Speech and Language Impairment
Speech and Language Impairment
Speech and Language Impairment
A.Speech Disorders
a.Apraxia of Speech
Under IDEA Communication Causes of speech According to It is Data from According to There is Speech and Speech disorders Children who
(Verbal Apraxia or
2004, a disorders relate to and language the Twenty- probably the National Friend (2005, some language disorders refer to difficulties struggle with speech
speech or the components of disorders: Sixth Annual reasonabl Institute on p. 338), indication of are a definitional producing speech and language
i.Acquired Apraxia of
language the process affected: Report (U.S, e to Deafness prevalence a familial component of sounds or impairments
impairment is speech or language. Department estimate and Other related to race pattern in certain conditions, problems with frequently suffer
• Developmental 1.Acquired Apraxia of
defined as "a Communication of Education, that about Communicat or ethnicity is speech and most prominently voice quality. They pervasive negative
language disorder. Speech with Aphasia
communicatio disorders are 2004). 10 to 15 ion difficult to language autism spectrum might be effects related to the
This is the most 2.Acquired Apraxia of
n disorder, generally divided into 1.118,543 percent of Disorders establish impairments, disorder. Other characterized by entire educational
common reason for Speech with
such as two major groups: students preschool (2002f) because of with neurodevelopment an interruption in process and are
speech/language Dysarthria
stuttering, speech impairments between the children identify boys the many clinicians al disorders, the flow or rhythm therefore at risk for
problems in ii.Developmental
impaired and language ages of six and about as being complicating noting including of speech, such developing social
children. The cause Apraxia of Speech
articulation, impairments. and twenty- 6 percent more likely factors that patterns cognitive/ as stuttering, and emotional
of this disorder has iii.Other Types of
language Although considered one years of of than girls as can arise from across intellectual which is called problems
something to do Apraxia of Speech
impairment, one special age were students having evaluating generations. impairment, are dysfluency. (Gargiulo,2004).
with the nervous b.Articulation
or a voice education category identified as in speech students with As of the universally Speech disorders
system, but the Disorders
impairment under IDEA, speech having elementar disorders in speech and 1990s, associated with may be problems
exact cause is Because all i.Distortion Articulation
that adversely impairments and speech and y and a ratio of language research varying degrees of with the way
unknown. communication Disorder
affects a language language secondary approximatel disorders. suggested a delays and deficits sounds are
disorders carry the ii.Omission Articulation
child's impairments are impairments. grades y 2 to 1. However, it is possible in language and formed, called
potential to isolate Disorder
educational really two separate, • Hearing loss. A This have They appear essential to genetic link, communication articulation or
individuals from their iii.Substitution
performance" though related, hearing impairment represents speech more likely recognize that though there skills. In addition to phonological
social and Articulation Disorder
disabilities. is the most approximatel disorders, to have the fact that a are still their co-occurrence disorders, or they
educational iv.Addition Articulation
frequently y 19 percent and about language student does many with a wide range may be difficulties
surroundings, it is Disorder
overlooked but the of all students 2 to 3 disorders in not use the problems in of with the pitch,
Speech disorders essential to find v.Neurogenic
most easily found having a percent of a ratio of speech or identifying neurodevelopment volume, or quality
are impairments in appropriate and Articulation Disorder
cause of language classification preschool approximatel language that such a gene. al disorders, of the voice. There
the production and timely interventions. vi.Other Types of
problems, It is in special ers and y 1.75 to 1 is expected in Sometimes speech and may be a
use of oral language. While many Articulation Disorders
important that a education, or about I (Friend, school does the siblings language delays in combination of
They include speeches and c.Phonological
child's hearing be about 1.7 percent of 2005). not of an toddlers and several problems.
