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Microbiological Research 267 (2023) 127251

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Selection of microorganisms capable of polyethylene (PE) and

polypropylene (PP) degradation
Mariusz Wróbel a, b, Sonia Szymańska a, *, Tomasz Kowalkowski b, Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz a
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Lwowska 1, 87-100 Toruń, Poland
Department of Environmental Chemistry and Bioanalytics, Faculty of Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń, Poland


Keywords: Microorganisms degrade microplastics, but their potential is still not fully exploited, e.g., due to inadequate
Microplastics selection of microorganisms. We developed an effective selection method of microorganisms capable of poly­
Decomposition ethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) degradation and assessed the scale of polymer degradation by microbial
Plastic degradable microorganisms
We isolated seven bacterial strains (three Priestia megaterium strains, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas flu­
orescens, Enterobacter ludwigii, Chryseobacterium sp.) and seven fungal strains (four Fusarium spp., two Lecanicil­
lium spp. and Trichoderma sp.) with PE degradation potential, as well as seven bacterial strains (five Serratia
marcescens and two Enterobacter spp.) and six fungal strains (four Aspergillus spp., Fusarium oxysporum and
Penicillium granulatum) with PP degradation ability. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis confirmed the
presence of a biofilm and revealed surface changes in both PE and PP pellets, but the greatest changes
(microcracks and corrugations) were observed for PP incubated with bacteria. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
spectroscopy confirmed the structural changes on the studied polymer surfaces.
In conclusion, the isolation of plastic-degrading bacteria and fungi from waste landfills represents an effective
strategy for the collection of microorganisms with high potential for PE and PP degradation. The bacteria and
fungi revealed better potential for PP degradation and PE degradation, respectively.

1. Introduction the environment (Barnes et al., 2009; Chatterjee and Sharma, 2019;
Heimowska, 2016; Uneputty and Evans, 1997). The most numerous
In the middle of the twentieth century, a material that changed plastics, i.e., polypropylene and polyethylene, can be found, for
almost every industry in the world was discovered. The invention of example, in everyday care products. Polyethylene is added to tooth­
nylon (trade name of polyamides) caused an increase in the production pastes, shampoos, face cleaners and moisturizers as well as shaving
and use of plastics in every area of human life (Strong, 2006). Generally, products (Anderson et al., 2016; Cole et al., 2011; Derraik, 2002;
these inexpensive production materials are defined as a group of com­ Driedger et al., 2015).
pounds belonging to the family of petroleum-derived organic polymers. Plastic pollution has led to great interest in the subject by many
Examples include polymers such as polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, scientists around the world. The problem of increasing amounts of
polyethylene, polyethylene terephthalate and polystyrene, which polymer waste regards not only contamination visible to the naked eye,
represent approximately 90 % of the produced polymers (Ivar do Sul and such as bags and bottles, but increasingly also so-called micro- and
Costa, 2014; Vert et al., 2012). These compounds are widely used due to nanoplastics. Microplastics are plastics whose particle diameter is within
their specific properties and versatility, including relatively low density, the range of 5 mm − 1 µm, while nanoplastics are regarded as particles
high flexibility and corrosion resistance. The multitude of applications smaller than 1 µm (Duis and Coors, 2016; Gigault et al., 2018). In the
has caused a continuous increase in annual production, which started literature, the division of microplastics into primary and secondary
from approximately 1.5 million tons (in the 1950s) to approximately microplastics can be found (Avio et al., 2017). The former type includes
367 million tons worldwide (in 2020) (Tiseo, 2022). Unfortunately, the purpose-made products, very often used as exfoliants or additives for
ubiquity and large quantities of durable plastic debris negatively affect clothing production (Hidalgo-Ruz et al., 2012). Secondary microplastics

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Szymańska).
Received 27 April 2022; Received in revised form 26 October 2022; Accepted 31 October 2022
Available online 8 November 2022
0944-5013/© 2022 Published by Elsevier GmbH.
M. Wróbel et al. Microbiological Research 267 (2023) 127251

