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Materials Today: Proceedings 64 (2022) 1188–1192

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Lean manufacturing techniques and its implementation: A review

Naveen Kumar a, Syed Shahzeb Hasan b, Kunal Srivastava b, Rayhan Akhtar b, Rakesh Kumar Yadav b,
Vikas Kumar Choubey a
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Patna, Ashok Rajpath, Mahendru, Patna, Bihar 800005, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, United College of Engineering & Research, Naini, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 211010, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The two pillars on which the Lean manufacturing theory is built are product quality at low cost and cus-
Available online 5 April 2022 tomer happiness. It is regarded as a technique for reducing waste to the bare minimum. The Japanese
manufacturing industry, particularly Toyota’s, is where lean concepts first emerged. Lean manufacturing
Keywords: focuses on minimising waste in order to maximise the product’s value. In today’s world of cutthroat com-
Lean manufacturing petition, every company or industry tries its hardest to provide high-quality, large-quantity goods at the
Wastes lowest possible cost, and Lean manufacturing is a tool for doing so. The study in the article extracts
Lean techniques
approaches to improve the implementation of Lean manufacturing’s idea in order to improve and
Lean principles
increase productivity while keeping product costs low. The purpose of this article is to examine lean
waste methods and to clarify the current state of Lean manufacturing.
Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Innovative Technologies
in Mechanical Engineering-2021.

1. Introduction the product and also adopt such a process over the cheaper ones.
This will in turn decrease profit to the organization, the cost to
Lean manufacturing may be referred to as a continuous the engineer, and increase the economic risks associated with it.
improvement philosophy which is similar to Kaizen or The Toyota Wastes can be categorized according to their cause which can
Production System [1]. This concept was developed for maximizing then be reduced/eliminated with proper analysis and insight. This
resource utilization through the minimization of waste. It spreads may be done by expanding and evaluating a checklist to review
its root after Japan’s defeat in World War II. Lean manufacturing the design of manufactured goods. Costly supplies are eliminated
was first introduced in Japanese automobile industries post WW according to the requirement of advertising and marketing strate-
II due to dearth of resources, money and technical manpower. In gies [4]. Now we choose the best strategy of Lean manufacturing
the Toyota Automotive company two eminent persons, Eiji Toyoda to reduce waste. Plans are made for it such as common automatic
and Taiichi Ohno coined the ‘‘Toyota Production System” which components and versatile power supplies for the development of
now is known as ‘‘Lean manufacturing” Lean management seeks joint modules [7–18]. Processes involving human intervention
to apply the process to achieve the aim of high quality, safety may be replaced by electronic counterparts by making necessary
and boosting the worker moral on the other hand reducing cost changes in the software. The expensive methodology is replaced
and shortening lead times. Lean manufacturing is a methodology by deciding the power transfer method that is less expensive using
employed by industries to reduce waste in manufactured products. uniform components that are easily available in the market. At the
The basic layout is to minimize the cost of the product throughout international level, lean thinking values are growing as a strategy to
the production whether it be designing, fabricating, or manufactur- promote flexibility, dependability, and productivity. The compar-
ing with the help of previous business reviews [2,3,5,6]. ison of current waste status must be done with the record. It is
The maximum utilization of the expenses and the material can the strategy used to achieve the industry aim in less input with bet-
adhere at the time of designing. The industry must first identify all ter output. The leanness measurement can be made with the seven
types of hidden waste to minimize it. Most of the time the engineer parameters as relative, dynamic, long-term fuzzy logical, objective
would prefer to go with the familiar, safe, and sound material of integrative, and comprehensive. Lean thinking is used to bring the
best out of every stage whether it is group size, raw material, and
inventories as illustrated in Fig. 1 and to remove the misuse in
E-mail address: [email protected] (N. Kumar) the project to reduce the waste in time and cost [19–24].
2214-7853/Ó 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering-2021.
N. Kumar, S. Shahzeb Hasan, K. Srivastava et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 64 (2022) 1188–1192

