Foww Showdown at Synthtown
Foww Showdown at Synthtown
Foww Showdown at Synthtown
FOWW SCP-051-111 —
The following three scenarios are designed to be
played as a linked story, with the results of one
scenario affecting the next and/or final scenario.
They are specifically designed to be played in
sequence, with the overall winner determined by the
final scenario. The scenarios require the 2-Player
Starter Set and the Institute Expansion Card Pack.
If you want to be sure no-one else can grab an Item between when it is
dropped and when it can be picked up, either activate both models in the
same turn (one to drop and the other to pick up), or drop and pick up where
opposing models canot interfere. (Note: The reason a model cannot pass
an Item directly to another is to prevent all models using one Laser Rifle
between them by just passing it around.)
nn When a model is removed, it drops any Items that it gained during the
scenario. Place a token in contact with its base before removing the model
to show where these are located, and other models may pick up the item(s)
during their activation as normal.
nn Note that ‘Sharing’ Limited Use Items is not the same as dropping then
picking-up as this does not transfer the Item card.
FOWW SCP-051-111 —
STORY Investigation Marker and flip the face-down Investigation Marker to reveal
the identity of the subject.
A town of seemingly little interest on the edge of
the Commonwealth is about to see more visitors They are identified as follows:
today than it has in years. The Traders know that
= The Major = The Engineer
the provisions needed to reach this settlement
are rarely worth the resources that it can provide. = The Merchant = The Janitor
Today however, a prize of great value has wandered
= The Doc = The Scavver
into town, drawing the settlement and its
inhabitants to the attention of two rival forces. = The Chef = The Outcast
Suspected Synths
SCENARIO RULES After identifying a Hooded Settler, a model may perform a Search Skill
In this scenario, the Institutes’ SRB (Synth Test or CHA Test on the token stack. On a successful test, reveal the bottom
Retention Bureau) have located a settlement known Searchable token in the stack. On the result of a letter (A, B, C or D) the
to shelter runaway synths and provide them with token stack is designated a Discovered Synth, on a blank the token stack is
new identities. The Institute has sent out a team to designated a Human. If the settler is revealed to be a Discovered Synth, place
recover these runaway synths and to gather a new the Lettered Searchable face-up on top of the Numbered Investigation Marker.
stock of Wasteland settlers for their experiments. If the settler is revealed to be a Human, remove the Blank Searchable token.
Meanwhile the Traders have journeyed long and Creatures and Dogs are not able to perform this task.
hard in the hopes that the settlers of this town can
make their venture worthwhile. Discovered Synths & Humans
Once a token is designated as a Discovered Synth or a Human, it becomes
Hooded Settler attached to the model that revealed it. The tokens will move with the model
Each Hooded Settler comprises 3 markers: until the stack is extracted, killed or abandoned or the model itself is killed.
Attached token stacks do not block LoS and must be moved out of the way of
nn a Searchable marker (either a letter or blank)
any model which wants to take its space on the battlefield.
face down,
nn a numbered Investigation Marker on top of Any Discovered Synth or Human token stacks not attached to models can
it, face down, and finally become attached to any model that with them. A model may only have one
nn a blank Investigation Marker face up on top token stack attached at a time, and a token can only be resolved if there are no
of both. enemy models also in contact with it.
Following this structure create 8 Hooded Settlers by
randomly drawing tokens from the required below. CURATED WASTELAND
Tokens needed: The Curated Wasteland reflects a remote settlement situated in a wild area of
the Wasteland.
8 Searchables and 16 Investigation Markers:
: Flare gun Unreal
10mm Pistol Under Pressure
Pipe Wrench Creature
Fragile Bobby Pin STRANGER
Battered Fedora –
Blood Pack
Hungry Brahmin
Diamond City Radio
Distant Gunfire
To identify a Hooded Settler, a model must
Dust Cloud
with the token stack. Once a model has moved into
contact with the token stack, remove the face up Sun Glare
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 nn ‘Mass Panic!’ does not apply to attached tokens.
Tokens that are Abandoned are subject to
To EXTRACT a Discovered Synth or a Human
‘Mass Panic!’ until they are attached again.
token, the model with an attached token stack
must move fully within its own deployment zone.
