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Name___________________________ Roll #: _____________________________

1) Ethics is the branch of philosophy which b. Falsification

deals with the ___________concerning c. Fabrication
what is right and wrong. d. None of the above
a. logics of decision making 7) the appropriation of another person’s
b. dynamics of decision making ideas, processes, results, or words
c. Moral values without giving appropriate credit
d. dynamics of research a. Plagiarism
2) Research ethics provides guidelines for b. Falsification
the responsible conduct of ________ c. Fabrication
research. d. None of the above
a. Biomedical 8) Research misconduct does not include
b. Biological Sciences a. Honest error
c. Medical Sciences b. Differences of opinion
d. None of the above c. References
3) The three basic principles of bioethics d. Both A and B
are: 9) Once research misconduct has been
a. Norms, beliefs and values identified, all parties involved in the
b. Respect for person, beneficence research must take responsibility to
and justice resolve the situation, including:
c. Right, Wrong and gray areas a. The principal investigator,
d. Respect for person, moral b. Co-investigators,
values and justice c. The institution hosting the
4) The process of identifying and reporting research,
unethical or unsound research. d. The funding agency
a. Research problems e. All of the above
b. Research mishap 10) Plagiarism is the act of passing off
c. Research misconduct somebody else’s ideas, thoughts,
d. Research mistakes pictures, theories, words, or stories as
5) Making up data or results and recording your own.
or reporting them in research known as: a. True
a. Plagiarism b. False
b. Falsification
c. Fabrication
d. None of the above