are formed as a result of three basic mechanisms of polymer chain microplastics very rapidly. The decomposition process (efficiency and
destruction (depolymerization, destruction, degradation) (Porejko et al., scale of degradation) may depend on many factors, e.g., the type of
1974; Sikorski, 1985). As a result of the above processes, monomers, polymer and the group of microorganisms (bacteria or fungi). Our aim is
other low-molecular-weight compounds or polymer fragments with also to develop an effective method for the selection of bacteria and
large but smaller molecular masses are formed. fungi capable of degrading the studied polymers and to evaluate the
The problem of pollution with these substances concerns all living degree of changes occurring using appropriate techniques.
environments on Earth. Waste that originates from polymeric materials
may constitute 80 % of all the waste found in aquatic ecosystems (Holm 2. Materials and methods
et al., 2013). The presence of microplastics is related to their very wide
range of applications and their properties. The low density of plastics, as 2.1. Polymer sample preparation
well as their high durability, allows their facile distribution and trans­
port around the globe with wind and water currents. This fact explains Granular polymers (polyethylene, PE; polypropylene, PP) were ob­
their presence even on isolated islands or in the Antarctic and Arctic tained from Department of Physical Chemistry and Physicochemistry of
(Hammer et al., 2012; Lubbadeh, 2014). Polymers, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Thirty uniformly
Plastic degradation occurs as the result of various factors that change sized granules (1350 – 1800 µm) of each polymer were placed in 100 ml
the chemical and physical structure of polymers, e.g., chemical and conical flasks containing 20 ml 0.85 % NaCl. Prepared flasks were
environmental factors (humidity, light, heat). It can also be the result of sterilized for 15 min at 120 ◦ C and used in further analyses.
biological activity (Pospíšil and Nešpůrek, 1997). The first reports on the
destructive potential of microorganisms in relation to polymeric mate­ 2.2. Soil sample collection
rials were published in the first half of the XXth century (Lenz and
Marchessault, 2005). The biodegradation process refers to mechanisms Soil samples were collected in the autumn of 2019 from a municipal
by which organic substances are destroyed using living organisms, and waste landfill site located in Toruń (Poland) belonging to the Municipal
this term is widely used in relation to ecology, waste management and Waste Disposal Plant (Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Oczyszczania Sp. z o.
remediation (Shah et al., 2008). According to Shah et al. (2008), the o.). Three soil samples (20 × 20 × 20 cm) were taken from different
decomposition of high-molecular-weight polymers into CO2 requires landfill sites (S1, S2, S3) using sterile tools. Each sample was collected in
cooperation between several types of microorganisms characterized by a separate bag to avoid contamination and transported immediately to
different metabolic properties. The reason is that only some of these the laboratory for analysis.
microbes will be able to break down the polymer into monomers. The
created monomers can be processed only by organisms with other spe­ 2.3. Selection of polymer-degrading bacteria and fungi
cific properties. Their activity leads to the formation of simpler com­
pounds, which are secreted and broken down by the last group of Serial dilutions (10− 1-10− 5) in 0.85 % NaCl solution were prepared
microbes (Shah et al., 2008). It is worth noting that the efficiency of for the three soil samples (S1, S2, S3). Two dilutions of 10− 3 and 10− 5
microorganisms’ degradation capacity varies under different conditions. were selected and used for inoculation. Previously prepared sterile flasks
These processes are proposed to be mainly due to the involvement of with 0.85 % NaCl and polymer granules were enriched with antibiotics
extra- and intracellular depolymerases (Donaruma, 1991; Gu, 2003). (100 mg l− 1 nystatin to select bacteria and 40 mg l− 1 tetracycline to
Moreover, according to Lugauskas et al. (2003), exoenzymes secreted by select fungi) and inoculated with diluted soil (two polymers: PP and PE;
microorganisms can catalyze reactions principally at the boundaries of three soils: S1, S2 and S3; two dilutions: 10− 3 and 10− 5, with two
the plastic polymer. technical replicates; two types of selected microorganisms: bacteria and
Bacteria and fungi isolated from different environments – compost, fungi; a total of 48 flasks used to isolate microorganisms; and 4 flasks
soil, sea water and sludge, can possess biodegradation properties of PP prepared as a control with polymers and antibiotics but without di­
and PE (Montazer et al., 2020). In the scientific literature, there are more lutions). Bacteria and fungi were incubated for one month at 26 ◦ C with
known examples of the biodegradation of PE by bacteria and fungi shaking. After that time, the incubated samples were passaged three
(Bonhomme et al., 2003; El-Shafei et al., 1998; Mohanan et al., 2020; times in new sterile conical flasks containing 20 ml 0.85 % NaCl and
Nowak et al., 2011). The biodegradation process of PP is quite thirty granules (1 ml suspension was transferred to a new 100 ml conical
demanding and difficult. Therefore, the pretreatments of the PP can be flask containing 20 ml 0.85 % NaCl and an appropriate antibiotic) and
used before biodegradation, e.g. Arkatkar et al. (2010) treated PP with incubated for 8, 6 and 4 weeks.
UV light before inoculation with Bacillus flexus and reveald 2.5 % Samples obtained after the last passage (a total of 3 months of
reduction in polymer weight, compared to non-inoculated control microorganism incubation) were plated in triplicate on R2A (Difco)
variant. It was confirmed that PE known for its high density (HDPE) can plates supplemented with nystatin (Sigma, 100 µg ml− 1) and on PDA
be decomposed by bacteria of the Arthrobacter family (polymer weight (Difco) plates enriched with tetracycline (Sigma, 40 mg l− 1). The plates
decrease by 12.23 %) and Pseudomonas (polymer weight decrease by were incubated for 7 days at 26 ◦ C. Based on the morphological features
15.18 %), although the degradation is slower than in the case of poly­ of microorganisms, 13 fungal and 14 bacterial colonies were selected
ethylene lower density (LDPE) (Zheng et al., 2005). Recent studies on and subjected to 16S/18S rRNA identification.
the biodegradation of PE have shown that some bacterial strains are
capable of not only reducing the mass of the polymer, but also bio­ 2.4. DNA isolation and identification of microorganism strains
converting to biodegradable polyhydroxyalkanoate polymers (Montazer
et al., 2019). Selected bacterial strains were identified based on 16S rRNA gene
We hypothesized that soil microorganisms isolated from scrap heaps sequencing. Genomic DNA was isolated using the Bacterial & Yeast
will degrade polymers, while the efficiency of that process will depend Genomic DNA Purification Kit (EURx). Selected fungal strains were
on specific groups of microorganisms (bacteria or fungi) and plastic (PE identified based on 18S rRNA gene sequencing. Genomic DNA was iso­
or PP) types. The applied methodology and results obtained in this work lated using the Plant & Fungi DNA purification Kit (EURx). Isolation was
will allow the isolation and selection of microorganisms capable of performed according to a standard procedure given by the manufacturer
biodegradation of polymers. with a modified elution step (50 μl elution buffer was used for DNA
We assumed that natural biological material collected from a landfill isolation instead of 100–200 μl proposed by the manufacturer). The
will contain some microorganisms capable of utilizing polymers (PE and quality and quantity of the isolated DNA were estimated spectrophoto­
PP) as the primary source of carbon and ultimately degrade metrically (UV-Vis, NanoDrop 2000). The obtained DNA was used as a

