Endodontics Pain Control in Endodontics: Differential Diagnosis of Dental Pain
Endodontics Pain Control in Endodontics: Differential Diagnosis of Dental Pain
Endodontics Pain Control in Endodontics: Differential Diagnosis of Dental Pain
Lecture 2
Pain Control in Endodontics
The pain reaction threshold (PRT) is defined as that point at which a person will feel the pain.
With endodontic therapy hyperresponse to stimulation is significantly increased.
Factors that lower the PRT include:
1- Presence of pain in the beginning of treatment.
2- Fatigue.
3- Fear and anxiety.
By increase of pain sensation, blood level of catecholamine suddenly elevates with an
increase in blood pressure and heart rate. This might induce fainting, angina pectoris, asthma
and psychiatric reactions. To reduce the possibility of such conditions happening the
anaesthesia has to be introduced slowly and in supine position.
Dental Pain
A-fibres in the pulp are responsible for the sensitivity of dentine and thus for the mediation of
the sharp pain induced by dentinal stimulation. Prepain sensations induced by electrical
stimulation result from activation of the lowest threshold A-fibres some of which can be
classified as A beta-fibres according to their conduction velocities. Therefore in reversible
pulpitis the A fibres are sensitized.
Intradental C-fibres are activated only if the external stimuli reach the pulp proper. Their
activation may contribute to the dull pain induced by intense thermal stimulation of the tooth
and to that associated with extensive pulpal inflammation.
Local anesthesia
It is the temporary loss of sensation or pain in a certain part of the body produced by a
topically applied or injected agent without depressing the level of consciousness. Prevention
of pain during dental procedures eliminates fear and anxiety.
Knowledge of the anatomy prevents problems during anesthestic injection as muscle trismus,
hematoma and intravascular injection.
There are 2 general types of local anesthetic chemical formulations:
1- Esters as procaine, benzocaine.
2- Amides as lidocaine, mepivicaine, prilocaine and articaine.
Local anesthetics are vasodilators, absorbed in the circulation and have a systemic effect
directly to the blood plasma level. Vasoconstrictors in the local anesthetic constrict the blood
vessels to lower the absorption of the local absorption into the blood stream to prolong the
anesthetic effect in the area and decreasing the possibility of toxicity. It may be used to stop
bleeding by infiltration of few drops in the bleeding area.
The condition of patients with hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and having
drugs as tricyclic antidepressants and MAO inhibitors need a consultation with the physician
before injection with a local anesthetic having vasoconstrictor.
If the local anesthetic is injected in an infected area, its onset will be delayed. The
inflammatory process in an area of infection lowers the pH of the extracellular tissue from its
normal value to 5-6 or lower. This low pH inhibits anesthetic action because little of the free
base form of the anesthetic is allowed to cross into the nerve sheath to prevent conduction of
nerve impulses. Inserting a needle into an active site of infection may spread the infection.
Topical anesthetic
It is effective to minimize surface discomfort of injection of the needle (2-3 mm in depth).
This anesthetic is composed of benzocaine (up to 20%) or lidocaine as solution or ointment
(5%) or spray (up to 10%).
Techniques for mandibular anesthesia
1- Inferior alveolar nerve block.
The site of deposition is near the mandibular foramen
before the entry of the inferior alveolar nerve. It
anesthetizes the mandibular teeth with the buccal and
lingual soft tissues.
2- The Gow-Gates mandibular nerve block.
The site is the lateral aspect of the neck of the mandible
condyle. It is a V3 nerve block anesthetizing all the
mandibular teeth in the region with the buccal and
lingual soft tissues. It provides sensory anesthesia of the
buccal and mylohyoid nerve.
3- The Akinosi-Vazirani nerve block.
The site is the height of the mucogingival junction of the
maxillary third molar near the maxillary tuberosity. This
is used where there is limited mouth opening.
4- The Incisive nerve block.
The site is buccaly between the mandibular two
premolars. It provides anesthesia to the premolars and
anterior teeth in the region.