C3i20 SPQR Scen

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SyphaxI -The Battle of Tispasa, 2138C Scenario Setup by Dan Fournie

MAP- Use the NNE haif of theZama Map from SPqR. Masaesulian Deployment '
Syphax'RomanStyleArmy (usenewC3i countersor XIV Alae Sociorum& ?VE)
COUNTERS - All counters are from SPqR. New leader counters are . Syphax(OC) 2115 (or use Maha¡balw/ str¿tegy3)
included in C3iMagazine Nr20. Replacementsare also listed. . CenturionQStatorius 1816 (or useTiib Antonius)
. Numidian Velites LI (5) (every other hex)
Carthaginian Deployment - ThePunitiveExpedition:
. Hanno(w/strategy3) (OC), Hamilcar,Bostar&Mago with anyunit. .Numidian Cohorts LG (10) L8L4-L9,1615(2),7677 (2perhex)
. Cart Lery MI (1-16) 3407-14,3607-1,4 'Numidian Triarii HI (2) 1416 (2 per hex)
.African HC (6-10) 3404-05,341,6-18 MasaesulianNumidian Levies (brown):
. Tychaeus 7825
'Elephants(1-4) 3107,31,09,31,1,1.,31,1,3
. Numidian MI (1-6) 1811-13,1,820 -22 (brown)
Masaesulian Deployment
. Numidian LI (1-4) 2L07,2L09,2L21,2123(brown)
Syphax' New Model Army (use new C3i Nr20 counters or XIVAlae Sociorum):
. Centurion . Vermina 1808(or usePrf Eq Drusus)
QStatorius 7710 (or useTrib Antonius)
. Numidian LC (1-10) 1807-09, 1707-08,7824-26,1724-25(brown)
. Numidian Cohorts LG 1708 (2),1710 (2),1712 (2),
1,509 (2) Masaesulian Command
MasaesulianNumidian Levies (brown): (1) Statorius may only command LG (cohorts), HI (triarii) and LI (velites).
. Syphax(OC) L775 (or use Maharbal dstrategy 3) (2) Tychaeusand Vermina may only command MasaesulianNumidian levies
. Tychaeus 1705 (LC, LI and MI and LI (velites).
. Numidian LI (1-4) 1907-1.3(every other hex) (brown)
. Numidian LC (1-6) 7704-06,171.4-76 (brown)
Carthage: Masaesulian:
Masaesulian Command 1.SK- 1.VE &LI-
(1) Statorius may only command cohorts LG. 2. AF HI/PH, Maur MI & IberianLI 2.c o- &M I
(2) Tychaeusmay oniy command MasaesulianNumidian levies. 3. N. Afr LI & Elephants* 3.LC
LINEELIGIBILITY * May form linesoccupyingeveryotherhex
1.EL* 1.LI- A player wins by forcing his opponent to withdraw.
2. MI 2.LG** Carthaginian Armywithdraws when units with TQpoints totaling 90 have been elim.
3.HC 3.LC MasaesulianArmy withdraws when units with TQpoints totaling 95 have been elim.
* May form lines occupying every other hex.
Size &TQlevels
A player wins by forcing his opponent to withdraw. Army SP Size Tq Rout Ql"lity
Carthaginian Army withdraws when units with T-Qpoints totaling 50 have been elim
MasaesulianArmy withdraws when units with T-Qpoints totaling 60 have been e1im. Carthage 136 10,000inf 200 45o/o t.49
30 elephants
At-y SP Size Tq Rout Qrnllty
Masaesuli 136 9,600inf 277 45o/o 1.60
Carthage 84 6,400inf f02 50o/o t.20 4,000cav
20 elephants
SyphaxIII - Battle ofTingis,2r2BC
Masaesuli ó8 4,400 inf t23 5 t"/o 1.67
2,400 cav MAP - Use the NNE 3/4 of theZama Map from SPqR.
CO{INTERS - All counters are from SPqR. New leader counters are
Syphur II -The Battle of Siga, 2r2BC included in C3i Magazine Nr20. Replacementsare also listed.