6) Manipulating research materials,

equipment, or processes, or changing or
omitting data or results such that the
research is not accurately represented
in the research record
a. Plagiarism
11) Ethical considerations apply throughout 17) The declaration of Helsinki was
the ______________ developed by the following:
a. Research misconduct a. World Medical Association
b. Research process b. World Health Organization
c. Research data collection c. World Research Association
d. Research Sampling d. None of the above
12) Internationally known ‘unethical 18) Research which permits the generation
research scandals’ include: of knowledge that may benefit future
a. Nazi experiments generations but which is unlikely to
b. The Tuskegee Syphilis study benefit those involved
c. Thalidomide experiments a. Therapeutic research
d. All of the above b. Non Therapeutic research
e. Both a and b c. None of the above
13) Nazi experiments give rise to the 19) Research which offers participants an
following guidelines opportunity to receive an experimental
a. Helsinki declaration treatment that may have beneficial
b. CIOMS effects
c. Nuremberg trials a. Therapeutic research
d. Nazi guidelines b. Non Therapeutic research
14) Nuremberg code also known as c. None of the above
a. Nazi trials 20) The Report in 1979 from the National
b. Tuskegee code Commission for the Protection of
c. Doctor trials Human Subjects of Biomedical and
d. None of the above Behavioral Research was
15) The Number of guidelines in Nuremberg a. Belmont Report
Code were: b. Berlin Report
a. 11 c. CIOMS
b. 15 d. None of the above
c. 8 21) Data should be retained for a
d. 10 reasonable period of time to allow
16) The only weak point of Nuremberg code other researchers to check results or to
was _______________ use the data for other purposes.
a. The self-regulation of Nazi However, adopted data-retention time
scientists periods is:
b. The self-regulation of a. between 2 and 5 years
Americans b. between 4 and 7 years
c. The self-regulation of c. between 7 and 10 years
researchers d. between 3 and 7 years
d. None of the above
22) Research data are used for the 27) Justice in health research can be
following purposes: achieved by
a. to confirm or reject hypotheses, a. Sound methods selection for
b. to identify new areas of research data collection
investigation b. Fair procedures and outcomes
c. to guide the development of in the selection of research
new investigative techniques participants
d. All of the above c. Fair selection of research design
23) Respect for Persons incorporates at d. None of the above
least two fundamental ethical 28) A person having control over the
considerations extent, timing, and circumstances of
a. Respect for person and Dignity sharing oneself (physically, behaviorally,
b. Respect for person and or intellectually) with others is known
Informed consent as
c. Respect for person and a. Confidentiality
protections of persons b. Privacy
d. None of the above c. Justice
24) A substantial incapacity to protect one’s d. None of the above
own interests owing to such 29) ____________ refers to maintenance of
impediments as lack of capability to the researcher’s agreement with the
give informed consent participant about how the participant’s
a. Vulnerability identifiable private information will be
b. Vulnerable individuals handled, managed, and disseminated.
c. Unprotected individuals a. Confidentiality
d. None of the above b. Privacy
25) The three elements of informed c. Justice
consent are d. None of the above
a. Respect, Trust and Honesty 30) Privacy applies to the _________ and
b. Respect for person, Protection confidentiality applies to
and Complete Truth ______________.
c. Information, Comprehension a. Researcher, participants
and Voluntary participation b. Person, data
d. None of the above c. Scientist, software
26) The beneficence in health research d. None of the above
ethics means 31) Beneficence is a principle used
a. Maximize risks and minimize frequently in research ethics. It means
benefits a. Minimize benefits
b. Maximize benefits and b. Maximize benefits
minimize risks c. Minimize risks
c. Maximize good practices and d. doing good
minimize harmful practices
d. None of the above
32) Ethical data collection refers to 38) By leaving out names of people who did
collecting data in a way that does not take part in the research. This type of
harm or injure someone. authorship is
a. True a. Ghost authorship
b. False b. Gift authorship
33) Under which condition, researchers c. Friend authorship
must carry out the research as planned d. All of the above
and submit reports, but control of the 39) ICMJE stands for
data remains with the institution that a. International Conference on
received the funds. Medical Journal Editors
a. Contracts b. International Certificate on
b. Grands Medical Journal Editors
c. Financial support c. International Committee of
d. None of the above Medical Journal Editors
34) Under which condition, the researcher 40) Who takes primary responsibility for
to deliver a product or service, which is communication with the journal during
then usually owned and controlled by the manuscript submission, peer
the government. review, and publication process?
a. Contracts a. Principle author
b. Grands b. First author
c. Financial support c. Complementary author
d. None of the above d. Corresponding author
35) Data protection is important for the 41) The process in which an author (or
following purpose: authors) submits a written manuscript
a. To confirm research findings or article to a journal for publication
b. T establish priority and the journal editor distributes the
c. To be reanalyzed by other article to experts working in the same,
researchers or similar, scientific discipline.
d. All of the above a. Critical appraisal
36) The process of deciding whose names b. Peer review
belong on a research paper is known as c. Group analysis
a. Referencing d. All of the above
b. Authorship
c. Acknowledgement
d. All of the above
37) By putting down names of people who
took little or no part in the research.
This type of authorship is
a. Ghost authorship
b. Gift authorship
c. Friend authorship
d. All of the above
42) Your 36-year-old patient has just tested c. The commitment to include
positive for HIV. He asks that you not patients in event
inform his wife of the results and claims d. All of the above
he is not ready to tell her yet. What 45) what is beneficence?