Game Duration: 6 rounds unless victory claimed sooner.
Once this condition is fulfilled, the token stack is
removed from the battlefield and are considered
To KILL a Discovered Synth or a Human, a model The Institute Gain 2 Counting Tokens for each Discovered
must perform a Melee Skill Test targeting the Synth extracted off the battlefield by a friendly
attached token stack. If successful, the token stack model.
is removed from the battlefield and are considered Gain 1 Counting Token for each Human
to be killed. Any Discovered Synth or Human extracted off the battlefield by a friendly model.
tokens still on the battlefield at the end of the game
Traders Option 1: Gain 2 Counting Tokens for each Human alive
are considered alive. at the end of Round 6.
Save the people,
To ABANDON a Discovered Synth or a Human, a and clear the synths Gain 1 Counting Token for each Discovered
model must declare that they are abandoning the out of town Synth extracted off the battlefield by a
Attached token stack before or after any action friendly model.
during its activation. A Discovered Synth or a Option 2: Gain 2 Counting Tokens for each Discovered
Human token is automatically abandoned if the Wipe out the synth Synth destroyed by a friendly model.
model it’s attached to performs a Charge action. threat, escort any Gain 1 Counting Token for each Human
The token stack remains where it is placed on the bystanders to safety extracted off the battlefield by a friendly model.
battlefield when abandoned. Option 3: Gain 2 Counting Tokens for each Discovered
Take the valuable Synth extracted off the battlefield by a
Mass Panic! ones, kill the friendly model.
nn At the end of every round, all Hooded Settlers ordinary Gain 1 Counting Token for each Human
and all Discovered Synths or Humans not killed by a friendly model.
attached to a model will move around the
Option 4: Gain 2 Counting Tokens for each Human
board in a panic! Flip the Advantage Marker extracted off the battlefield by a friendly model.
Rescue the townsfolk,
for each token stack and move each one
kill any that get in Gain 1 Counting Token for each Synth killed
Yellow in the direction shown. If a Hooded the way by a friendly model.
Settler, Discovered Synth or Human moves
into contact with the battlefield edge, they
For this scenario, the Traders must choose their Victory Condition out of the
immediately end their move. If a Hooded
four options before playing the scenario, to reflect how their force would
Settler, Discovered Synth or Human would
approach the situation.
move into contact with model, they will stop
Orange away from the model. At the end of the game, the player with the most counting tokens is the winner.
This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet
(90cm x 90cm) table.
The Institute player chooses a deployment zone and
deploys all their models. TRADERS (442 CAPS) INSTITUTE (460 CAPS)
Soul Survivor 103 Courser 138
The Trader player then deploys all their models in
the opposite deployment zone. Heroic 60 Heroic 60
Hunter 10 Synth Expert 12
Advantage Assault Rifle 8 Gen 1 Synth Override 25
If tied for Advantage, the Institute player chooses
Pipe Wrench 6 Combat Shotgun 10
who starts with Advantage.
Dogmeat 110 Patroller 77
Dog Bite 0 Institute Laser Rifle 12
2x 2x
Settler 40 Battered Gen 1 Synth 25
Bolt action Pipe Rifle 10 Baton 10
Free Tech 35 2x
Combat Shotgun 10 Battered Gen 1 Synth 25
Institute Laser Pistol 3
Phase 2
Objective: Go To [Own Deployment Zone]
Phase 3
Objective: Go To [Own Deployment Zone]
In this scenario, the AI settings can change between three In this scenario, the AI settings can change between three
phases. All AI models start the scenario at Phase 1. A model phases. All AI models start the scenario at Phase 1. A model
changes to Phase 2 while they are attached to a Discovered changes to Phase 2 while they are attached to a Discovered
Synth. A model changes to Phase 3 while they are attached to Synth. A model changes to Phase 3 while they are attached to
a Human. a Human.