M. Wróbel et al. Microbiological Research 267 (2023) 127251

matrix for PCR. The following primers were used for the PCR amplifi­ tested at a wavelength of 590 nm.
cation of 16S ribosomal DNA: 27F (5′ -AGA GTT TGA TCC TGG CTC AG-
3′ ) and 1492R (5′ -GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3′ ) (Miller et al., 2013). 2.7. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy analysis
The following primers were used for the PCR amplification of 18S ri­
bosomal DNA: ITS1 (5′ -CTT GGT CAT TTA GAG GAA GTA A-3′ ) and ITS4 The granules obtained after three incubation periods (polymers
(5′ -TCC TCC GCT TAT TGA TAT GC-3′ ) (Gardes and Bruns, 1993), incubated with microorganisms for 2, 2.5 and 3 months) were rinsed
(White et al., 1990). PCRs were carried out using FirePol MasterMix 7.5 with 0.1 % sodium azide solution (Chempur, Poland) to remove mi­
mM MgCl2 (CytoGen, Poland). The cycling conditions were as follows: croorganisms from their surface, and washed several times with distilled
10 cycles of 3 min at 94 ◦ C, 45 s at 60 ◦ C, 1 min at 72 ◦ C, 35 cycles of 30 s water. The obtained material was subjected to IR analysis. The samples
at 94 ◦ C, 45 s at 50 ◦ C, 1 min at 72 ◦ C and finally 7 min at 72 ◦ C (fungal in granular form were analyzed by infrared spectroscopy using a vacuum
DNA). The bacterial DNA conditions were as follows: one cycle of 2 min FT-IR Vertex 70v spectrometer with a Hyperion 1000/2000 microscope
at 95 ◦ C, followed by 30 cycles of 1 min at 94 ◦ C, 1 min at 55 ◦ C, and 2 (Bruker Optik). Samples taken at different incubation times were
min at 72 ◦ C, and one final cycle of 5 min at 72 ◦ C. The presence and size compared with control samples (untreated by microorganisms). The
of the PCR products stained with Simply Safe (EurX) were assessed using carbonyl index (CI) was determined based on the work of Almond et al.
2.0 % w/v agarose gels. The PCR products were purified using a (2020). The CI was calculated as the average value of five random bands
PCR/DNA Clean-up Purification Kit (EURx) according to the manufac­ received after analysis of five different granules of PE or PP. The area of
turer’s protocol. The fragments were sequenced using appropriate the band was calculated with the use of the Bruker OPUS 7.0 FTIR
primers for the identification of bacteria (27F and 1492R) and fungi software.
(ITS1 and ITS4). Sequencher 5.1 (Gene Codes 20) software was used to
assemble the forward and reverse sequences. The acquired sequences 3. Results
were analyzed using reference sequences deposited in the GenBank
nucleotide database. A minimum of 99 and 97 % similarity was required 3.1. Identification of bacteria and fungi with plastic degradation potential
for appropriate identification bacteria and fungi, respectively. All of the
obtained DNA sequences were submitted to GenBank. In total, 27 strains of microorganisms were identified by comparative
16S/18S rRNA and ITS sequence analysis: 14 bacterial and 13 fungal
2.5. SEM analysis strains (Table 1, Table 2).
From each polymer (PE and PP), 7 bacterial strains were isolated and
One polymer granule per variant of experiment (two polymers: PP identified. Among the bacteria obtained from PE samples, three strains
and PE; three soils: S1, S2 and S3; two dilutions: 10− 3 and 10− 5, with were Gram-positive and belonged to Bacillota (Priestia megaterium), and
two technical replicates; two types of selected microorganisms: bacteria the remaining four strains were Gram-negative and were represented by
and fungi; three incubation times: 2, 2.5 and 3 months; a total of 144 the phyla Pseudomonadota (Klebsiella pneumoniae PE-S2–12bb, Pseudo­
granules tested to investigate microorganisms’ effects on polymers; 4 PE monas fluorescens PE-S2–4B, Enterobacter ludwigii PE-S1–11bb) and
and PP granules from noninoculated variants additionally prepared as a Bacteroidota (Chryseobacterium sp. PE-S3–3B). Only representatives of
control per incubation time; and a total 12 granules analyzed as con­ Pseudomonadota were found in variants with PP. Among the identified
trols) after a 90-day incubation period was washed several times with strains, Seratia marcescens was the most frequent species (5 of 7); addi­
sodium azide solution (0.1 %, Chempur, Poland), followed by several tionally, the presence of two Enterobacter sp. was noted (Table 1). There
times with distilled water. The sample was then fixed in 2 % glutaral­ were no identified strains belonging to the same species among bacteria
dehyde in phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) and dehydrated in ethanol. After isolated from samples with PP and PE (Table 1).
fixation, the sample was dried at room temperature and sputter-coated All of the identified fungi belonged to the phylum Ascomycota.
with gold. After this polymer granule was examined with scanning Among the 7 identified fungi isolated from PE samples, two strains of
electron microscopy (Quanta 3D FEG scanning electron microscope Fusarium solani, Fusarium oxysporum and Lecanicillium araneicola as well
SEM/FIB) using secondary electron emission mode with high-vacuum as one Trichoderma lixii strain were noted. In the case of 6 fungal strains
mode at 30 kV. The effect of microorganisms on granule surfaces was isolated from PP samples, two strains of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus
observed at magnifications of 200× , 500× , 1000× , 5000× , 10,000× , fumigatus, one strain of F. oxysporum and one strain of Penicillum gran­
and 50,000× for fungi and 200 × , 1000 × , 5000× , 10,000× , and ulatum were identified. Only F. oxysporum was found in both PE and PP
50,000× for bacteria. The obtained images were analyzed by comparing samples (Table 2).
those of granules treated by microorganisms to those of control granules
(noninoculated variants). 3.2. Effect of bacteria and fungi on the polymer surface

