A Detailed Lesson Plan in English Special Final
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English Special Final
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English Special Final
Grade 7
7:00-8:00 am
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
a. Discuss the meaning of unfamiliar words taken from the story;
b. Appreciate the moral lesson of the story;
c. Arrange the pattern of the story.
I. Procedure:
A. Preparation
a) Prayer
“Let us pray first. May I
request one student to
lead the prayer.”
Classmate, let us bow our head and
Lee you may lead the feel the presence of the Lord.
prayer. (Sign of the cross) In the name of the
father and of the son and the holy
spirit ….Amen
Justiniana Edera, San Jose, Dinagat Island
Our father
Who art in heaven
Hallowed by thy name
Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and
forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass
against us; and lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil
Amen (Sign of the cross)
Good morning class!
Good morning ma’am!
b) Checking of
“I will check your
attendance first so say
present if your name is
B. Motivation
Hey Lee someone is still (Lee didn’t listen and start drawing a
writing in the board you can go face on the picture)
next after she’s done.
(Lee looks confused)
That is wrong Lee you have to
write a word not draw a face.
Okay, ma’am!
You have to write the character
or describe the animal in one
word and then write it beside
the animal you’re describing.
Like what your classmate’s
doing. Do you understand Lee?
(Every student has write their
answers on the board)
C. Presentation
Now our topic for today is
Fable. Fable is a narrative form
that features animals that
Justiniana Edera, San Jose, Dinagat Island
D. Discussion
I have here a fable entitled
“The monkey and the turtle” I
want everyone to read it
silently and after reading I’ll
ask several questions to the
class so make sure you read
and comprehend the story.
filling both
“Give me some, too,” begged the
“Krrr! Not even the peels!” answered
the monkey.
Now this is not a simple group activity The monkey and the turtle.
I need everyone’s participation. I have
here a red and a white flag, while
(Everyone raise a white flag)
group one are giving their answers the
rest of the group can either raise the
white flag if they agree to their answer
and raise a red flag if they want to
challenge the answer of group one. Do
(Jane stood up)
you understand class? The characteristic of the turtle is
very fair, generous and patient while
Okay group 1 first representative the monkey is very cunning and
please stand up. untrustworthy.
(Group 1 raised a red flag)
Who are the main characters of the
story? No ma’am
Raise a flag
You said to raise a flag ma’am.
Okay that is correct our main
(Lee just ignore the teacher)
characters are the monkey and the
Justiniana Edera, San Jose, Dinagat Island
Raise a flag
(Students start giving their answers)
Very good everyone thank you
for your very active cooperation
during our class.
(Lee just stare blankly)
Comprehension Check-up
Okay listen everyone the The turtle put thorns around the tree
story is about a turtle and as revenge for the monkey
a monkey this two are
friends and decided to cut
a banana tree in a half but
then the part of the tree The monkey got mad and tell the
that monkey plant died turtle that he will burn him but the
turtle trick the monkey by saying he
while the turtle’s tree live will be killed fast in the river
and is already bearing a drowning so the monkey sent him to
fruit but the turtle can’t the river.
climb so the monkey
volunteered and then No ma’am the turtle swim happily
leaving the monkey fooled.
betray the turtle by not
giving him anything so
what did the turtle do?
E. Generalization
F. Evaluation
Let’s have a short quiz
kindly get your paper and
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