ULP TLE 8 - 2nd Quarter

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2021 JHS INSET Template for Modular/Online Learning

Subject: Technology Livelihood Education Grade Level: 8

Unit Topic: TRAVEL SERVICES Quarter: 2


The students on their own will Scrapbook showing different

portray the role of being a travel illustrations or pictures of
agent. tourism industry operations.

The learners shall be able to:

graphically show how the Philippine
EQ: What are the vital roles of the
tourism industry operates.
government and private sectors in
the Philippine Tourism industry?
EU: Public-Private Partnership in
tourism is to be employed with
Identify the government and
a combination of policy reforms,
private sector that comprises the
institutional support, incentives and
tourism industry. The learners
financing modalities to encourage
demonstrate an
the private sector participation in
understanding on the
financing, constructing, managing
role of the Philippine
tourism industry infrastructure and other related
development projects

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This unit is about Using and maintaining Front Office tools, equipment and
paraphernalia that is used front office services.
Consider this question: What are the vital roles of the government and private sectors
in the Philippine Tourism industry?

Map of Conceptual Change:

(Supply the first 2 columns of the KWl Chart.)


LO 1. Understand Activity 1
totally the Philippine
tourism industry Direction: From the list provided below, recognize the roles of the government and private
sector in Philippine Tourism. Write them on the appropriate column in your paper.

1.1 explain the role of

the National Tourism
Office, its attached
agencies, and the local
government unit (LGU)
in the tourism industry

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1.2 define the role of
the various sub-sectors
of the private sectors
that comprise the
tourism industry

List of Roles:
1. Undertake researches
2. Motivates the public to participate in tourism
3. Deals with public relations
4. Serves as gateway to the success of tourism
5. Provide physiological needs to tourists
6. Formulate tourism standards
7. Promotes the country’s tourism industry
8. Perform administrative services and support
9. Facilitate the mobility of goods and services
10. Provide comfort to tourists

1.3 identify specific Quiz:

entities in the private Direction: Choose the letter that can best satisfy the missing argument. Write the answer in
sector and explain their your quiz notebook.
specific function in the ___________ 1. Rate-minus : commission as cost-plus : _______
tourism industry a. professional fee
b. service fee
c. rental fee
d. markup fee

___________ 2. PCVC : convention venue as _______ : travel taxes

a. Local Government Units
b. Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
c. Philippine Tourism Authority
d. Department of Tourism
___________ 3. ______ : Agent as Travel Management Company : Partner
a. Commercial establishments
b. Client
c. Lodging industry
d. Travel agency
___________ 4. Supplier : _______ as Vendee : Client
a. Government agencies
b. Commercial establishments
c. Traveler
d. Travel agency
___________ 5. Personnel : Human Resource as Finance : _______
a. Ticketing
b. Record keeping
c. Cash disbursement
d. Public awareness
___________ 6. Government : Policy making as Private sector : _______
a. Accrediting/licensing
b. Policy implementing
c. Peace and Order
d. Marketing
___________ 7. Sole Proprietorship : DTI as Corporation : _______
a. Local Government Unit(LGU)
b. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
c. Office of the City Mayor
d. Department of Tourism (DOT)
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___________ 8. Travel Operations : Office-based as _______ : Field
a. Tour Operations
b. Documentation
c. Personnel
d. Accounting
___________ 9. Amusement Park : Attraction as _______ : Lodging
a. Cafeteria
b. Theater
c. Bus Line
d. Motel
___________ 10. Lodging : Transportation as Marketing : ______
a. Sightseeing
b. Traveler
c. Tourism
d. Operations


LC 2: explain the Activity 2:
departmental functions Direction: Complete the diagram below by writing your understanding about the details of
of a TMC/travel agency the concept given.