2.6. Estimation of biofilm formation The effects of bacterial and fungal incubation with polymers on PP
and PE surfaces as observed by scanning electron microscopy (magni­
After each passage (microorganisms incubated for 2, 2.5 and 3 fications of 5000×, 10,000× and 50,000×) are shown in Fig. 1 and
months with polymers), 10 granules (5 beads from each technical Fig. 2. Images from a to c show the results of SEM analysis for tested
replicate) of polymer for each variant of the experiment (two polymers: polymers incubated with microorganisms, while images d – f present
PP and PE; three soils: S1, S2 and S3; two dilutions: 10− 3 and 10− 5) were polymer surfaces untreated by bacteria and fungi, i.e., the control
taken for biofilm assessment. The biofilm assessment applies only to variant. The images show the most representative samples, i.e., fungi in
bacteria. Biofilm formation was estimated according to the method the case of polyethylene and bacteria for polypropylene (Fig. 1 and
described by O’Toole with slight modification (O’Toole et al., 1999). Fig. 2). SEM analysis of the polymeric material showed significant
Briefly, collected granules were gently rinsed with distilled water and changes during the incubation process. The surfaces of both types of
dried at 60 ◦ C (45 min). Then, bacterial cells bound to the granules were polymeric granules (PE and PP) were analyzed with respect to the
stained with 300 μl 0.5 % crystal violet for 15 min at room temperature. external structure (cracks, deformations) and the presence of microor­
Unbound crystal violet was removed by rinsing the granules with ganisms on their surface (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Supplementary Figure 1).
distilled water, and the rinsed granules were dried at room temperature The structures of polyethylene granules untreated by microorgan­
and subjected to spectrophotometric analysis (Synergy HT Multi-Mode isms (control samples) were not very different (images d – f). The surface
microplate leader, BioTek Instruments, Winooski, VT, USA). The bio­ was relatively smooth (slight wrinkling on the surface was visible), with
film was dissolved in 80 % ethanol, and then, absorbance changes were no pores or microdamage visible at the applied magnification. There

