Modern Homing Missile Guidance Theory and Techniques
Modern Homing Missile Guidance Theory and Techniques
Modern Homing Missile Guidance Theory and Techniques
and Techniques
Classical guidance laws, with proportional navigation optimal control theory to missile guidance problems had
(PN) being the most prominent example, had proven to sufficiently matured, offering new and potentially prom-
be effective homing guidance strategies up through the ising alternative guidance law designs.1–3 Around this
1960s and early 1970s. By the mid-1970s, however, the time, the computer power required to mechanize such
predicted capability of future airborne threats (highly advanced algorithms also was sufficient to make their
maneuverable aircraft, supersonic cruise missiles, tacti- application practical.
cal and strategic ballistic missile reentry vehicles, etc.) Most modern guidance laws are derived using linear-
indicated that PN-guided weapons might be ineffective quadratic (LQ) optimal control theory to obtain
against them. However, by that time, the application of analytic feedback solutions.1, 4, 5 Many of the modern
Figure 1. The traditional guidance, navigation, and control topology for a guided missile comprises guidance filter, guidance law,
autopilot, and inertial navigation components. Each component may be synthesized by using a variety of techniques, the most
popular of which are indicated here in blue text.
The LQ Optimal Control Problem Then, from the calculus of variations, four necessary
Here, we assume that the nonlinear model in Eq. 1 conditions for optimality must be satisfied5 to solve our
can be linearized about an equilibrium point (x 0, u 0) problem: state, costate, boundary, and stationarity con-
and represented by the time-varying linear dynamic ditions must all hold. These four conditions are listed in
Table 1.
system described in Eq. 31, 4:
From Table 1 (and based on our previous description
$ of the dimension of the plant state vector), it can be seen
x (t) = A (t) x (t) + B (t) u (t) . (3)
that there is a system of 2n dynamic equations that must
be solved; n equations must be solved forward in time
In this model (as in the nonlinear case), x ! R n is the
over [t0, tf] (state equations), and n equations must be
state vector, u ! R m is the control vector, and t repre-
solved backward in time over [tf, t0] (costate equations).
sents time. Here, however, A(t) and B(t) are the time-
We further note that the equations are coupled. Apply-
varying Jacobian matrices ing the stationarity condition to Eqs. 3–6 yields the fol-
lowing result for the control:
(2 f (x, u, t)/2 x x=x and 2 f (x, u, t)/2 u x=x , respectively)
0 0
u=u u=u
0 0
u (t) = –R –1 (t) B T (t) (t) . (7)
of appropriate dimension.
Using the “shorthand” notation z (t) 2 _ z T (t) Sz (t) , Using Eq. 7 in the state and costate necessary conditions,
we next define the quadratic performance index (a and taking into account the boundary condition, leads
special case of the performance index shown in Eq. 2) to the following two-point boundary value problem:
shown in Eq. 4:
A (t) –B (t) R –1 B T x (t)
=$ G== G;
x (t)
J(x (t 0), u (t 0), t 0) = 1
x (t f) 2 E,
2 Qf (t) –Q (t) –A T (t) (t)
(4) x (t 0) given
) (t ) = Q x (t ) 3 .
2 t 8
# Bdt .
1 2 2
+ x (t) + u (t)
Q (t) R (t) f f f
In Eq. 4, the following assumptions are made: the ter- Here, we are concerned with solution methods that
minal penalty weighting matrix, Q f, is positive semi- can yield analytic (closed-form) solutions rather than
definite (the eigenvalues of Q f are 0, expressed as iterative numerical or gain scheduling techniques. We
Q f 0); the state penalty weighting matrix, Q(t), is note, however, that the sparseness/structure of the con-
positive semi-definite (Q(t) 0); and the control pen- stituent plant and cost matrices—e.g., A(t), B(t), Q(t),
alty matrix, R(t), is positive definite (R(t) > 0). Thus, the and R(t)—will dictate the ease by which this can be
LQ optimal control problem is to find a control, u * (t) , accomplished. Qualitatively speaking, the level of dif-
such that the quadratic cost in Eq. 4 is minimized sub- ficulty involved in obtaining analytic solutions is related
ject to the constraint imposed by the linear dynamic primarily to the complexity of state equation coupling
system in Eq. 3. into the costate equations, most notably by the structure
To solve this continuous-time optimal control prob- of Q(t) and, to a lesser extent, by the structure of A(t). As
lem, one can use Lagrange multipliers, (t) , to adjoin we will see later, however, this fact does not negate our
the (dynamic) constraints (Eq. 3) to the performance ability to derive effective guidance laws.
