KHUTBAH 2 - Time Management

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‫ت أ ْع َما ِلنَا‬ ‫ش ُر ْو ِرأَ ْنفُ ِسنَا َو ِم ْن َ‬

‫سيّئا ِ‬ ‫هلل ِم ْن ُ‬ ‫ْال َح ْمدُ هلل الّ ِذ ْ‬
‫ي نَحْ َمدُهُ َونَ ْستَ ِع ْينُهُ َونَ ْستَ ْغ ِف ُرهُ َونَعُ ْوذُ ِبا ِ‬
‫ِي لَهُ‪.‬‬ ‫ض َّل لَهُ َو َم ْن يُ ْ‬
‫ض ِل ْل فَ ََل هَاد َ‬ ‫ي هللاُ فَ ََل ُم ِ‬
‫َم ْن يَ ْه ِد ْ‬

‫س ْولُهُ‪ .‬أ ُ ْو ِ‬
‫ص ْي ُك ْم ِعبَادَ هللاِ‬ ‫أَ ْش َهدُ أَ ْن ََّّلإلهَ ا ََِّّل هللاُ َوحْ دَهُ ََّلش َِري َْك لَهُ َوأَ ْش َهدُ أَ َّن ُم َح َمدًا َ‬
‫ع ْبدُهُ َو َر ُ‬
‫ي ُه َو َخي ٌْر‪.‬‬ ‫عتِ ِه َوا ْستَ ْفتَحْ ِبالَّ ِذ ْ‬ ‫هللا َوأَ َحث ُّ ُك ْم َ‬
‫علَ ْي َ‬
‫طا َ‬ ‫ِبتَ ْق َوى ِ‬
‫ث ِم ْن ُه َما ِر َجاَّلً‬ ‫اس اتَّقُوا َربَّ ُك ُم الَّذِي َخلَقَ ُك ْم ِم ْن نَ ْف ٍس َو ِ‬
‫احدَةٍ َو َخلَقَ ِم ْن َها زَ ْو َج َها َوبَ َّ‬ ‫يَا أَيُّ َها النَّ ُ‬
‫علَ ْي ُك ْم َرقِيبًا‬ ‫َّللاَ َكانَ َ‬ ‫ام ِإ َّن َّ‬ ‫سا َءلُونَ ِب ِه َو ْ‬
‫األر َح َ‬ ‫َّللاَ الَّذِي تَ َ‬
‫سا ًء َواتَّقُوا َّ‬
‫يرا َونِ َ‬‫َكثِ ً‬
‫صلِحْ َل ُك ْم أَ ْع َما َل ُك ْم َو َي ْغ ِف ْر َل ُك ْم ذُنُو َب ُك ْم َو َم ْن‬ ‫َيا أَيُّ َها الَّذِينَ آ َمنُوا اتَّقُوا َّ‬
‫َّللاَ َوقُولُوا َق ْوَّلً َ‬
‫سدِيدًا‪ ،‬يُ ْ‬
‫سولَهُ فَقَ ْد فَازَ فَ ْو ًزا َ‬
‫ع ِظي ًما أما بعد‬ ‫ي ُِط ِع َّ‬
‫َّللاَ َو َر ُ‬
‫‪Ma’âsyiral muslimîn rahimakumullâh‬‬
‫‪The characteristics of time that seem to pass quickly certainly make Muslims need to take‬‬
‫‪advantage of their time with positive things. If we do not run time management properly, we will‬‬
‫‪live with a lazy attitude. Time will feel wasted until we become the losers. As mentioned in Surah‬‬
‫‪Al Ash 1-3.‬‬

‫ص ۡواْ ِبٱ ۡل َح ّ ِ‬
‫ق‬ ‫ع ِملُواْ ٱل َٰ َّ‬
‫ص ِل َٰ َح ِ‬
‫ت َوت ََوا َ‬ ‫َوٱ ۡل َعصۡ ِر ِإ َّن ٱ ۡ ِۡلن َٰ َ‬
‫سنَ لَ ِفي ُخ ۡس ٍر ِإ ََّّل ٱلَّذِينَ َءا َمنُواْ َو َ‬
‫ص ۡواْ بِٱل َّ‬
‫ص ۡب ِر‬ ‫َوت ََوا َ‬

‫‪"By time, indeed, mankind is in loss, except for those who believe and do good deeds and exhort‬‬
‫"‪one another to truth and exhort one another to patience.‬‬

‫‪Prophet Muhammad Rasulullah SAW said, "There are two favors that most people lose, those are‬‬
‫)‪leisure time and health." (HR Bukhari‬‬