M. Wróbel et al. Microbiological Research 267 (2023) 127251

Table 1
Identified bacterial strains isolated from samples containing PE or PP, as determined by 16S rDNA nucleotide sequencing (abbreviations: BA – Bacillota, PS – Pseu­
domonadota, B- Bacteroidota).
Polymer Number Strain GenBank Accession bp Blast NCBI Degree of coverage
number (%)

PE 1 Prestia megaterium PE-S2–5b (BA) OL913964 1443 Bacillus megaterium [KJ789369] 1440/1441
(99 %)
2 Prestia megaterium PE-S1–14b (BA) OL913972 1424 Bacillus megaterium [CP031777] 1424/1424
(100 %)
3 Prestia megaterium PE-S2–15bb (BA) OL913973 1433 Bacillus megaterium [KJ789369] 1432/1432
(100 %)
4 Klebsiella pneumonia PE-S2–12bb (PS) OL913970 1427 Klebsiella pneumoniae [KJ803915] 1419/1419
(100 %)
5 Pseudomonas fluorescens PE-S2–4B (PS) OL913963 1427 Pseudomonas fluorescens 1418/1419
[KF444431] (99 %)
6 Enterobacter ludwigii PE-S1–11bb (PS) OL913969 1413 Enterobacter ludwigii [CP018785] 1412/1412
(100 %)
7 Chryseobacterium sp. PE-S3–3B (B) OL913962 1408 Chryseobacterium sp. [AY468478] 1377/1383
(99 %)
PP 1 Serratia marcescens PP-S1–13bb (PS) OL913971 1417 Serratia marcescens [AP019009] 1415/1415
(100 %)
2 Serratia marcescens PP-S3–10BB (PS) OL913968 1428 Serratia marcescens [CP027300] 1428/1428
(100 %)
3 Serratia marcescens PP-S2–9BB (PS) OL913967 1409 Serratia marcescens [CP027300] 1409/1409
(100 %)
4 Serratia marcescens PP-S1–7B (PS) OL913966 1430 Serratia marcescens [JQ308599] 1426/1426
(100 %)
5 Serratia marcescens PP-S1–2B (PS) OL913961 1442 Serratia marcescens [CP027300] 1433/1433
(100 %)
6 Enterobacter hormaechei subsp. xiangfangensis PP- OL913965 1425 Enterobacter xiangfangensis 1423/1423
S1–6B (PS) [CP017183] (100 %)
7 Enterobacter sp. PP-S1–1B (PS) OL913960 1423 Enterobacter sp. [HF572841] 1421/1422
(99 %)

Table 2
Identified fungal strains isolated from samples containing PE or PP, as determined by 18S rDNA nucleotide sequencing.
Polymer Number Strain Accession number bp Blast NCBI Degree of coverage (%)

PE 1 Fusarium solani PE-S1–14 g OL919442 592 Fusarium solani [MH864512] 587/589

(99 %)
2 Fusarium solani PE-S1–18 g OL919446 569 Fusarium solani [JX524021] 558/560
(99 %)
3 Fusarium oxysporum PE-S1–15 g OL919443 585 Fusarium oxysporum [KR094464] 581/586
(99 %)
4 Fusarium oxysporum PE-S1–17 g OL919445 585 Fusarium oxysporum [KR094464] 581/584
(99 %)
5 Lecanicillium araneicola-PE-S1–6 g OL919438 637 Lecanicillium araneicola [AB378506] 582/600
(97 %)
6 Lecanicillium araneicola PE-S1–13 g OL919441 636 Lecanicillium araneicola [NR_121208] 582/600
(97 %)
7 Trichoderma lixii PE-S1–19 g OL919447 573 Hypocrea lixii [GU046487] 573/573
(100 %)
PP 1 Aspergillus flavus PP-S3–1 g OL919436 635 Aspergillus flavus [MH279451] 631/631
(100 %)
2 Aspergillus flavus PP-S3–10 g OL919440 635 Aspergillus flavus [MH279451] 631/631
(100 %)
3 Aspergillus fumigates PP-S1–9 g OL919439 625 Aspergillus fumigatus [NR_740380] 625/625
(100 %)
4 Aspergillus fumigates PP-S2–5 g OL919437 598 Aspergillus fumigatus [KP131567] 594/595
(99 %)
5 Fusarium oxysporum PP-S3–16 g OL919444 585 Fusarium oxysporum [GU566301] 581/583
(99 %)
6 Penicillium granulatum PP-S1–21 g OL919448 586 Penicillium granulatum [DQ681334] 581/584(
99 %)

were no microorganisms on the surface. We also obtained images of the formed in many places on the tested area. The structure of the polymer
polymer (PE) after 90 days of incubation with fungi. The surface of the showed a highly undulating surface (image a). The height density of
granule was covered with shreds of different lengths. Empty spaces in bacteria colonizing PP granules and the evidently changed surface
the images visibly demonstrate delicate pits in the granule structure. structure revealed the plastic biodegradation capacity of these micro­
Microdamage to the outer layer of the structure is clearly visible, espe­ organisms. For comparison, the surface of the polymer without exposure
cially in image c (Fig. 1). to bacteria (images d - f) was smooth, showing no folds (Fig. 2).
Even a 90-day exposure of polypropylene to bacteria brought
measurable results (Fig. 2). The obtained SEM images (images a - c)
showed bacterial cells attached to the granule surface and biofilm

