Mapping Documents Stand 2

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Care Certificate progress log, mapping and sign-off document

Standard Number: 2 Standard Title: Your Personal Development

Document guidance
This document provides an overview of the outcomes and assessment criteria for Standard 2: Your Personal Development. It identifies the criteria within the Standard that should have
been achieved upon successful completion of the underpinning knowledge within the Care Certificate workbook. Employees must demonstrate their competence in practice in order to
fully achieve this Standard of the Care Certificate.

This progress log and sign-off document should be completed jointly by the employee and the manager/supervisor/assessor to confirm that all outcomes and criteria have been
achieved in practice in the work setting. Supplementary evidence can be attached to demonstrate achievement and it is suggested to do so as good practice.

This document also provides an outline of the suggested mapping of outcomes and criteria within Standard 2: Your Personal Development of the Care Certificate to the recommended
Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) unit, the National Minimum Training Standards for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult Social Care Workers in England and the
Common Induction Standards. This document does not necessarily indicate direct mapping of criteria and therefore assessors and/or managers should ensure they follow the
guidance below. Please note that when the term assessor is used throughout this document this could be the manager, supervisor or assessor and will be decided by the employing

This document should always be used in conjunction with the guidance provided in the Care Certificate Framework Technical Document.

Guidance for assessors

Assessors must ensure that the learner has produced evidence for each assessment criterion that is valid, authentic, reliable, current and sufficient. Therefore assessors must not
assume that if the mapping document indicates a criterion could have already been achieved, the mapped criteria within the QCF unit should automatically be awarded. Learners and
assessors are responsible for ensuring that the outcomes and criteria within the QCF unit and standards below have been achieved to the required standard. For reference, within the
column that refers to coverage of the relevant QCF unit, a P indicates that the Care Certificate criteria provides partial coverage of the relevant criteria within the QCF unit, whereas an
F indicates full coverage.

The Assessment method used column is included to allow assessors to provide evidence of the type of assessment method that has been used to assess the Care Certificate
criteria. This is likely to be noted as the Care Certificate Workbook; however further evidence could include professional discussion, observation, question and answer, e-learning,
witness testimony, etc. This column can also be completed to evidence competence using these example assessment methods.

The Evidence location column is included to provide a clear signpost to where the learner’s evidence can be found. This may be within a portfolio of evidence, a continued
professional development (CPD) file or electronically via e-learning or e-portfolio.

Unit number Unit title Level Credit

Introduction to personal development in health, social care or children’s and
L/601/5470 2 3
young people’s settings
Engage in personal development in health, social care or children’s and
A/601/1429 3 3
young people’s settings
Care Care Certificate Knowledge/ Question QCF unit: Introduc- QCF unit: Engage in National Minimum Common Assess- Evi- Sign-off Date
Certificate Standard 2 Criteria Competence within tion to personal personal develop- Training Stand- Induction ment dence initials
Standard 2 workbook development in ment in health, ards: Standard Standards: method loca-
Outcome health, social care social care or chil- 2 – Your Personal Standard used tion
or children’s and dren’s and young Development 2 – Personal
young people’s people’s settings Development
settings P = Partial
P = Partial F = Full
F = Full

2.1 Agree 2.1a Identify

a personal sources of support
development for their own K 2.1a AC3.1 - F AC4.1 - P 2.1.1 4.1
plan learning and
2.1b Describe
the process for
agreeing a personal
K 2.1b AC3.2 - F AC4.3 - P 2.1.2 4.2
development plan
and who should be
2.1c Explain
why feedback
from others is
important in helping K 2.1c AC3.2 – P 2.1.3 4.3
to develop and
improve the way
they work
2.1d Contribute
to drawing up
C AC3.3 – F
own personal
development plan
2.1e Agree
AC3.2 – P
a personal C 2.1.4 3.3
AC5.3 – P
development plan
2.2 Develop 2.2a Describe the
their knowledge, functional level of
skills and literacy, numeracy
K 2.2a 2.2.1 3.1
understanding and communication
skills necessary to
carry out their role


2.2b Explain how to
check their current
level of literacy,
K 2.2b 2.2.2 3.2
numeracy and
2.2c Describe how a
learning activity has
2.2c, d AC2.1 – P
improved their own K 2.2.6
and e AC4.1 – P
knowledge, skills
and understanding
2.2d Describe
how reflecting on
a situation has 2.2c, d AC2.1 – P
improved their own and e AC4.2 – P
knowledge, skills
and understanding
2.2e Describe
how feedback
from others has 1.2e Part i AC2.1 – P
developed their own 1.2e Part ii AC4.3 – P
knowledge, skills
and understanding
2.2f Demonstrate
how to measure
their own
C AC2.3 – P AC3.1 – P 2.2.4 2.2
performance and
against relevant
2.2g List
the learning
2.2g Part i 2.2.3
available to them K 2.1
2.2g Part ii 2.2.5
and how they can
use them to improve
the way they work


2.2h Demonstrate
how to record
progress in relation C AC4.4 – F
to their personal

2.2i Explain
why continuing
professional K 2.2i AC2.1 – P 2.1
development is

Declaration of completion
I confirm that the evidence provided by the employee meets the full requirements for Standard 2: Your Personal Development of the Care Certificate.

Employee signature:

Name of assessor*:

Assessor* signature:

Completion date:

*The Assessor can be your Manager, Supervisor or someone else authorised by your employing organisation. This individual provides confirmation that all learning
outcomes and assessment criteria for the Care Certificate standard identified above have been completed and signed off by and authorising person.



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