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Direction: Read the statements carefully and write the letter of your best choice in your
answer sheet.
1. This means to be innovative, to have an edge over the other competitors
a. people skills
b. creativity
c. profit oriented
d. discipline
2. This is a meaningful and unforgettable statement that captures the essence of your
a. Product Naming
b. Unique Selling Proposition
c. Branding
d. Tagline
3. Refers to a skill in strategic thinking and setting of goals
a. decision making
b. hardworking
c. planning
d. self-confidence
4. In this stage, the needs of the target market are identified, reviewed and evaluated.
a. Concept Development
b. Economic Analysis
c. Project Development
d. Refine Specification
5. This is generated by examining what goods and services are sold outside by the
a. Business Creation
b. Business Pricing
c. Business Concept
d. Business Idea
6. The government agency that has the authority to regulate, supervise, and license all
tourism sub-sectors
a. Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
b. Department of Tourism (DOT)
c. Philippine Tourism Authority (PTA)
d. Philippine National Police (PNP)
7. This kind of tourist destination will surely bring relaxation and relieve stress to the
visitors during their spear time. Some of which are the theme park, casino, fitness center,
and spa center
a. Entertainment
b. Shopping
c. Recreation
d. Education
8. The company that offers travel services by sea
a. Sulpicio Lines
b. Victory Liner
c. Cebu Pacific
d. PAL Express
9. As stipulated in the law, travel agencies have the right to collect commission from the
travel producers/vendor of about 10 t0 15% of the product selling price which pertains to
a. Rate-minus
b. Net-plus
c. Cost-plus
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d. Rate-cost
10. Travel Management Company (TMC) performs the following role in the travel
distribution cycle, except
a. As retailer
b. As product producer
c. As counselor
d. As profit earner
11. Type of business entity organized by two or more individuals who agree to share
responsibilities with regard to business management and finances.
a. Sole proprietorship
b. Cooperative
c. Corporation
d. Partnership
12. This TMC department segment will benefit when the marketing plans are effectively
delivered to the consuming public.
a. Personnel
b. Sales
c. Accounting
d. Operations
13. It is described as that which motivates travelers to visit places is the recognition they
receive from locals because of their distinguished social status, achievement, education,
and good reputation.
a. Interpersonal motive
b. Cultural motive
c. Status and prestige
d. Physical motive
14. Clients who have not yet established their own family have the greater tendency to
avail of travel packages. The basis for this travel motivator is
a. Gender
b. Civil Status
c. Education
d. Budget
15. An example of lodging establishment
a. Shopping mall
b. Cafeteria
c. R&E Transport
d. Apartel
16. The type of tourism Aling Nenita does when visiting various churches in Luzon during
the Lenten season.
a. Historical tourism
b. Religious tourism
c. Eco-tourism
d. Cultural tourism
17. A kind of traveler who is willing to pay more for as long as the best travel services will
be given to him
a. Regular traveler
b. Budget traveler
c. High-end traveler
d. Corporate traveler
18. The part of the Philippine map that defines all symbols, colors, and other markings used
in the illustration.
a. Label
b. Scale
c. Title
d. Legend
19. Pertains to water passage between lands.
a. Strait
b. Fjords
c. Bay
d. Gulf
20. Russia is part of this continental land area.
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a. South America
b. Middle East
c. Europe
d. Africa

Learning Competency TRANSFER

PERFORMANCE Transfer Goal: The students on their own and in the long run will be able portray
STANDARD: the role of being a travel agent.

The learners shall be

able to:
Graphically show how Performance Task
the Philippine tourism
industry operates. Instruction: Perform the duties and responsibilities of a travel agent. Your
performance must be recorded and submitted to our google classroom. You may
use any social media platform like Tiktok. Be creative.



describe the different

applications of the
Internet in the travel


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(Conduct a Pre- Explore Firm-Up Firm-Up Deepen
(Discussion) (Activity 1 and 2) (Activity 3 and 4) (Activity 5)



Quiz Performance Task Performance Task Summative Test Unit Assessment

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