HML Method
HML Method
HML Method
Unlike most occupational injuries, there is no visible evidence of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). It
is not traumatic and often goes unnoticed when it first occurs. Noise-induced hearing loss accumulates
over time, its effects realized long after the damage has been done. NIHL is permanent and irreversible.
With proper education, motivation and protection, however, it is also 100% preventable.
Hearing conservation is about more than supplying your employees with earplugs or earmuffs that block
the most noise. It is about finding the solution that’s right for your people. At Howard Leight, we realize
that the people who depend on our products to protect their hearing are as diverse as you can imagine.
And the ways people select the right hearing protection are just as diverse.
This guide provides you with insights and tactics to select appropriate earplugs and earmuffs for your
employees based on HML attenuation values. While there are several factors that should be considered
in the selection of hearing protectors, including comfort, convenience and communication, the HML
Method is an effective determinant of protection by High, Medium and Low frequencies of noise.
To translate the sound measured by the sound 10 100 1000 10000 100000
level meter into the way the ear registers and is Frequency in Hertz
affected by the sound, a filter is applied (A-filter).
This A-filtered sound uses the measurement unit “dBA.” The dBA value is important to know when
determining a noise environment, because it tells us the extent to which the noise affects our hearing.
It is also important to know what frequencies are most prominent in the noise environment. This helps
us to select the most appropriate earplugs or earmuffs — many hearing protectors attenuate, or block
noise more than others at different frequencies.
To determine the most prominent frequencies, an additional filter is applied (C-filter). The C-filtered
sound level uses the unit “dBC.” If the noise environment consists of mostly low-frequency noise,
the C-filtered sound level becomes much higher than the A-filtered sound level.
By comparing the dBA-value with the dBC-value, you can determine if the area noise consists of
mostly high, medium or low frequency noise. Most sound level meters can be set to measure both
dBA and dBC.
Step Example
Leightning® L3 Earmuff,
SNR 34, H:33 M:32 L:27
PNR = 30 dB
Table 2. HML Table with Attenuation Data of Earmuffs with High SNR Value
Table 3. HML Table with Attenuation Data of Earmuffs with Low SNR Values
Note that while the Howard Leight Clarity® C1 earmuff varies in attenuation between 24 dB and 19 dB,
the Peltor Optime I earmuff varies between 32 dB and 12 dB. When you have a small range in variation
of attenuation over the HML frequencies, you can be sure that you are protected even if you do not
know the frequency of your noise environment.
Table 5. Worker Exposure at the Ear with Hearing Protection, Based on ISO Guideline
When studying an HML table, speech and warning signals are most likely high frequencies. High
attenuation of high frequency sounds and moderate attenuation of low frequency sounds can
overprotect workers against important sounds. Be careful.
HML Worksheet
A reduction in noise level. Hearing protectors are rated for their attenuation; protectors with higher
attenuation reduce more noise.
A filter applied to noise measurements. In contrast to the A-weighting, the C-weighting is a “flatter” filter,
and allows more low frequencies to be measured. The C-weighting was originally conceived to be the
best predictor of the ear’s sensitivity to tones at high noise levels. But the ear’s risk to damage from
noise has since been found to be predicted much better by the A-weighting scale. Noise measurements
made with the C-weighting scale are designated dBC.
Exposure Limit
The maximum allowable daily noise exposure level, taking account of attenuation provided by hearing
protectors worn by a worker.
The physical measurement of the oscillations in a sound wave (measured in units called Hertz).
Subjectively, we hear frequency as “pitch” of a sound. The frequency range that can be perceived by
human hearing generally extends from 20 – 20,000 Hertz, but the sounds that are most useful to us
(in the speech and conversation range) are in the narrower range from 300 – 3,000 Hertz. Audiometric
tests administered in industry generally test hearing at six or seven different standardized frequencies:
500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000 and sometimes 8000 Hertz. In noise monitoring and audiometric
testing, frequency is often measured in thousands of Hertz, or kilohertz (kHz).
Howard Leight
7828 Waterville Road, San Diego, CA 92154
ph. 800/430-5490 fax 401/232-3110