Masaesulian Numidian Deployment

MAP - Use the NNE 3/4 of the ZamaMap from SPqR.
COUNTERS - All counters are from SPqR. New leader counters are 'Masinissa (OC w/ strategy4) 3426 (green)
. Numidian LC (1-4) 3424-27(green)
included in C3i Magazine Nr20. Replacementsare also listed.
. Capussa 3ll7 (or useMilon)
Carthaginian Deployment - Hasd¡ubal's
IberianArmy: . Numidian LC (5-8)
.HasdrubalBarca(OC) 3416 (or use Hasdrubalw/strxegy 7) 3406-09(green)
.Hanno 3407
.Hanno 3115
.Bostar 2874 .Maur MI (1-4) 3420-23
.BalearicSK (1-10) 2806-24(everyotherhex) .N. African LI (1-6) 3Il1-27 (everyotherhex)
.African HI (1-6) 341,4-19(or useAfrican PH (1-3) from SPQR) .Elephants(1-6) 3112-3722(everyother hex)
.Iberian LI (1-4) 3410-13
. Carthaginian Command

Iberian LN (1-3) 3406-08
King Gaia's Maesulian Lery (green): Capussamay only command Numidian LC. Hanno may only
. Masinissa(green) 3426 command Maur MI, N. African LI & Elephants.
. Capussa , 3117(or useMilon from SPQR) ls6 IIa l
.MaurMI (1-4) 3420-23 Masaesulian and Maurusian Deployment
. N. AfricanLI (1-6) 371,1-27(everyother hex) . Syphax(OC) L825 (or useMaharbalw/ strategy3)
. trlephants(1-6) 3112-3722(everyotherhex) . NumidianLC (1-10) L807-09, 1707-08, 1824-26, 7724-25(brown)
. NumidianLC (1-6) 3425-27, 3525-27 (green) . Vermina 1808 (or usePrf Eq Drusus)
Carthaginian Command
Masinissa and Capussamay only command N. Afr LI, Maur MI, Elephants Syphax' New Model Army (use new C3i counters or XfV Alae Sociorum)
anüor Numidian LC. . Centurion 7710 (or useTiib Antonius)
(NOTE - setup continues on other side of this card)

^^/ C3i Magazine,Nr20 Insert Card

IVIAG/A,ZIIlE @RodgerB. MacGowan2008, All rightsreserved,Printedin the U.S.A. Publicatio
(Continued)SyphaxIII - Battle ofTingis,2t2BC Stga,2l2BC
. Numidian Cohorts LG 1708(2),1710(2) Deplol both arnies as indicakd.
'tchaeus 1816 Carthaginian Form¿tion Chart
'NumidianMI (1-6) 1814-19(brown)
.NumidianLI(1-4) 2175,2716,2177,2118(brown)
Masaesuli¿n Command Hasdrubal[OC]/5 African HI, Mauretanian MI & Iberian LI
(1) Statoriusmayonlycommandcoho¡ts
(2) Tychaeus andVerminamayonly commandMasaesulian
Numidianlevies. Iberian LN

Carthage; Masaesulian:
1.SK- 1.\tE,&LI*
2. AF PH, Maur MI & IberianLI 2 .c o * &MI Numidian LI &Elephants
3. N. Afr LI & Elephants* 3.LC
* May form linesoccupyingeveryotherhex. Carthaginian Units with Reduced Side:
'African HI
A player wins by forcing his opponent to withdraw.
Masaesuüan Formation Chart
Maesuli Army withdraws when units with TQ_¡roints totaling 42 have been elim.
MasaesulianA¡my withdraws when units with Tqpoints totaling 46 have been elim.

