Navy Clearance Divers
Navy Clearance Divers
Navy Clearance Divers
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During 2008 Ryebuck Media has led a series of Youth Challenges around Australia, looking at the role of the ADF
as a good citizen in Australian society.
During each Challenge 10
students had the chance to
ask questions of the ADF 5
personnel present. 0
One commonly asked Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
question of these men
and women was:
why do you do what you do, when it might involve you in danger, and even cause serious harm or even death?
In this unit we provide one way of answering that question.
During 2008 the four-part television series Navy Divers showed a rarely seen glimpse
of one of the Australian Defence Force’s elite units — the Navy Clearance Divers.
By focusing on some of the ideas and themes presented in this series we can
investigate broader questions of good citizenship and the ADF.
Students do not need to view the series to complete this unit, but it will add to their
understanding if they can see some or all of the four 27-minute episodes.
Navy Divers was created by Prospero Productions and the DVD is available from
ABC shops.
This unit was developed from the Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM) Study Guide
for Navy Divers available at
Images used in this unit are courtesy of Prospero Productions and the Department of Defence Media.
The following suggested activities and background information will help you better understand and critically evaluate
the ideas and issues raised in Navy Divers.
Activity 1 Activity 2
Imagine that a friend has told you that he Look at the image below. It is taken from the Navy Careers website. It is the
has just decided to undertake a career- introductory page for the section on Navy Clearance Divers.
related course that is very dangerous and
very physically demanding. 4 Assuming that you know nothing about what Navy Clearance
Divers do, what ideas and information about the job does the
1 What questions would you ask him image suggest? Discuss such aspects as: roles, skills, technology,
or her? qualities needed.
2 What would you want to know about 5 Who do you think would want to become a Navy Clearance Diver?
his/her likely experiences of the
course? 6 What training do you think would be required?
3 What do you think it would require 7 If you could ask questions of a Navy Clearance Diver, what would
of him/her? you ask?
One occupation in the Australian Defence 8 The focus of this unit is on citizenship. What do you think being a
Force that fits both these criteria of Navy Clearance Diver has to do with citizenship?
danger and physical demand is that of
Navy Clearance Diver. You will be able
9 The film you are about to see is a documentary about a group of men
and their quest to become Navy Clearance Divers. What would you
to explore this occupation soon. You will
expect this documentary to show? List all the aspects and elements
develop a set of ideas that can apply to
you would expect to see. Use your answers to Activity 1 questions,
all dangerous and demanding jobs, and
and Activity 2 questions 1, 2 and 3 to create a list, using the table on
that will help you understand this element
the next page.
of the Australian Defence Force as a
good citizen. You will be able to see how many of these you can answer as you work
through the unit.
Australia is a maritime nation. It is surrounded by water. This creates a number of important realities. Look at the following evidence.
1 Discuss each of these sources and identify what it tells us about Australia’s maritime connections. Also consider how each
might involve a situation where there is a threat to Australia and its interests.
For example, Source 1 tells you about one of Australia’s economic assets, its fishing grounds. This asset may need to be
protected against illegal fishing, and against contamination or pollution.
Summarise your findings in a table like this:
Source What it tells me How this aspect of our maritime connection might be threatened
and need protection by the Australian Defence Force
SOURCE 1 Map of Australian fishing zone and Economic Exclusion Zone (EEZ)
Map of Australian land and off-shore The Australian 3 November 2008,25197,24598005-12335,00.html
oil and gas wells and pipelines
The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Australia is free from a number of other Australian Government agencies such
Service (AQIS) is part of the Australian biological threats, such as foot and mouth as Australian Customs Service, Department
Government Department of Agriculture, disease, that have had major economic of Health and Ageing, Food Standards
Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF). and environmental consequences for other Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ), and
AQIS manages quarantine controls at countries. state/territory governments to support their
our borders to minimise the risk of exotic As international travel has become management of post-border detections and
pests and diseases entering the country. easier, the job of keeping Australia free incursions of quarantine pests and diseases
AQIS also provides import and export of unwanted pests has become more and to support its own verification and
inspection and certification to help retain demanding. AQIS continuously looks certification activities for agriculture and
Australia’s highly favourable animal, plant to improve the effectiveness of the food products.
and human health status and wide access quarantine effort by working closely In 2008, AQIS will celebrate the Centenary
to overseas export markets. with other areas within DAFF to manage of Quarantine – 100 years since the
Australia’s biosecurity system; as well as introduction of the Quarantine Act 1908.
