Airman: Leaders Is A Coalition of Governmental

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A talk with the

Chairman Of
Mr. Štancer, you are the Chairman
of the Global Chamber of Business
Leaders (GCBL). How would you
describe GCBL to someone who
knows nothing about it?

The Global Chamber of Business

Leaders is a coalition of governmental
leaders, CEOs and executives, entre-
preneurs, investors and business and
industry leaders who share a common
vision: the sustainable well-being and
growth of business in a disruptive and
ever-evolving global economy.
of Business Leaders at the top of affiliated
Global Chamber of Business Leaders organizations in the world.
prioritizes activities that align with the
UN-declared Decade of Action, promot-
ing the importance of the inclusion of Let’s talk about GCBL members and what
the Sustainable Development Goals makes GCBL one of the most respected
in the business models of the future, communities in the world?
allowing our partners, members, and
participants to prepare their business- The members of the Global Chamber of
es to be vanguards of the future. Business Leaders are advanced companies
and business leaders who want to be the
With the members of GCBL, as well world’s leading companies and actors, not
as with our partners, we lead a con- just stakeholders or observers, but creators
tinuous debate on ethics in business of the future. interest in GCBL membership
processes, and we remind them of the makes me extremely happy. Entrepreneurs,
great stratification and therefore the companies, and business leaders from all
need for solidarity, and not that doing over the world are joining. The latter is truly
business is just about profit. We also an indication that we all want the world to
focus on sustainable development and be better for all of us when this pandemic
climate change. And it is the latter episode ends. Not only the desire for success
that probably puts the Global Chamber and profit but also the engagement for the

Page | September Edition

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common good and a better future for all is what

What is the overall goal of the organization?
positively surprises and inspires us in GCBL over
What are the personal objectives of Dejan
and over again.
Stancer's presidency over GCBL?
And when we talk about the Global Chamber of
Business Leaders and why we rank among the
most respected communities, I think it’s not In theory alone, we would only say that the goals
just a strong global network that includes not of the GCBL are that in this decade of action,
only strong multinationals and governments, business and government leaders and entre-
business and political leaders but also a special preneurs from around the world must come
relationship we cultivate with our members and together in this global marketplace to share
partners. We are always available for them, we knowledge, facilitate business cooperation and
advise them, help them connect, involve them, opportunities, and work together to will be part
share our knowledge and experience, and at the of a global solution in this new, disruptive busi-
same time educate them and prepare them for ness environment. But because life is anything
a new future. We strive to foster a sense of but a theory, we at the Global Chamber of Busi-
man and nature and not just the struggle ness Leaders are well aware
for profit, success, and fame. We offer that we urgently need to
a reflection on the future of business, ensure that innovative
business ethics, sustainable develop- business models
ment, environmental protection, and best practic-
climate change, and es are com-
everything that bined with
is and will be sustainable
increasingly strategies.
connected Our global
to all of us. mandate is
In short, to manage,
we want develop pol-
to create icy and
a large, develop
perhaps our
the largest, compa-
world commu- nies in a
nity that will urgently take care of a sustainable way that has a positive impact on the
and solidary common future, in an ethical and environment, society, and our global economy.
socially responsible way.

My job as Chairman of the

Global Chamber of Business
Leaders is to guide the
organization, participate
in its further development,
and be able to listen to
my colleagues in the
organization, as well as to
listen to our members and
partners, and hear them at
the end of the day. | Page

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