Phase 1 Phase 1
IF nearest token stack has an enemy model within Red; IF nearest token stack has an enemy model within Red;
Objective: Protect [Nearest Token Stack] Objective: Protect [Nearest Token Stack]
ELSE; Objective: Use [Nearest Token Stack] ELSE; Objective: Use [Nearest Token Stack]
Ignore token stacks with a Ready/Unready unengaged friendly Ignore token stacks with a Ready/Unready unengaged friendly
model within Yellow (excluding self). model within Yellow (excluding self).
Phase 2 Phase 2
Objective: Go To [Own Deployment Zone] Objective: Go To [Own Deployment Zone]
Phase 3 Phase 3
Objective: Protect [Nearest Token Stack] Objective: Use [Attached Token Stack]
Attempt to KILL the attached token stack.
In this scenario, the AI settings can change between three OPTION 4
phases. All AI models start the scenario at Phase 1. A model In this scenario, the AI settings can change between three
changes to Phase 2 while they are attached to a Discovered phases. All AI models start the scenario at Phase 1. A model
Synth. A model changes to Phase 3 while they are attached to changes to Phase 2 while they are attached to a Discovered
a Human. Synth. A model changes to Phase 3 while they are attached to
a Human.
Phase 1
IF nearest token stack has an enemy model within Red; Phase 1
Objective: Protect [Nearest Token Stack] IF nearest token stack has an enemy model within Red;
ELSE; Objective: Use [Nearest Token Stack] Objective: Protect [Nearest Token Stack]
Ignore token stacks with a Ready/Unready unengaged friendly ELSE; Objective: Use [Nearest Token Stack]
model within Yellow (excluding self). Ignore token stacks with a Ready/Unready unengaged friendly
model within Yellow (excluding self).
Phase 2
Objective: Use [Attached Token Stack] Phase 2
Attempt to KILL the attached token stack. Objective: Use [Attached Token Stack]
Attempt to KILL the attached token stack.
Phase 3
Objective: Go To [Own Deployment Zone] Phase 3
Objective: Go To [Own Deployment Zone]
© 2020 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries.
All Rights Reserved. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
FOWW SCP-051-111 —
In this scenario, a Caravan is traveling through
an area of urban ruins, hoping to make up some
from the sharing units card and place a Counting Token on top of the Caravan
lost time on route to its destination. Little do they
marker. Once shared with the Caravan these items may not be recovered.
know that they have been followed ever since they
entered this neighborhood, and now is the perfect
Game Duration: 6 rounds.
time to strike.
Kidnap The Traders Gain 5 Counting Tokens for moving the Caravan into the Caravan
The Institute player has the option to kidnap Goal zone.
their enemies and take them alive. While a Trader
Gain 1 Counting Tokens for each Counting Token moved into the
player’s model has 1 or 2 Health remaining and
Caravan Goal zone via the ‘Gathering Stock’ rule.
is engaged with an Institute player’s model, the
Institute player may attempt a Kidnap. The Institute Gain 3 Counting Tokens for each enemy model kidnapped.
5. Place a marker representing the Caravan
face up, both in the Caravan Route zone and in
contact with the Trader deployment zone. Soul Survivor 103 Courser 138
Heroic 60 Heroic 60
: T-60 Power Armor 72 Synth Expert 12
Fusilier 20 Gen 1 Synth Override 25
Deployment Laser Rifle 30 Combat Shotgun 10
The Trader player deploys the entire of their force
Lead Pipe 12 Stun Baton 30
within the Trader deployment zone.
Dogmeat 110 Synth Relay Grenade 35
The Institute player then deploys the entirety of
Dog Bite 0 Trooper 88
their force, alternating placing models between
Free Tech 35 Institute Laser Rifle 12
the two Institute deployment zones. The Institute
player may not place any models within Yellow of Combat Shotgun 10 Perk: Rifleman 13
its own models until this is no longer possible. 2x Mod: Powerful 8
Settler 40 Institute Scientist 30
Assault Rifle 8 Institute Lab Jacket 6
After deployment, the Institute player may add a
Readiness Marker showing to 2 non-Heroic Comfort Grip 23 Institute Laser Pistol 3
models in their force before deciding Advantage. Sturdy Leather Armor 23 2x
At the start of each AI model’s actions, determine a model’s Objectives
current Objective by running down the list below and using Objective 1: Protect [Nearest Searchable]
the first criteria that matches the model’s situation. Ignore Searchables with a Ready/Unready unengaged friendly
model within Red (excluding self).
