Organizational Behavior Model Notes

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What is Organizational Behavior Model?

Meaning of Organizational Behavior Model:

– Organizational behavior model is a basic structure that
shows the relations between employees at different levels
in the organization. Organizational behavior model
reflects the behavior of the people and management
all together, it is considered as field study not just a
discipline. Organization analyze behavior of
employees into three basic levels known as OB Model,
they are: – Individual level, Group level and
Organizational system level.
Organizational behavior revolves around three main
theoretical approaches: – cognitive, behaviorist and
social learning frameworks. These frameworks
became the basis on which the organizational
behavior model operates. The cognitive theory was
developed by Edward and depends on the expectancy
and incentive concepts, while the behaviorist
framework created by Ivan Pavlov and John B.Watson
relies on observation power. While the social theory
depends on how the connection is created between
the stimulus and response.
What are the types of Organizational Behavior
In management, the focus is on the study of the five
organizational behavior models: –
1. Autocratic Model;
2. Custodial Model;
3. Supportive Model;
4. Collegial Model; and
5. System Model
Let us take each of the organizational behavior models and
1. Autocratic Model: –
The autocratic model is the model that relies on
strength, power and formal authority. The autocratic
model depends on power. Managers see authority as
the only means to get the things done and employees
are expected to follow orders. So it results in the
higher dependence on the boss.

In an autocratic organization, the people

(management/owners) managing the functions in an
organization have formal authority to control the
employees working under them. These lower-level
employees have little control over the job
assignments. His ideas and innovations are generally
not welcomed, as major decisions are made at the top
management level.

The guiding principle behind this model is that

management/owners have extensive business
expertise, and the average employee has a relatively
low level of skill and needs to be thoroughly directed.
This type of autocratic management system was
common in factories during the Industrial Revolution

One of the more significant problems associated with

the autocratic model is that the management team
needs to micro-manage the employees – where they
have to look at all the details and make every single
decision. Clearly, in a more modern-day organization,
where highly paid specialists are hired, an autocratic
system becomes impractical and highly inefficient.

The autocratic model also opposes job satisfaction

and employee morale. This is because employees do
not feel valued and part of the overall team. This leads
to low level of performance. While the Autocratic
model may be suitable for some very automated
factory situations, it is out of date for most modern


2. Custodial Model: –
Workers being managed under the autocratic model
often feel insecure and disappointed. They may also
show aggression towards their boss and their family
and neighbours. So progressive managers felt that
something must happen ways to develop better
employee relations so that insecurities and
frustrationscould be removed. The custodial approach
induces employees now to show their dependency
and loyalty towards the company and not to the boss
or managers, or supervisors. The employees in this
environment are more psychologically contended and
preoccupied with their rewards, but it is not necessary
they would be strongly motivated to give the

To overcome the shortcomings of autocratic model, it

came into existence. This model is reward based.
More emphasis is on economic rewards and benefits
to motivate employees.

The custodial model is based on the concept of

providing economic security for employees – through
pay and other benefits that will create employee
loyalty and motivation. In some countries, many
professional companies offer health benefits,
corporate cars, financial packaging of salaries, etc. –
these are incentives designed to attract and retain
quality employees.

The underlying principle for the organization is that

they will have a more skilled workforce, more
motivated employees, and have a competitive
advantage through employee knowledge and
expertise. The downside with the custodial model is
that it also attracts and retains low-performing
employees. Or perhaps even some offer low-level
motivation from employees who feel they are “stuck”
in an organization because the benefits are too good
to leave.

3. Supportive Model: –
The basic idea behind this theory is that leadership
drives people to work not the power of money as in
the custodial model. Through leadership Management
provides an environment to help employees develop
and fulfil the interests of the organization, rather than
the only things to support employee benefit payment
as per custodial approach.
It works in the public sector organization which is
dependent on effective leadership. Here, it is assumed
that workers are self directed and creative.
Importance in this model is given to psychological
needs, self esteem, job satisfaction and friendly
relations between superior-subordinate.

Under the supportive model, workers feel a sense

of participation and work participation in the
organization. The role of the manager is to help the
employee and solve their problems and get their
work done. This model has been found to be
effective in prosperous countries where workers
are more concerned about their higher levels need
affiliation and esteem.

Unlike the earlier two approaches, the supportive

model is centred around ambitious leadership. It is
not based on control and authority (autocratic model)
or incentives (custodial model), but instead tries to
motivate employees through the manager-employee
relationship and how employees are treated on a day-
to-day basis.

Quite the opposite of the autocratic model, this

approach suggests that employees are self-motivated
and have the value and insight to contribute to the
organization, beyond just their day-to-day role
This model aims to motivate employees through a
positive workplace where their ideas are
encouraged and often adapted. Therefore,
employees have some form of “buy-in” for the
organization and its direction.