‫‪In other hadits:‬‬

‫سلَّ َم‪ِ ” :‬م ْن ُحس ِْن‬ ‫صلَّى هللاُ َ‬

‫علَ ْي ِه َو َ‬ ‫س ْو ُل هللاِ َ‬ ‫ع ْنهُ‪ ،‬قَا َل‪ :‬قَا َل َر ُ‬
‫ي هللاُ َ‬ ‫ض َ‬ ‫ع ْن أَبِي ُه َري َْرة َ َر ِ‬ ‫َ‬
‫س ٌن َر َواهُ التِ ّ ْر ِم ِذ ُّ‬
‫ي‬ ‫ْث َح َ‬‫ِإ ْسَلَ ِم ال َم ْر ِء ت َْر ُكهُ َما َّلَ يَ ْعنِ ْي ِه ” َح ِدي ٌ‬
From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu, he said that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
said, "One of the good things in Islam is to leave things that are not useful." (Hadith Hasan,
narrated by Imam Tirmidhi)

Ma’âsyiral muslimîn rahimakumullâh

In the other hadits From Ibn 'Abbas radhiyallahu 'anhuma, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam
once advised someone,

‫َاك قَ ْب َل فَ ْق ِر َك َو‬ َ ‫ص َّحت ََك قَ ْب َل‬

َ ‫سقَ ِم َك َو ِغن‬ ِ ‫ش َبا َب َك قَ ْب َل ه ََر ِم َك َو‬
َ : ‫سا قَ ْب َل خ َْم ٍس‬ ً ‫اِ ْغت َ ِن ْم َخ ْم‬
‫ش ْغ ِل َك َو َح َيات ََك قَ ْب َل َم ْو ِت َك‬
َ ‫فَ َراغ ََك قَ ْب َل‬

"Take advantage of five things before five things: Your youth before your old age, your health
before your sickness, your wealth before your poverty, your free time before your busy life, and
your life before your death." HR. Al Hakim

There are several things we can do to make the most of our time.

1. Discipline in Worship or Ibadah to Allah SWT

Starting from the fadhu prayer, fasting, to other worship. Do it according to the time specified and
do not delay. By doing worship on time, it will be a benchmark for someone to be able to do good
time management.

2. Processing in not instant way

We have to carry out business processes without pursuing instant results. Instant results will only
make us lazy and reluctant to try more. Do various activities that are aimed at pursuing our goals
and targets in the future. Prepare everything well so that later we can reap the results.

3. Move Fast But Don't Hurry

To set the right lifestyle, we certainly have to do it carefully. Careful here means paying attention
to the details of everything in order to minimize the chance of mistakes. Even so, do all activities
without haste.

Ma’âsyiral muslimîn rahimakumullâh

4. Productive Activities
We have to keep ourselves busy with the positive in order to avoid the negative. Look for various
activities that can enhance our skills, such as taking writing, reading or other classes that you can
use as provisions in the future.
As an example of human behavior that is considered unproductive by the Prophet Muhammad,
there is a Hadith as follows:

،‫ َوقِلَّةُ ال َكَلَ ِم‬،‫ َوقِلَّةُ النَّ ْو ِم‬،‫ فَ ِقلَّةُ األ َ ْك ِل‬: ُّ‫ فَأ َ َّما َما ي ُِحب‬،َ‫ض ثََلَثَة‬ ُ ‫ثَلَثَةَ َويُ ْب ِغ‬َ ُّ‫إِ َّن هللاَ ي ُِحب‬
‫ َو َكثْ َرة ُ النَّ ْو ِم‬،‫ َو َكثْ َرة ُ األ َ ْك ِل‬،‫ فَ َكثْ َرة ُ ال َكَلَ ِم‬:‫ض‬ُ ‫َوأ َ َّما َما يُ ْب ِغ‬
‫‪“Verily Allah loves three things and hates three things. Loved things are little to eat, little sleep,‬‬
‫‪and little talk. Whereas the things he hates are talking a lot, eating a lot, and sleeping a lot." (HR.‬‬

‫‪Ma’âsyiral muslimîn rahimakumullâh‬‬

‫‪May Allah classify us as one who can manage our time well to do our best to Allah SWT.‬‬

‫ت َوال ِذّ ْك ِر ْال َح ِكي ِْم‪ .‬أَقُ ْو ُل‬ ‫آن ْال َع ِظي ِْم َونَفَ َعنِ ْي َو ِإيَّا ُ ْكم ِب َما فِ ْي ِه ِمنَ ْاأليَا ِ‬
‫با َ َر َك هللاُ ِلي َولَ ُك ْم فِ ْي ْالقُ ْر ِ‬
‫ب فَا ْستَ ْغ ِف ُر ْوهُ ِإنَّهُ ُه َو‬‫سائِ ِر ْال ُم ْس ِل ِميْنَ ِم ْن ُك ِّل ذَ ْن ٍ‬‫قَ ْو ِل ْي َهذَا َوا ْستَ ْغ ِفرهللاَ ْال َع ِظي َْم ِل ْي َولَ ُك ْم َو ِل َ‬
‫ْالغَفُ ْو ُر َّ‬
‫الر ِح ْي ُم‪.‬‬