Round 1–5
Objective 2: Defeat [Nearest Enemy]
1. An enemy model within has 1 or 2 Health remaining:
Objective 3 Objective 3: Use [Enemy Model with 1 or 2 [HEART]
2. A Searchable is within 1 Move Action: Objective 1 remaining]
3. An enemy model is within : Objective 2 Once in contact with subject, attempt Kidnap.
4. The Caravan is not yet within the Caravan Goal:
Objective 4: Go To [Caravan]
Objective 4
5. The Caravan is within the Caravan Goal: Objective 2
Round 6
1. The Caravan is not yet within the Caravan Goal:
Objective 4
2. An enemy model within 1 Move Action has 1 or 2 Health
remaining: Objective 3
3. The Caravan is within the Caravan Goal: Objective 2
At the start of each AI model’s actions, determine a model’s Objectives
current Objective by running down the list below and using Objective 1: Use [Searchable Marker]
the first criteria that matches the model’s situation.
Ignore Searchables with a Ready/Unready unengaged friendly
1. The model could collect a Searchable during this model within Yellow (excluding self).
activation: Objective 1
Ignore Searchables that require expertise that the activating
2. There more enemy models within Red of the Caravan then
model does not have the relevant skill for.
friendly models: Objective 3
3. The model is carrying 2+ items drawn from the Wasteland Subject priority is:
Deck: Objective 2
1. Searchable that can be reached in a single Move
4. There is a Searchable within : Objective 1
2. Searchable that can be reached in two Moves
5. There is a friendly model within carrying 1+ items
3. Nearest Searchable not within two Moves of opposing
drawn from the Wasteland Deck: Objective 4
6. Otherwise: Objective 3
4. Nearest Searchable
Objective 2: Go To [Caravan]
© 2020 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries.
All Rights Reserved. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
STORY Molecular Relay
Each cell begins the game with its Molecular Relay deactivated. A model may
The Institute conducts many experiments. Some
with an active Interface Point to flip the / to its other side. On
of which require the use of test subjects. Over
a successful Expertise Test the cell’s Molecular Relay has been activated,
the years many have been taken deep into the
remove the / and the Interface Point is no longer active.
wasteland to a hidden facility. A sinister holding
pen made of cells designed for transport to the Once a cell has its Molecular Relay activated, reveal its Investigation Marker.
Institute’s underground province. the Institute player either takes the token if it designated a prisoner and keeps
it to track their victory points, or discards any other result. If possible, you may
The Traders have tracked the Institute to the
wish to remove the terrain you are using the represent the cell as it has been
transport facility in an attempt to rescue one of
teleported away.
their abducted friends. As the Traders approach,
one of the cells simply vanishes. There are several If during the Expertise Skill Test a X is rolled, the cell door is unlocked as
cells to search and not much time. The Traders described above.
must rescue the prisoners before they are lost to the
Institute forever. Occupants of the Cells
Each Investigation Marker in a cell will correspond with the list below as to
what the occupant of the cell is.
= empty cell
In this scenario, the Institute are preparing to
transport prisoners using a Molecular Relay from = Creature Card = Prisoner
their temporary hideout in the Wasteland.
= Stranger Card = Prisoner
Once a cell is unlocked, reveal its Investigation Pipe Pistol Wounded Farmer
Marker. The Trader player either takes the token if Damaged Hazmat Suit Field Medic
it designated a prisoner and keeps it to track their Stealth Boy
victory points, or resolves the relevant drawn card CREATURE
with the model that opened the cell as the subject.
EVENTS Passive Bloodbug
Once the relevant card has been resolved, discard
the Investigation Marker. Quiet Opportunist Mongrel
If during the Lockpick Skill Test a X is rolled, the
Molecular Relay activates as described below. A Hidden Observer
Blasts of Wind
Dust Cloud
At the end of the game, the player that has more DEPLOYMENT ZONE
tokens representing Prisoners in their possession is the HOLDING
winner. The token representing the VIP is worth CELL
2 tokens when determining the victor.
