St. Anthony College of Roxas City, Inc.: Diagnostic Examination: Anatomy & Physiology December 15, 2018
St. Anthony College of Roxas City, Inc.: Diagnostic Examination: Anatomy & Physiology December 15, 2018
St. Anthony College of Roxas City, Inc.: Diagnostic Examination: Anatomy & Physiology December 15, 2018
1.) This TEST PAPER can be used as your scratch. You can write anything here.
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3.) Shade your final answer using a Mongol 2 Pencil in the provided ANSWER SHEET.
5.) Carefully listen to the instructions for the filling up of the ANSWER SHEET.
1. The purpose of the cilia is to: 7. The maximum volume of air that can be inhaled after
a. Produce mucus a normal inhalation is known as:
b. Phagocytize bacteria a. Inspiratory reserve volume
c. Contract smooth muscle b. Expiratory reserve volume
d. Move the mucus back to the nasopharynxx c. Tidal volume
d. Residual volume
2. These pertain to the structures that open into the nasal 8. What do you call the total amount of air that move
cavity that reduce the weight of the skull, and which into and out of the respiratory system each minute?
influence the quality of voice by acting as resonating a. Respiratory rate
chambers: b. Minute ventilation
a. Conchae c. Functional residual capacity
b. Paranasal sinuses d. Inspiratory capacity
c. Nasolacrimal ducts
d. Pharyngeal tonsils 9. Gas exchange between blood and air does not occur in
other areas of the respiratory system like the
3. The lungs are enclosed in a serous membrane called: bronchioles, bronchi, and trachea. These are often
a. Diaphragm called the:
b. Mediastinum a. Inactive area
c. Pleura b. Gaseous space
d. Xiphoid process c. Dead space
d. Pleural space
4. The left lung, in contrast to the right lung has:
a. One less lobe 10. Blood pH is affected by the carbon dioxide we intake.
b. One more lobe The nurse knows that as the level of carbon dioxide in
c. The same number of lobes the blood increases, the blood pH:
d. Two more lobes a. Increases
b. Decreases
5. The divisions of the lung lobe proceed in the c. Remains the same
following order, beginning at the mainstem bronchi: d. May increase or decrease depending on the
a. Lobar brinchi, bronchioles, segemented amount of surfactant
bronchi, subsequent bronchi
b. Segmented bronchi, subsegmented bronchi, 11. Mang Kiko, 40 years old usually exercise in the early
lobar bronchi, bronchioles morning. Sometimes he becomes almost short of
c. Lobar bronchi, segmented bronchi, breath due to intensive physical activities. As a nurse,
subsegmented bronchi, bronchioles you know that the highest level of exercise that can be
d. Subsegmented bronchi, lower bronchi, performed without a siginificant change in blood pH
bronchioles, segmented bronchi is known as:
a. Aerobic threshold
6. The nurse knows that the alveolar cells that secrete b. Anaerobic threshold
surfactant are the: c. Ventilation-pH ratio
a. Type I cells d. Exercise threshold
b. Type II cells
c. Type II cells
d. Type I and type II cells
Diagnostic Exam: AnaPhysio #jbmendezMD
12. The exchange of gases across the respiratory 21. There are 26 bones composing the vertebral column.
membrane is influenced by which of the following Which of the following is the correct breakdown of
factor (s)? these bones?
a. Thickness of the respiratory membrane a. 8 cervical bones, 11 thoracic bones, 5
b. Total surface area of the membrane lumbar bones, 1 sacral bone, and 1 coccygeal
c. Partial pressure of gases in the membrane bone
d. All of the above b. 7 cervical bones, 11 thoracic bones, 6
lumbar bones, 1 sacral bone, and 1 coccygeal
13. A patient exhibits cyanosis when how much bone
hemoglobin is unoxygenated? c. 7 cervical bones, 12 thoracic bones, 5
a. 0.77 g/dL lumbar bones, 1 sacral bone, and 1 coccygeal
b. 2.3 g/dL bone
c. 15.0 g/dL d. 8 cervical bones, 10 thoracic bones, 6
d. 5.0 g/dL lumbar bones, 1 sacral bone, and 1 coccygeal
14. The nurse inspect the thorax of a patient with
advanced emphysema. The nurse expects chest 22. Which of the following is not a part of the sternum?
configuration change consistent with a deofrmity a. Manubrium
known as: b. Body
a. Barrel chest c. Tip
b. Funnel chest d. Xiphoid process
c. Pigeon chest
d. Kyphoscoliosis 23. The human body has a total of 12 pairs of ribs. What
do you call for the 11th and 12th ribs?
