California USA
(Gootman, 2016). Data has become the new digital that have been enforced across the world take
gold, and it is expected to become more costly, seriously (Confer & Heuple, 2017).
especially as the digital age continues. Awareness is Literature Review
a critical component of nearly any project being Cookies
initiated, whether it is a research study or an It would be impossible to talk about
advertising campaign for businesses. Also, for small Cybersecurity without mentioning cookies. These
companies, data is essential for determining the can be defined as small text files that are found on a
project’s viability. computer. They recognize the activities of a network
Because of the risks that could come with the as shared between web pages (Kulyk, Hilt, Gerber,
disclosure, internet users have been concerned about & Volkamer, 2018). They mainly help in logging in
their personal information being exposed as they use to a website and purchase of items on an online
social media sites. With the increased use of the platform. Through cooks, servers can identify one's
internet for purchasing and selling, online users have computer and remember things that are conducted
expressed concern about the security of their by an individual through his laptop. Cookies are
personal information exchanged with different widely used by advertisers and online businesses in
websites. As a result, Cybersecurity has become one marketing their operations online (Zarouali et al.,
of the most critical aspects of treatment for many 2017). The use of cookies has been a subject of
people and organizations. In today’s world, identity heated discussion regarding vulnerabilities they
fraud has become commonplace. It’s difficult to read create in one’s system through the sharing of
or watch the news without seeing any incidents information about the online activities of a user.
involving Cybersecurity. It is clear that While many people view cookies as a security threat,
advancements in security practices have not an equal number of people feel that cookies indeed
balanced advancements in information technology. pose no danger to Cybersecurity and only the
It’s become increasingly difficult for systems to be privacy of IT users. Much research has been done on
entirely safe, as technological advances have the same, and answers vary from one research work
exposed flaws in even the most secure methods. As to another. The history of cookies dates as early as
a result, researchers and I.T. experts must devise 1994. In this year, Lou Montulli developed one of
new strategies for improving Cybersecurity while the earliest web browsers in the world of computers.
still keeping up with technological advancements to He acquired a lot of experience, and his innovative
plug the gaps in current security measures (Baumann minds helped him come up with cookies, HTTP
& Schunemann, 2017). All security risks are faced proxying, and Server push and Client push.
by humans interested in mining personal data for According to Montulli, cookies got their name after
various purposes, including identity theft and service a computer science word, “Magic Cookie,” which is
denial. Different laws regulate the use of technology; described as something passed by routineness of
online privacy is something that many cyber rules applications that allows the recipient to conduct
activities. Each time a person visits a website, Cybersecurity. There are various components of
various information regarding the user's activities Cybersecurity. It would be impossible to attain
are collected and sent to the website that created complete Cybersecurity without privacy in I.T. At
these cookies. The data collected is hence sold to the the same time, it would be hard to achieve privacy
advertisers. Tracking of one’s interests, preferences, without Cybersecurity. This means that the two
and search trends is done through this. Therefore, terms complement each other in the world of
marketers can send customized ads to a person Information technology. There are various roles that
thanks to the information revered through these both I.T. users are anticipated to play in enhancing
cookies. However, this is viewed in many aspects as their security. On the other hand, the developers of
being intrusive to the users' online privacy. sites and applications are also expected to increase
Privacy the security features of their websites to protect the
There is nothing valuable in the world of user data from being accessed or stolen by attackers
information technology as having privacy with your (Zhelang, 2017). The growth of information
online activity and information shared. Privacy technology has prompted a regular revision of the
touches on various aspects of life, ranging from cyber laws to ensure all the emerging issues in the
access to the medical history of a patient: personal cyber world.
bio and other necessary information, such as credit Cookies and Privacy
and social security number (Torra, 2017). According For quite some time, cookies and privacy
to the Health insurance portability and have taken the forefront in various discussions, with
accountability act (HIPAA), individuals have the many people arguing that cookies do not pose any
right to autonomy for their personal information vulnerability to privacy concerns of uses of
from unauthorized access by third parties. Entities information technologies. The same opposition is
such as hospitals have the duty to ensure that the seen from the people who say that cookies have
information shared by the patients remains secure nothing to do with vulnerabilities on people's
and private, as stipulated by the act. Failure to adhere privacy concerns and their systems. The reality is
to the provisions of the law is liable for a fine or a that cookies do not damage computer systems in any
jail term. The essence of privacy for individuals is to way. They’re all text files that can be disabled
ensure that one's personal information remains in whenever you want (Cavusoglu et al., 2005). They
one's realms. No one can be jeopardized based on the aren’t plug-ins, and their applications aren’t either.