iv. Inappropriate /Over Processing: It is defined as doing more

than what the customer is requiring. In short, production
more than the requirement. It generates additional waste
in terms of work, materials, manpower, and assets.
v. Excessive inventory waste: Inventory waste is inventory
that is left untouched waiting to be used. Inventory is not
only in the form of raw material but also in the form of fin-
ished goods this is the most important thing to remember.
vi. Defects: Lean manufacturing relies on a variety of proce-
dures to eliminate defects in the production process. They
serve as laws to industry, poor quality, and dissatisfaction
to the customer, decreasing in market value and reliability
resulting in decreasing sales and price of the product. The
defect should not occur repeatedly.
vii. Unnecessary Motion: Any motion of individuals or equip-
ment that does not add value to the product or service is
considered waste of motion. Planning of the workplace
should be done in such a way as to minimize motion waste.
Fig 1. Components of lean thinking. Some cause causes of motion waste are
 Poor Workstation layout excessive walking, bending, reaching
 Poor method design transferring parts from one hand to another
 Large batch sizes
 Reorientation of materials.
2. Objective of lean manufacturing

The modern situation of the world economy shows that a nation 2.2. Lean manufacturing principles
cannot proceed in isolation. For effective development, there
should exist a connection between different nation’s economies. As discussed, lean manufacturing has its principles that ensure
This ’networked world economy’ has led to strong competition its proper implementation. According to the book, ’lean manufac-
among industries. Due to this, it has become important to ensure turing’ by James Womack and Dan Jones, the five basic principles
quality, cost, and technology of production. This is where the con- of lean manufacturing are-.
cept of lean manufacturing seems to be perfect. The objectives of Value: Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal. This is
lean manufacturing are but not limited to-. because every customer assigns a value to its product. This princi-
Cost reduction while maintaining quality, Eliminate waste gen- ple involves understanding the values that a customer associates
eration, and customer satisfaction. with a product.
These can be said as the main focus of lean manufacturing. Value stream mapping: Mapping can be understood as con-
Apart from that understanding its principles, techniques evolving, necting various links to establish a perfect working environment.
and utilizing these techniques to create an effective environment The process of mapping the material and information flows
in an organization can also be described as the objective of lean required to coordinate the operations conducted by manufacturers,
manufacturing. suppliers, and distributors to deliver products to clients is known
as value stream mapping (VSM).
2.1. Wastes Flow: Flow ensures that there is no interruption in the journey
of the product from planning, production to customer.
Any unimportant action that generates unnecessary result is Pull: Pull system states that nothing will start until and unless
referred to as waste. And Lean manufacturing works on the there is a signal from the customer’s side. The only customer can
methodology to eliminate these wastes as they reduce industrial ’pull’ the product they need. The pull is further classified as
output and effect on industrial performance. Taichi Ohno classified sequential, replenishment, and mixed pull by Smalley.
the waste broadly in 7 categories as-. Finding Perfection: At last, what is important is perfection.
This is something that separates a producer from the rest.
i. Overproduction: Overproduction generally takes place
when industry product produces more than that is
demanded which in turn affect the total system. Manufac- 3. Lean manufacturing techniques
ture of products in advance or excess of demand leads to
the wastage of money, time, and space making a loss to Lean manufacturing involves a bunch of techniques. These tech-
the producer. niques help establish the purpose of lean manufacturing. A close
ii. Waiting: Some results reveal that about 99% of a product’s look at it will show that below listed techniques are ones that form
time in manufacture is wasted for waiting. This includes an integral part of lean manufacturing.
waiting for job, plan, order, machine accessories, email, etc Bottleneck analysis: This technique involves the measurement
Time is wasted when one process waits to begin while and of maximum time in the production process. Measurement of time
other finishes making process ineffective disturbing the enables us to calculate the line capacity with the use of bottleneck
smooth and continuous flow of operation. activity.
iii. Transportation: It is a waste of time and money to move Takt time: Takt in German means ‘‘cycle”. Hence it helps in
materials from one workplace to another. This involves the determining the cycle of production.
movement of tools, machine parts, machine accessories Cellular Manufacturing (CM): It is employed to make parts in
between one-word places to another. These are non-value- batches. This saves time and ensures optimum use of the
added activities and are costly. machinery.
N. Kumar, S. Shahzeb Hasan, K. Srivastava et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 64 (2022) 1188–1192