index (Eq. 4).1, 5 Consequently, an augmented cost func- Given a suitable system structure in Eqs. 7 and 8 (as
tion can be written as discussed above), one conceptually straightforward way
to solve this problem is to directly integrate the costate
1 2 equations backward in time from tf to t t0 using the
Jl = 2 x (t f)
terminal costate conditions and then integrate the state
R1 2 2 V
S 2 ( x (t) Q (t) + u (t) )
R (t) W (5)
tf S W
+ # S + T (t)(A (t) x (t) W dt . Table 1. Necessary conditions for optimality.
+ B (t) u (t) – xo (t)) Condition Expression
2 H (x (t), u (t), t)/2 (t) = xo (t), for t $ t 0
Referring to Eq. 5, we define the Hamiltonian function Equation
H as shown: Costate
2 H (x (t), u (t), t)/2 x (t) = –o (t), for t # t f
1 2 2
H (x (t), u (t), t) = 2 x (t) +1 u (t) Stationarity 2 H (x (t), u (t), t)/2 u (t) = 0, for t $ t 0
Q (t) 2 R (t) (6)
+ T (t)(A (t) x (t) + B (t) u (t)) . Boundary 2 (x (t f), t f)/2 x (t f) = (t f), x (t 0) given
equations forward in time using the costate solutions From linear system theory, we know that the solution
and initial conditions on the states. This process can be to Eq. 13 can be expressed by the following matrix
done by hand or by using any available symbolic solu- exponential:
tion software (Maple, Mathematica, etc.). Another way W (t go) W (t go = 0)
to solve the two-point boundary value problem speci- = G = exp (t go)= G,
fied in Eq. 8 employs the sweep method.1 This technique Y (t go) Y (t go = 0)
assumes that the state x (t) and costate (t) satisfy the –A BR –1 B T
linear relation shown below over the interval t ∈ [t0, tf ] _= G.
and given an (as yet) unknown matrix function Pc(t):
(t) = Pc (t) x (t) . (9) In Eq. 14, is the Hamiltonian matrix. With regard to
ease of determining analytic solutions, in an analogous
Using the assumed relation in Eq. 9, the control in Eq. 7 way to our previous discussion, the complexity of the
can be written as system structure (and the system order) will dictate how
difficult it may be to obtain an analytic solution to the
u (t) = –R –1 (t) B T (t) Pc (t) x (t) . (10) matrix exponential exp(tgo). Once an analytic solution
is found, the exponential matrix solution is partitioned
To find Pc(t) such that the control (Eq. 10) is com- as shown:
pletely defined, we differentiate Eq. 9 and make use of 11 (t go) 12 (t go)
the dynamic equations in Eq. 8. Doing so leads to a exp (t go) / = G. (15)
requirement to solve the following matrix Riccati dif- 21 (t go) 22 (t go)
ferential equation:
Using Eq. 15, the relation Pc(tgo) = Y(tgo)W–1(tgo),
–Po c (t) = Pc (t) A (t) + A T (t) Pc (t) Y(0) Q f, W(0) = I, and the initial condition from
– Pc (t) B (t) R –1 (t) B T (t) Pc (t) (11) Eq. 12 (Pc(tgo = 0) = Q f), the solution to the matrix Ric-
cati differential equation Pc(tgo) can be expressed as
+ Q (t), Pc (t f) = Q f .
The optimal control is determined by first solving the Pc (t go) = 6 21 (t go) + 22 (t go) Q f@
6 11 (t go) + 12 (t go) Q f@ .
matrix Riccati differential equation backward in time –1
from tf to t and then using this solution in Eq. 10. There
are many ways to solve this equation. For completeness,
From Eq. 16, it becomes clear that the existence of Pc(tgo)
we present a matrix exponential method of solution.
is equivalent to having a nonsingular 11(tgo) + 12(tgo)Q f.
