Bozkurt Et Al. - 2019
Bozkurt Et Al. - 2019
Bozkurt Et Al. - 2019
This study evaluates hindcast simulations performed with a regional climate model (RCM, RegCM4) driven by reanalysis
data (ERA-Interim) over the Pacific coast and Andes Cordillera of extratropical South America. A nested domain configu-
ration at 0.44◦ ( ∼ 50 km) and 0.09◦ ( ∼ 10 km) spatial resolutions is used for the simulations. RegCM4 is also driven by a
global climate model (GCM, MPI-ESM-MR) on the same domain configuration to asses the added values for temperature
and precipitation (historical simulations). Overall, both 10 km hindcast and historical simulation results are promising and
exhibit a better representation of near-surface air temperature and precipitation variability compared to the 50 km simula-
tions. High-resolution simulations suppress an overestimation of precipitation over the Andes Cordillera of northern Chile
found with the 50 km simulations. The simulated daily temperature and precipitation extreme indices from 10 km hindcast
simulation show a closer estimation of the observed fields. A persistent warm bias ( ∼ + 4 ◦ C ) over the Atacama Desert in 10
km hindcast simulation reveals the complexity in representing land surface and radiative processes over the desert. Difficul-
ties in capturing the temperature trend in northern Chile are notable for both hindcast simulations. Both resolutions exhibit
added values for temperature and precipitation over large parts of Chile, in particular, the 10 km resolves the coastal-valley
Andes transitions over central Chile. Our results highlight that resolutions coarser than 50 km (e.g., GCMs and reanalysis)
miss important climate gradients imposed by complex topography. Given that the highest spatial resolution of the current
regional simulations over the South America is about 50 km, higher resolutions are important to improve our understanding
of the dynamical processes that determine climate over complex terrain and extreme environments.
Keywords Model evaluation · Temporal-spatial scale analysis · Climate variability · Chile · Patagonia · Atacama Desert
D. Bozkurt et al.
In connection with this, some of the systematic biases such (Bozkurt et al. 2016; Comin et al. 2018), and urbanization
as precipitation overestimation over the mountain ranges and air pollution aspects (Gallardo et al. 2002; Schmitz
were associated with the lack of resolving topographical 2005; Saide et al. 2011; Mazzeo et al. 2018). Although
forcing (Rojas 2006). Furthermore, using the CLARIS-LPB numerical simulations in much of these studies were per-
simulations, Solman (2013) emphasized that the horizon- formed at high spatial resolution (a few km to 15 km)
tal resolution in the current climate simulations over South configurations, they cover a short period (e.g., days to
America is still too coarse to capture some regional features, months). In addition to these case studies, Lenaerts et al.
and increased resolution may lead to better model perfor- (2014) used a high-resolution (5.5 km) RCM driven by
mance, particularly over complex terrain. On the other hand, reanalysis to describe the present-day (1979–2012) cli-
Rojas (2006) showed that higher resolution RCM simula- mate of Patagonia, and they showed that the RCM at 5.5
tions might still include precipitation overestimation over km is able to simulate the orographic uplift and precipita-
the southern Andes due to several factors such as biases in tion generation, capturing the sharp climate gradients in
simulated water vapor content and topography, and physical the southern Andes. On the other hand, in addition to the
configuration of the model. high-resolution simulations driven by reanalysis, GCM-
Continental Chile, lying between the subtropical south- driven RCM simulations for the historical period should
eastern Pacific and the Andes Cordillera, extends from also be evaluated to fully assess the ability of RCMs, par-
18◦ S to 53◦ S and features an extremely complex terrain and ticularly to determine the degree of added value by means
diverse climate zones, which makes it difficult to resolve of resolving potential GCM errors through high-resolution
local-scale features in coarse- and medium-resolution cli- topography and land-surface feedback. Only very recently,
mate model simulations. For instance, the Andes Cordillera, Falco et al. (2018) performed a comprehensive analysis of
has a great influence on local-scale climate variability by RCM evaluation together with the added value analysis at
acting as a climatic wall that disturbs airflow and moisture continental scale of South America based on the available
conditions on both sides of the barrier (Garreaud 2009). In CORDEX simulations at 50 km spatial resolution. In their
an observational study, Viale and Garreaud (2015) showed added value analysis, Falco et al. (2018) concluded that
that precipitation enhancement by orographic uplift on the results of the added value analysis of historical simula-
windward side of the Andes produces large annual precipita- tions with RCMs driven by CMIP5 models are inconclu-
tion (> 2000 mm y ear−1) in central-southern Chile. Further sive since added value is only found in certain regions and
south in Chilean Patagonia ( ∼ 40◦ S–55◦ S ), the annual mean in limited simulations.