information shared with entities such as hospitals. It Cookies cannot be used to spread malware or gain
also protects one from incidences that may be access to your computer’s hard drive. This isn’t to
brought about by exposing one’s personal say that cookies aren’t crucial for a user’s online
information to third parties. privacy and anonymity. Cookies cannot access your
Privacy and Cybersecurity are intertwined in hard drive to obtain information about you; however,
a manner that one cannot detach privacy from unless you have disabled cookies in your browser,
any personal information you provide to a Web site, to an increased profit margin. Through these
even credit card information, will certainly be stored cookies, personal browsing data is analyzed using
in a cookie. Cookies are just a threat to privacy in the items viewed from one website to another
this way. Only information that you freely submit to (Jegatheesan, 2013). The information gathered is of
a website will be held in the cookie. great essence to the marketing body as it helps
In many cases, cookies can be blocked, but predict the purchasing behavior of the targeted
after doing this, many websites are rendered less customers and hence allows the business to serve
active as they were when cookies get blocked. When with the right products and services following their
one needs the entire functioning of the site, one is purchasing patterns.
prompted to accept the cookies to get the entire How Cookies Invade Privacy
operation of the website. People concerned about There are many ways online users have to
their security find cookies a nuisance to their describe and attested cookies to have invaded their
autonomy due to their impact on the effectiveness of privacy. To explain this, it is essential to use an
a web page. However, there are various ways example of an actual situation that can face anyone
through which this issue can be addressed. One of as they use the Internet—taking the case of a person
the best methods is to delete cookies once we close entering a restaurant or a lodge. One is stopped by
the browser. Another critical purpose is to browse by the security personnel at the entrance who ask to do
anonymizing; this ensures that one’s identity is a thorough search (Hessler et al., 2018). They record
masked. It, therefore, becomes complicated for the all the items found with you and also take notes of
cookies to track down the activities of a person. the items found with you. As if not enough, there are
However, in respect to jeopardizing the privacy and hidden cameras that record every activity and
security of people, cookies cannot be categorized as movement of a person. The functioning of cookies
such. People, therefore, need to be much concerned can be said to work similarly to this example.
about other technologies that can use these cookies Cookies gather information about the browsing
break down the security protocols of a system. activities of a person once they are allowed into
In many cases, cookies are usually set by the one’s computer (Gupta et al., 2016). This is viewed
sites that one visit; this is not always the case, in as a significant issue of concern regarding the
some instances, they are set by the third parties privacy of the people involved.
associated with the places that people visit. Not once On top of tracking down the activities that
that one tends to get cookies from the website that one engages in on his browser, cookies bring endless
he has never heard or visited. The truth of the matter ads that, apart from cutting disrupting browsing
is, these sites are usually related to the places we sessions, may prompt one to look at the items being
visit. The essence of these cookies is aimed at displayed. The issues with these adverts are that they
helping entities in marketing their brands with the are usually from the same website, and the
aim of increasing their sales revenues, which leads likelihood of a similar thing being shown is very
high. It eliminated the chances of a person viewing Another critical security compromise that
new themes and products from other business can be attributed to the use of cookies is the exposure
entities. Many people do not feel comfortable with of personal information. Information shared on a
the endless ads courtesy of cookies as they make the browser is likely to be collected by the cookies and
overall experience of browsing to be clogged by stored. If the website whose cookies have been
unnecessary popups (Isaak & Hanna, 2018). There allowed is malicious, the shared information can be
have been some development done on some used by people with ill motives to commit a
browsers to ensure that cookies are blocked cybercrime (Aggarwal & Reddie, 2018).
automatically to address this issue. However, this is Information such as credit card number and
not the final solution as it also limits access to sites passwords, when stored by the cookies, serves as a
that one must allow cookies to access the contents of significant risk to users' online privacy. When
the websites. accessed by third parties through cookies, this can be
Security Concerns Regarding Cookies a considerable security threat to the online users of
Although security issues are not directly government services (Houser & Voss, 2018).
associated with cookies, there are some incidences How Improving Cybersecurity Will help the U.S.
that cookies indirectly cause a security alarm for the Privacy infringement and Cybersecurity
users of I.T. For websites that generally use cookies attacks in the recent past have increased. Businesses
to provide access control schemes, having many and individuals have suffered losses due to data loss
users usually set cookies and login credentials and and identity theft. Despite technology seeing some
the session details in some cases. When not correctly rapid developments, there have never been effective
implemented, the system becomes prone to various security enhancement measures that address the
vulnerabilities imposed by third parties. In many security concerns people currently have. There are,
cases, packed sniffer programs can get into cookies however, some possible ways that can be
when transferred between the server and the implemented to reduce vulnerabilities and risks. One
browser, hence getting into a website in question that of the best ways to ensure that security and privacy
grants cookies (Degeling et al., 2018). With Domain are enhanced is by reducing over-reliance on I.T.
name server (DNS) used in determining the cookies (Aladeokin, Zavarsky, & Memon, 2017). This
used with a given served, it becomes quite possible ensures that critical information is not shared
for one to cheat and play ahead with a browse in through the Internet. Another important way to
sending cookies to the server through subversion of enhance privacy and security is by employing new
Domain name server temporarily. The chances of technology in managing incidences. This entails
compromising a person's login credentials become moving with the latest technology is addressing
one of the significant issues of concern through this security concerns. The use of antimalware may help
vulnerability created through cookies. detect malicious cookies directed at collecting
personal information.
Conclusion References
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