This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet
(90cm x 90cm) table. HOLDING
Set-up the battlefield in the following order:
In this scenario, the AI settings can change between two Objectives
phases. The AI starts the scenario at Phase 1. The AI changes An AI model will interact with an Interface Point to change
to Phase 2 when the maximum number of Interface Points which expertise is face up on the token if it does not match
are active (this includes if there are less than 6 remaining the following;
Holding Cells on the battlefield and they all have active
The Institute will always switch to .
Interface Points).
The Traders will always prefer the side of the token least
At the start of each AI model’s actions, determine a model’s
difficult for them to succeed, taking into account of any items
current Objective by running down the list below and using
they are carrying to aid them.
the first criteria that matches the model’s situation.
Objective 1: Use [Nearest inactive Interface Point]
Phase 1
Ignore Interface Points with a Ready/Unready unengaged
There is a Searchable Marker within : Objective 5
friendly model within Red (excluding self).
There is an Enemy Model AND an Interface Point within :
Objective 2: Use [Nearest Interface Point]
Objective 4
Ignore Interface Points with a Ready/Unready unengaged
There is an active Interface Point within 0-1 Move Action(s):
friendly model within Yellow (excluding self).
Objective 2
Objective 3: Protect [Interface Point]
Otherwise: Objective 1
Ignore Interface Points with 2 Ready/Unready unengaged
Phase 2 friendly model within Red (excluding self).
There is an Enemy Model AND an Interface Point within :
Objective 4: Defeat [Enemy Model Closest to Interface
Objective 4
There is an Interface Point within 0-2 Move Actions(s):
Objective 5: Use [Nearest Searchable]
Objective 2
Ignore Searchables with a Ready/Unready unengaged friendly
There is a Friendly Model AND an Interface Point within :
model within Red (excluding self).
Objective 3
© 2020 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other
countries. All Rights Reserved. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
FOWW SCP-051-111 —
I could swear something, or someone, is watching us... Keep any 1 item collected from the Caravan trail, trade in
all other items to draw 3 boost cards and keep 2.
Scenario 1: Invisible Amongst Us
Victory: We barely made it out of there alive, but at least Defeat: We were caught out in the open, and the Institute
we didn’t fight them for nothing! We’ve come away from the were ruthless. They’ve taken some of our own, and crippled
situation better than they did, and they’ll think twice before the Caravan in the process. We cannot stand for this. We will
getting in our way again. Still though, why were they even here find the people they took from us, and we will stop this from
in the first place? happening to anyone else ever again. They messed with the
wrong traders.
If a Hooded Settler is successfully extracted, survives the
scenario or is killed in accordance with the chosen victory nn Scenario 3: Keep any 1 item collected from the Caravan
conditions by the Trader player at the beginning of the scenario, Route
they can provide the following items to that force:
1. The Mayor – Patched Three-piece Suit
Trade in all item cards collected in the scenario to draw 3
2. The Merchant – Stuffed Monkey
boost cards and keep 1.
3. The Doc – Stethoscope
4. The Chef – Bourbon
Scenario 3: Molecular Meltdown
5. The Engineer – Stun Pack
Victory: The day is ours! No one will ever have to worry about
6. The Janitor – Damaged Hazmat Suit
this facility ever again, we’ve made sure of that. There’s even a
7. The Scavver – Spark
bunch of valuable resources around here, ours for the taking!
8. The Outcast – Tricorn Hat
Maybe this trade route wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
nn Scenario 2: Keep two items collected off a Hooded Settler
and assign each to a separate unit in your force. Defeat: We couldn’t save them… One by one, friends and
locals got teleported away. This facility is a curse on the
nn Scenario 3: Draw 3 Boost Cards, Keep 2.
surrounding area, and too well defended for us to stop.
We’ll have to avoid these parts in the future, and double our
Defeat: How did we make it out of there alive? Those soulless
Caravan guards. They have won this time, but if they try
synths just kept coming, swarming over that whole town. We
again they won’t be so lucky.
took what we could, but this place is far too dangerous. It’s time
to get out of here while we still can!
© 2020 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other
countries. All Rights Reserved. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.