Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Q.2 (a) State the various stages for a design process, in which various CAD 03
tools can be used to improve productivity.
(b) What is geometric transformation? Explain any one in detail. 04
(c) Discuss Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IEGS) data exchange 07
(c) Explain various stages involved with NC manufacturing. How do they 07
differ from conventional manufacturing stages?
Q.3 (a) A triangle PQR has its vertices at P (0,0), Q(4,0) and R(2,3). It is to be 03
translated by 4 units in X direction, and 2 units in Y direction, and then
it is to be rotated in anticlockwise direction about the new position of
point R through 90o. Find the final position of the triangle.
(b) Compare CSG and B-rep techniques of solid modeling. 04
(c) Explain B-spline curve and mention its advantages. 07
Q.3 (a) Differentiate between Hermite’s cubic spline and Bezier’s Curve. 03
(b) Explain applications of CNC technology in manufacturing. 04
(c) Explain clearly the difference between NC, CNC and DNC machine. 07
Q.5 (a) Draw a block diagram for retrieval type CAPP system. 03
(b) Give advantages, limitations and applications of robots. 04
(c) What are different types of computer aided process planning? Explain 07
with suitable examples.
Q.5 (a) Define load capacity, degree of freedom, and work volume for a robot 03
(b) List various CAPP systems and explain any one in brief. 04
(c) Explain robot configurations with neat sketches. 07