(SMED): SMED means Single minute exchange of die and this

technique is using for reducing the set-up time to less than
5 min. For this, it uses several processes.
Total productive maintenance: This technique is applied for
maximum efficiency, consistency, and process capability.
Total quality management: It focuses on improving quality
and minimizing defects.
Visual Management: It provides users with immediate visual
information, allowing them to make the best decisions and manage
their work and activities accordingly.
Work standardization: It makes sure that there should not be
any kind of variation in the execution of a task. That is it maintains
FMS: FMS means Flexible Manufacturing system and it is pro-
vide a standard flexible change in environment of manufacturing
Fig 2. Process of lean implementation. like layout, methods and machine, etc.

Table 1
Literature review-summary.

Author(s)/Year Applying Lean Tools Work Methodology Major Findings

Industry Applied
Abdallah Nassereddine, Ali Wehbe/ Plastic industry Collection of Reduce the barrier in Workplace Identification of gaps and barriers in
2018 Primary Data. & and improve the Product Quality implementation of tool. Eliminate
TQM and Minimize the cost of product. misconception.
Guilherme Luz Tortorella, et al./2020 Manufacturing Data Collection Identify a correct pathways to a In order to execute LA well, there is a positive
Industry high-performing Lean automation association between LM and I4.0.
Adwait Deshkar et. al./2018 Plastic bag Value Stream Reducing TAKT times, production The lead time has grown from 15% to 89.85%.
manufacturing Mapping (VSM) lead times & processing time The TAKT time was cut in half, from 46.6 min to
unit 26 min. The output increased by 50%.
M. Mohan Prasad et al./2020 Indian textile Value Stream Increase the work safety of workers At least 1 level upgraded in most performance
Industry Mapping (VSM) and reduce lean. parameters.10 point increase in lean practices
R.S. Barot et al./2020 Water heater VSM Proposed String Diagram for Decreased the waiting time from 645 min to
manufacturing implementation 462 min, & increased the productivity from 50%
Industry to 70%
R. Balamurugan, R. Kirubagharan, C. Connecting rod TPS Reducing the manufacturing time Determine the best manufacturing configuration
Ramesh/2020 manufacturing of the components & increasing the for the connecting rod by performing a Failure
Industry productivity of the Industry. Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) and determining
the risk priority.
B. Venkat Jayanth et. al./2020 Electronics Lean Six Sigma Keep improvement in quality & Productivity and quality level is improved by
Industry productivity in the Electronic 23% from Exiting System
Falah Abu et. al./2019 The furniture Collection of Reduces the wastage Review and highlight shortfalls in lean
Industry Primary Data implementation in the wood and furniture
Vikas Swarnakar, A.R. Singh, Anil Kr Indian LSS (Lean Six LSS adaptation effects on select Positive impact on customer, internal business
Tiwari/2020 automotive Sigma) automotive component process, and learning and growth performances.
component manufacturing Pan-India Negative impact on financial performance
Guilherme Tortorella et al/2020 Service Company 5S, Kanban, Decreasing work-related accidents Control to reduce accident rates
visual & diseases in services company.
management, &
Juthamas Choomlucksana et. al. / Sheet metal 5 s,Visual Improving the productivity Reduced the polishing time from 6,582 s to
2015 stamping control & 2,468 s or by 62.5%.
PokaYoke The expense of overtime was lowered by $1,764
per year.
Sri Indrawati, Muhammad Iron Ores Lean Six Sigma Reduced waste Material Redesigning chute dust collector, weighing
Ridwansyah et. al./2015 Industry standard operation procedures, BC 05 erection,
vibro meter installation and nitrogen plant
Mayur Mahajan et. al./2019 Indian motor BPR, Kaizen, Six Minimized resources, time, and Reduction in material Handing Time from 67 h
manufacturing sigma, TQM movement. to 30.1 h per annum. Physical mobility has
unit decreased from 152 km per year to 117 km per
year, while solid waste has decreased from
464 kg to zero.
Suman Kundgol et. al./2021 Aerospace VSM Reduce the total lead time, cycle By introducing alternative deburring
manufacturing time & waiting time by proposing a arrangement, you can reduce total lead time,
industry new de-burring layout. cycle time, and waiting time.
Kshitij Mohan Sharma, Surabhi Lata / Micro-Scale 5S Improve the Efficiency and Improvement in ‘self explaining’, self-ordering’
2018 Copper Wire Eliminate the waste Improve and ‘self-inspiring’.
Drawing housekeeping, health and safety
Industry in India and Environmental performance,