precipitation reaches 5000–10000 mm in the Patagonian Ice Given the general lack of RCM applications for model
Fields due to the temperate, hyper-humid oceanic climate evaluation as well as added value analysis done with the
and orographic enhancement (Garreaud et al. 2013). On GCM driven simulations, particularly at local scales, the
the other extreme of the country, northern Chile hosts the first aim of this study is to evaluate high-resolution (10 km)
driest desert in the planet with a long-term mean annual hindcast simulations performed by an RCM (RegCM4)
precipitation typically below 5 mm in coastal areas (Mid- (Giorgi et al. 2012) forced by reanalysis for the period
dleton 2003; Garreaud et al. 2010). Rutllant et al. (2003) 1980–2015. The second aim of this paper is to determine the
highlighted local-scale features such as the steep coastal degree of added value by using historical GCM simulations
topography, the adjacent cold ocean, and local circulations (1975–2005) with the same RCM configuration used in the
forced by the heating of the Andean slopes, as one of the hindcast simulation. To our knowledge, this is the first time
main physical mechanisms that explain Atacama hyperarid- a comprehensive RCM evaluation effort is presented based
ity. In addition to local-scale features, large-scale circulation on 10 km simulations focusing on the Pacific coast and the
patterns such as El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Andes Cordillera of extratropical South America. Further-
Southern Annular Mode (SAM) play a key role on intrasea- more, by taking the advantage of using nested domain tech-
sonal to interdecadal climate variability of Chile (e.g., Rutl- nique with two different spatial resolutions of 0.44◦ ( ∼ 50
lant and Fuenzalida 1991; Silvestri and Vera 2009; Boisier km) and 0.09◦ ( ∼ 10 km), we also analyze the impact of
et al. 2018). resolution on RCM performance in representing present cli-
To understand the interplay between the local- and mate conditions as well as on added value analysis. By doing
large-scale climate in South America and Chile, a number this, we aim to establish confidence on the use of hindcast
of studies have been conducted on regional weather and simulations and dynamically downscaled simulations using
climate model simulations. These studies mainly consist of GCM projections.
dynamical downscaling of boundary conditions provided In Sect. 2, we describe the experiment design, data and
by reanalysis and cover a broad of spectrum of applica- methodology. Section 3 presents the results of the model
tions such as diagnostic studies (Viale et al. 2013; Gar- performance evaluation as well as the added value analy-
reaud et al. 2016), extreme hydrometeorological events sis through comparison of model simulations with the
Dynamical downscaling over the complex terrain of southwest South America: present climate…
observations. Section 4 summarizes the results and presents (Kiehl et al. 1996); (4) the ocean flux parameterization of
concluding remarks. Zeng et al. (1998); and the scheme of Pal et al. (2000) for
representing resolvable precipitation. Based on a couple of
test simulations done with different convective schemes (not
2 Model description, data and methodology shown), we employed the Grell scheme (Grell 1993) with
a cumulus closure scheme of Fritsch and Chappell (Fritsch
2.1 Model description and experiment design and Chappell 1980). More detailed description of the model
and physical parameterizations can be found in Giorgi et al.
In this study, we employed Regional Climate Model, ver- (2012).
sion 4 (RegCM4), a three-dimensional, primitive equa- The modeling experiment consists of two nested domains
tion, hydrostatic regional climate model developed by the at 0.44◦ ( ∼ 50 km) and 0.09◦ ( ∼ 10 km ) spatial resolutions
International Centre for Theoretical Physics. RegCM4 and 23 vertical levels with a one-way nesting approach
was originally developed by Giorgi et al. (1993a, b) and (Fig. 1). The mother domain covers the whole South
its dynamical core is based on the hydrostatic version of America continent and has 192 × 202 grid cells. The inner
the Penn State/NCAR mesoscale model MM5 (Grell et al. domain covers Chile, part of Argentina and the adjacent
1994). RegCM has been used in numerous regional climate oceans, and has 320 × 520 grid cells based on a Rotated
model simulations, even over regions dominated by com- Mercator projection. For the hindcast simulations, initial and
plex terrain features such as the Atacama Desert (Bozkurt lateral boundary conditions for the mother domain were pro-
et al. 2016), polar regions (Grassi et al. 2013; Bozkurt et al. vided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather
2018b), and European Alps (Giorgi et al. 2016). Multiple Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis (ERA-Interim) dataset at
physical schemes are available in the model. In the present 6-h intervals with a grid spacing of 0.75◦ × 0.75◦ (Dee et al.
