Lab 1
Lab 1
Lab 1
Lab 1 Report
NATIVIDAD, Jan Elysse Marrien, B.
GQ#1: Identify an area with typical earth features (soil, water, vegetation) by visually
inspecting the image (one area or group of pixels in the area = one typical earth
feature). Create maps showing the zoomed in area with the feature and the inset map.
● Soil
● Water
GsE 189 First Semester, 22-23
Lab 1 Report
NATIVIDAD, Jan Elysse Marrien, B.
● Vegetation
GQ#2: What does the Spectrum View axes represent? Explain your answer.
X axis represents the wavelengths (nm) while the y axis represents the reflectance [percent].
GQ#3: What can you observe on the spectral signatures of your identified features?
Create a table (Table 1) with columns: (1) chosen area screenshot, (2) spectral
signature, (3) observation.
Plotting Spectral Signatures and Bi-spectral Plots of Materials from Field Data
GsE 189 First Semester, 22-23
Lab 1 Report
NATIVIDAD, Jan Elysse Marrien, B.
GQ#7: What are bi-spectral plots? How does the location of the points on the
bi-spectral plots provide help in distinguishing the materials?
Bispectral plots are graphs wherein two bands are plotted simultaneously, with one band on
the x-axis and the other on the y-axis. The location of the points on the bi-spectral plots
provides help by showing which plots are close to each other which indicates how they
GsE 189 First Semester, 22-23
Lab 1 Report
NATIVIDAD, Jan Elysse Marrien, B.
GQ#8: Paste the bi-spectral plot with proper labels. Based on your previous answer,
what are your inferences of the materials? Create Table 4 (Table Columns: Material
Letter, Class of Material, Explanation [based on bi-spectral plot]) to present your
analysis of materials using the bi-spectral plots.
GQ#9: What is your final classification of the unknown materials? Present them using
the tables below.
GQ#12: Are the bi-spectral plots more effective than spectral signatures? Why or why
The bi-spectral plots are simpler and make general classification easier but spectral
signatures demonstrate more specific differences which can make categorization of the
specific classes more achievable.
GsE 189 First Semester, 22-23
Lab 1 Report
NATIVIDAD, Jan Elysse Marrien, B.
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