M. Wróbel et al. Microbiological Research 267 (2023) 127251

Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of polyethylene film after 90 days of incubation with fungi (magnification of: a –5000×; b - 10,000×; c – 50,000×) and
incubation without microorganisms – control (magnification of: d – 5000×; e – 10,000×; f – 50,000×).

3.3. Biofilm analysis observed, but this change was not substantial (Fig. 3).

The presence of microorganisms forming the biofilm was confirmed 3.4. Analysis of Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy spectra
not only by the SEM method but also spectrophotometrically. Depending
on the type of polymer, the number of microorganisms forming the 3.4.1. Polyethylene
biofilm differed, which directly influenced the measured absorbance The degree of polymer biodegradation by microorganisms was
value. The smaller the incubation time was, the smaller the differences evaluated through infrared spectroscopy by analyzing the changes in the
in the measured parameter values in regard to both polymers. As the intensity of bands indicating the presence of C-H bonds and the possible
incubation process progressed, the number of microorganisms forming appearance of completely new bonds, such as oxygen-containing bonds
the biofilm on polypropylene granules clearly increased. In the case of (Pasieczna-Patkowska and Lesiuk, 2013). Pure polyethylene has intense
polyethylene pellets, an increase in absorbance values was also bands at wavenumbers of approximately 2920 and 2848 cm− 1, which

M. Wróbel et al. Microbiological Research 267 (2023) 127251

Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs of polypropylene film after 90 days of incubation with bacteria (magnification of: a –5000 ×; b - 10,000×; c – 50,000×) and
incubation without microorganisms – control variant (magnification of: d – 5000×; e – 10,000×; f – 50,000×).

correspond to the C-H stretching vibrations; intense bands at approxi­ from control samples without the addition of microorganisms (incuba­
mately1460 cm− 1 (C-H deformation vibrations); and medium intensity tion only in 0.85 % NaCl solution with antibiotics, i.e., nystatin and
bands at approximately 725 cm− 1 (rocking deformations). The splitting tetracycline) is assigned as red. The blue line indicates the polyethylene
of the bands is usually caused by the degree of crystallinity of the sample incubated with fungi in NaCl salt solution and tetracycline
polyethylene. In this case, additional bands can be observed at lengths of (inhibiting bacterial growth). The green line represents the spectra of
1470 cm− 1 and 730 cm− 1 (Pasieczna-Patkowska and Lesiuk, 2013) polyethylene incubated with bacteria in 0.85 % NaCl solution and
(Fig. 4). nystatin (an antibiotic that inhibits fungal growth) (Fig. 4).
For better readability of the obtained spectra, they were divided into Comparison of the obtained spectra shows significant differences in
two areas where any changes occurred (the spectra were recorded in the band intensities at 2915 cm− 1 (asymmetrical tensile vibrations of the
full wavenumber range of 4000–400 cm− 1) (Fig. 4b and c). Polyethylene methylene CH2 group) and 2848 cm− 1 (symmetrical vibrations of the