(We do not explore this important issue here, but the
Solving the Matrix Riccati Differential Equation via interested reader is referred to Refs. 1 and 4–11 for fur-
Matrix Exponential Method ther treatment of the subject.) Using Eq. 16 in Eq. 10,
the optimal control then is fully specified. Hand calcu-
We first want to rewrite Eq. 11 in terms of the time-
to-go variable defined as t go _ t f – t. We use the fact that lations (for systems of low order) or symbolic solution
dtgo/dt = –1 (for fixed tf) to express Eq. 11 in terms of software can be employed to mechanize this technique.
tgo as shown (note that plant matrices must be time-
independent for this technique):
Po c (t go) = Pc (t go) A + A T Pc (t go) In general, the guidance process takes place in three-
dimensional space. However, such analysis can be com-
– Pc (t go) BR –1 B T Pc (t) + Q , (12)
plex and is beyond the scope of this article. Thus, here
Pc (t go = 0) = Q f . we will consider the formulation of the planar intercept
(pursuit-evasion) problem that we will use, subsequently,
Clearly, this matrix differential equation is quadratic in in the derivation of a number of different modern guid-
Pc(tgo) and is of dimension n. Note, however, that if we ance laws. This approach is not overly restrictive or
assume that Pc(tgo) takes the form Pc(tgo) = Y(tgo)W–1(tgo), unrealistic in that many (if not most) guidance law
then its solution may (instead) be found by solving the implementations, including modern ones, use the same
homogeneous linear matrix differential equation of approach, i.e., planar guidance laws are devised and
dimension 2n shown in Eq. 13: implemented in each of the maneuver planes. Figure 2
illustrates the planar (two-dimensional) engagement
d W (t go) –A BR –1 B T W (t go)
= G =
= G= G. (13) geometry and defines the angular and Cartesian quan-
dt go Y (t go) Q AT Y (t go) tities depicted therein. In Fig. 2, the x axis represents
M = Missile flight path angle aM = Missile acceleration, The homing kinematics can be expressed in vari-
normal to LOS
T = Target flight path angle
aT = Target acceleration, ous ways. Here, we concentrate on Cartesian forms
= LOS angle normal to VT of expression. From a previous section, the target-to-
rM = Missile inertial position vector L = Lead angle
missile range was defined as R = r , and target–mis-
rT = Target inertial position vector rx = Relative position x (rTx – rMx)
vM = Missile velocity vector ry = Relative position y (rTy – rMy)
sile closing velocity was defined as Vc _ –Ro / –v : 1 r ,
vT = Target velocity vector R = Range to target where the LOS unit vector is 1 r = r/R . Thus, refer-
ring to Fig. 2, expressions for target–missile relative
yI /zI
position, relative velocity, and relative acceleration
aT are given below, where we have defined the quantities
v M _ v M , a M _ a M , v T _ v T , and a T _ a T .
vM T
aM Target
of motion in state-space form. To this end, we define With these assumptions in mind, and referring to Eq. 18,
the state vector x _ 6x 1 x 2@T , the control u, the plant the LQ optimization problem is stated as
disturbance w, and the pseudo-measurement y where tf
x 1 _ ry, x 2 _ v y, u _ a M, w _ a T (any residual target min J ^x (t 0), u (t 0), t 0h = 1
2 x (t f) 2
+ 12 # u 2 (t) dt
acceleration is treated as a disturbance), and y _ Rl u (t) Qf t0
0 1 0
Subject to: xo (t) = ; E x (t) + ; E u (t),
(the linearized Cartesian pseudo-measurement is com-
posed of range times the LOS angle). Given these defini- 0 0 –1
tions, the kinematic equations of motion in state-space y (t) = 61 0@ x (t) .
form are written as
In words, find a minimum-energy control u(t) on the
xo (t) = Ax (t) + Bu (t) + Dw (t), x 0 = x (0)
time interval [t0, tf] that minimizes a quadratic func-
y (t) = Cx (t) (18) tion of the final (terminal) relative position and relative
0 1 0 0
A=; E, B = ; E, C = 61 0@, D = ; E . velocity and subject to the specified dynamic con-
0 0 –1 1 straints. In Eq. 19, the terminal performance weighting
matrix, Q f, is yet to be specified. We define the scalar
These equations will form the basis for developing a b > 0 as the penalty on relative position at time tf (i.e.,
number of terminal homing guidance laws in the fol- final miss distance) and scalar c 0 as the penalty on
lowing subsections. In some cases, the equations are relative velocity at tf (c specified as a positive nonzero
modified or expanded as needed to reflect additional value reflects some desire to control or minimize the
assumptions or special conditions. terminal lateral relative velocity as is the case for a ren-
dezvous maneuver). Given the penalty variables, Q f is
the diagonal matrix given in Eq. 20:
b 0
0 c
In the previous article in this issue, “Basic Principles
of Homing Guidance,” a classical development of PN The choice of b and c is problem-specific, but for inter-
guidance was given based on that found in Ref. 12. In cept problems we typically let b → , c = 0, and for ren-
the present article, we will leverage off the discussion of dezvous problems we have b → , c → .
the previous subsection and develop a planar version of
the PN guidance law using LQ optimization techniques.