The supportive model is widely accepted chiefly in the

developed nations where the needs of the employees
are different as it fulfills many of the employees
emerging needs.  This approach is less successful in
the developing nations where the social and economic
need of the working class is different.  In short, in the
supportive model, money is not which retain the
satisfaction of the employees, but it is a part of the
organization’s life that has been put to the use and
makes other people feel wanted.

4. Collegial Model: –
A useful extension of the supportive model is the
collegial model. This word collegial means a body of
individuals with a common purpose. The collegial
model, which embodies a term concept, first achieved
widespread applications in research laboratories and
similar work environments. This is a best model based
on the partnership between workers and
management in which both work together as a team
and respect each other. Workers are satisfied by their
job and they are committed to the organisation.
The collegial model traditionally was used theory is
based on the principle of mutual contribution by
employer and employees. Each employee should
develop a feeling that he is a part of the whole and
contributing something to the whole and recognizes
the others contribution. Management is supported to
be joint contribution and not the boss.

The collegial model is based on teamwork –

everyone working as a peer. The overall
environment and corporate culture needs to be
aligned with this model, where everyone is actively
participating – not just about position and job title –
for everyone to work together to make a better
organization is encouraged.

The role of the manager is to foster this teamwork

and create positive and energetic workplaces. In
much more respect, the manager can be
considered the “coach” of the team. And as a coach,
the goal is to keep the team doing well overall,
rather than focusing on their own performance, or
the performances of key individuals.
The collegial model is quite effective in organizations that need to find new
approaches – marketing teams, research and development, technology/software
– virtually anywhere the competitive landscape is constantly changing and ideas
and innovation are key competitive success factors.

The success of the collegial model depends on the

management’s ability to foster the feeling of
partnership between the employees. This makes the
employees feel important and needed. They also feel
that managers are not just mere supervisors but are
also giving their equal contribution to the team. To
make the collegial model success many organizations
have abolished the use of bosses and subordinates
during working, as these terms create the distance
between the managers and subordinates.  While some
of the organizations have abolished the system of
allotting reserved space for executives. Now any
employee can park their vehicle in the common
parking space, which increases their convenience and
makes them more comfortable.

5. System Model: –
The final organizational model is known as the system
model. It is the most contemporary model of the five
models discussed in this article. In the system model,
the organization looks at the overall structure and
team environment, and assumes that individuals have
different goals, talents, and abilities. The system
model aims to try to balance the goals of the
individual with the goals of the organisation.

Individuals obviously want good remuneration, job

security, but also want to work in a positive work
environment where the organization adds value to the
community and/or its customers. The model system
should be a holistic partnership of managers and
employees with a common goal, and where everyone
feels they have a stake in the organization.
In the system model, the expectations of the
managers are much more than getting the work done
by the employees. The managers have to show their
emotional side, be more compassionate and caring
towards their team, and they must be sensitive
towards the needs of the diverse workforce. They
have to devote their attention to creating the feeling
of optimism, hope, trustworthiness, courage, self-
determination, and through this, they try to develop a
positive work culture where the employees feel more
at ease and work as if they are working for their
family.  This ultimately results in the long time
commitment and loyalty of the employees and the
success of the company.
Characteristics of Organizational Behavior
Model (OB)
Characteristics of Organizational Behavior Model are: –
1. Separate Field of Study and not a Discipline Only:
– Organizational behaivor model is based on multi-
interdisciplinary orientation and is, thus, it is not based
on a specific theoretical background.
2. An Interdisciplinary Approach: – Organizational
behavior model is an applied behavioral science built
on contributions from a number of behavioral
disciplines, mainly psychology and social psychology,
sociology, and anthropology.
3. Applied Science: – Organizational behaivor model can
be called both science as well as art because it involve
both applied research and its application in
organizational analysis. 
4. Normative Science: – Organizational behaivor model
describes how the findings of applied research can be
applied to socially accepted organizational goals
whereas the positive science discusses the only cause-
effect relationship
5. Humanistic and Optimistic Approach: –
Organizational behaivor model deals with the people
and their interaction with organisations.
6. Total System Approach: – System approach is one
that integrates all the variables, affecting organizational
Comparison of Organizational Behavior Models
The following table (Davis, 1967) presents a comparison
between the four models of organizational behaviour with
respect to its basis, the key managerial psychological
consequences for orientation, key employee orientation,
employee needs that are met, and ultimate performance or

Table 1: Comparison among four models of organisational

behaviour (from Davis, 1967, p. 480)

1. Basis of model Power Economic Leadership Partnership


2. Managerial Authority Money Support Teamwork


3. Employee Obedience Security and Job Responsible

Orientation benefits performance behaviour

4. Employee Dependence Dependence Participation Self-

Psychological on boss on Discipline
Result organization

5. Employee Subsisence Security Status and Self-

needs met Recognition actualisation

6. Performance Minimum Passive Co- Awakened Moderate

result operation drives enthusiasm

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