Size &TQlevels

Army SP Size Tq Rout Qr"lity A1l Velites, Cohorts &Tiiariifa]

Maseuli 84 4,000inf 200 45o/o t.49
30 elephants

M¿s¿esuli 92 5,200inf 277 45o/o 1.60

a = A contiguous line may have one intervening vacant hex between each unit
Roman Units with Reduced Side
Special Rules
SimpleGBoH Scenario
Deploy both arnies as indicated.
Carthaginian Formation Chart Tingis,2l2BC
Deploy both armies as indicated,

Hanno [OC]/2 Carthaginian Formation Chart

Carthage Militia Foot

RightWing Cavalry

Left Wing Cavalry

LeftWing Cavalry
Mauretanian MI, N. African LI & Elephants

Carthaginian Units with Reduced Side: Carthaginian Units with Reduced Side:
. None . None

Masaesulian Formation Chart

M¿saesulian Formation Chart
Commander Formation

RightWing Cavalry
Statorius All Cohorts &Numidian Light Infantryfa]

LeftWing Cavalry
Numidian MI & LI
a = A contiguous line may have one intervening vacant hex between each unit.

Roman Units with Reduced Side

Special Rules a = A contiguous line may have one intervening vacant hex between each unit.
Same as basic scenario. Roman Units with Reduced Side
Special Rules
Same as basic scenario.


C3i Magazine,Nr20 Insert Card
@RodgerB. MacGowan2008, All rightsreserved.printedin the U.S.A.
The First Battle of Herdonia, 2l2BC ScenarioSetupby Dan Fournie
MAP - Use the SPQR Beneventum Map. The Western quarter of the map should be folded under, as this areais not needed
COIINTERS - A1l counters are from SPqR. New leade¡ counters are included in C3i Magazine Nr20. Replacementsare also listed.

Size &TQlevels
Carthaginian Deployment
.Ambush Force: At-y SP Size Tq Rout Qr"llty
Mago Saunites - Iberian LI (1-6), Numidian LC (1-5) for deployment seebelow.
. MainArmy: Deploys an).rvhereEast of the DayAlert Line.
Carthage 170 13,000inf 253 40o/o 1.49
Hannibal (OC), Hasdrubal, Hanno
20 elephants
Balea¡icSK (1-11),African PH/HI (1-4/8), Celtic MI (1-5), Bruttian HI (1-6),
Iberian LN (1-2), Celtic LN (1-3), African Elephants (1-4) Rome 186 16,800inf 385 35o/o 2.07
Ambssh Force: (1) The Carthaginian must write down (secretly),before the
game starts,the hex numbers for theseunits. The units can be placed in any
woods hex. (2) Beginning on Türn 2, the Carthaginian player m?y use one SimpleGBoH Scenario
of Hannibalt LCs to activateMago Saunites and bring the ambush units into
play. (3) If a Roman unit attempts to enter a woods hex occupied by an ambush
First Herdonia,,2l2BC
unit, combat ensuesand all ambush units are revealedand played norma1ly. Deploy botlt armies as indicated.
Rule4.6 CARTI{AGINIAN COMMAND is in effect. Carthaginian Formation Chart

Praetor Gn. Fulvius Flaccus (OC) (useT Varro)3022,2Tribunes with any infantry Hannibal [OC]/6 Foot Division (African PH or HI, Bruttian HI & Celtic MI)
2 PraefectsSoc.with any AS infantr¡ 2 PraefectsEquit. with any cavaky
. V RomanLegion Mounted Division (Iberian & Celtic LN, Elephants)
Velites 2728,2929,3L30
Skirmish Division
Hastati 2726(2),2927(2)
Principes 2925(2),3126(2) Ambush Force (Numidian LC &Iberian LI)
Tiiarii 2923,3024,3L24 Richard Berg &
'VAlae Sociorum MarkHermart's Carthaginian Units v/ith Reduced Side:
Velites 333L,3532 . African PH (or HI) units
Cohorts 31,28(2),3329(2),3530,3327(2), 3528(2)
Coh.Extr.3L22 Roman Formation Chart
Tria¡ii 3225,3325
'X RomanLegion
Velites 2725,2326,2527
Fulvius Flaccus [OC]/3
Hastati 2324(2),2525(2)
Triarii 2622,2722,2823 AnyTiib. or Pr. Soc All Velites [a]

