Acute Pain Related To Gastric Reflux
Acute Pain Related To Gastric Reflux
Acute Pain Related To Gastric Reflux
Rationale: slow acid production.
Read the following case study. Then work through the steps of analysing the case study data.
First identify abnormal data and strengths in subjective and objective findings;
* The abdomen is soft and tender to palpation in the epigastrium
* Span of liver dullness is 13cm over the MCL splenic dullness at the 10 th intercostal space (ICS)
* Slight midline pulsation, in the epigastrium
*“I have had bad stomach pains for about 6 weeks”
* Heart burn
* aching epigastric pain, fairly continuous, and worse at night
* It radiates to her back when she lies down
*The pain gets progressively worse
* take acetaminophen once- sometimes twice- daily
* Mild nausea
* relates loss of appetite
* it also wakes her up at night
Draw inferences;
*Imbalance nutrition: less than body requirements
* Acute pain
*Disturbed sleep pattern
* Acute pain r/t acid reflux as manifested by aching epigastric pain, fairly continuous, and worse at night and the abdomen is soft and tender to palpation in the epigastrium
and heartburn
* Imbalance nutrition: less than body requirements r/t pain as manifested by mild nausea and relates loss of appetite
* Disturbed sleep pattern r/t pain and discomfort as manifested wakes her up at night