study RegCM4 runs are performed using (1) the land surface 2011). The nested domain simulation (hereafter RE10) was
model Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS) of then forced by the 3D atmospheric outputs of the mother
Dickinson et al. (1993); (2) the planetary boundary layer of domain (hereafter RE50). Twelve grid points in each direc-
Holtslag et al. (1990); (3) the radiative scheme of the NCAR tion were allocated for each lateral buffer zone in which the
Community Climate System Model Version 3 (CCSM3) models’ prognostic variables were nudged to the boundary
(a) (b)
Fig. 1 a Mother and nested domain topography at 50 km and 10 km resolutions, respectively. b Three sub-regions used in this study. Dashed
black, red and yellow borders identify the Atacama Desert, Central Valley and Patagonian Ice Fields, respectively
D. Bozkurt et al.
conditions with an exponential nudging coefficient proposed that reason, a high-resolution (CR2MET, 0.05◦ resolution)
by Giorgi et al. (1993b). ERA-Interim sea surface tempera- gridded meteorological dataset based on much denser
ture (SST) fields (6 hourly, 0.75◦ × 0.75◦ ) were used as sur- station networks is used as the main reference dataset
face boundary conditions. The simulations were performed to evaluate RegCM4 performance and to perform added
continuously from 1 January 1979 to 31 December 2015. value analysis. CR2MET dataset contain gridded mete-
First year of simulations (1979) was selected as spin-up orological information of precipitation and temperature
period, and thus, not considered in the analysis. (mean, maximum and minimum) for the territory of con-
In addition to the hindcast simulations, we performed tinental Chile covering the period 1979–2016. In terms of
historical simulations covering a period of 1976–2005 with precipitation, in addition to station data information, the
lateral boundary conditions derived from MPI-ESM-MR, CR2MET product is partly based on a statistical downs-
the Earth System Model of the Max Planck Institute for caling of ERA-Interim reanalysis. This approach, which is
Meteorology at medium resolution. MPI-ESM-MR couples also based on station data information, includes multiple
the atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice, and land and was used in a linear regression models to transfer precipitation, moisture
CMIP5-close configuration with spatial and vertical resolu- fluxes and other variables from ERA-Interim onto 0.05◦
tions of T63 ( ∼ 220 km) and L95, respectively (Giorgetta resolution precipitation estimates. The approach considers
2013). The same nested domain setup and physical configu- also local topography and is defined by a set of calibrated
ration of the hindcast simulations were used in the historical parameters with local rainfall observations. Regarding
simulations (hereafter RM50 for mother domain, RM10 for temperature, daily maximum and minimum temperatures
nested domain). RM50 and RM10 were then used to per- were mapped onto the same grid resolution of 0.05◦ using
form the added value analysis [see Sect. 2.3] for the period land surface temperature (LST) estimates from MODIS
1980–2005. satellite retrievals, in addition to near-surface temperature
Summary of the simulations used in this study is given provided by ERA-Interim. Long-term maximum and mini-
in Table 1. We mention that the selection criteria of the mum temperatures were used to adjust the ERA-Interim
MPI-ESM-MR model within CMIP5 models is based on a 3-hourly near-surface temperature so that the adjusted
comprehensive metric evaluation including large-scale cir- 3-hourly data were then used to derive the mean tempera-
culation patterns, SST, ENSO and SAM variability in order ture. More detailed information about the CR2MET can be
to maximize correlations between these large-scale modes found in DGA (2017) and Alvarez-Garreton et al. (2018).
and the observed climate variability over Chile. Detailed The observed dataset used in this study is given in Table 1.
information on selection criteria is given in supplementary In addition to the CR2MET, a catchment dataset of Chile
material (Text S1, Fig. S1). (CAMELS-CL) (Alvarez-Garreton et al. 2018) is used to
further assess the model evaluation by contrasting precipi-
2.2 Data tation and runoff.
The simulation results were also compared with the
Surface station data is provided by the Chilean National driving fields from ERA-Interim. Evaporation product of
Weather Service (Dirección Meteorológica de Chile, GLEAM v3.2a (Martens et al. 2017) is used as a reference to
DMC). A quality control and gap-filling procedures were evaluate the simulated evaporation over the northern Chile.
applied to monthly station data [see Boisier et al. (2016)]. Furthermore, energy balance components from CERES-
Due to the diverse climate features and high spatial cli- EBAF-Surface v4 (Kato et al. 2013) are used as a reference
matic variability in Chile, the commonly used reference dataset to further evaluate model performance over the Ata-
gridded products such as CRU are usually inadequate. For cama Desert.