General Solution for Nonmaneuvering Target
To start, we will state the key assumptions used to
develop the guidance law: We can solve the design problem posed in Eq. 19 by
using the LQ solution method discussed previously. We
• We use the linear engagement kinematics model define t go _ t f – t and initially assume the scalar vari-
discussed previously and, hence, the state vector is ables b and c are finite and nonzero. Using Maple, we
x (t) = 6x 1 (t) x 2 (t)@T (the state vector comprises symbolically solve Eqs. 15 and 16 to obtain an analytic
the components of relative position and relative expression for Pc(t). We then use Pc(t) in Eq. 10 to obtain
velocity perpendicular to the reference x axis shown the following general guidance law solution:
in Fig. 2).
• All the states are available for feedback. u 1 (t) =
S ` 1 + 2 ct go j x 1(t) + c 1 + 3 ct go + bt 2 m x 2(t) t go W
1 1 c
• The missile and target speeds, v M = v M and
3 S go W . (21)
v T = v T , respectively, are constant. 2 S ct go
1 + 3 ^1 + ct go h + 4
t go 3 W
• The missile control variable is commanded acceler- S bt go W
ation normal to the reference x axis (u = ac), which, T X
for very small LOS angles (l), is approximately per-
pendicular to the instantaneous LOS. We emphasize the fact that this general solution is
relevant given the assumptions enumerated above,
• The target is assumed to be nonmaneuvering particularly the fact that a nonmaneuvering target and
(aT = 0) and, therefore, the linear plant disturbance perfect interceptor response to commanded acceleration
is given to be w = 0. are assumed.
• The missile responds perfectly (instantaneously) to The structure of the guidance law u1(t), shown above,
an acceleration command from the guidance law can be expressed as
(aM ac).The system pseudo-measurement is rela-
u (Q , t )/t 2 B z (x, Q , t ) ,
u 1 (t) = 8N
tive position y = x1. f go go f go
Target 250
20.0 of travel Terminal penalties
b, c
Terminal penalties 200
b, c 0.1, 100
0.1, 100 100, 100
Acceleration (m/s2)
100, 100 100, 1
19.6 100, 1 150 100, 0.1
–0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 100, 0
100, 0.1
100, 0
20 100
Downrange (km)
0 5 10 15 20
10 t go (s)
Leveraging the discussion above for Eq. 21, we can see homing portion of the engagement. A planar (down-
that the effective navigation ratio in Eq. 21 has now col- range and crossrange) Simulink terminal homing sim-
lapsed to become N u = 3. ulation was used to examine the PN performance. To
In Eq. 22, the quantity in square brackets now repre- avoid layering of complexity in the results, all simula-
sents the miss distance that would result if the missile tion noise sources (seeker noise, gyro noise, etc.) were
and target did not maneuver over the time period [t, tf], turned off for this study. However, a simplified guidance
which often is referred to as the zero-effort-miss filter still was used in the loop to provide estimates of
(ZEM). We want to emphasize that the guidance law relative position and velocity to the PN guidance law,
ZEM is an estimate of future miss that is parameterized thereby having some effect on overall guidance per-
on the assumptions upon which the guidance law was formance. Figure 6a illustrates nominal missile and
derived (linear engagement, constant velocity, non- target trajectories in a plot of downrange versus cross-
maneuvering target, etc.). Hence, the PN ZEM (in the range. The total terminal homing time is about 3 s. As
y axis, for example) is given by ZEMPN = ry(t) + vy(t)tgo. is evident, at the start of terminal homing, the missile
Note that the accuracy of the guidance law ZEM esti- is traveling in from the left (increasing downrange)
mate is directly related to how well the guidance law will and the target is traveling in from the right (decreas-
perform in any particular engagement (actual final miss ing downrange). The missile, under PN guidance, is
distance, maximum commanded acceleration, amount initially on a collision course with the target, and the
of fuel used, etc.). target is, initially, non-maneuvering. At 2 s time-to-go,
Under the current stated assumptions, we can show the target pulls a hard turn in the increasing crossrange
that Eq. 22 is equivalent to the traditional LOS rate direction.
