Planning Grid Junior Cert Graphics 1a

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Linking with Subject specification and Junior Cert Framework Evidence of Teaching and Learning

Statements Learning Intentions (students Teaching Success Criteria

Topic/Chapter Relevant JC Outcomes Key Skills Assessment Method Key Words
Schedule of Learning will learn about) Methodology
Week 1 SOL 15 Ice-Breaker 1.2 Analyse graphical (Icebreaker Lesson TBC) 4c. Thinking Analysis of varying Students recognise Socratic questioning  Abstract,
SOL 20 Lesson information for the planning creatively and success of given examples that are flashcards used by  Realistic,
Choose an of a 2D solution critically examples in think, easy to understand students to other  Diagram,
item. 1.4 Appreciate the role of 2D The types of sketching and pair, share activity on and compare them groups.
Sketching 5b. Making  Shading,
where they are relevant
graphics in the creation of considered board to those that are  Form and
solutions decisions Problem Based not. Aristotle Teacher checks their shape,
Choose an item. Understanding at a glance what Learning. questions and  Emphasis,
2e. Learning They can suggest answers during spot
the sketches are aiming to  Ratio,
with others
convey. Diamond 9 activity of solutions for the checks. Socrates  Composition,
the necessary errors in the Skinner  Clarity,
elements in a sketch. examples.
The role of mathematics in
composition of an image and

Week 2 SOL 20 Sketching/rendering 1.5 Illustrate ideas using The appropriate grip of a pencil 1b. Demonstration of skills Students are able to Students critique in  Grip,
Choose an free-hand sketches to for the required task. Implementing through visualiser hold their pencils groups what the  Angle,
item. accurately communicate The correct motion for specific ideas and (possible student correctly and teacher is doing  Density,
Choose an their thought process line outcomes. taking action example) comfortably. wrong during a  Tripod,
item. Choose an item. 4d. Reflecting Differentiation Maslow demonstration.  Necessity,
1.9 Represent 3D Develop control of their line Debate
weight. on and
information using 2D evaluating my Students can
conventions Create parallel lines. learning produce straight and Teacher provides
Choose an item. Student suggested curved lines in feedback on their
Choose a key practice material. UDL varying length, angle drawings. -
Choose an item. Correctly apply annotation skill
Choose an item. and thickness. Assessment as
Students create a
Plan how they will place drawing of their
information on the poster. interest. Friere
Active Learning

Week 3 SOL 21 Triangles 3.1 Recognise 2D and 3D List Different types of Triangles 4a. Being Students provide Map created of the Teacher uses a game  Plane,
Choose an features in everyday objects Curious examples of where different places of last man standing  Surface,
item. and artefacts 4b. Gathering, they see triangles and where triangles are with two rounds to  Vertex,
Choose an Choose an item. Recognise triangles around us what their roles are used/found. Built check their learning
recording,  Apex,
item. 1.10 Understand the organising and around us. Rogers environment, and listening skills.  Altitude,
properties of geometric Investigate the properties of evaluating natural… Active Plato Montessori  Perimeter,
shapes triangles information Learning  Area,
2.8 Construct a 3D Inquiry Based Differentiation  Internal Angle,
2b. Co-
representation of an artefact Learning: Students They need to call out  External Angle,
or abstract idea using a operating asked to define one Students have the explanation that  Built environment,
variety of media and word. Discuss with created a definition they were given from  Natural Environment,
methods. person next to you. for each of the the person next to  Equilateral,
Choose an item. Vygotsky words and can them. Socrates  Scalene,
Choose an item. successfully explain  Isosceles
Create model of it. Bruner
triangle with labels
and hinges. Correctly labelled
model of triangle
Week 4 SOL 20 Triangles 1.12 Construct 2D solutions Creating shapes composed of 2c. Respecting Group overview of the Students can Teacher uses Socratic  Triangulation,
Choose an accurately in accordance triangles. Differences presented drawing understand the logic questioning to check  Trigonometry,
item. with graphical conventions. 1b. question. for drawing their logic and  Diversity,
Choose an Choose an item. Implementing triangles. Higher understanding of the  Critical Analysis
item. 1.11 Appreciate the Using the compass to construct Teacher order topic.
triangles. Understand their use ideas and
application of geometric taking action demonstration of each
constructions in the study of and when/if it is better to use method and trial by Students can apply Teacher checks that
mathematical equations. 5d. Being able
other areas students. Friere different methods of that the students are
Choose an item. to reflect on drawing. analysing their own
my learning.
Choose an item. Understanding the role of the Students debate on Differentiation tendencies by asking
Choose an item. compass in all hand drafting - the best method for if they’ve decided to
triangulation creating a shape. Students learn the change the way they
Socrates importance of do anything.
analysing the Montessori
In class experiment on processes they go
which methods are through and that Teacher spot checks
fastest/easiest. They everyone works that they are doing
note their own differently. the drawing using
feelings/ thoughts on Differentiation correct methods.
it. Montessori Piaget
Week 5 SOL 24 Quadrilaterals 3.2 Appreciate the hidden Comparing triangles with 1a. Exploring Flipped classroom Students will Students submit  Diagonals,
Choose an features of an object or an quadrilaterals. options and research. communicate with homework/classwork  Shadow,
item. artefact necessary for its alternatives each other and task.  Lateral,
Choose an representation 3d. Think Pair Share reinforce their  Trapezium,
Understanding where you might
item. Choose an item. Performing understanding. Teacher checks in at  Trapezoid,
3.3 Demonstrate their see them in real life. Rubric self assessment Skinner each station. Friere
and presenting  Trapezium,
spatial understanding by  Parallelogram,
modelling and/or simulation Choose a key The students will use One minute
Label the components of a skill  Rhombus,
quadrilateral. rubrics to assess notetaking of  Kite,
themselves and stations.  Dart,
Snowballing research reflect.
Change of pace: What is a activity Out the door cards.
tesseract? Students present 8
facts about the topic
Be able to present in small from research
groups something they have (groups of 8)
researched themselves. Vygotsky and

