Rev in PM 108
Rev in PM 108
Rev in PM 108
through the use of labor, machinery, tools, and biological websites and sales approach.
or chemical processing or formulation.
Types of Manufacturing right material when manufacturing a new product is vital
for its success. Clients often come to us with a new
1. Make-To-Stock (MTS) 2. Make-To-Order product concept or one that is failing in production.
What do we look for in choosing materials?
3. Make-To-Assemble (MTA)
Function – what we need this product to do
Examples of manufacturing include automotive
companies, bakeries, shoemakers, and tailors, as Durability – the product should stand the test of time
they all create products, rather than provide services.
Aesthetics – the fine balance between appearance,
Logging or mining are not manufacturing, as they do durability, and cost
not change goods into new products.
Consistency of performance – the product should
Construction while seemingly a manufacturing process, record a low failure rate in testing
is actually its own category and not considered a facet of
manufacturing either. Cost – the balance between high-quality materials and
keeping costs at an appropriate level
Advantages of Manufacturing Technology
Materials analysis evaluates the material quality and
1. Increase in Quality= Quality enhancement is by far provides the necessary insight to improve performance
one of the main beneficial components of manufacturing and resolve failure or contamination issues.
Material requirements plan (MRP) is a plan for the
2. Cost Reduction= Cost reduction is one of the key production and purchase of the components used in
goals of manufacturing technology. This is because of making the items in the master production schedule.
the correction of inefficiencies and waste being reduced
within the production process. Product cost is an accounting term that refers to the
total costs involved in making a product and getting it
3. Reduction in Overall Production Time= ready for sale.
Manufacturing technologies drive the production process
and get products out in a much more efficient manner. WHAT IS INCLUDED IN PRODUCT COST?
4. Data-Driven Forecasting and Planning= Advances 1. Direct material Cost 2.Direct labor Cost
in AI and production planning and scheduling means that 3. Indirect material cost 4. Indirect labor cost
you will be able to match your supply chain with actual
customer demand more accurately. Direct material costs. Direct materials are the raw
materials or parts that are directly used to manufacture
Factors to be considered for the selection of products.
materials for design of machine elements
Direct labor costs. These include any wages, payroll
1. Availability: 2. Manufacturing taxes, benefits and insurance that a business or
consideration business owner pays to employees who are directly
3. Mechanical Properties: 4. Cost involved in the manufacturing process
Engineering design process is a series of steps that Indirect material costs. These manufacturing overhead
engineers follow to find a solution to a problem. The costs may include expenses like the machinery or
steps include problem solving processes such as, for materials used in the production process that are not
example, determining your objectives and constraints, directly traceable to the final product.
prototyping, testing and evaluation. Indirect labor costs. These manufacturing overhead
Prototyping is the process of validating the possibilities costs include wages, benefits and the insurance paid to
that a product will be capable of solving the problem that employees who are not directly involved in the
is required to. A prototype seems to be real enough such manufacturing process but crucial to its completion.
that potential users can interact with it and give Different methods of production used by
feedback. businesses:
Design for Manufacturing= is the optimization of a part, 1. Job Production 2. Batch Production
product, or component’s design, to create it cheaper and
more easily. 3. Flow Production
Product analysis breaks down the product from end to
end analyzing everything from components, functions,
Job production concentrates on producing one product Some common tools used to support quality control
from start to finish. Once one product is complete, include:
another can begin.
Statistical process control (SPC) monitors and
Some examples: controls quality by tracking production metrics. It helps
- making a wedding dress - painting a house quality managers identify and solve problems before
products leave the facility.
Batch production enables items to be created stage by
stage in bulk (‘a batch’). Six Sigma uses five key principles to ensure products
meet customers’ needs and have zero defects.
Flow production is also known as continuous
production. It enables a product to be created in a Quality control is more involved and should include
series of stages on an assembly line. two levels:
Some examples: car assembly plant, bottling plant, and Operators monitor the manufacturing process and
bicycle production line ensure that there is little variation.
Assembly line is a process in manufacturing for the Engineers routinely monitor the product design for
production of goods where smaller products are issues. When a problem is found, it is immediately fixed.
assembled at different steps in a sequence to produce
the final product. Production line monitoring= is a method used by
manufacturers to gain a comprehensive view of what’s
happening in a factory, in real-time.
1. Modular process= This process involves having
parallel assembly lines producing multiple smaller Product testing is the process of gathering feedback
products simultaneously. directly from customers or potential customers about a
2. Cell Manufacturing= This method of assembly line
uses machines that can perform multiple tasks at a PRODUCT TESTING METHODS
single stage, rather than having a separate stage for
every step required. 1. Waterfall methodology: Testing occurs upon
completion of all product development for the product
3. Team production= This method involved teams release.
participating at different stages & final quality check
stages to ensure that the finished product is of high 2. Agile methodology: Testing occurs as soon as a
quality. functioning requirement (regardless of its size) is built.
4. U-shaped Assembly Line= Instead of a straight line The substance which are useful in the field of
of production, there is a U-shaped or curved line, where engineering are called Engineering materials.
workers stand between the curves.
A particular material is selected on the basis of the
Inventory control system is a technology solution that following considerations
manages and tracks a company's goods through the
supply chain. 1. Properties of material
Quality control (QC) is a process through which a = Mechanical properties- strength, ductility, toughness,
business seeks to ensure that product quality is hardness, strength to weight ratio, etc.
maintained or improved. = Physical properties – density, specific het, thermal
expansion, conductivity, melting point, etc.
= Chemical Properties – oxidation, corrosion,
flammability, toxicity, etc.
= Manufacturing properties – formed, casting, machined,
2. Cost of material
5. Appearance of material
- Color Finishing= operations are the processes that are
- Surface texture etc. applied to the workpiece at the end of a manufacturing
process, and after completing all other relevant
operations that bring the product to its required
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES= The properties of dimensions.
material that determine its behaviour under applied Advanced intelligence automation= refers to the
forces integration of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial
intelligence (AI), machine learning, robotics, and data
STRENGTH= The strength of a material is its capacity to
analytics to automate processes, enhance decision-
withstand destruction under the action of external loads.
It determines the ability of a material to withstand stress making, and drive innovation across industries.
without failure. Programmable Logic Controller/ PLC= are industrial
digital computers used to automate electromechanical
ELASTICITY= Elasticity of a material is the power of processes in manufacturing plants, factories.
coming back to its original position after deformation Presses= also known as a forming press, a machine
when the stress or load is removed. press is a tool used in the manufacturing industry to
PLASTICITY= The plasticity of a material is its ability to deform a workpiece under high pressure.
undergo some dgeof permanent deformation without
rupture or failure.