N. Kumar, S. Shahzeb Hasan, K. Srivastava et al. Materials Today: Proceedings 64 (2022) 1188–1192

5S: One of the most popular techniques involves 5S as-. 5. Conclusions

 Sort As of now, lean manufacturing seems to be the sole method of

 Set in order production that fulfills most of the objectives a producer demands.
 Shine Implementation of lean techniques can bring wonders for a corpo-
 Standardize ration. All kinds of waste are often eliminated or reduced with the
 Sustain assistance of those techniques. But lean methods can’t be utilized
in any environment. There are some factors like worker’s experi-
Production leveling: Levelling means to reduce unevenness in ence, time, the value that’s important to be considered. The review
the industry. of lean manufacturing and its techniques here during this paper
Just-in-time: Just-in-time refers to what to produce when to shows how some organizations are before their competitors.
produce and in how much quantity. It ensures reducing time (pro- There’s still a scarcity of information or implementation in most
duction and response) and inventory cost within the production industries today. It’s going to be difficult for an industry to com-
system. pletely shift to a special environment due to the barriers present
Kanban: Kanban, a Japanese word means visual card. It is except for a newly established industry; implementation of lean
designed to visualize work for maximum efficiency and reduce techniques can provide it a foothold. In a nutshell, Lean manufac-
work-in-progress. For this, it uses visual cards to create a system turing, if understood and applied carefully, is an efficient way of
of signals. manufacturing goods.
Kaizen: Kaizen (Distinct as Ki-zen) is a Japanese word and its
means ‘‘continuous improvement‘‘. It says that continuous
improvement is the only way that drove an industry towards per- CRediT authorship contribution statement
fection. It is a ideology that Deming described simply as ‘‘Improve-
ment initiatives that increase successes and reduce failures”. It was Naveen Kumar: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Methodol-
developed to eliminate waste, boost productivity, increase worker ogy, Writing – review & editing, Investigation, Validation. Syed
involvement, and promote innovation. Kaizen knew that waste is Shahzeb Hasan: Formal analysis, Visualization, Writing – review
an undesirable materialistic thing that is produced along with & editing. Kunal Srivastava: Conceptualization, Investigation,
the finished good. Undesirable means that neither it is a need for Visualization. Rayhan Akhtar: Conceptualization, Project adminis-
producer nor the customer. So its reduction is an important task tration, Resources. Rakesh Kumar Yadav: Visualization. Vikas
as it cannot be eliminated. The customer pays for the product with Chaubey: Supervision, Validation.
which he can associate a value. Kaizen realised this fact and pro-
pounded that processes involving extensive human and machine
efforts will be reduced manifold if wastes are reduced will ulti- Declaration of Competing Interest
mately bring down the overall cost of manufacturing. This tech-
nique not only ensures continuous improvement but also talks of The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
countermeasure steps to be taken to reduce inefficiencies. cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
to influence the work reported in this paper.
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