FOWW Automatron Assembly v3 03120

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There are many different types of robot that can
be found within the wasteland, ranging from
the humble protectron to the hulking sentry bot.
While many of these machines are useful to the
wasteland's inhabitants, keeping them functional
without the necessary parts can be extremely
difficult. A robot workbench goes a long way towards
making that job easier, but the valuable tools needed
to create one are not usually left unguarded.

In this scenario, two groups of scavengers must
secure a robot workbench whilst trying to deny it to
the opposing group.

The Auto-Workbench begins the game occupied by a
Deactivated Automatron. It looks to be functionally
complete although of unusual design, whatever
assembled it must have been working with parts
from several different robots.
In order to determine the card profile for an
Automatron assembled by the Auto-Workbench, Deactivated Automatrons until activated via the Assembly Line scenario
roll the Armor dice once for its Head, Torso and special rule.
Legs and consult the table below (Alternatively,
Additionally, Automatrons created using the Auto-Workbench must always be
rather than rolling the Armor dice, players may
assigned the ‘Clunky’ modifier card and the Damage Self-Destruct Robot Mod
shuffle the respective Automatron cards and draw
(regardless of which robot torso it has).
one at random for each of the Automatrons parts).
Automatrons created via this method are considered If at the end of a Round the Auto-Workbench does not contain a Deactivated


1 Robobrain Head Mr Handy Sentry Bot Legs

(Equipped with Mr Handy Buzzsaw
& Mr Handy Flamer)

2 Assaultron Head Protectron Mr Handy Legs

(Equipped with Battered Assaultron Head Laser) (Equipped with Protectron Hand Laser)

3 Sentry Bot Head Assaultron Torso Protectron Legs

(Equipped with Assaultron swipe)

4 Mr Handy Head Sentry Bot Torso Assaultron Legs

(If this result is rolled the Automatron's Torso must (Equipped with Missile Launcher & Empty Minigun)
automatically be the Mr Handy Torso, there is no
need to roll.)

© 2021 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks
of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Auto-Workbench (cont.) Automatron, place a
Counting Token in contact with it. At the beginning DEPLOYMENT
of each round, after determining which player has
Advantage, check if the Auto-Workbench has 3
Counting Tokens assigned to it, if so the player with
Advantage must create a Deactivated Automatron
using the method above (rerolling any repeated
Automatron component), and then place it in contact WALL
with the Auto-Workbench. The player then removes TERMINALS
the 3 Counting Tokens.

Assembly Line
Once any model moves within Black range of the
Auto-Workbench whilst it contains a Deactivated
Automatron, the Automatron will boot up and become
a normal unit (no longer considered Deactivated)
controlled by the Fallout Wasteland Warfare AI.

Automatrons created via the Auto-Workbench will WALL

always activate at the end of the round under AI
control, attacking a player model using the priorities
on its AI card unless they have activated earlier in
the round via the There’s No Off Switch Scenario
Special Rule.

Note: Don’t forget when using the AI cards to NOT TO SCALE

control an Automatron you must use the card

associated with whichever head the Automatron is BATTLEFIELD SET-UP
equipped with.
This scenario is played on a 3 foot x 3 foot (90cm x 90cm) table.

1. Place the Auto-Workbench in the centre of the battlefield.

There’s No Off Switch
2. Place 2 walls Red away from the robot workbench in between the
Models may interact with Terminals located around workbench and the player deployment edges, as shown on the
the battlefield by performing a Use Expertise Computers deployment map. These walls are Green in length and Units may not
action. If a model cannot Use Expertise, they may test climb them.
against their Intelligence Attribute with a -3 modifier or
against their unmodified Luck Attribute. 4 x Terminal Markers

If the test is a Success, the player controlling the testing 3. Place a Terminal at the end of each wall as shown on the deployment
model may immediately perform an activation using map.
an unactivated Automatron created using the Auto- 4. Add scatter terrain representing broken machinery and random
Workbench. debris so that it breaks up LoS and adds cover. Refer to the F:WW
Terrain Guide if needed.
If the test is a failure, assign a Counting Token to the Auto
10 x Searchables

ALL The player that has the most units within yellow of the
robot workbench at the end of the final round is the
winner. If both players have an equal number of units 5. Alternating between players, starting with the player with the fewest
within range at the end of the final round, the game units, place Searchables on the battlefield at least Blue away from
is a draw. the robot workbench and yellow distance from each other.
6. The player with the fewest units deploys the entirety of their force
Game Duration: 8 Rounds within one of the two Deployment zones.
7. The opposite player then deploys the entirety of their force in
the remaining deployment zone.

Terrain Pack Suggestions

To get the most out of this scenario, we suggest using
the Robot Workbench, Settlement Workbenches
and the Terminals terrain packs.

DIY Terrain
Why not try chopping up some Robot minis to create
piles of scrap Automatrons. Alternatively, convert your
favourite automatron from this game and add it to your
settlement (after a little reprogramming of course!)


The curated wasteland reflects an abandoned workshop with

various tools and equipment scattered around.


10MM Pistol Rugged Rubble Under pressure Scratching sounds
Combat shotgun Lost Supplies Snagged
Baton Lucky Find Good Fortune
Machete Boom! Loose rubble
Stimpack Damp Air Glowing Radroach
Robot Repair Kit Acidic air
Turret Awakens
Blustery Wind

Survivor Forces Brotherhood of Steel
n Settler -with Hunting Rifle n Knight Tech with T-60 Power Armor, Laser Pistol, and
n Settler with Assault Rifle Ripper
n Scavenger with 10MM Pistol n Lancer with Laser Rifle
n Enslaved Tech (Free Tech) with Combat Shotgun n Field Scribe with Laser Pistol
n Dog
If you would like to use your own custom forces select a force of up to 300 Caps for each side

All Factions AI Model with highest Skill (If no model with
Objective 1: Go to [Auto-Workbench] computer skill, model with highest Intelligence
Attribute OR Luck Attribute):
1. Once within Yellow range of Auto-Workbench go to
Objective 2. Objective 1: Go to nearest
Objective 2: Defeat [Nearest Enemy Model] Prioritizing
Objective 2: Interact with nearest
1. Enemy models within Yellow range of the Auto-Workbench
Objective 3: Target nearest enemy model
2. Automatron

© 2021 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks
of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.

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