Importance and Advancement in Agriculture Technology

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Importance and Advancement in Agriculture Technology

Sanjay Kumar Raina*
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Srinagar, India

Agriculture farming is very important part for life of people. It following.

is the important source of economy and food. over the previous
years, this area has seen a lot of changes and advancement in the • Farm machines
diverse cultivating approaches and techniques. For example, these One of the challenges that farmers need to sufficient labor. There
days, there is the utilization of inorganic compost, the utilization is an increasing cost of labor, which calls for better approaches to
of decreased amount of pesticides, the utilization of various work ensure less cost on labor. The introduction of combined harvesters
vehicles and machinery. The accessibility of such data sources has and planters simplifies the process. Production and time are some
seen the requirement for the utilization of regular assets and cycle of the important elements in agriculture. It is important, therefore,
with point of improving agriculture yield and decreasing expenses. to plant early, harvest in time, as well as ensure that the yield is
The utilization of newideas in farming accompanies a great deal of stored within the right time. The use of modern technology in
advantages. agriculture ensures that farmers grow vast food within the shortest
time possible.
GPS technology has been used in the development of autopilot
There is no need to frequently apply water, fertilizers, and pesticides sprayers and tractors that do not require any driver. Such technology
uniformly across entire fields. Instead, they can use the minimum is important in agriculture in that it promotes better and more
quantities required and target very specific areas, or even treat efficient farming practices. For example, the autopilot tractors and
individual plants differently. There are many benefits of agriculture sprayers are equipped with tracking systems that eliminates human
technology. error and in the end save on fuel and equipment.
• Higher crop productivity.
• Crop sensors
• Decreased use of water, fertilizer, and pesticides, which in turn
keeps better food price. Effective application of fertilizers and pesticides remains to be
a big challenge in agriculture especially when it comes to the
• Reduced impact on natural ecosystems. determination of what fertilizer works best for different plans, when
• Less runoff of chemicals into rivers and groundwater. to apply, as well as what quantities. The use of crop sensors can
make it easy for farmers to effectively apply fertilizers and pesticides
• Better facilities to provide workers. just as much as the crops need. Variable rate technology becomes
In advance agriculture we have seen the robotic technology. These useful in such cases. Such technology gives you the opportunity
technologies enable more reliable monitoring and management to sense how your plants are feeling and subsequently help you
of natural resources, such as air and water quality. It also gives reduce the probability of leaching or surface runoff. Crops sensors
producers greater control over plant and animal production, are designed in a manner that they dictate to the application
processing, distribution, and storage. The advantages of this machinery the amount of the resource that a given crop needs, and
technology are: at what time.
• Greater efficiencies and lower prices. • Use of GPS in fields documentation
• Safer growing conditions and safer foods available in the market. GPS is becoming a common technology in agriculture. For
• Reduce the impact of environmental and ecological. example, modern agriculture involves the use of GPS to document
the status of the farmland. Through the GPS, it is easy to determine
USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN AGRICULTURE and document the yields from a given farm, as well as record the
application rates. Such technologies are useful in that the farmers
There are various uses of technology in agriculture including the can rely on the collected and recorded data for reference when
Correspondence to: Sanjay Kumar Raina, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Srinagar, India, E-mail: SanjayKR@
Received: June 12, 2021; Accepted: June 20, 2021; Published: June 23, 2021
Citation: Raina SK (2021) Significance of Soil Fertility to Improve Crop Yield. Agrotechnology 10: e138.
Copyright: ©2021 Raina SK. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Agrotechnology, Vol.10 Iss. 5 No: e138 1

Raina SK. OPEN ACCESS Freely available online

making any decisions. The recommendable documentation otherwise considered dry or deserts. Reduced farm inputs implies
technology is the yield map, which can be used to offer a summary that the farmer as well saves on the cost of farm resources.
of entire year’s activities. Such maps are highly useful as they can
Modern agricultural technology hopes to achieve among others,
give a wide range of information about just anything such as the
two important goals – profitable economy and better output. It
status of the drainage system in your field.
is therefore, important to be careful with the goals and objectives
• Biotechnology that you set aiming upon the implementation of different
technologies in agriculture. Some of the aspects that you should
Biotechnology is also referred to as genetic engineering and the look at include how to apply and organize fertilizer, irrigation,
process of improving the genes of a given crop. In most cases, theatre, intensive tillage, monoculture, and the application of
genetic engineering is carried out to increase the resistance of other resources. However, in order to achieve these goals, farmers
certain crops to farm inputs such the application of herbicides. need to understand the concept of modern farming and the use of
Through biotechnology, farmers can plant on areas that were technology.

Agrotechnology, Vol.10 Iss. 5 No: e138 2

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