expression for PN, which was shown in the previous Recall that PN assumes that the missile acceleration
article in this issue, “Basic Principles of Homing Guid- response to guidance commands is perfect or instan-
ance,” to be a Mc = NVc lo . We first differentiate ry Rl taneous (i.e., no-lag), and that the target does not
to obtain v y . Ro l + Rlo . Next, recalling that Ro = maneuver. Thus, we will examine the sensitivity of PN
v : 1 r = –Vc and noting that we can express range-to- to these assumptions by simulating a non-ideal mis-
go as R = Vctgo, we have the following relationship for sile acceleration response in addition to target maneu-
LOS rate: ver. We will parametrically scale the nominal missile
ry + v y t go autopilot time constant (100 ms for our nominal case),
lo = . (23) starting with a scale factor of 1 (the nominal or near-
Vc t 2go perfect response) up to 5 (a very “sluggish” response
of approximately 500 ms) and examine the effect on
Examining the traditional LOS rate expression for PN, guidance performance. Figure 6b illustrates the accel-
as well as Eqs. 22 and 23, it can be seen that if we set eration step response of the interceptor for 100-, 300-,
N = 3, then the traditional LOS rate expression for and 500-ms time constants. Figures 6c and 6d pres-
PN and Eq. 22 are equivalent expressions. Hence, the ent the simulation results for levels of target hard-turn
“optimal” PN navigation gain is N = 3. acceleration from 0 to 5 g. Figure 6c shows final miss
distance versus target hard-turn acceleration level for
Special Case 2: Rendezvous Guidance Law the three different interceptor time constants. As can
be seen, as the missile time response deviates from
For the classic rendezvous problem, we desire to con-
the ideal case, guidance performance (miss distance)
verge on and match the velocity vector of the target at
degrades as target maneuver levels increase. Figure 6d
the final time tf. If we evaluate lim u 1 (t) = u REN (t), illustrates the magnitude of missile total achieved accel-
b, c " 3
then Eq. 21 collapses to the Cartesian form of the ren- eration for variation of target maneuver g levels shown
dezvous (REN) guidance law and for the three missile time constants considered.
As can be seen, when the missile autopilot response
u REN (t) = 62 8x 1 (t) + 23 x 2 (t) t goB . (24) time deviates further from that which PN assumes,
t go
respectively higher acceleration is required from the
missile; this is further exacerbated by higher target
Example Results g levels.
The example in this section is illustrated by Fig. 6,
where we demonstrate how PN performance degrades if EXTENSIONS TO PN: OTHER OPTIMAL HOMING
(i) the interceptor response is not ideal (i.e., the actual
interceptor response deviates from that assumed in the GUIDANCE LAWS
derivation of PN) and (ii) the target performs an unan- In Eq. 21, a general guidance law that is based on
ticipated maneuver some time during the terminal some specific assumptions regarding the (linearized)
engagement kinematics, 2
Crossrange (km)
target maneuver (actually,
a lack of it), and intercep- 1
tor response characteristics Missile Target
(the perfect response to an
acceleration command) is 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
shown. We also showed that Downrange (m)
the general optimal guid-
Acceleration (g)
assumptions can have a
significant impact on guid- 1.5 20
ance law performance. For
example, in Example Results, 1.0
it was observed that, during 10
the endgame, PN (which is 0.5
derived assuming no target
maneuver) can call for sig- 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
nificant acceleration from Target maneuver (g) Target maneuver (g)
the interceptor when pitted
against a target pulling a Figure 6. PN performance versus time constant. (a) A planar missile–target engagement with a
hard-turn maneuver. Hence, plot of downrange versus crossrange. The total terminal homing time is approximately 3 s. At the
one can develop a guidance start of terminal homing, the missile is traveling in from the left (increasing downrange) and the
law that specifically takes target is traveling in from the right (decreasing downrange). (b) The acceleration step response of
target acceleration into the missile interceptor for 100-, 300-, and 500-ms time constants. (c and d) Simulation results for
account. Of course, mecha- a PN-guided missile versus varying levels of target hard-turn acceleration from 0 to 5 g. (c) Final
nization of such a guidance miss distance versus target hard-turn acceleration level for the three different interceptor time
law will be more complex constants. The graph illustrates the fact that, for non-ideal interceptor response, PN-homing guid-
and will require the feed- ance performance degrades with increasing target maneuver levels. This degradation worsens as
back of additional informa- the autopilot response becomes more sluggish. Notice that as the autopilot response approaches
tion (e.g., target maneuver). the ideal case (blue curve), the miss distance becomes nearly insensitive to target maneuver. For
In addition, if the derivation an ideal autopilot response, PN-homing would result in acceleration requirements of three times
assumptions become too spe- the target maneuver. (d) The magnitude of total achieved missile acceleration for the same varia-
cific, the resulting guidance tion of target maneuver g levels and for the three missile time constants considered. As the missile
law may work well if those autopilot response time deviates further from that which PN assumes, increasingly higher accel-
assumptions actually hold, eration levels are required from the missile.