difficulties in making language patterns Processing Disorders
tested at least percent of all the necessarily affected preschool-age People with
speech sounds, can be called "baby i.Consonant Sequence
every school year. school-age school- mean that he child show children are speech disorders
producing speech talk" and are part of Reduction (Cluster
Normal speech and students age or she has a milder forms associated with a have trouble using
with normal flow, and a young child's Reduction)
language (Hunt & population speech and of the significantly some speech
producing voice. normal ii.Final Consonant
development Marshall, have language difficulty, increased risk for sounds, which can
Speech is often development, they Deletion Disorder
depends on good 2005). This language impairment. complicating long-term also be a
considered impaired can become iii.Velar Deviation
hearing and disorders The most the picture developmental symptom of a
when "it deviates so problems if they are Fronting Disorder
listening skills. If a (Heward, important (National challenges, such delay. People with
far from the speech estimate not outgrown as (Fronting)
child has. 2006). question for a Institute on as language- voice disorders
of other people char does not expected. In this iv.Other Types of
Approxima child whose Deafness based learning may have trouble
it (1) calls attention include way, an initial delay Phonological
tely 98 speech or disorders. The with the way their
to itself, (2) interferes •Mental retardation. children who in speech and Processing Disorders
percent of language is comorbidity of voices sound.
with communication, Children with any have speech and Other language or an initial d.Fluency Disorders
the cases different from speech and
or (3) provokes level of mental or language Communicat speech pattern can i.Cluttering
of these what is language disorders
distress in the retardation will also problems ion Students with become a disorder ii.Stuttering
disorders standard or and other
speaker or listener have language secondary to Disorders, language that can 1.Developmental
are expected is neurodevelopment
(Van Riper & problems. A child other 20020). One impairments have Stuttering Disorder
identified whether the al disorders may
Erickson, 1996). In who is intellectually conditions, of the major significant 2.Neurogenic
before ten student is an not be apparent in cause difficulties in
general, speech is impaired is likely to such as stumbling difficulties Stuttering Disorder
years of effective pre-school-age learning (National
abnormal" when it is have problems in mental blocks is the understanding or 3.Psychogenic
age. communicator children, since Institute on
unintelligible, all aspects of retardation, definition of using words in Stuttering Disorder
in his or her these very young Deafness and Other
unpleasant, or language. traumatic the disorder, context, both 4.Other Types of
speech and children may not Communication
interferes with brain injury, because the verbally and non Speech Fluency
language yet manifest the Disorders, 2002d).
communication autism, population of verbally. Among Disorder
• Autism or community. developmental lags Because of the way
cerebral children with the characteristics e.Voice Disorders
pervasive or symptoms the brain develops, it
palsy, or language of language
i.Muscle Tension
Language is the development deafness impairments required to make disorders are is easier to learn
communication of disorder (PDD). A is still much comorbid these: Improper language and
1.Primary Muscle
ideas and the verbal child with autism or more diagnoses of such use of words and communication skills
Estimating Tension Dysphonia
system by which PDD will usually heterogenou conditions as their meanings before the age of
the 2.Secondary Muscle
human beings have problems with s than learning disorders five. When children
prevalence of Tension Dysphonia
communicate (Hunt communication. required to and attention deficit have muscular
communicatio - Inability to ii.Resonance
& Marshall, 2005). It support a hyperactivity disorders, hearing
n disorders is express ideas Disorders
is a socially shared, search for a disorder. problems, or
• Learning difficult - Inappropriate 1.Hypernasality
rule governed code gene. developmental
disabilities. because they grammatical Resonance Disorders
used for delays, their
Children who have are extremely patterns 2.Hyponasality
communication. acquisition of
learning disabilities varied, - Reduced Resonance Disorders
Encoding (or sending speech, language,
have neurologically sometimes vocabulary iii.Spasmodic
messages) is and related skills is
based learning difficult to - Inability to follow Dysphonia (laryngeal
referred to as often affected.
problems that may identify, and directions Dystonia)
expressive language.
be observed as a often occur 1.Adductor
Decoding (or
short attention as part of Many speech Spasmodic Dysphonia
understanding One or a
span, poor other problems are 2.Abductor Spasmodic
messages) is combination of
memory, or disabilities developmental Dysphonia
referred to as these
delayed or (Hallahan & rather than 3.Mixed Spasmodic
receptive language. characteristics
disordered Kauffman, physiological, and so Dysphonia
may occur in
language 2006). they respond to iv.Other Types of
children who are
According to the development. remedial instruction. Voice Disorders
affected by
American Speech- These learning Language f.Dysarthria
During the language learning
Language-Hearing difficulties can experiences are i.Ataxic Dysarthria
2003-2004 disabilities or
Association (2005), a interfere with a central to a young ii.Flaccid Dysarthria
school year, developmental
language disorder is child's success in child's development. iii.Hyperkenetic
approximarel language delay
"impaired school and social In the past, children Dysarthria
y 88,2 (National Institute
comprehension interactions with with communication iv.Hypokinetic
percent of on Deafness and
and/or use of peers. disorders were Dysarthria
children with Other
spoken, written routinely removed v.Mixed Dysarthria
speech or Communication
and/or other symbol from the regular vi.Spastic Dysarthria
•Not having a good language Disorders, 2002d).