would you say to your patient? a. to act in the best interest of
a. Encourage the patient to share researcher
the information with his wife on b. to act in the best interest of
his own, giving him a bit more others
time if necessary. c. to act in the best interest of
b. Tell the patient that his wife is financer
at serious risk for being infected d. None of the above
with HIV, and that you have a 46) what is justice?
duty to ensure that she knows a. being honest
of the risk. b. being smart
c. Tell the patient that public c. being trustful
health law requires reporting d. being fair
both the patient and any known 47) the term non-maleficence means
sexual partners to local health a. duty to do no good
officers. b. duty to do no beneficial
d. All the above. a. duty to do no harm
43) A 5-year-old child has just had his b. None of the above
second generalized tonic-clonic seizure 48) The history of ethical regulations
in a 4-month period. You have governing research on human subjects
recommended starting an research began with the:
anticonvulsant. The parents have a. Nuremburg Code
concerns about the recommended b. Declaration of Helsinki
medication and would prefer to wait c. Common Rule
and see if their son has more seizures. d. Belmont Report
How should you respond to the parents’ 49) The Belmont Report describes three
request? basic principles relevant to research on
a. Obtain an ethics consultation. human subjects. Those three principles
b. Obtain a court order to treat are:
the child. a. Respect for persons, informed
c. Report the case as child abuse. consent, and IRB review
d. Fully inform the parents, and b. Justice, beneficence, and special
should they refuse to give considerations for vulnerable
anticonvulsants to the child, the populations
physician should abide by the c. Respect for persons, beneficence,
parents’ decision. and IRB review
44) what is autonomy? d. Respect for persons, beneficence,
a. The commitment to include and justice
patients in decisions e. Beneficence, justice, and IRB review
b. The commitment to include
patients in finances
50) Which of the following is NOT required 54) Which of the following is not
on an informed consent form? considered to be an example of
a. The purpose of the research scientific misconduct?
b. A description of benefits that a. Fabrication of data
may be reasonably expected b. Authorship on a project that
from the research you did not work on
c. A statement that participation c. Plagiarism
is voluntary 55) Populations are considered vulnerable
d. A list of all personnel who will because they:
be involved in the research a. Are dependent on others
51) Kelly is a cognitive psychologist. He b. Have a compromised capacity
proposes to recruit undergraduate for free consent
students for a computer based study c. Are at greater risk than the
about the effect of mood states on average individual for harm
problem-solving performance. d. All the above
a. This is human subject research 56) All of the following are vulnerable
b. This is NOT human subject populations EXCEPT:
research a. Minority
52) Minimal risk research b. Elderly
a. Poses zero risk of harm c. College populations
b. Is no riskier than normal d. None of the above
activities of daily life 57) When vulnerable populations are the
c. Is risk that is judged target population of a research project,
“acceptable” after informed consent should be obtained
consideration is given to the from:
potential benefits of the a. No informed consent is
research necessary
53) Informed consent requires that b. The participant and their
individuals parent or legal guardian
a. Be legally competent to give c. The participant
informed consent d. The parent or legal guardian of
b. Have adequate information the participant
about the procedures and 58) Confidentiality is used to protect a
benefits associated with the participant’s privacy by:
research a. Not sharing the name of the
c. Be informed of any risks that participant
might lead them to decide that b. Not sharing any data collected
they do not want to participate from the participant
d. All of the above are true c. Only sharing information with
individuals who the participant
has been made aware and
agreed to let view information.
d. All the above
59) Anonymity is when a participant does 65) An ethical principle stating that one
not give a researcher: should do good and prevent or avoid
a. Their name doing harm.
b. Confidential material a. Beneficence
c. Identifying characteristics b. Non-maleficence
d. Both A and C c. Ethics
e. Both A and B d. Adolescent
60) Confidentiality and anonymity are 66) Implies a duty not to inflict harm, to
important to insure limited risk of abstain from injuring others, to help
exposure of information including: others further their own well-being by
a. Sexual orientation removing harm
b. Health status a. Value
c. Illegal behaviors b. Non-maleficence
d. All the above c. Norms
d. Social justice
Note: For MCQ 61 and 62:
67) Personal freedom and right to make
Which of the following elements suggest that a choices.
project poses greater than minimal risk? a. Ethics
b. Altruism
61) Participants will be asked to recall a list c. Autonomy
of words d. Deontology
a. minimal risk 68) The study of ethical problems resulting
b. greater than minimal risk from scientific advances.
62) Participants will be asked to consume a a. Research
beverage that will contain an unknown b. Analysis
dose of alcohol (1 drop, 1 oz, 2 oz, or 3 c. Life
oz) d. Bioethics
a. minimal risk 69) Turnitin software used to detect
b. greater than minimal risk a. Plagiarism
63) The term describes to tell the truth. b. Fabrication
a. Ethics c. Falsification
b. Veracity 70) SPSS stands for
c. Value a. Statistical package for social
64) An ethical principle stating the duty not sciences
to inflict harm. b. Statistical package for scientific
a. Life studies
b. Beneficence c. Statistical package for social
c. Social justice studies
d. Non-maleficence d. Scientific product for social
Answer Keys

Q1b Q9e Q17a Q26a Q34a Q42d Q50d Q58d Q66b

Q2a Q10a Q18b Q27b Q35d Q43d Q51a Q59d Q67c
Q3b Q11b Q19a Q28b Q36b Q44a Q52c Q60d Q68d
Q4c Q12d Q20a Q29a Q37b Q45b Q53d Q61a Q69a
Q5c Q13c Q21d Q30b Q38a Q46d Q54b Q62b Q70a
Q6b Q14C Q22d Q31b Q39c Q47a Q55b Q63b
Q23 d
Q7a Q15d Q24a Q32a Q40d Q48d Q56c Q64d
Q8d Q16b Q25C Q33b Q41b Q49d Q57d Q65a

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