Dynamical downscaling over the complex terrain of southwest South America: present climate…
D. Bozkurt et al.
Dynamical downscaling over the complex terrain of southwest South America: present climate…
temporal correlation with CR2MET (0.42 for RE50 and 0.45 related to the recent cooling trend in coastal SST (Falvey
for RE10) in northern Chile. RE10 has a better representa- and Garreaud 2009). Falvey and Garreaud (2009) showed
tion of temperature variability with lower bias and RMSD in a recent cooling trend ( − 0.2 ◦ C decade−1 ) off the coast
central Chile. In southern Chile, both simulations have the of northern and central Chile for the period 1979–2006.
highest temporal correlation among the three sub-regions They also highlighted a strong contrast between surface
(0.82 for RE50 and 0.83 for RE10), yet a systematic cold cooling at coastal stations and warming in the Andes
bias exist in both simulations with larger RMSD values in ( + 0.25 ◦ C decade−1 ). Vuille et al. (2015) also illustrated
RE10 the cooling along the coastal zone and warming in the
Large discrepancies between the observed and simu- Andes using station data. A trend map of observed and
lated temperature variability in northern Chile could be simulated temperature for the period 1980–2015 shows
D. Bozkurt et al.
that both RCM simulations capture the cooling trend as well as dynamically downscaled simulations are given
( ∼ − 0.1 to − 0.3 ◦ C decade−1 ) in the coastal area, how- in Fig. 7. Rain-gauge data shows the striking precipitation
ever, RE50 fails to capture the warming trend over most gradient increasing from north ( < 100 mm) to south ( > 600
parts of the Andes while RE10 captures some observed mm) as well as from coastal areas ( ∼ 1000 mm) to the Andes
warming trend over the central Andes ( ∼ 28◦ S to ∼ 35◦ S ) ( ∼ 4000 mm) in central-southern Chile (Fig. 7a). CR2MET
(Fig. 5c, d). represents well the station-based spatial pattern of precipi-
Difficulties in capturing the temperature variability tation including north to south precipitation increase and
in northern Chile result in poor performance of repre- orographic modification of the Andes in central-southern
senting TX90 variability (e.g., very low correlations) Chile (Fig. 7b).
for both simulations over this region (Fig. 6). Particu- ERA-Interim is characterized by the same north to south
larly, a systematic warm bias is clear in RE10. In central precipitation gradient with a slightly different magnitudes
Chile, both simulations largely capture the interannual such as more precipitation in Patagonia and northern
variability of TX90, however, RE50 exhibits a system- Chile (Fig. 7c). RE50 does not capture well the orographic
atic underestimation ( ∼ 2 ◦ C ). RE10 tends to have larger enhancement of precipitation and shows a dry bias over the
than observed TX90 on the broad areas of central Chile mountains areas of central-southern Chile (Figs. 7d, S7).
and Central Valley, and lower than observed TX90 over Wetter conditions in the Central Valley zone and Andes
the Andes ranges as well as the Patagonian Ice Fields. A ranges of northern Chile are also notable in RE50. On the
similar comparison of temperature extremes shows that other hand, RE10 captures the main features of the clima-
both simulations capture well the FD variability, yet RE10 tological pattern of precipitation such as latitudinal varia-
exhibits a better spatial and temporal variability of the FD tion and orographic forcing. Particularly, RE10 enhances
over the southern Chile where the Patagonian Ice Fields orographic forcing and reproduces precipitation increase
are located (Fig. S6). reasonably well in western slope of the Andes in central-
southern Chile (Fig. 7e). Compared to its forcing field of
3.1.2 Precipitation regimes ERA-Interim, improvement of orographic precipitation
in RE10 can also be seen in the bias map with respect to
Long-term mean (1980–2015) annual accumulated precipi- CR2MET (Fig. S7). On the other hand, RE10 tends to have a
tation from the observed station data and gridded products large standard deviation of annual accumulated precipitation
Dynamical downscaling over the complex terrain of southwest South America: present climate…
r: 0.45, 0.42
RMSD: 0.46, 1.21 (oC)
Bias: -0.05, -1.11 (oC)
r: 0.66, 0.63
RMSD: 0.95, 1.54 (oC)
Bias: -0.91, -1.51 (oC)
Fig. 4 a 36-year (1980–2015) mean annual cycle and inter-annual and the dashed lines correspond to ERA-Interim (gray), dynamically
variability of temperature ( ◦ C ) for Northern Chile, b Central Chile, downscaled simulations of ERA-Interim at 50-km (RE50, red) and
c Southern Chile. The solid line corresponds to CR2MET (black), 10-km (RE10, blue) resolutions
( ∼ 1000 mm) on some grids within the Andes ranges of cen- El Niño and La Niño years) are well reproduced by both
tral Chile and Patagonian Ice Fields (Fig. S8a). Both simula- simulations indicating no significant performance improve-
tions, however, capture well the spatial pattern of coefficient ment with higher resolution.
of variation with the largest values (0.6–0.9) in northern In recent years, central Chile has been experiencing a
Chile (Fig. S8b). persistent deficit of precipitation ( ∼ 30%) (Boisier et al.