M. Wróbel et al. Microbiological Research 267 (2023) 127251

biological materials obtained from the landfill allowed for the isolation
of several strains of microorganisms. Carbon from polymers, which
served as the only source of food for bacteria and fungi, allowed suffi­
cient growth and survival of 8 different strains of bacteria and 8 different
strains of fungi. The degradation of these polymers was measured by
comparing the spectroscopic spectra (modifications of chemical func­
tional groups) of samples treated with microorganisms and control
variants. In addition, the biofilm formed on the surface of the polymers
was compared, where biofilm formation is known to be an initial step in
the degradation process (Orr et al., 2004). Structural changes were also
analyzed using SEM.
Based on the literature, biodegradation of polyethylene by micro­
organisms was investigated as early as the 1990s (Pometto et al., 1992).
The difficulty of degrading this polymer is mainly due to its high mo­
lecular weight. In addition, this polymer lacks functional groups and is
Fig. 3. Biofilm formation on the polymer surface (polypropylene, PP; poly­ insoluble in aqueous solutions (Arutchelvi et al., 2008). The presence of
ethylene, PE) by bacteria after 2, 2.5 and 3 months of incubation. The red color biofilms on the polymer surface may indicate that biodegradation has
corresponds to the development of biofilm on the surface of polypropylene, occurred. There are known cases of the use of bacteria to break down
blue - on the surface of polyethylene. The mean values ± standard deviationare
polyethylene. This activity was confirmed by Pometto et al. (1992), who
presented (n = 3). ANOVA was performed to check significant differences be­
analyzed strains of Streptomyces spp. (badius, setonia or viridosporus).
tween PE and PP for a specific passage (*) and significant differences between
passages for a given polymer (small letter).
Bacillus spp. were observed in a large portion of all described cases of PE
biodegradation (Nowak et al., 2011; Kawai et al., 2004; Watanabe et al.,
2009; Sudhakar et al., 2008; Roy et al., 2008; Seneviratne et al., 2006).
CH2 group) (Fig. 4a and b). The samples with the most intense signals
The list of specific Bacillus strains contains 9 cases of biodegradability of
were the controls, which were devoid of the influence of microorganisms
the tested polymer (Restrepo-Flórez et al., 2014) but does not apply to
(a lack of bacteria and fungi was confirmed in the cultures). Incubation
the P. megaterium (former Bacillus megaterium) strain that was isolated
of the polymer with microorganisms resulted in lower intensities of the
from soil samples taken at a landfill. S. marcescens has been described as
spectral bands (blue and green). Moreover, additional bands at
a bacterium capable of polyethylene degradation (Azeko et al., 2015).
approximately 3360 cm− 1 appeared, most likely indicating the presence
Information on the use of strains such as Chryseobacterium sp., Entero­
of -OH groups originating from carboxylic acids in the structure. It
bacter spp. (e.g. Enterobacter hormaechei subsp. xiangfangensis, E. ludwigii)
should be noted that these bands were only noticeable for samples
or K. pneumoniae has not yet been published, which is undoubtedly an
incubated with fungi (Fig. 4a and b).
additional advantage of the present study. P. fluorescens (Nowak et al.,
Additional bands for materials incubated with fungi appeared at
2011) was found in the isolated soil material under study and at the
approximately 1659 cm− 1 and 1632 cm− 1 (Fig. 4a and c). These bands
same time it was shown to be capable of biodegradation. Of all the
may indicate the presence of C–– O bonds in the polymer structure. The
bacterial strains isolated in the experiment, P. megaterium appears to be
band at 1659 cm− 1 may also be from C– – O groups coupled with C– –C
the most promising in terms of application in open systems, as it is the
double bonds of vinyl groups. The C-H deformation vibrations assigned
only strain that does not show a pathogenic character.
to bands at approximately 1472 cm− 1 and 1463 cm− 1 were also less
In the literature, the number of fungal strains described as being
intense than those of the control sample. The situation was similar at
associated with the polyethylene degradation process is much smaller
730 and 719 cm− 1. The spectral bands of polymers incubated with
than the number of bacterial strains. It is generally accepted that fungi
added microorganisms were much less intense than those of the control
degrade polyethylene more efficiently than bacteria (Muhonja et al.,
sample (Fig. 4a and c).
2018). The first reason for this difference is the ability of fungi to attach
Incubation of polyethylene with fungal strains led to more than 10
to the hydrophobic surface of the polymer. Additionally, extracellular
times higher carbonyl index values (CI = 0820 ± 0009), compared to
enzymes targeting insoluble fibers are produced and survive under
incubation with bacterial material (CI = 0080 ± 0002), as well as con­
stressful growth conditions. Strains of the genera Aspergillus (Koutny
trol samples (CI = 0030 ± 0007).
et al., 2006; Manzur et al., 2004; Pramila and Ramesh, 2017), Fusarium
(Albertsson and Karlsson, 1990; Albertsson, 1980) and Penicillum (Sen­
3.4.2. Polypropylene
eviratne et al., 2006; Volke-Sepúlveda et al., 2002) are probably the best
Pure polypropylene has bands at approximately 2950, 2918 and
known. The first reference of the use of the potential of fungi dates back
2836 cm− 1, which correspond to C-H tensile vibrations, and bands at
to the early 1980s (Albertsson, 1980). The strains that were isolated in
approximately 1456 cm− 1 are from CH2 deformation vibrations (Fig. 5).
this experiment, namely, L. araneicola, F. solani and T. lixii, were not
Bands at approximately 1376 cm− 1 are from symmetrical deformation
previously described as those associated with the PE degradation pro­
vibrations CH3, and peaks at 1166, 998, 974 and 842 cm− 1 are isotactic
cess. Although the abovementioned strains show some degradation po­
polypropylene bands (Fig. 5a and c).
tential against polyethylene, in practice, due to their pathogenic nature,
The changes that can be observed in the analysis of polypropylene
they cannot be used in open systems, which could lead to their spread.
spectra mainly represent a reduction in band intensity at certain
As in the case of polyethylene, the change in the external structure of
wavenumbers, similar to that of polyethylene. The most intense band
the tested polypropylene (numerous microcracks, grooves on the surface
(red) represents the control samples. The blue line represents the bands
or uneven edges) undoubtedly suggests the occurrence of degradation
derived from polymer samples incubated with fungi, while green rep­
processes. Biofilm formation by bacteria is nothing new with regard to
resents the spectra of polymers incubated with bacteria (Fig. 5).
polypropylene (Iibuchi et al., 2010); however, the type of bacteria found
to be involved in this process may represent a new discovery. Poly­
4. Discussion
propylene is considered to be a polymer with much lower degradability
than that of PE. Nevertheless, it is possible to find research that ad­
It is known that the complete degradation of polymers can take up to
dresses the biodegradation of PP by bacteria belonging to the genera
several decades. However, changes that can be observed even after a few
Alcaligenes, Pseudomonas and Vibrio (Cacciari et al., 1993) or by using
months may indicate that this long-term process has begun. The
Bacillus cereus and Sporosarcina globispora (Helen et al., 2017).

