Importance and Advancement in Agriculture Technology
Importance and Advancement in Agriculture Technology
Importance and Advancement in Agriculture Technology
otec nolo
ISSN: 2168-9881
making any decisions. The recommendable documentation otherwise considered dry or deserts. Reduced farm inputs implies
technology is the yield map, which can be used to offer a summary that the farmer as well saves on the cost of farm resources.
of entire year’s activities. Such maps are highly useful as they can
Modern agricultural technology hopes to achieve among others,
give a wide range of information about just anything such as the
two important goals – profitable economy and better output. It
status of the drainage system in your field.
is therefore, important to be careful with the goals and objectives
• Biotechnology that you set aiming upon the implementation of different
technologies in agriculture. Some of the aspects that you should
Biotechnology is also referred to as genetic engineering and the look at include how to apply and organize fertilizer, irrigation,
process of improving the genes of a given crop. In most cases, theatre, intensive tillage, monoculture, and the application of
genetic engineering is carried out to increase the resistance of other resources. However, in order to achieve these goals, farmers
certain crops to farm inputs such the application of herbicides. need to understand the concept of modern farming and the use of
Through biotechnology, farmers can plant on areas that were technology.