8 © Australian Defence Force and Ryebuck Media 2008
SOURCE 5 Australia’s main commercial ports
Department of Transport and Regional Services, Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics,
Australian Sea Freight 2006–07, Information Paper 61
Map of Australia’s ISLANDS
regional neighbours MARSHALL
Date Line
Pacific Ocean
Equa to r 0°
Tro pic of
Date Line
40° S
0 1,500 mi
0 1,500 km
Now consider these four main roles of Navy Clearance Divers, and answer the questions that follow.
A Mine counter-measures — In this role, Clearance Divers focus 1 Decide which of these roles might be
on the location, identification, rendering safe and disposal of underwater applicable to each of the sources above.
munitions and explosives (such as buoyant and ground mines), in areas For example, you might put the letter D
where conventional mine hunting methods are not possible. This often beside the ‘maritime reality’ of off-shore
means searching entrances, anchorages and sea approaches to amphibious oil and gas rigs, because it is possible
landing sites. that a rig could be sabotaged by an
enemy or a terrorist group.
B Marine tactical operations — This element conducts Advance
Force Operations. They are responsible for a variety of tasks ahead of a 2 If Navy Clearance Divers were to be
potential landing force and, as the name suggests, tasks are conducted in involved in any of these situations,
a clandestine manner, most often in enemy territory and without backup. what support might they need?
C Underwater battle damage repair — In this role, Clearance Divers 3 How do other services contribute
to the defence of Australia? Go to
install, maintain and repair ships’ underwater fittings and Naval Harbour
installations. Diving on air equipment (both self contained and surface
and play Can you protect our north?
supplied), these divers are skilled in various underwater salvage techniques.
D Explosive ordnance disposal — A core role of Navy Clearance 4 What conclusion would you draw about
one aspect of Navy Clearance Divers
Divers is to perform the role of EOD and IEDD in or around coastal areas. and citizenship from an awareness of
This highly specialised area uses many dedicated techniques and tools to Australia as a maritime nation?
render safe both military munitions and improvised (home made) bombs.
Investigation 1 showed that part of citizenship for the ADF is up to 60m, each day presents a new and increasingly difficult
national citizenship — being a protector of Australia’s interests. test of skill, strength and endurance.
There are other aspects of citizenship that could also be Monitored by doctors and psychologists, candidates must
considered, including individual, corporate, environmental and cope with constant pressure and stress while operating in
global citizenship. an environment where one mistake can mean the difference
Navy Divers (Steve Westh, 2008) is a four-part observational between life and death.
documentary following 27 men as they attempt to join the ranks Continual and ruthless assessment means that every day is a
of the navy’s elite Navy Clearance Diver unit. This force demands battle for survival. With one of the highest drop-out rates in the
complete physical and mental strength, rock solid stamina Navy only the fittest and the strongest will succeed.
and bravery. If you want to join this unit, you must conquer the For every candidate the stakes are incredibly high. Only 13
Navy’s toughest and most extreme training program. will make it. For those 13 it will be the crowning glory of their
For more than nine months the male-only group of sailors are career and the ultimate reward for years of hard work and
pushed to their absolute limits on a gruelling regime that’s determination. For those who do not make it, it could mean the
designed to match the relentless demands and dangers of real end of their navy career.
life operations. Look at these extracts from the series, and answer the questions
From exhausting six kilometre swims across shark-infested about each extract.
waters to nerve-shredding bomb disposals at depths of
Three course attendees discuss their motivation for Comments made by instructors to trainees:
wanting to become becoming Navy Clearance Divers:
Matthew Phil
I was pretty keen to have another go, ‘cause like being pulled Do you really need it this bad? You don’t want to be here. This is
off the last one, I wanted to prove them wrong. not for you, mate. Jump on the bus. It’s not worth the pain.