The mean annual cycle and interannual variability of 2016), which is expected to continue in the future based on
precipitation (1980–2015 period) for three sub-regions are the climate projections (Demaria et al. 2013; Bozkurt et al.
given in Fig. 8. In northern Chile, overall, both simula- 2018a). This so-called mega-drought has caused significant
tions capture the observed annual cycle shape and interan- impacts in surface hydrology and vegetation productivity in
nual variability with a systematic overestimation. RE50 central Chile (Garreaud et al. 2017). A further comparison
substantially overestimates the precipitation, on the other of the precipitation anomaly during the 2010–2015 period
hand, RE10 closely agrees with the observed values and with respect to long-term mean shows that both simula-
ERA-Interim, indicating the improvement of the model per- tions reasonably produce the spatial extent of the recent
formance at finer resolution. In central Chile, spatial-mean drying period ( ∼ 30◦ S to ∼ 40◦ S ) (Fig. S9). Long-term
precipitation climatology and interannual variability (e.g., (1980–2015) trend map of precipitation exhibits that the
D. Bozkurt et al.
simulations, especially RE10, also capture the long-standing and 45◦ S ) is presented in Fig. 9. Overall, 10 km simula-
drying trend in central-southern Chile showed by Boisier tion results exhibit a better representation of precipitation
et al. (2018) (Fig. S10). variability and suppress an overestimation of precipitation
A well-distributed pattern of precipitation along the year over the Andes Cordillera of northern Chile found in the
is captured by both simulations in southern Chile with a 50 km simulation. Furthermore, high-resolution simula-
slight systematic underestimation. Both simulations success- tions capture well the zonal precipitation variability over
fully reproduce most of the interannual variability of pre- the coastal range and the upstream of the Andes range in
cipitation in southern Chile, with a slightly better temporal central-southern Chile.
correlation in RE10 (0.76) than that in RE50 (0.72). A further comparison was performed by means of run-
To take a closer look at the simulated precipitation com- off-precipitation covariability. Figure 10a presents the scat-
parison, zonal variation of mean annual accumulated pre- ter diagram of long-term mean (1980–2015) precipitation
cipitation along four different latitudes ( 30◦ S , 35◦ S , 40◦ S from CR2MET versus observed runoff from CAMELS-CL
Dynamical downscaling over the complex terrain of southwest South America: present climate…
(a) (b)
Fig. 6 (a) Spatial distribution of 36-year (1980–2015) mean annual Inter-annual variability of TX90 for Northern Chile and Central
TX90 (90th percentile of the daily maximum temperature, ◦ C ) from Chile. The solid line corresponds to CR2MET (black), and the dashed
CR2MET, ERA-Interim, dynamically downscaled simulations of lines correspond to ERA-Interim (gray), RE50 (red) and RE10 (blue)
ERA-Interim at 50-km (RE50) and 10-km (RE10) resolutions. (b)
in central Chile. Overall, CR2MET reveals a close fit to the interannual covariability, CR2MET exhibits R2 values larger
1:1 line in central Chile ( R2 = 0.87 ) with runoff ratios (Run- than 0.6 in central Chile. RE50 shows a poorer performance
off/Precipitation) ranging between expected values (0.5 and with low R2 values ( < 0.5) while RE10 has a slightly better
0.8) (Alvarez-Garreton et al. 2018). However, there are some performance in representing the runoff-precipitation interan-
values with runoff ratios greater than 1 that indicate a precip- nual covariability.