'XAlae Sociorum AnyTiib. or Pr.Soc Hastati & cohorts that deploy in 32n hex row [a]
Veütes 1723,L924
Cohorts 1.922(2),21.23(2),
1920,212r(2),2322(2) AnyTiib. or Pr. Soc Principes & cohorts that deploy in 34n hex row [a]
Tiiarii 2421,2521. AnyTiib. or Pr.Soc
V RomanRC (1) 3524
VAS RC (a,ex) 3625,3725
X RomanRC (1) 2017 Left wing cavalry
XAS RC (a,ex) 2L17,3022
a = A contiguous line may have one intervening vacant hex between eachunit.
LINEELIGIBILITY b = The Roman player may not activatethis formation until either an enemy combat
Carthage: unit is within three hexesor its units me at least slr hexesfrom all other Roman LG
1. all SK andEL* t)?e units. Furthermore, the units may not move adjacentto an enemy unit until the
2. all HI, MI & LI Roman army has rout points equal to at least one h¿lf of its Withdrawal Leve1.
3. al1LN &LC The Roman player may activatethe Hastati/Cohort and Principes/Cohort Formations
4. ambushforceLI & LC together if each of the Formations has its commander stackedwith or adjacentto a
Rome: unit in the Formation AND both commande¡s are within either of the Overall
1.velites* Commanders' Command Range.That Overall Commander may move with this
2.hastati& cohorts* activation. See 4.14 Multiple Formations. Howeveq the Roman player may only
3. principes& cohorts* place the units in one of the Formations In Command. The units in the other
4. triaÁi Formation are automatically Out of Command.
* May formlinesoccupying everyotherhex.
Cohortextr.mayjoin anyinfantryline. Roman Units with Reduced Side:
. All Principes(PR) Classunits
. Al1 Cohorts Ex.
A player wins by forcing his opponent to withdraw. Special Rules:
. Same as basic scenario.
Carthaginian Army withdraws when units with TQpoints totaling 100 have been elim.
Roman Army withdraws when units with T-Qpoints totaling 135 have been eliminated.