15. The basic cells responsible only for the formation a. True ribs
ofbone matrix are the: b. False ribs
a. Osteoblasts c. Floating ribs
b. Osteoclasts d. Last-pair ribs
c. Osteocytes
d. All of the above 24. Skeletal structures provide important landmarks for
health professionals. For instance, Nurse Ricky knows
16. The vertebrae can be classified as an example of: that the heart lies between:
a. Flat bone a. 2nd and 3rd ribs
b. Irregular bone b. 3rd and 4th ribs
c. Long bone c. 5th and 6th ribs
d. Short bone d. 7th and 8th ribs
17. The sternum, a bone that is a site for hematopoiesis is 25. An articulation or joint is a place where two bones
classified as a: come together. They also allow for movement. How
a. Flat bone do you call for those non-movable joints?
b. Irregular bone a. Synarthrosis
c. Long bone b. Ampiarthrosis
d. Short bone c. Diarthrosis
d. Synthesis
18. The nurse knows that the site of blood formation in
the body of adults is whcih of the following? 26. The hip and shoulder are examples of diarthroses that
a. Yellow marrow are classified as:
b. Red marrow a. Ball and socket joints
c. Bone marrow b. Hinges joints
d. Periosteum c. Pivot joints
d. Saddle joints
19. Which of the following pertains to the removal of
existing bone by osteoclasts and the deposition of new 27. The primary energy source for muscle cells is:
bone by osteoblasts? a. Creatinine kinase
a. Bone ossification b. Adenosisne triphosphate (ATP)
b. Bone repair c. Glucose
c. Bone remodeling d. Glycogen
d. Bone growth
28. This refers to the ability of the muscles to recoil to
20. Which of these hormones decrease the blood calcium their originakl resting length after hey have been
level when the level is too high so that homeostasis is stretched.
maintained? a. Contractility
a. Parathyroid hormone b. Excitability
b. Calcitonin c. Extensibility
c. Growth hormone d. Elasticity
d. Vitmanin D
30. This muscle of the upper limb is considered the 8. The first heart sound is generated by the:
primary extensor of the elbow: a. Closure of the aortic valve
a. Latissimus dorsi b. Closure of the atrioventricular valves
b. Deltoid c. Opening of the atrioventricular valves
c. Triceps brachii d. Opening of the pulmonic valve
d. Biceps brachii
9. Heart rate is stimulated by all of the following except:
B. CARDIOVASCULAR AND HEMATOLOGY a. Excess thyroid hormone
SYSTEMS b. Increased levels of circulating
1. The nurse who is caring for a patient with pericarditis c. The vagus nerve
understands that there is inflammation involving the: d. The sympathetic nervous system
a. Thin fibrous sac encasing the heart
b. Inner lining of the heart and valves 10. The volume of blood pumped by either ventricle of
c. Heart’s muscle fibers the heart each minute is known as:
d. Exterior layer of the heart a. Stroke volume
b. Cardiac output
2. The point of maximum impulse (PMI) is an important c. Heart rate
landmark in the cardiac exam. Which statement best d. Venous return
describes the location of the PMI in the healthy adult?
a. Base of the heart, 5th intercostal space, 7-9 11. Stroke volume of the heart is determined by:
cm to the left of the midsternal line a. The degree of cardiac muscle strength
b. Base of the heart, 7th intercostal space, 7-9 b. The intrinsic contractility of the cardiac
cm to the left of the midsternal line muscle
c. Apex of the heart, 5th intercostal space, 7-9 c. The pressure gradient against which the
cm to the left of the midsternal line muscle ejects blood during contraction
d. Apex of the heart, 7th intercostal space, 7-9 d. All of the above factors
cm to the left of the midsternal line
3. Among the four chambers of the heart, which of them 12. Which of the following is not part of the intrinsic
has the thickest wall as it generates the highest regulatory mechanism of the heart in maintaining
pressure in order to pump bloodto the different parts homeostasis?
of the body? a. Venous return
a. Right ventricle b. Afterload
b. Right atrium c. Sympathetic nervous system
c. Left atrium d. Preload
d. Left ventricle
4. Which of the following is incorrectly matched? 13. The difference between the systolic and diastolic
a. AV valve: mitral valve pressure is known as the:
b. Semilunar valve: pulmonic valve a. Auscultatory gap
c. Aorta: oxygenated blood b. Korotkoff sound
d. Pulmonary vein: unoxygenated blood c. Pulse pressure
d. Pulse deficit
5. So that blood may flow from the right ventricle to the 14. The nurse takes a baseline blood pressure
pulmonary artery, which of the following conditions is measurement after the patient has rested for 10
not required? minutes in a supine position. The reading that
a. The AV valves must be closed refelects a reduced puls pressure is:
b. The pulmonic valve must be open a. 140/90 mmHg
c. Right ventricular pressure must be less than b. 140/100 mmHg
the pulmonary arterial pressure c. 140/120 mmHg
d. Right ventricular pressure must rise with d. 140/110 mmHg
6. The pacemaker of the entire myocardium is known as 15. If the sphygmomanometer cuff is too small for the
the: patient, the blood pressure reading will probably be:
a. Atrioventricular junction a. Falsely elevated
b. Bundle of His b. Falsely decreased
c. Sinoatrial node c. An accurate reading
d. Purkinje fibers d. Lower than expected
24. Which does not belong to the group? 2. Among the salivary glands we have, which of the
a. Heparin following is the largest and the common site for
b. Vitamin K neoplasm?
c. Antithrombin a. Parotid gland
d. Fibrin b. Submandibular gland
c. Sublingual gland
d. Buccal gland
23. The obstruction of bile flow due to cholelithiasis can A dream doesn't become reality through
interfere with the absorption of: magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard
a. Vitamin A work.
b. Vitamin B12
c. Vitamin B6 Colin Powell
d. Vitamin C
27. It usually takes how long for food to enter the colon?
a. 1 to 3 hours after a meal is taken
b. 4 to 5 hours after a meal is taken
c. 6 to 7 hours after a meal is taken
d. 8 to 9 hours after a meal is taken