itation underestimation assuming that streamflow data and Finally we close this subsection with precipitation
catchment area are reliable (Alvarez-Garreton et al. 2018). extremes. Long-term mean (1980–2015) R95 values from
RE50 gives relatively low runoff ratios (i.e., precipitation the observation, ERA-Interim and simulations are given in
overestimation, see also Fig. S7) with a lower coefficient of Fig. 11a. Observed R95 values of daily precipitation indicate
determination (0.66) (Fig. 10b). RE10 exhibit a very similar that most parts of the Andes along with small spots in the
scatter with CR2MET in which a close fit to the 1:1 line is Central Valley and Patagonian Ice Fields feature high daily
kept (Fig. 10b). Compared to the RE50, RE10 gives a better precipitation values (> 60 mm), and largest values are con-
representation of precipitation-runoff covariability with a centrated around 35◦ S ( ∼ 80 mm) over the Cordillera in cen-
larger R2 value (0.83) indicating an improvement of the sim- tral Chile. RE50 shows high R95 values (50–70 mm) mostly
ulations with the use of higher spatial resolution. Similar to concentrated along the Central Valley zone and it does not
CR2MET, runoff ratios larger than 1 also exist in both simu- represent the observed maximum of R95 over the central
lations indicating the precipitation underestimation, which Andes ranges. On the other hand, RE10 captures well the
was also observed in different precipitation products (Alva- spatial distribution of R95 maxima over the Andes ranges in
rez-Garreton et al. 2018). Regarding the runoff-precipitation
D. Bozkurt et al.
central Chile albeit notably larger than the observed values is underestimated (wetter conditions) over the Andes range
(> 90 mm). Both simulations show high skill in simulating of central and northern Chile (Fig. S11).
interannual variability of R95 over central Chile represent- Overall, so far, long-term climatological analysis at daily,
ing the observed increasing and decreasing tendency of R95 monthly, annual and seasonal scales show that RE10 has a
during El Niño and La Niña years, respectively (e.g., 1997 better performance than RE50 in preserving the observed
and 1998) (Fig. 11b). However, a systematic overestimation spatial and temporal variabilities, particularly for precipita-
of R95 exists in RE10 mainly due to the larger R95 over tion, despite some discrepancies in temperature variability
the Andes ranges in central Chile. In terms of CDD, both over the northern Chile.
simulation follow closely forcing field of ERA-Interim and,
overall there is a good consistency between the observed and
simulated CDD patterns. However, the magnitude of CDD
Dynamical downscaling over the complex terrain of southwest South America: present climate…
r: 0.68, 0.69
RMSD: 92, 162 (mm)
Bias: +82, +148 (mm)
r: 0.86, 0.84
RMSD: 221, 252 (mm)
Bias: -152, +168 (mm)
Fig. 8 a 36-year (1980–2015) mean annual cycle and inter-annual and the dashed lines correspond to ERA-Interim (gray), dynamically
variability of precipitation (mm) for Northern Chile, b Central Chile, downscaled simulations of ERA-Interim at 50-km (RE50, red) and
c Southern Chile. The solid line corresponds to CR2MET (black), 10-km (RE10, blue) resolutions
D. Bozkurt et al.
Fig. 9 36-year (1980–2015) mean annual zonal precipitation (mm) (gray), dynamically downscaled simulations of ERA-Interim at
along 30◦ S , 35◦ S , 40◦ S and 45◦ S . The solid line corresponds to 50-km (RE50, red) and 10-km (RE10, blue) resolutions
CR2MET (black), and the dashed lines correspond to ERA-Interim
using the 1◦ resolution, upscaled RM10 results again indicate RM10 illustrates more added value and thus, it has a
that there is more evidence of added value for temperature larger ratio of amount of added value points to total points
over the northern and central Chile compared to the RM50 in northern and central Chile with a marked improvement of
(Fig. 13b). Compared to the northern and central parts, both precipitation distribution along the coastal range (Fig. 15a).
simulations show less added value over the southern Chile. However, both simulations miss added value over the Andes
It should also be noted that upscaled RM10 at a coarser ranges in northern Chile indicating the difficulties improv-
resolution close to the MPI-ESM-MR resolution ( 1.5◦ ) still ing the driving MPI-ESM-MR over these regions. Although
exhibits added value in northern and central-southern Chile RM50 shows significant added value over the central-south-
(Fig. S12a). ern Andes range and most parts of northern Patagonia, it has
no added value over large parts of central Chile mostly along
3.2.2 Precipitation the coast and Central Valley zone. On the other hand, RM10
indicates added value due to the increased resolution along
Compared to the MPI-ESM-MR and RM50, RM10 gives a the coastal range as well as over the Andes range in central-
closer estimation of observed precipitation distribution with southern Chile, highlighting the impact of the enhanced local
a better representation of orographic precipitation, although information on the quality of the simulations. Similar spatial
a wet bias exists over the Andes ranges, particularly in cen- extent of added value exists when upscaling to the coarser
tral Chile and northern Chile (Fig. 14). A high standard common grids of 1◦ and 1.5◦ , with less added value along the
deviation of annual accumulated precipitation ( ∼ 1000 mm) coastal range of central Chile in RM10 (Figs. 15b, S12b).