t¡-> ' -
rIg # n===rI C3i Magazine,Nr20 Insert Card
ORodgerB. Maccowan 2OO8,All rightsreserved.Printedin the U.S.A
The SecondBattle of Herdonia,210 BC Scenario Setup by Dan Fournie
MAP - Usethe SPQR CannaeMap. Fold the NNW quarter of the map under. This smaller batde requiresonly three quarters of the map.
COLINTERS - All countersarefrom SPqR. New leader counters are included in C3i Magazine Nr20. Replacementsare also listed.
. Skirmish Division A player wins by forcing his opponent to withdraw.
Hanno 2031, Carthaginian Army withdraws when units with TQ_points totaling 95 have been elim.
Elephants (1-2) 2023,2044 Roman Army withdraws when units with TQpoints totaling 130 have been e1im.
Balea¡icSK (1-7) 2037-2025(everyother)
Cretan SK (1-3) 2043,2041,2039 Size&TQlevels
. Expeditionary Foot Corps
Hannibal (OC) 1631.
At*y SP Size rq Rout Qr"lity
African PH/HI (1-4lB) 7628-1,625(2 setupcategories) Carthage 174 13,400inf 239 40o/o 1.37
Ceitic MI (1-4) 7632-1.629 4,000cav
Iberian LI (1-4) 1832,1.830,1828,1826 10elephants
. Allied Italian Levies
Hamilcar 1,834 Rome 186 16,800inf 380 35Vo 2.04
Bruttian HI (1-6) 7642-7637 1,800cav
Bruttian MI (1-2) 1636-1,635 (U:e red)
Lucanian MI (1-2) 1.634-1.633 (üe red)
Bruttian LI (1-4) 7834,7836,1838,1840 (UseIllyri.an-red) SimpleGBoH Scenario
. Numidian Division
SecondHerdonia,2l0 BC
Mago Saunites 7822
Deploy both amies as indicated.
Numidian LC (1-5) 7820,7821,
. Heavy Horse Division Carthaginian Formation Chart
Hasdrubal 1843
Celtic LN (1-2) 1847,1842
Iberian LN (1) L843 Hannibal [OC]/6 Exped. Foot Corps (African PH/HI, Celtic MI &Iberian LI)
Bruttium RC (1) 1.844 (UseAetolianLC)
Lucanian RC (1) 7742 (UreAetolian LC) Numidian Horse Division (LC)
Rule4.6CARTI{AGINIANCOMMANDis in effect.
Levies (Bruttian HLMI, Lucanian MI, & Bruttian (Illpian) LI)
Roman Deployment Hry Horse Div. (Iberian & Celtic LN, Bruttian & Lucanian RC)
Proconsul Fulvius Centamalus (OC) (useRegulus),2Tribunes with any infantry
2 PraefectsSoc.with any AS infantry 2 P¡aefectsEquit. with any cava)ry Skirmish Division (Balearics,Cretans & Elephants)
.III Romm Legion
Velites 3 1 ? R ? ? 1 Á 1??4 Ca:thaginian Units with Reduced Side:
Hastati 3s36(2),3s34 (2) 'African PH (or HI) units
Principes 3733(2),3735 (2) Roman Formation Chart
Trimii 4035,4036,4037
' III Alae Sociorum
Velites 3342,3340
Fulüus Centumalus IOC]/a
Cohorts 3s3B(2),3s 40(2),3737(2),373e(2),3747
Coh. Extra. 4034
AnyTiib. or P¡. Soc
lflarll 4038,4039
. V Roman Legion
AnyTiib. or Pr.Soc Hastati & cohorts that deploy in 32r< hex row [a]
Velites 3332,3330,3328
Hastati 3532(2),3530(2) AnyTiib. or Pr.Soc Principes & cohorts that deploy in 34n hex row [a]
Principes 3733(2),3731(2)
Tiiarii 4030,4029,4028 AnyTrib. or Pr.Soc
. VAlae Sociorum
Velites 3326,3324
Cohorts 3528(2),3526(2),372e(2),3727(2),3725
Coh. Extra. 4033
Tiiarii 4032,4031, a = A contigrious line may have one intervening vacant hex between each unit.
'Cavahy b = The Roman player may not activate this formation until either an enemy combat
III RomanRC (1) 354L unit is within three hexesor its units are at least six hexesfrom all other Roman LG
III AS RC (a,b) 3542,3543 qpe units. Furthermore, the units may not move adjacentto an enemy unit until the
V RomanRC (1) 3523 Roman army has rout points equal to at least one half of its Withdrawal Level.
V AS RC (ex,a) 3522,3527 The Roman player may activat; the Hastati./Cohort and Principes/Cohort Formations
together if each of the Formations has its commander stackedwith or adjacentto a
LINEELIGIBILITY unit in the Formation AND both commanders are within either of the Overall
Carthage: Rome: Commanders' Command Range.That Overall Commander may move with this
1.al1SK andEL* 1. velites* activation. See4.14 Multiple Formations. However, the Roman player may only
2. aIILI 2. hastati & cohorts* place the units in one of the Formations In Command.The units in the other
3. all MercenaryHI, MI & LI 3. principes & cohorts* Formation are automatically Out of Command.
4. all ItalianHI &MI &LI 4. triadi Roman Units with Reduced Side:
5. a.11cavalry . All Principes (PR) Class units
. All Cohorts Ex.
t May form lines occupying every other hex
Special Rules:
Cohort extra. may join any infantry 1ine.
. None


C3i Magazine,Nr20 Insert Card
@RodgerB. MacGowan2008, All rightsreserved,Printedin the U.S.A.
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