‫ِي لَ ْو ََل أَ ْن َه َدا نَاهللاُ‪ .‬أَ ْش َه ُد أَ ْن ََّلاِلَهَ اَِلّهللاُ َوحْ َدهُ ََلش َِري َْك‬
‫ي َه َدانَا ِل َهذَ َوما َ ُكنّا ِلنَ ْهتَد َ‬‫ْال َح ْم ُد هلل الَّ ِذ ْ‬
‫ص َحا ِب ِه أَجْ َم ِعيْنَ‬
‫علَ ْي آ ِل ِه َوأَ ْ‬
‫علَ ْي ُم َح َّم ٍد َو َ‬‫س ِلّ ْم َ‬ ‫س ْولُهُ‪ .‬الَّل ُه َّم َ‬
‫ص ِّل َو َ‬ ‫لَهُ َوأَ ْش َه ُد أَ َّن ُم َح َّمدًا َ‬
‫ع ْب ُدهُ َو َر ُ‬
‫ان اِلَ ْي يَ ْو ِم ال ِ ّدي ِْن‪ .‬أَ َّما بَ ْع ُد فَيَاأيّ َها ْال ُمؤْ ِمنُ ْونَ اِتَّقُ ْواهللاَ َح َّق تُقَاتِ ِه َوا ْعلَ ُم ْوا أَ َّن‬
‫س ٍ‬ ‫َو َم ْن تَبِعَ ُه ْم بِإِحْ َ‬
‫س ِلّ ُم ْوا تَ ْس ِل ْي ًما‪.‬‬ ‫صلُّ ْوا َ‬
‫علَ ْي ِه َو َ‬ ‫ي‪ ،‬يَآايُّهاالَّ ِذيْنَ آ َمنُوا َ‬ ‫علَ ْي النَّبِ ّ‬ ‫صلُّ ْونَ َ‬‫هللا َو َم ََلئِ َكتَهُ يُ َ‬
‫اح ِميْنَ ‪.‬‬ ‫صحْ ِب ِه َوالتَّا ِب ِعيْنَ أَجْ َم ِعيْنَ ِب َرحْ َمتِ َك َيااَ ْر َح َم َّ‬
‫الر ِ‬ ‫علَ ْي آ ِل ِه َو َ‬
‫علَ ْي ُم َح ّم ٍد َو َ‬‫س ِلّ ْم َ‬‫ص ِّل َو َ‬ ‫الَّل ُه َّم َ‬
‫ت‪ .‬الَّل ُه َم‬‫اء ِم ْن ُه ْم َو ْاْل َ ْم َوا ِ‬
‫ت ْاْلَحْ يَ ِ‬ ‫ت َو ْال ُم ْس ِل ِميْنَ َو ْال ُم ْس ِل َما ِ‬
‫الَّل ُه َّم ا ْغ ِف ْر ِل ْل ُمؤْ ِمنِيْنَ َواْلُ ْم ِؤ ِمنَا ِ‬
‫غ قُلُ ْوبَنَا بَ ْع َد‬
‫اطَلً َوا ْر ُز ْقنَا اجْ تِنَابَهُ‪َ .‬ربَّنا َ ََل ت ُ ِز ْ‬‫اط َل بَ ِ‬ ‫عهُ َوأَ ِرنا َ ْالبَ ِ‬
‫ار ُز ْقنَا ا ِت ّبَا َ‬ ‫أَ ِرن ْ‬
‫َاال َح َّق َحقًّا َو ْ‬
‫سنَةً َوفِ ْي ْاْل َ ِخ َر ِة‬‫اب َربَّنَا آتِنَا فِ ْي ال ُّد ْن َيا َح َ‬‫ت ْال َو َّه ُ‬ ‫ِإ ْذ َه َد ْيتَنَا َوهَبْ لَنَا ِم ْن لَ ُد ْن َك َرحْ َمةً ِإنّ َك أَ ْن َ‬
‫ان‬ ‫س ِ‬ ‫عبَا َد هللاِ إِ َّن هللاَ يَأ ُم ُر بِ ْالعَ ْد ِل واَ ْْلحْ َ‬ ‫ار َو ْال َح ْم ُد هللِ َربّ ِ ْالعَا َ ِل ْمينَ ‪َ .‬‬ ‫اب النّ ِ‬ ‫سنَةً َوقِنَا َ‬
‫عذَ َ‬ ‫َح َ‬
‫شآء َو ْال ُم ْن َك ِر َو ْالبَ ْغي ِ يَ ِع ُ‬
‫ظ ُك ْم لَ َعلَّ ُك ْم تَذَ َّك ُر ْون‪ .‬فَا ْذ ُك ُر ْوااهللاَ‬ ‫ع ِن ْالفَحْ ِ‬ ‫ي ْالقُ ْربَي َويَ ْن َهى َ‬ ‫يتآء ِذ ْ‬
‫َو ِإ ِ‬
‫علَي نِ َع ِم ِه َي ِز ْد ُك ْم َولَ ِذ ْك ُرهللاِ أَ ْك َب ُر‪.‬‬
‫َي ْذ ُك ْر ُك ْم َوا ْش ُك ُر ْواهُ َ‬

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