systems. The class for individual
example. Learning impairments Children may hear
disorder may involve speech and B.Language Disorder
language depends were served or see a word bur
(1) the form of language therapy. a)Aphasia
a lot on hearing in the regular not be able to
language, (2) the This is still she case i.Anatomic Aphasia
others speak. classroom. understand its
content of language, in severe instances, (Nominal Aphasia or
There must be 6.8 percent in meaning. They
and/or (3) che but the trend is Subcortical Aphasia)
enough language resource may have trouble
function of language toward inclusion, ii.Broca’s Aphasia
models available rooms, and getting others to
in communicarion in (Motor Aphasia)
for the child to 4.6 percent in understand what
any combination". iii.Conduction Aphasia
develop normal separate they are trying to keeping the child in
(Associative Aphasia)
language skills. classes. communicate. the general
iv.Global Aphasia
In general, language education classroom
disorders are as much as possible
•Developmental A child with a Syndrome
classified as primary
delays related to possible hearing vi.Transcortical
(the cause is
prematurity. Many problem may Helping students Aphasia
unknown) or
premature babies appear to strain to overcome speech 1.Transcortical Motor
secondary (the
are considered at hear, ask to have and language Aphasia
cause is due to
high risk for delays questions disorders is not the 2.Transcortical
another disorder or
in their intellectual, repeatedly before responsibility of any Sensory Aphasia
disability, such as
motor, and giving the right one professional. 3.Mixed transcortical
mental retardation,
language skills. All answer, and Rather, identification Mixed Aphasia
hearing impairment,
areas of their demonstrate is the joint vii.Wernicke’s Aphasia
or brain injury. These
development must speech responsibility of the viii.Other Types of
types of disorders
be carefully inaccuracies classroom teacher, Aphasia
can range from
watched. (especially speech pathologist, b)Central Auditory
simple sound
dropping the and parents. In order Processing Disorders
substitutions to the
beginnings and to accomplish this c)Language Delay
inability to • Neurological
endings of words), goal, teamwork i.Acquired Language
understand or use impairment. Some or exhibit among these
Language Delay
language or use the motor disorders, confusion during individuals is
iii.Other Types of
oral-motor such as cerebral discussion. essential. Speech
Language Delay
mechanism for palsy, muscular Detection and and language
functional speech dystrophy, and diagnosis of improvement and
Language Disorders
and feeding. traumatic brain hearing correction should be
According to Friend injury, affect a impairment have blended into the
(2005, p. 335), child's muscles, become very regular classroom
Language Disorders
"When students have including those sophisticated. curriculum and the
language disorders involved in speech child's natural
that are primary as production. environment.
Language Disorders
opposed to
secondary, they are
• Structural Pragmatic Language
referred to as having
abnormalities. Disorders
specific language
Many structural iv.Expressive Syntax
impairments (SLI)."
abnormalities affect Language Disorders
speech. These can v.Expressive
include cleft lip or Semantics Language
deft palate, Disorders
tracheal vi.Other Types of
deformities, or Expressive Language
craniosynostasis Disorders
(deformity of the e)Receptive Language
skull). Disorders
• Impaired
Language Disorders
decoding of
speech. A child
who cannot decode
Language Disorders
speech sounds has
a disorder known
Pragmatic Language
as word deafness.
Using visual
iv.Receptive Syntax
Language Disorders
such as sign
language or
Semantics Language
gestures works for
these children.
vi.Other Types of
Receptive Language
The majority of Disorders
voice disorders in f)Medically Based
children usually Language Disorders
result from frequent or Other Types of
vocal abuse Speech and Language
associated with Disorders-Be specific
excessive throat
clearing, coughing,
screaming, or