but performance might rap-
idly degrade as reality devi-
ates from the assumptions.
exception of target maneuver; we will assume that the target is pulling a hard-turn
maneuver (i.e., constant acceleration in a particular direction). Therefore, we aug-
Constant Target ment the previous (PN) state vector (where x 1 _ ry, x 2 _ v y ) to include a target
Acceleration Assumption acceleration state x 3 _ a Ty, leading to x _ 6x 1 x 2 x 3@T . As before, the control u is
Here, all of the previous missile acceleration ^u _ a Mh ; the plant (process) disturbance is not considered when
assumptions hold with the deriving the guidance law (w = 0), but it will come into play when developing a target
As before (Eq. 20), the terminal penalty matrix is defined as Q f = diag{b, c, 0}.
Following a solution procedure identical to that outlined previously, we obtain the
following general solution:
R 2 V
S ` 1 + 2 ct go j x 1 (t) + c 1 + 3 ct go + bt 2 m x 2 (t) t go + 2 c 1 + 6 ct go + m x 3 (t) t go W
1 1 c 1 1 2c
bt go
u 2 (t) = 2 S
go W. (26)
1 + 33 ^1 + ct go h + 4
ct go
t go S W
S bt go W
If we compare the guidance law in Eq. 26 to our previous result (Eq. 21), it is
clear that the only difference is in the numerator; Eq. 26 includes the addition of a
(time-varying) gain multiplying the target acceleration state. Therefore, in addition to
requiring estimates of relative position, relative velocity, and time-to-go, the new law
also requires an estimate of target acceleration. This requirement has implications on
the guidance filter structure, as we will see later. More important, estimating target
acceleration given a relative position (pseudo-)measurement can be very noisy unless
the measurement quality is very good. Hence, if sensor quality is not sufficient, lead-
ing to a target acceleration estimate that is too noisy, then guidance law performance
could actually be worse than if we simply used PN to begin with. These factors must
be carefully considered during the missile design phase.
Leveraging the discussion above, if we compare Eq. 27 to the expression for PN given
in Eq. 22, the only difference is the addition of the 12 a T t 2go term in the numerator
of the APN guidance law. Thus, for APN, the effective navigation ratio is the same
as in PN guidance ( N u = 3 ), but the ZEM estimate is now given by ZEM APN =
ry (t) + v y (t) t go + 2 a T (t) t go
2 .
Defining the terminal penalty matrix to be Q f = diag{b, c, 0, 0}, and following
a solution procedure identical to that outlined previously, we obtain the following
general solution:
S `1 + j x 1 (t) + c 1 +
ct go ct go ct go
m x 2 (t) t go + 2 c 1 + m x 3 (t) t go + 6 c 1 + m 4
c 1 2c 2 1 3c 3 W
2 3 + 2 6 + 2 2 x (t ) t go
3 S bt go bt go bt go W
u 3 (t) = 2 S ct go W . (33)
^1 + ct go h + 4
t go S 1+ 3 W
S bt 3go W
If we compare the guidance law in Eq. 33 to our previous result (Eq. 26), we see,
again, that the only difference is in the numerator; Eq. 33 includes the addition of a
(time-varying) gain multiplying the target jerk state. Analogous to the previous case,
this has (additional) implications on the guidance filter structure. More important,
estimating target jerk given a relative position (pseudo-)measurement can be very
noisy unless the measurement quality is excellent. If sensor quality is not sufficient,
then guidance law performance could be significantly worse than if we simply used
PN or APN to begin with.
