RPH BI T5 Jumaat

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Tarikh : 11 November 2022 Hari: Friday Penggal :3 Minggu Ke-9


Class: 5 Hijau

Time: 1050-1150

Tittle: 7: GROWING UP

Focus Skills : Main: Listening

Complimentary: Speaking

Content Learning
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Learning Standard:
1.2.4 Understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
2.1.2 Find out about and describe experiences up to now
Learning Objective : At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and answer the questions.

Success Criteria :
1. listen and answer at least 4 questions correctly.
2. find out about their partner’s experiences by asking at least 4 appropriate questions.

Introduction Pupils refer to THINK! textbook page 78. Pupils read the question and think. Pupils share their

Activities 1. Pupils refer to Activity 1. Pupils read the gapped interview. Pupils listen to audio 2.27 and fill
in the gaps in their exercise books. 
2. Pupils refer to Activity 2 and identify the key phrases that the interviewer and the pop star
used. Pupils share the identified sentences. 
3. In pairs, pupils take the roles of the interviewer and the pop star. Pupils practise the
4. Pupils refer to Activity 4 and read the study strategy. Pupils are given some time to think of
questions 1-5 in the table individually.  
5. In pairs, pupils ask their prepared questions and write down their partner’s answers.

Closure Teacher asks a few pairs to conduct their interview session in front of the class.

TEACHING laptop, projector, textbook, modul
KBKK mengklasifikasikan,meneliti

Nilai respect others

Kompentensi Comunication, critical thinking

Global 6C
EMK Bahasa, Nilai Murni, Patriotisme, Kreativiti dan Inovasi, Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi.

Assessment Writing



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