within the Andes range of central Chile and Patagonian Ice We close this section with a comparison of spatial-mean
Fields is also notable in RM10 (Fig. S13a). Both dynami- daily precipitation intensity distributions from the obser-
cally downscaled simulations, particularly RM10, tend to vation, simulations and the driving MPI-ESM-MR over
improve the MPI-ESM-MR fields in representing the spatial northern and central Chile (Fig. 16). Northern Chile is char-
pattern of coefficient of variation in northern Chile except acterized by frequent low precipitation events (between 1
for the high Andes (Fig. S13b). and 5 mm day−1), and MPI-ESM-MR substantially overes-
timates the number of low precipitation events in northern
Dynamical downscaling over the complex terrain of southwest South America: present climate…
(a) (b)
Fig. 10 a 36-year (1980–2015) mean annual precipitation (mm) from (RE10, blue) resolutions. c Zonal distribution of coefficient of deter-
CR2MET against observed mean annual runoff (mm) over central mination calculated from interannual (1980–2015) CR2MET (gray),
Chile. b The same in a but for precipitation from dynamically down- RE50 (red) and RE10 (blue) precipitation fields against observed run-
scaled simulations of ERA-Interim at 50-km (RE50, red) and 10-km off
Chile (Fig. 16a). Both simulations, especially RM50, tend events albeit with a slight overestimation. The results for
to overestimate low precipitation events, however, RM10 extreme precipitation events indicate that both simulations
improves slightly the representation of number low precipi- represents more frequent heavier precipitation events in cen-
tation events. In terms of extreme daily precipitation events, tral Chile than what is found in reality.
RM50 illustrates more frequent heavier precipitation events
(> 15 mm day−1), and in general, RM10 has a slightly better
representation of extreme precipitation events in northern 4 Summary and concluding remarks
Chile. In central Chile, although low and moderate precipita-
tion events are more frequent (between 5 and 20 mm day−1 ) This study evaluates several simulations performed with
heavy precipitation events ( > 45 mm day−1 ) can be also RegCM4 over Chile. The performance of RegCM4 is eval-
observed (Fig. 16b). Overall, a systematic underestimation uated through two nested hindcast simulations forced by
of all types of precipitation events exists in MPI-ESM-MR. ERA-Interim for the period 1980–2015. Added value anal-
The results with RM10, on the other hand, are systematically ysis is also performed using two nested simulations forced
better than those of MPI-ESM-MR and give a close estima- by a global climate model (GCM, MPI-ESM-MR) for the
tion of observed number of low and moderate precipitation period 1980–2005. The performance evaluations are carried
D. Bozkurt et al.
r: 0.78, 0.72
RMSD: 8.8, 6.2 (mm) CR2MET RE50
Bias: +7.5, +4.9 (mm) ERA-INT RE10
Dynamical downscaling over the complex terrain of southwest South America: present climate…
out through a comparison of mean large-scale fields over the gridded meteorological observations of Chile (CR2MET) as
Pacific coast and Andes Cordillera as well as surface varia- well as to ERA-Interim. Based on the analyses, the following
bles of temperature and precipitation at annual, monthly and main findings can be highlighted:
daily time scales over three subregions of mainland Chile:
Northern Chile, Central Chile, and Southern Chile. Using • In general, RegCM4 shows good skills in simulating the
nested domains at 0.44◦ ( ∼ 50 km, covering all South Amer- spatial variability of mean annual temperature. However,
ica) and 0.09◦ ( ∼ 10 km, focusing on Chile) allows to analyze there are some differences between the simulated and
the role of resolution in capturing the present climate con- observed temperatures at local scales such as a system-
ditions (for RE50 and RE10) as well as in determining the atic warm bias ( ∼ + 4 ◦ C) over the Atacama Desert in
degree of the added value (for RM50 and RM10). The simu- RE10.
lation results were primarily compared to a high-resolution
D. Bozkurt et al.
(a) the northern and central Chilean coasts, they largely miss
the interannual variability, and RE50 does not reproduce
the observed warming trend over the Andes ranges of
central Chile.
• Difficulties in capturing the temperature variability in
northern Chile result in even poorer representation of
daily temperature extremes (i.e., 90th percentile of maxi-
mum temperature) in both simulations over this region.
On the other hand, RE10 represents a better spatial and
temporal variability of daily temperature extremes (i.e.,
frost days) over the southern Chile where the Patagonian
Ice Fields are located.
• Regarding precipitation, RE10 better represents the cli-
matology and annual cycle compared to the RE50. Fur-
thermore, RE10 reasonably represents orographic uplift
and precipitation generation on the windward side of the
Andes, however, it shows a high amplitude of precipita-
tion variability over the Andes ranges.