By this time, a pattern should be emerging regarding the current line of guid-
ance laws. For example, if we compare PN (Eq. 22), APN (Eq. 27), and EPN (Eq. 34),
we see that the effective navigation ratios for these three cases are all the same
N u
=N u
=N = 3. estimate quality (noise) as more derivatives are used
in the calculation. Figure 9 demonstrates the resulting
It is the ZEM estimates that evolve from acceleration commands and fuel usage for the different
guidance laws via logging of the resultant DV, which is
ZEM PN = ry (t) + v y (t) t go , to defined as
ZEM APN = ZEMPN + 21 a T (t) t go
2 , and now to #t a M () d ,
ZEMEPN = ZEMAPN + 16 j T (t) t go . where a M is the achieved acceleration vector. The
required DV (translating to fuel usage) for PN, at
1356 m/s, is substantially more than APN, at 309 m/s,
With regard to EPN, the addition of target accelera-
or EPN, at 236 m/s. The required acceleration capabil-
tion and target jerk states will dictate a more complex
ity of the kill vehicle also is substantially different, with
guidance filter structure, and it may be very sensitive
PN requiring 27 g capability, APN requiring 3.7 g, and
to sensor noise and actual target maneuver modali-
EPN requiring 3.2 g.
ties as compared with PN or APN. We also note that,
if we evaluate b,lim u (t), then Eq. 33 collapses to
c"3 3 PN APN EPN
the AREN guidance law previously given in Eq. 28.
A simulation study of PN, APN, and EPN guid- 200
ance laws against a boosting threat illustrates the
|am| (m/s)
Upon examination of Eq. 36, it becomes clear that the non-ideal missile response
assumption adds additional complexity to the guidance law structure (remember that
we have not considered a terminal penalty on relative velocity, i.e., c = 0). To better
visualize this complexity, consider the constant target acceleration guidance law
given in Eq. 26. If we take lim u 2 (t) , we obtain the following result:
The structure of Eq. 37 is significantly less complex than that given in Eq. 36 despite
the fact that the cost function for both is identical (i.e., b is finite and c = 0).
If we take blim
"3 4
u (t) , we obtain the well-known “optimal” guidance law (OGL)
referred to in many texts (see Refs. 7, 13, and 14 for examples):
Guidance law
Guidance law Gain
Target acceleration
KaT 3 3 Nu
t 2go t 2go t 2go
Relative velocity 3 3 Nu
Kv Kv
vy t go t go t go
aT + ry + + Missile 3 u
∫ ∫ Relative
Kr + response
KaT 0
2 2
position u 2 t go
KaM 0 0
–NT c + e –t go /T – 1 m
KaM t 2go T
t go 2 t go
m c 6c
+ e –t go /T – 1 m
N _ T T
t t2 t3 t
e 3 + 6 go – 6 go2 + 2 go3 – 12 go e –t go /T – 3e –2t go /T o
Missile acceleration
Figure 10. The feedback structure of the PN, APN, and OGL guidance laws is depicted here. The relative complexity of the different
guidance laws is established as we add additional assumptions regarding the engagement and missile response characteristics. The
diagram emphasizes the fact that a substantial increase in complexity arises when the assumptions move from an ideal to non-ideal
interceptor response assumption.
Referring back to the APN law presented in Eq. 27, a couple of important points are
noted. First, we compare the APN ZEM estimate given by
with that in Eq. 38 and see that the OGL ZEM estimate is
6` j ` + e –t go /T – 1 j
t go 2 t go
u T T
N _ . (39)
c3 + 6 –2t go /T m
t go t 2go t 3go t go
–t go /T
T –6 +2 – 12 T e – 3e
T2 T3
For illustrative purposes, Fig. 10 depicts the feedback structure of the PN, APN,
and OGL guidance laws discussed this far and thus helps to establish the relative
complexity of the different guidance laws as we add additional assumptions regarding
the engagement and missile response. From Fig. 10, it is obvious that a substantial
increase in complexity arises when the assumptions move from an ideal to non-ideal
interceptor response assumption.
