Devashish Internship
Devashish Internship
Devashish Internship
A Internship Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of Post Graduate Diploma in Software Development
This is to certify that the internship report titled NOKIA FLEXI Anuj Singh (PD2009511) Is a bonafied work carried out under our supervisions at Global Innov Source From 4th October to 31st December 2010, in partial fulfillment of the Post Graduate Diploma in Software Development Course of International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore. His Performance & conduct during the project was satisfactory.
BTS submitted by
Signature: Name of the Supervisor: Kundan Singh Date: 31/12/2010 Place: Ranchi
We take the opportunity to express my cordial gratitude and deep sense of indebtedness to my guide Sumit Chand for his valuable guidance. I am thankful for his innovative ideas. He had always welcomed my problem and helped to clear my doubt. I will always be grateful to him for providing me moral support and sufficient time.
Table of Contents
The main focus of the internship program was to learn and understand the Nokia flexi BTS and get hands on experience of working and functionality of Nokia Flexi BTS In the technical overview we have given the introduction to Nokia Flexi BTS, its installation, capacity and performance, how to increase the speed of network roll out and reduced operating costs and also how Nokia Flexi BTS platform is used efficiently in multi-radio sites. In construction and modules we have learnt what the main modules of Nokia Flexi BTS i.e. about systems modules, transmission modules, TRx modules and duplexer modules. In configuration and applications we have learnt about various configurations of modules and capacity and working. In transmission we have learnt about various transmission platform and transmission interface upon which Nokia Flexi BTS can work upon. In co-siting we have learnt with which Nokia Flexi BTS can be co-sited. In feeder less and distributed site we came to know about feeder less and distributed sites working and its benefits. In technical data part we have came to know about Nokia Flexi BTS operating range and power consumption done by it
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