M. Wróbel et al. Microbiological Research 267 (2023) 127251

Fig. 4. Representative IR spectra for polyethylene granules untreated by microorganisms (control – red line) and incubated with bacteria (green line) and fungi (blue
line) after the second passage (90 days of incubation). Full-range spectra (wavenumber range: 4000–400 cm− 1) are presented in A, and the most different areas of
spectra in panel A are presented in panels B and C.

M. Wróbel et al. Microbiological Research 267 (2023) 127251

Fig. 5. Representative IR spectra for polypropylene granules untreated by microorganisms (control – red line) and incubated with bacteria (green line) and fungi
(blue line) after the second passage (90 days of incubation). Full-range spectra are presented in panel A, and the most different areas of spectra A are presented in
panels B and C.

M. Wróbel et al. Microbiological Research 267 (2023) 127251

Aspergillus niger, A. terreus, Aureobasidium pullulans, Chaetomium Funding

globosum, Paecilomyces variotii, and Scopulariopsis brevicaulis are fungal
strains that have been described as having degradative potential for PP All microbiological and chemical analysis as well as manuscript
(Strömberg and Karlsson, 2009). The possibility of growing cultured editing were funded from the project: Universitas Copernicana Thor­
strains of A. flavus, F. oxysporum or P. granulatum for a three-month in­ uniensis In Futuro – modernization of the Nicolaus Copernicus Univer­
cubation period using polypropylene as the only carbon source allows us sity as part of the Integrated University Program (project no.
to determine their degradation potential. Changes observed in SEM POWR.03.05.00-00-Z302/17-00) implemented under the Knowledge
images in the form of cracks or small gaps indicate changes in the Education Development Operational Program.
structure of a given polymer. Spectrophotometric analysis showed that
fungi incubated with polypropylene granules were able to survive over a CRediT authorship contribution statement
three-month period without supplementation of an additional carbon
source. Mariusz Wróbel: Visualization, Formal analysis, Investigation,
Comparing the spectra of the two polymers, there were clear dif­ Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Sonia Szymańska:
ferences in the changes that occurred over the three-month period. In Investigation, Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Writing –
the case of polyethylene, we observed the formation of oxygen- review & editing. Katarzyna Hrynkiewicz: Conceptualization, Meth­
containing bonds (at approximately 3360 cm− 1), most likely indi­ odology, Funding acquisition, Project administration, Writing – review
cating the presence of -OH groups originating from carboxylic acids in & editing. Tomasz Kowalkowski: Funding acquisition, Project admin­
the structure, and at approximately 1659 cm− 1 and 1632 cm− 1. These istration, Writing – review & editing.
bands may indicate the presence of C– – O bonds in the polymer structure.
The bond at 1659 cm− 1 may additionally be due to C– – O groups coupled
Declaration of Competing Interest
with C–– C double bonds of vinyl groups), which undoubtedly indicates
polymer degradation (Pasieczna-Patkowska and Lesiuk, 2013). The The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
polypropylene spectrum in this respect is a weak source of information, interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
and apart from the decrease in intensity of bonds characteristic of PP, no the work reported in this paper.
significant changes can be seen.
Some of the isolated strains have already been described as potential Data Availability
microorganisms that may be involved in polymer degradation. One
example is P. fluorescens, described by Mogil’nitskii and others as a Data will be made available on request.
strain capable of degrading polyvinyl chloride (Mogil’nitskii et al.,
1987). F. solani, in turn, has been described in the literature as a fungus Appendix A. Supporting information
capable of degrading polyurethane (Howard, 2002) or polycaprolactone
(Benedict et al., 1983); however, its pathogenic nature means that it Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
cannot be viewed as a potential agent used in applied research. online version at doi:10.1016/j.micres.2022.127251.

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