How to self-assess

Week 6 SOL 24 Revision 1.6 Apply their Be able to accurately apply their 2e. Learning Rapid short questions Students practice Misconception  Pictionary,
Choose an understanding of geometric understanding of triangles, with others challenge. and improve their check.  Design language,
item. principles to solve problems quadrilaterals and polygons to 6d. Seeing hand drafting skills.
Choose an Choose an item. set questions. patterns, Group work creating a Spider diagram of
item. 1.7 Interpret and create trends and cheat sheet for the Successfully the suggestions.
graphical representations of relationships topics. Maslow summarise key
data/information How to improve your study words/techniques Socratic questioning.
skills 8f. being and visual cues for
about learning the topics. Skinner

Week 7 SOL 20 Revision 2.8 Construct a 3D Students apply scientific rigour 1a. Exploring Model making of Students successfully Worksheet and  Diagram,
Choose an representation of an artefact in their analysis of the shapes. options and triangle, quadrilateral, utilise the models to rubric.  Shading,
item. or abstract idea using a alternatives and polygons. demonstrate their  Form and
Choose an variety of media and 5d. Being able Compare their properties. Teacher assessment shape,
item. methods. to reflect on structure. Piaget of questions.  Emphasis,
Choose an item. They apply their knowledge of Students work  Composition,
my learning.
1.5 Illustrate ideas using all previous weeks to create together and analyse Formative feedback  Clarity,
their own design (CBA mini Choose a key
free-hand sketches to test questions. on their designs and  Structure,
accurately communicate practice) skill Design task. Vygotsky poster layout.  Rubric,
their thought process
Students can explore
and apply shapes in
real design with an
understanding of
their properties.
Week 8
Statements of Learning (Wood Technology)
The statement Examples of relevant learning 
SOL 15 The student recognises the potential uses of mathematical knowledge, skills Students will apply numerical reasoning to establish
and understanding in all areas of learning. appropriate functions, proportions and dimensions. 
SOL 19 The student values the role and contribution of science and technology to Students will evaluate the impact of Wood
society, and their personal, social and global importance. Technology on their lives, society and the
SOL 20 The student uses appropriate technologies in meeting a design challenge. Students will select suitable equipment to realise a
design task.
SOL 21 The student applies practical skills as she/he develops models and products Students will create solutions through modelling and
using a variety of materials and technologies. tasks that encourage the development of their
practical skills, while working with a range of
materials and equipment.
SOL 23 The student brings an idea from conception to realisation. Students will develop, individually, a concept to
address a problem and create their solution using
appropriate materials and the skills they have
SOL 24 The student uses technology and digital media tools to learn, work and think Students will select appropriate digital media tools
collaboratively and creatively in a responsible and ethical manner. to explore, research and represent design ideas.

Statements of Learning (Graphics)

SOL No. The statement Example of relevant learning
SOL 15 Recognises the potential uses of mathematical knowledge, skills and Students will be able to support their solutions to
understanding in all areas of learning geometry problems by referencing appropriate
geometry concepts and principles.
SOL 19 Values the role and contribution of science and technology to society, and Students will evaluate the impact of technologies on
their personal, social and global importance. their lives, society and the environment.
SOL 20 Uses appropriate technologies in meeting a design challenge Students will determine the most suitable
technologies available to them and apply them to
fulfil the criteria of a given design challenge.
SOL 21 Applies practical skills as she/he develop models and products using a variety Students will develop 3D representations of solutions
of materials and technologies to problems through modelling using appropriate
SOL 23 Brings an idea from conception to realisation Students will individually explore ideas to satisfy a
problem and develop their solutions using
appropriate modelling skills they have developed.

SOL 24 Uses technology and digital media tools to learn, communicate, work and Students will select appropriate digital media tools to
think collaboratively and creatively in a responsible and ethical matter research, explore and present design ideas.

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