Never really wanted a normal 9 to 5 job. When someone Officer
comes up and asks you, you know, what do you do for a What are you doing? Don’t just stand
living? I say, I’m a plumber and it’s like, you know, like there there in everyone’s way! Put it in!
are heaps of plumbers out there. So if someone comes up
and asks you what do you do? Oh yeah, I’m a clearance diver.
And I’ll guarantee there’ll be
Say oh, what’s that? So it’s something a little bit different,
some bloke who puts his
little bit more exciting. Yeah.
hand up and goes, you’re
Brodie right. I don’t want to be here.
It’s pretty much the only thing I’m really doing it for, so to This is not for me.
make my mother proud, and my family. I didn’t even think my Your hand’s up.
brothers really looked up to me. Like yeah, now they . . . My
little brother wants to be like me, he reckons, when he grows
Does that mean you’re handing
up, yeah. That’s pretty good.
your vest in?
When I was young, I looked at joining the clearance diving Andrew
branch and I had a partner who I’d just recently moved in You’re embarrassing. I can’t believe half you people showed up.
with, and she didn’t really want me to go at the time, and Phil
as time went on, and water goes under the bridge, it was Our job here isn’t really to get as many vests on here as we can
something that she felt I had to endeavour to succeed at [as trainees fail, their vests are hung up in a public place]. The
and just throw my hat in the ring and see if you can come idea is to get the right vests hanging up.
up trumps.
Here are some examples of the role of Navy Clearance Divers in recent times. Read each, and discuss how
it shows the qualities and citizenship attributes of the people involved. Look in particular to identify different
types of citizenship involving individuals or the ADF, including individual, national, global, corporate and
environmental. You may also identify other types of citizenship in these extracts.
Not so for Petty Officer Clearance Diver Gavin Stevens. was reasonably new but had been Individual
damaged.” National
It was his bare feet, half-nakedness and skills that kept him
alive and possibly prevented the downing of helicopters operating “Again using the binoculars I realised Global
from HMAS Kanimbla (CMDR Stephen Woodall) in the northern there was a problem. Corporate
Persian Gulf. This mine was special. Environmental
A few days ago, Gavin’s actions saw the Governor of NSW, It carried a seismic, [could be triggered Other
Professor Marie Bashir, pin the red Commendation for by heavy footsteps] magnetic [could be
Distinguished Service ribbon to his chest in an award ceremony triggered by close proximity to metal]
at Government House. and acoustic [could be triggered by
He was one of 30 Australian Defence Force personnel to receive loud noise] detonator.
awards on the day. Gavin retreated and made contact with his superiors in HMAS
Gavin, promoted to chief petty officer on March 1 and named the Kanimbla advising of the danger particularly to the helicopters
chief instructor of Maritime Tactical Operations, centred at HMAS operating from the ship and flying over the area in support of
Penguin, was one of 32 RAN clearance divers sent to the Middle Coalition forces.
East in early 2003 for Operation Falconer. That fear was that a noisy metallic aircraft might detonate the
When Coalition forces moved into Iraq in early March, Gavin and mine sending shrapnel skywards and potentially bringing it down.
his colleagues went with them. The decision was made to destroy the device. He knew he had to
“The Royal Marines asked us to clear any unexploded ordnance remove all metal objects from his person.
along the Al Faw Peninsula, the area in which they were “I took my boots off because of the metal eyelets. I took my
operating,” Gavin told Navy News. trousers and underpants off because of metal fastenings, even
“On the first day we were driving down the road a few hundred removed my wedding ring.
metres in from the water looking for stuff. “There were eight of us All I wore was my tee shirt and camo shirt”.
in two Landrovers. I was in charge. There was a tap on the roof of Gavin returned to the danger area getting a large thorn in his foot
the vehicle from AB John Jarvis. on the way. Walking gingerly and softly, he went to the mine and
He is from the bush and has a sharp eye. He had seen something in laid two packs of explosives beside it.
the distance. “Then I walked away running out 30 metres of red cord [explosive
“We stopped and using binoculars I saw a sea mine about 1.5 cord].
metres long. It was lying in the open on a claypan. How it got there “I walked the way I had come in. I didn’t want to risk walking
remains a mystery. through a mine field.”