered microcontroller are fed to non-inverting buffer so as to drive
using capacitor to filter out the ripple voltage. The peak the LED of optical isolator. The optical isolator also serves
value of output secondary voltage from the transformer is the purpose of optical isolation between the control circuit
and the power circuit. The optical isolator used isTLP250.
Vp = 1.414 * Vrms (5) The output of isolator is then given to the MOSFET gate
driver IC IR2111. The output of driver IC is given to the
This voltage will be reduced due to the diode drop and the MOSFET’s which then produces the required AC output.
ripple voltage. The ripple voltage calculations must be done The detailed description of each component is given below.
to reduce the ripple content to a safe value. The current \
through capacitor is given by 1. Hex Buffer SN7407: The SN7407 is a TTL hex
bufferwhich has high-voltage open-collector outputs. This
δv helps to interface with high-level circuits such as MOS
i = c δt (6) logic circuits orfor driving high-current loads such as lamps
or relays. These devices perform the Boolean functionY = A
for a finite time interval the instantaneous slope (δv/δt) must in positive logic. The supply voltage Vcc is 5V and the high
be changed to a constant slope. Then the change in voltage level output voltage is 30V with an output current of 40mA.
is given by The output of buffer IC is given to optical isolator to drive
the LED. The SN7407 comes in 14 pin DIP package IC.
∆v = (7)
C 2. Optical Isolator TLP250: The TLP250 consists of a
light emitting diode witha integrated photodetector. The
Where Δv is ripple voltage, i is load current, Δt is ripple TLP250 comes in 8 pin DIP package IC. TLP250 is suitable
interval. As in full wave rectification for each cycle there are for gate driving circuit of IGBT or power MOS FET. But in
two cycles of the rectified voltage. Hence the ripple this circuit it is used for optical isolation between the control
frequency will be twice the supply frequency. But in half circuit and the power circuit.
wave rectification, the ripple frequency is same as the
supply frequency. Thus the ripple interval Δt is 1/100 s for 3. MOSFET Driver IC IR2111: The IR2111(S) is a
full wave rectification and 1/50 s for half wave at 50Hz line high voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT
frequency, and C is capacitance. driver.It has high and low side output channels designed for
half bridge applications. Also the CMOS technology enables
It may be more convenient to relate Δt as frequency instead. the monolithic construction.HVIC (High Voltage IC) is a
Substitute 1/f for Δt in equation (5) high voltage IC which can directly drives gates of power
device using the input signal from the microcontroller.The
∆v = (8) bootstrap method is used to drive the high side MOSFET.
f∗c One of the key features of this IC is that internal delay is
provided which prevents short circuit of the high and low
Now f represents ripple frequency (100Hz for full wave
side devices during transition. The floating channel can be
rectification and 50Hz for half wave rectification). Thus
used to drive an N-channel power MOSFET or IGBT in the
using equation (6) the voltage ripple can be calculated as
high side configuration which operates up to 600 volts. The
3A typical connection diagram is shown below.
∆v = = 5.88V
100Hz ∗ 5100μf
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2015, Available @ 127
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Fig-12 (a) PWM voltage waveforms at f=1Hz. (b) PWM
Fig-11: Inverter Circuit voltage waveforms at f=50Hz
5. Experimental Results
The Experimental results are explained in this sectionto
show the effectiveness of the discussed hardware circuit.
Figure 12 and figure 13 show the PWM waveforms obtained
for the sine wave PWM technique and voltage waveforms at
1Hz and 50Hz respectively. A motor controlled by digital
power converter is used in this setup. The TMS320F28027
launchpad is used to run the motor control algorithm. The
converter is designed to interface with the TMS320F28027
Launchpad using opto-isolator. The motor is 4-pole 3-phase
AC induction motor rated at 50Hz, 42V and 0.25Hp. It can
be seen that little or no harmonics are present at no load
condition in the voltage waveforms but ripple content upto
5% is noticed in the voltage waveform on load.
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2015, Available @ 128
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308
Fig-13 (a) output voltage waveforms at f= 1Hz. (b) output
voltage waveforms at f=50Hz
Induction motor drives are most widely used in the
industrial applications. Various speed controlled methods
have been developed. Out of which the V/HZ is the most
common and easy to implement. The work carried out in
this paper mainly focused to develop a V/Hz controlled
induction motor drive using the sine wave PWM technique.
The control is achieved with the microcontroller
TMS320F28027 of the C2000 family. Because of the safety
issues the overall work is done for 42V supply voltage. A
0.25 Hp, 42V, 3-phase, 50 Hz induction motor based V/Hz
drive circuit has been developed. The ramp control is used
to start the motor with some acceleration time which allows
limiting the starting current to a safe value. An
approximately 5sec acceleration time is set for this purpose.
The C2000 launch pad made it simpler to generate the
control signals for the power MOSFETS. It has been
observed that the induction motor operates smoothly and the
circuit woks properly. The respective waveforms are also
shown. As this model has been developed for 42V, it can be
made for the rated 440V, 3-phase as required for the
industrial applications.
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Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2015, Available @ 129