Radio Phone In-Bridge
Radio Phone In-Bridge
Radio Phone In-Bridge
These Interactive programmes are proving useful in the field of education. Indira
Gandhi National Open University is using interactive radio as part of its learning
package from 186 AIR radio stations. Students can pose questions to the experts
from their homes and interact freely to seek further information, clarification and
guidance on academic matters. In addition, various issues related to admissions,
submission of assignments, examination, declaration of results etc. are also taken
up during Phone-in sessions. Students enrolled with the university, parents and
prospective students get their doubts clarified by posiilg questions during such
sessions. Toll-free phone facility available in 80 cities helps to reach out to the
listeners and involve them in the broadcasts.
The phone facilities at present are limited and available to a certain sections of
people. However, as the facilities increase, the techniques and formats of
interactive communication will become more useful and popular among the
Technical facilities
When inviting listeners to phone the programme, it is best to have a special number
rather than take the calls through the normal station telephone
The technical means of taking calls have almost infinite variation, but the facilities
should include:
1. Off-air answering of calls.
2. Acceptance of several calls – say four or five simultaneously.
3. Holding a call until required, sending the caller a feed of cue programme.
4. The ability to take two calls simultaneously on the air.
5. Origination of calls from the studio.
6. Picking up a call by the answering position after its on-air use.
Programme classification
The producer of a phone-in must decide the aim of the programme and design it so
that it achieves a particular objective. If the lines are simply thrown open to
listeners, the result can be a hopeless muddle. There are always cranks and
exhibitionists ready to talk without saying anything, and there are the lonely with a
real need to talk.
Types of phone-in include:
1. The open line – conversation with the studio presenter.
2. The specific subject – expert advice on a chosen topic.
3. Consumer affairs – a series providing ‘action’ advice on detailed cases.
4. Personal counselling – problems discussed for the individual rather than the
Support staff
There are several variations on the basic format, in which the presenter simply
takes the calls as they come in. The first of these is that the lines are answered by a
programme assistant or secretary, who ensures that th Staffing a phone-in.
Presenter style
The presenter may be faced with a caller actually seeking practical advice and it is
important for the producer to know in advance how far the programme should go
in this direction, otherwise it may assume expectations for the listener which
cannot be fulfilled. Broadcasters are seldom recruited for their practical expertise
outside the medium and there is no reason why they should be expected
spontaneously to answer specialist questions. However, the availability in the
studio of suitable reference material will enable the presenter to direct the caller to
the appropriate source of advice or information. Reference sources may include
telephone directories, names and addresses of councillors, members of parliament
or other elected representatives, government offices, public utilities, social
services, health and education departments, welfare organizations and commercial
PR people. This information is usually given on the air, but itis a matter of
Studio operation
At the basic level it is possible for the presenter alone to undertake the operation of
the studio control desk. But as facilities are added, it becomes necessary to have a
specialist panel operator, particularly where there is no automatic equipment to
control the sound levels of the different sources. In this respect, an automatic
‘voice-over’ unit for the presenter is particularly useful, so that when speaking, the
level of the incoming call is decreased. It must, however, be used with care if he or
she is to avoidsounding too dominating.
Early lines’
In order to obtain questions of the right type and quality, the phone lines to the
programme may be opened some time before the start of the transmission– say half
an hour. The calls are taken by a secretary or programme assistant, who notes the
necessary details and passes the information tothe producer, who can then select
the calls wanted for the programme. Forthe broadcast these are originated by the
studio on a phone-back basis.The combination of ‘early’ lines and ‘phone-back’
gives the programmethe following advantages:
1. The calls used are not random but are selected to develop the chosen theme
at a level appropriate to the answering panel and the aim of the programme.
2. The order in which the calls are broadcast is under the control of the
producer and so can represent a logical progression of the subject.
3. The studio expert, or panel, has advance warning of the questions andcan
prepare more substantial replies.
4. The phone-back principle helps to establish the credentials of the caller and
serves as a deterrent to irresponsible calls. The programme itself may
therefore be broadcast ‘live’ without the use of any delay device.
5. At the beginning of the programme there is no waiting for the first calls to
come in; it can start with a call of strong general interest already established.
6. Poor or noisy lines can be redialled by the studio until a better quality line is
Consumer affairs
The consumer phone-in is related to the ‘specific subject’, but its range of content
is so wide that any single panel or expert is unlikely to provide detailed advice in
response to every enquiry. As the range of programme content increases, the type
of advice given tends to become more general, dealing with matters of principle
rather than the action to be taken in a specific case.
Personal counselling
With all phone-in programmes, the studio presenter is talking to the individual
caller but has constantly to bear in mind the needs of the general listener. The
material discussed has to be of interest to the very much wider audience who might
never phone the station but who will identify with the points raised by those who
The presenter as listener
As with all phone-in programmes, the presenter in the studio cannot see the caller.
He or she is denied all the usual non-verbal indicators of communication – facial
expression, gesture, etc. This becomes particularly important in a counselling
programme, when the caller’s reaction to the advice given is crucial.
Non-broadcasting effort
Personal counselling or advice programmes also need off-air support – someone to
talk further with the caller or to give names, addresses orphone numbers which are
required to be kept confidential. The giving of a phone number over the air is
always a signal for some people to call it, so blocking it as an effective source for
the one person the programme is trying to help. Again, the broadcaster may need to
be able to pass the problem to another agency for the appropriate follow-up. The
time of day for a broadcast of this type seems to be especially critical. It is
particularly adult in its approach and is probably best at a time when it may be
reasonably assumed that few children will be listening. This indicates a late
evening slot – but not so late as to prevent the availability of unsuspected practical
help arising from the audience itself.
Often, a programme of this type specializing in personal problems allows callers to
remain unidentified. Their name is not given over the air, the studio counsellor
referring to them by first name only or by an agreed pseudonym. This convention
preserves what most callers need – privacy. It is perhaps surprising that people will
call a radio station for advice, rather than ask their family, friends or specialist,
simply because they do not have to meet anyone. It can be done from a position of
security, perhaps in familiar surroundings where they do not feel threatened.
Phone-in checklist
The following list summarizes what is needed for a phone-in programme:
1. Discuss the programme with the telephone service and resolve any
problems caused by the additional traffic which the programme could
generate. Do you want all the calls, even the unanswered ones, to be
2. Decide the aim and type of the programme.
3. Decide the level of support staff required in the studio. This may involve a
screening process, phone-back, immediate research, operational control and
4. Engage guest speakers.
5. Assemble reference material.
6. Decide if ‘delay’ is to be used.
7. Arrange for ‘recording off transmission’.
8. Establish appropriate ‘follow-up’ links with other, outside, agencies
Radio Bridge
Radio bridge means connecting different stations throughout the length and
breadth of the country. In this technique, for example, an expert sitting at
Chennai can interact with the common man in the studio in Delhi. This
format was first used by All India Radio during elections.