Tugas Essay DDoS and IoT

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Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks are gradually increasing.

DDoS is a type of attack on a computer or server so that the computer cannot
run properly by spending resources purposed to prevent the users to access
services from the computer. According to a survey conducted by Neustar, in
2013 there are 60 percent companies affected by DDoS attacks and exposed
more than once about 87 percent company. Sector that often targeted is the
gaming industry, media, and software. Most of the attacks is to disrupt, not to
destroy targeted. In contrast to targeted attacks, DDoS attacks will not cause a
data breach. According to Symantec's security experts highest DDoS resource
came from India with 26% of all DDoS attacks, followed by the US with 17%, and
Singapore 9%.
The form of DDoS attacks are attack class and amplification. Attack class
is conducted attacks against TCP connections, the volume of bandwidth,
fragmentation packets by sending a flood of data, and an attack on the
application by exploiting the weaknesses in web application itself. Amplification
is a very popular method of attack lately, this attack can overload the internet
traffic. There two ways in this method, that is DNS Reflection and Chargen
Reflection, its working principle is to send a small request to a DNS server and
ask a great reply from the victim. According Wueest, because of the reflection,
network traffic can be 100 times more dense.
The attack is carried out due to the multiple motivations such as seeking
profits with the actions taken, making the victim resources busy, activists action
who protested and wanted the government and public attention. For example, alQassam Cyber Fighters who attack US financial institutions. In addition, this
attack can also be done to compete in online gaming, to beat rivals.
In Indonesia, DDoS attacks have occurred, for example on 16-17 May
2008, on the largest communities site in Indonesia, Kaskus. This causes serious
damage to the database, so that existing threads should be closed. Other DDoS
attack had also been happened to the BIPS, Europe's primary bitcoin payment
processor for merchants and free online wallet service, about the theft of Bitcoin
worth $ 1 million US dollars, on November 15, 2013. The attackers disable the
site and disconnect iSCSI to the SAN and BIPS server.

DDoS attacks cause loss of so many things. With the overload incidents,
downtime and new problems occur. Moreover, the additional costs that arise to
repair the hosting, as well as traffic and bandwidth costs. When this happens to a
company, the customers of the company will be disappointed and this will
increase the customer churn. The other disadvantage is the loss of log files or
drop data caused by servers and network devices that have to reboot.
To overcome the problems above and reduce the impact of a DDoS attack,
there are some prevention needed. Things that can be done is preparing a plan
that will be executed when attack is happen, periodically check the network and
detect abnormal patterns, perform basic traffic filtering, blocking suspicious IP,
and verify the server and network. Another thing that might be done by an
computers expert is to create new applications that can handle DDoS attacks or
minimizing the impact of this attack.

Summary of Essay : The Value of Privacy

In this modern era, the topic about the Internet of Things became popular,
IoT has proposed many innovations to make our life easier. With IoT, any
information obtained will be converted into a valuable market data, where the
data is used to give the appropriate advertising for each person. However, the
issues of privacy violations start to appear.
According to Raul Colcher, CEO of Questera, it is important to rearrange
the privacy, the businesses should devise a strategy in dealing with privacy and
security as the growth of the IoT. Colcher also added that the issue of privacy is
not a new thing, because too many company that has been collecting our
information through online activity. However, the difference is IoT will get more
information, for example a person's daily activities.
IOT has already exists, for example, a smarter house that inserted with
sensor technology product, which provide the facility of home security system
with just one click. Information will be sent via a signal through a wireless
network, and its stored in the cloud. But, this becomes a problem. Why? Neeli
Prasad gave questions about who controls the cloud, and whether we believe
them or not. Prasad adds, if people are questioning the privacy, each person
have to provide their own service provider. These are home cloud-computing
systems that make people prefer to store their information in person rather than
relying on the company.
Now we know that so many products that tends to store the information in
cloud and database systems. For example our mobile that provides sync option
with social network. So, we can share our activity. Prasad said, new technology
and applications is more worrisome than the unauthorized access. She explained
that not all of the applications want to use the data for selling or tracking our
Different from Prasad who feels optimistic about the growth of the IoT,
Katherine concerns about each user may have their control of their information,
but who owns their data. Katina in her article entitled "Connected: To Everyone
and Everything" answers that question that the data not belongs to businesses,
but owns by IBM, Google, Cisco Systems and the global Mega-Corp.
So to avoid this privacy and security concern, governments and
businesses should establish a policy, such as users information control. Users
may have their right for their information they shared. In 2012, a bill of rights of
IoT has established at a conference in London by Open IoT Assembly, which
states IoT transparency of process and maintenance of privacy.
Colcher said that IoT has more advantages, although potentially violates
privacy rights. Many conveniences that can be obtained by IoT. Finally, he said
the growth of IoT cant be denied, so just do our best.

Ethical Issues in the Internet of Things

The article above has been explained that the IOT has individual privacy issues.
They concern about who has the data that stored in cloud or who controls the
database systems. In my opinion, in my opinion, it is okay to do, as long as the
data is not used for bad things that violate the law and human rights. IoT makes
the life easier, as the article explained before, someone can make their home
more secure with the sensor technology, when they are far from home, turn the
light from another location, etc.
History about technologies that contribute to the development of IoT
There are some technologies that contribute to the development of IoT, one of
that is Cloud. The Cloud grew in 90s, when there was no name for this
technology. In 1997, then known as "cloud computing" filed by Ramnath
Chellappa. Within a few years, many companies are turning to the cloud to
reduce storage costs. Now, people tend to store their data in cloud, such as work
on document and edit files online.
If I can change the history, I wouldnt do that, because there some advantage
that I can get from the Cloud Storage and the features of IT. Maybe there is
something that I can add to that technology, that is the monitoring feature from
a person who has the data, they have to know who access their data. So there is
privacy right that must be respect from anyone.

Wueest, Candid. (2014). The Continued Rise of DDoS attacks. Symantec, October
21, 2014.
Rozenfeld, Monica. (2014). The Value of Privacy. The Insitute. March, 2014.
Greenberg, Adam. (2014). Amplification DDoS Attacks Most Popular, According To
Symantec. SC Magazine. <http://www.scmagazine.com/distributed-denial-ofservice-attacks-are-increasing-in-power/article/379299/>
Administrator. (2013). What is a DDoS Attack? Digital Attack Map.
< http://www.digitalattackmap.com/understanding-ddos/>
Anonymous. 2014. Asal Mula Berdirinya KASKUS dan Istilah-istilah yang

Southurst, Jon. (2013). Bitcoin Payment Processor BIPS Attacked, Over $1 Million
Stolen. < http://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-payment-processor-bips-attacked1m-stolen/>
Maynard, James. (2013). Cloud Storage the First 50 Years.

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