AD229e Operation Manual P5

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If the ear has a middle ear loss, the masking intensity should

be increased by this loss as the masking to the masked ear is

AC sound, which of course will be damped by the AC-BC loss
in the masked ear.

If the BC tone is set to 50 dB, the minimum masking intensity

will be 50 dB to the masked ear without middle ear loss: 50 dB
- (0 to 5)dB = 45 to 50 dB.

If the masked ear has an Air Bone loss of 20 dB, the minimum
masking will be: 50 dB - (0 to 5) dB + 20 dB = 65 to 70 dB.

Maximum masking:
Maximum masking is the highest level of masking intensity
which does not change the true threshold of the test ear.
When ears with large AC-BC gaps are tested, the audiologist
must be aware of the masking dilemma where minimum
masking becomes over-masking without finding the plateau
where the masking is correct.

For AC tests: Tone AC + 50 dB

For BC tests. Tone BC + 50 dB.

Masking using insert earphones:

A more efficient masking can be obtained by using an insert
earphone (hearing aid earphone) for masking instead of the
TDH39 earphone.

This insert earphone is equipped with a suitable ear tip and

inserted into the ear canal of the masked ear. Otherwise, the
masking procedure is the same. As the test ear is open during
the BC test with insert masking, it is important that the test is
performed in a sound cabin with no background noise.

When masking is supplied via normal TDH39 earphones

during the BC test, the earphone over the test ear can be
moved a little forward, letting the ear open. This will prevent
the so-called occlusion effect at lower frequencies, especially
125-750 Hz. In practise, this effect can be regarded as less

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Masking Procedure - Step by Step (Hoods
In air and bone conduction measurements the hearing threshold
levels of both ears are determined separately. Therefore, under
specified conditions, masking noise shall be applied to the ear not
being tested (contra lateral ear).

A) Find the unmasked thresholds for air conduction and then for
the better ear by bone conduction - see air and bone

B) Notify the subject that masking will be used. Tell him that he
will be hearing some noise, but to disregard it as best as he
can and respond only to the test signal, as he did previously.

When air conduction is made, both ears are covered by earphones.

The noise is presented through one earphone and the test signal
through the other.

When bone conduction is made, the noise is presented through one

earphone placed on the non-test ear. The other earphone is placed
in front of the test ear and thereby not covering the ear. The bone-
conduction vibrator is placed on the mastoid process of the test ear.

C) Select input: Tone and output: "Right" (11), "Left" (12) or

"Bone R L" (13). Turn “HL dB” (22) to the right and the
masking noise will automatically be activated. Set the “HL dB”
(19) rotary switch to the test ear at the level of the unmasked
threshold by means of rotary switch.

D) Increase the masking in 10 dB steps by means of the rotary

switch for channel 2 (allow approx. 2 seconds at each step),
and have the subject letting you know when he first starts to
hear the noise.

E) When the subject indicates that he hears the noise, the test

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F) Begin the threshold shift procedure from this starting point (the
“HL dB” (19) dial set to the unmasked threshold level for the
test ear, and the masking at the point it is first heard by the

G) Present the test tone. If the subject hears it, as indicated by

pressing the push button, increase the noise 10 dB and
present the test tone again. Continue the procedure as

- Whenever the test tone is heard, increase the masking 10

dB.- Whenever the test tone is not heard, increase its level
in 5 dB steps until it is heard.

- Continue the procedure until a sequence occurs where the

threshold remains the same over a series of masking noise
increases. This level is equivalent to the "Plateau" and the
tone stimulus level can be considered to be the threshold
for the frequency under test.

An option is to continue increasing the masking level until over-

masking occurs. Over-masking will be very noticeable because when
this level is reached, each 10 dB increase in noise will result in a 10
dB increase in threshold. Caution must be exercised in air
conduction testing because over-masking may not occur. This will be
true especially when the unmasked results actually represented the
true thresholds. In this case, the threshold may not change even
over a very wide range of noise levels. Over-masking is much more
likely to occur in Bone Conduction testing.

H) As soon as the masked threshold has been determined,

reduce the noise to a level below the subject's threshold.

I) Record masked thresholds with appropriate symbols. Do not

record both the unmasked and masked results. In addition,
indicate the type of noise utilised and the upper level of the
noise when the masked threshold was determined.

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Speech Presentation

Select “Mic” (3) for live voice speech testing, or select “Tape 1/2” (4)
for presentation of pre-recorded speech material.

A) Select desired test ear / transducer (11, 12, 13, 14).

Prior to the actual speech testing the intensity of the speech signal
must be calibrated to match the requirements of the audiometer.
While presenting the speech signal from the CD or Tape or through
the microphone the input controls (G, H and K that are located above
the respective “Mic” (3) and “Tape 1/2” (4) selector must be adjusted
so the maximum deflection on the VU-meter (E) reaches “0”
indication on its scale on the points of maximum intensity of the
spoken words.

B) Select desired level by means of the left “HL dB” (19).

C) Start the audiometric testing.

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Automatic Speech Scoring Counter
With AD229e it is possible to perform automatic speech score
calculation. The procedure is the following:

1) Present a word to the patient.

2) Select “Incorrect” (20) or “Correct” (21) according to the

response from the patient.

3) Repeat 1) and 2) until the word list is completed.

4) Correct speech score will be indicated on the screen in e.g.

80% correct responses.

Number of Words
The number of words to be tested must be entered in the
internal setup item no. 24.

Standard Curves
In addition to the standard curves which are defined in the
internal setup item no. 27 (for normal headphones) and no. 28
(for Free Field), up to four separate speech curves per ear
may be entered in the AD229e.

Each curve may be addressed by holding down “shift” (10)

while browsing with the “Frequency” buttons (20, 21).

1 dB attenuator steps
You may choose between attenuator steps of 1 dB or 5 dB on
“dB 1 5” (6).

Masking and Speech

Speech noise as masking may be selected and adjusted by
dialling the right “HL dB” attenuator (22). To switch off
masking, hold down “shift” (10) while dialling the right “HL dB”
attenuator (22) anticlockwise.

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