see a distinct trend considering PN versus APN versus OGL guidance laws. Given values of terminal miss pen-
that PN is derived assuming the target is not maneuvering, we expect the perfor- alty. The curves are normal-
mance to degrade if the target does maneuver. It also is not surprising to see that, ized with respect to the missile
statistically, more acceleration is required versus APN or OGL. The improvement time constant T. Referring to
from APN to OGL is explained by the fact that APN assumes a perfect missile Fig. 12, consider the b = 1000
response to acceleration commands and OGL assumes that the missile responds as curve. As t go /T " 2 , Ñ achieves
a first-order lag (refer back to Eq. 27 compared with Eq. 38). its maximum value and then
reduces as t go /T " 0 . Clearly,
this guidance law gain curve
TIME-TO-GO ESTIMATION evolves in a way that places
As shown in the previous section, Extensions to PN: Other Optimal Homing much greater emphasis on ZEM
Guidance Laws, many modern guidance laws require an estimate of time-to-go (tgo), at certain times near intercept.
which is the time it will take the missile to intercept the target or to arrive at the Imagine that the actual (true)
closest point of approach (CPA). The tgo estimate also is a critical quantity for mis- tgo is 2 s but that the estimate
siles that carry a warhead that must detonate when the missile is close to the target. of tgo is in error and biased
For example, recall the general optimal guidance law shown in Eq. 36. This guid- toward the positive direction
ance law can be expressed as Ñ 3 ZEM, where by four missile time constants
(4T). Then, from Fig. 12 we
ZEM = 8x 1 (t) + x 2 (t) t go + 12 t 2go x 3 (t) – T 2 ` + e –t go /T – 1 j x 4 (t)B
t go can see that the guidance gain
T would be about one-seventh of
what it should be at t go /T = 2 ,
and the effective navigation ratio, Ñ, is shown in Eq. 40, where b and T represent thereby not placing optimal
the terminal miss penalty and assumed missile time constant, respectively (see the emphasis on ZEM at that time,
section Non-Ideal Missile Response Assumption, wherein Eq. 36 was derived, for a and degrading overall guidance
further description): performance.
The simplest time-to-go
6` j ` + e –t go /T – 1 j
t go 2 t go estimation scheme uses mea-
u = T T surements (or estimates) of
N . (40)
+ c3 + 6 e –t go /T – 3e –2t go /T m
t go t 2go 3
t go t go
–6 +2 – 12 range and range rate. Consider
bT 3 T T2 T3 T
the engagement geometry of
Fig. 13, where v M = missile
It is clear from Eq. 40 that Ñ is a function of tgo. Figure 12 illustrates the tgo velocity, v T = target veloc-
dependence of the general optimal guidance law effective navigation ratio for three ity, r = target–missile relative
6 c t go + e –t go /T – 1 m P
u _ T2 T
N 2 3 CPA
6 + e 3 + 6 go – 6 t go + 2 t go – 12 t go e –t go /T – 3e –2t go /T o
bT 3 T T 2
T3 T
Terminal penalty
80 b =10 b = 100 b = 1000 vT
70 R = || r||
60 Missile LOS Target
Guidance gain
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The Authors
Neil F. Palumbo is a member of APL’s Principal Professional Staff and is the Group Supervisor of the Guidance,
Navigation, and Control Group within the Air and Missile Defense Department (AMDD). He joined APL in 1993
after having received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Temple University that same year. His interests include
control and estimation theory, fault-tolerant restructurable control systems, and neuro-fuzzy inference systems.
Dr. Palumbo also is a lecturer for the JHU Whiting School’s Engineering for Professionals program. He is a member
of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Ross A. Blauwkamp received a B.S.E. degree from Calvin College in 1991 and an M.S.E. degree from the University
of Illinois in 1996; both degrees are in electrical engineering. He is pursuing a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois.
Mr. Blauwkamp joined APL in May 2000 and currently is the supervisor of the Advanced Concepts and Simulation
Techniques Section in the Guidance, Navigation, and Control Group of AMDD. His interests include dynamic games,
nonlinear control, and numerical methods for control. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Justin M. Lloyd is a member of the APL Senior
Professional Staff in the Guidance, Navigation, and Control Group of AMDD. He holds a B.S. in mechanical engineer-
ing from North Carolina State University and an M.S. in mechanical engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Insti-
tute and State University. Currently, Mr. Lloyd
is pursuing his Ph.D. in electrical engineering
at The Johns Hopkins University. He joined
APL in 2004 and conducts work in optimization;
advanced missile guidance, navigation, and con-
trol; and integrated controller design. For further
information on the work reported here, contact
Neil Palumbo. His email address is neil.palumbo@
Neil F. Palumbo Ross A. Blauwkamp Justin M. Lloyd
The Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest can be accessed electronically at