• Both simulations capture the spatial-mean interannual
variability of precipitation in each subregion (e.g., ENSO
years and mega-drought in central Chile). RE10 has a
(b) better representation of the zonal precipitation variabil-
ity and for instance, it suppresses the overestimation of
precipitation over the Andes Cordillera of northern Chile
found in RE50.
• Compared to the ERA-Interim and RE50, RE10 repre-
sents reasonably well the spatial distribution daily pre-
cipitation extremes, although with notably larger than
the observed values over the Andes in central Chile.
Both simulations capture the overall spatial variability
of consecutive dry days, however, with a wet bias over
the Andes.
• In general, both simulations add value to those of the
driving MPI-ESM-MR over large parts of Chile. How-
ever, this depends on the subregion and variable, and
both simulation can exhibit different results.
• There is a clear evidence that RM10 adds more value for
both temperature and precipitation in northern and cen-
tral Chile. Both simulations have difficulties in improv-
ing the driving MPI-ESM-MR over the Andes ranges in
Fig. 13 a 26-year (1980–2005) mean annual temperature ( ◦ C ) from
northern Chile. Compared to the northern and central
dynamically downscaled simulations of MPI-ESM-MR at 50-km parts, both simulations show less added value in southern
(RM50) and 10-km (RM10) resolutions. Stippling indicates grid Chile.
points where there is added value by the dynamical downscaling. All • Frequency distribution of daily precipitation over north-
datasets were remapped onto a common grid of 0.44◦ resolution and
an elevation correction was carried out assuming a uniform tempera-
ern and central Chile shows that RM10 adds value to
ture lapse rate of 0.65 ◦ C∕100 m , using the CR2MET topography as the representation of extreme precipitation. For instance,
reference. b The same as a but with a common grid of 1◦ resolution. it has a better performance in presenting the very dry
Numbers correspond to the ratio of amount of added value points to regime of the northern Chile than that in MPI-ESM-MR
total points inside of each sub-region
and RM50 by improving the number of low precipitation
• There are large discrepancies between the simulated and
observed temperatures in northern Chile. Although both Our work has potentially important implications for the
simulations represent the observed coastal cooling along dynamical downscaling efforts over complex terrains
Dynamical downscaling over the complex terrain of southwest South America: present climate…
featuring diverse climatic gradients such as Chile. Based and improve the representation of temperature and precipi-
on the results of the present study, it could be said that tation over Chile’s complex terrain particularly in central-
coarse resolution GCMs miss important climate gradients southern Chile. Our results also illustrate a clear evidence
imposed by the topography, and more importantly, this fea- of the added value with the use of high-resolution RCMs
ture is shared with reanalysis products as well as medium- suggesting that spatial resolution is critical for a better esti-
resolution RCM simulations ( ∼ 50 km). Overall, high-res- mation of spatial and temporal variability of present climate
olution RCM simulation results ( ∼ 10 km) are promising, conditions. This is in agreement with previous studies over
D. Bozkurt et al.
Dynamical downscaling over the complex terrain of southwest South America: present climate…
Acknowledgements This work was funded by FONDAP-CONICYT decline and recent megadrought in Central Chile. Geophys Res
15110009. The authors acknowledge the anonymous reviewer for the Lett 43(1):413–421.
constructive comments on the manuscript. The simulations were per- Boisier JP, Alvarez-Garreton C, Cordero R, Damiani A, Gallardo L,
formed within a project entitled “Simulaciones climáticas regionales y Garreaud R, Lambert F, Ramallo C, Rojas M, Rondanelli R (2018)
marco de evaluación de la vulnerabilidad” funded by Chilean Ministry Anthropogenic drying in Central-Southern Chile evidenced by
of Environment. A platform has been developed within that project and long-term observations and climate model simulations. Elem Sci
all the simulation outputs described in this study can be accessible from Anth.
that platform following the CORDEX data format protocols, available Bozkurt D, Turuncoglu U, Sen OL, Dalfes HN (2012) Downscaled
at The authors appreciate the support from simulations of the ECHAM5, CCSM3 and HadCM3 global mod-
Francisca Muñoz and Nancy Valdebenito at the Data and Computing els for the Eastern Mediterranean-Black Sea region: evaluation
unit at (CR)2. Powered@NLHPC: This research was supported by the of the reference period. Clim Dyn 39(1–2):207–225. https://doi.
supercomputing infrastructure of the NLHPC (ECM-02) org/10.1007/s00382-011-1187-x
Bozkurt D, Rondanelli R, Garreaud R, Arriagada A (2016) Impact of
warmer eastern tropical Pacific SST on the March 2015 Atacama
floods. Mon Weather Rev 144(11):4441–4460
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