Pathology Question Bank
Pathology Question Bank
Pathology Question Bank
B) in compensatory hyperplasia, the nonparenchymal cells can’t participate in the regeneration process of
the liver*
C)Hormonal action during pregnancy and puberty in female is a cardinal example on physiological
C)burns and electrical shock are examples on chemical agents that cause cell injury
D)in necrosis, the cell is enlarged(swelling), while in apoptosis the cell is reduced
C)extrinsic pathway mediated by TNF receptor family and ends up by activation of caspase 8*
A) Atrophy
B) Dysplasia
C) Hyperplasia*
D) Hypertrophy
E) Metaplasia
6) A 50-year-old chronic alcoholic presents to the emergency room with 12 hours of severe abdominal pain. The pain
radiates to the back and is associated with an urge to vomit. Physical examination discloses exquisite abdominal
tenderness. Laboratory studies show elevated serum amylase. Which of the following morphologic changes would be
expected in the peripancreatic tissue of this patient?
A) Coagulative necrosis
B) Caseous necrosis
C) Fat necrosis*
D) Fibrinoid necrosis
E) Liquefactive necrosis
7) A 63-year-old man has a 2-year history of worsening congestive heart failure. An echocardiogram shows mitral valve
stenosis with left atrial dilation. A mural thrombus is present in the left atrium. One month later, he experiences left flank
pain and notes hematuria. Laboratory testing shows an elevated serum AST. The representative microscopic appearance of
the lesion is shown in the figure. Which of the fol- lowing patterns of tissue necrosis is most likely to be present in this
A) Caseous
B) Coagulative *
C) Fat
E) Liquefactive
8) Chiseled physique of weightlifter:
A) Only hypertrophy*
B) Only hyperplasia
D) Atrophy
E) Metaplasia
D) DNA damage *
A) Atrophy
B) Hypertrophy
C) Hyperplasia*
E) Metaplasia
11) The cellular and molecular changes that give rise to functional and structural abnormalities:
A) Etiology
B) Pathogenesis*
C) Morphology
D) Clinical manifestations
12) A disease that involves collection of granulomas:
A) Hypertrophy only
C) Hyperplasia only
D) Apoptosis
A) Compensatory
18) The correct sequence (gross appearance, light microscopic appearance, ultra-structural changes, loss of function,
death) ?
Loss of function> death > ultra-structural changes> light microscopic appearance > gross appearance
A) Pyknosis
B) Karyorrhexis
C) Karyolysis
D) Mitosis*
A) Bax
B) Bak
C) BCL-2*
21) Old women did a test, the result was that she has TB, which type of necrosis does she have:
A) Coagulative
B) Liquefactive
C) Fat necrosis
D) Caseous necrosis*
E) Fibrinoid necrosis
22) A 43-year-old man presents with a scaly, erythematous lesion on the dorsal surface of his left hand. A skin biopsy
reveals atypical keratinocytes filling the entire thickness of the epidermis (shown in the image). The arrows point to
apoptotic bodies. Which of the following proteins plays the most important role in mediating programmed cell death in
this patient’s skin cancer?
A) Catalase
B) Cytochrome C *
C) Cytokeratin
D) Myeloperoxidase
E) Superoxide dismutase
23) A 47-year-old man has a lung carcinoma with metastases. He receives chemotherapy. A month later, histologic
examination of a metastatic lesion shows many foci in which individual tumor cells appear shrunken and deeply
eosinophilic. Their nuclei exhibit condensed aggregates of chromatin under the nuclear membrane. The pathologic process
affecting these shrunken tumor cells is most likely triggered by release of which of the following substances into the
B) Catalase
C) Cytochrome c *
D) Lipofuscin
E) Phospholipase 7
24) A 29-year-old man sustains a left femoral fracture in a motorcycle accident. His leg is placed in a plaster cast. After his
left leg has been immobilized for 6 weeks, the diameter of the left calf has decreased in size. This change in size is most
likely to result from which of the following alterations in his calf muscles?
A) Aplasia
B) Atrophy*
C) Dystrophy
D) Hyalinosis
E) Hypoplasia 21
25) A 75-year-old woman with Alzheimer disease dies of congestive heart failure. The brain at autopsy is shown in the
image. This patient’s brain exemplifies which of the following responses to chronic injury?
A) Anaplasia
B) Atrophy*
C) Dysplasia
D) Hyperplasia
E) Hypertrophy
26) A 30-year-old woman presents with a 2-month history of fatigue, mild fever, and an erythematous scaling rash. She
also notes joint pain and swelling, primarily involving the small bones of her fingers. Physical examination reveals
erythematous plaques with adherent silvery scales that induce punctate bleeding points when removed. Biopsy of lesional
skin reveals markedly increased thickness of the epidermis (shown in the image). Which of the following terms best
describes this adaptation to chronic injury in this patient with psoriasis?
A) Atrophy
B) Dysplasia
C) Hyperplasia*
D) Hypertrophy
E) Metaplasia.
27) A 58-year-old man presents with symptoms of acute renal failure. His blood pressure is ZZO/I30 mm Hg (malignant
hypertension). While in the emergency room, the patient suffers a stroke and expires. Microscopic examination of the
kidney at autopsy is shown in the image. Which of the following morphologic changes accounts for the red material in the
Wall of the artery?
A) Apoptosis
B) Caseous necrosis
C) Fat necrosis
D) Fibrinoid necrosis*
E) Liquefactive necrosis.
28) A 16-year-old girl with a history of suicidal depression swallows a commercial solvent. A liver biopsy is performed to
assess the degree of damage to the hepatic parenchyma. Histologic examination demonstrates severe swelling of the
centrilobular hepatocytes (shown in the image). Which of the following mechanisms of disease best accounts for the
reversible changes noted in this liver biopsy?