Astm D6578 00
Astm D6578 00
Astm D6578 00
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);
Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with MARGARET E CULL (LEVEL 6 MAJESTIC CENTRE); Thu Oct 27 18:44:58 EDT 2005
D 6578 – 00
Graffiti resistance of materials determined after natural weath- 7. Test Specimen
ering should be considered as having more weight than graffiti 7.1 Apply the material to be evaluated for graffiti resistance
resistance determined after laboratory accelerated weathering. to the aluminum test panels according to the manufacturer’s
instructions, following any relevant procedures for surface
6. Apparatus preparation prior to application.
6.1 Aluminum Panels, sized to fit the washability apparatus 7.2 Unless otherwise specified, prepare at least three speci-
used unless otherwise specified. A minimum of 15 panels will mens of each material being evaluated for each phase of the
be needed for each surface being tested for graffiti resistance. procedure described in this practice.
6.2 Straight-line Washability Apparatus, capable of a mov-
NOTE 1—For the four markings and five cleaning agents specified in
ing a sponge/holder assembly over the marked area of a test
this practice, a total of 60 panels would provide three replicates for each
panel at a speed of 37 6 1 cycles per min. The travel of the marking/cleaner combination.
sponge/holder assembly shall be at least 203 mm (8 in.) in each
7.2.1 Prepare also at least one file specimen that can be used
for comparison to the unmarked or unexposed materials, or
6.2.1 Cellulose Sponge, coarse pore grade meeting Federal
Specification L-S-626, Type II. The thickness of the sponge
7.3 Unless otherwise specified, allow the coated test speci-
shall be such that when compressed between the holder and test
mens to cure for at least 24 h at room temperature before
panel, there is at least 3 mm (1⁄8 in.) between the test panel
continuing the test.
surface and the bottom of the sponge holder.
6.2.2 Sponge Holder and Weights. The total dry weight of NOTE 2—Some anti-graffiti coatings may require more than 24 h to
the holder plus weights shall be 15006 10 g. achieve optimum graffiti resistance. In such cases, follow the manufac-
6.2.3 Stainless Steel Pan. turer’s recommendations for curing.
6.2.4 “C” Clamps. 7.4 Measure and record initial 60° gloss on coated test
6.2.5 Lint-free Cloth or Paper Towels, for cleaning appara- specimen.
tus. 7.5 After measuring gloss, place the template over the
6.3 Graffıti Marking Material: center of the prepared test panel and apply the following graffiti
6.3.1 Solvent-Based Ink Marker, blue,6 marking materials uniformly within the outlined area. Do not
6.3.2 Solvent-Based Spray Paint, red,6 apply more than one marking material to any test panel. Store
6.3.3 Wax Crayon, blue or black. the marked panels at room temperature for at least 24 h before
6.3.4 Water-based Ink Marker, black,6 beginning to evaluate for removal.
6.3.5 Other marking materials based on mutual agreement 7.5.1 Solvent based ink marker: blue permanent marker6,
between all interested parties. 7.5.2 Solvent based spray paint: red6,
6.4 Template, with 51-mm (2-in.) diameter hole used to 7.5.3 Wax crayon: blue or black,
define area where graffiti marking material will be applied. 7.5.4 Water Based ink marker: Black6, and
6.5 Cleaning Material: 7.5.5 Other making materials based on mutual agreement
6.5.1 Dry, Lint-Free Cotton Cloth. between all interested parties.
6.5.2 Mild Detergent, 1 % aqueous solution. 7.5.6 If the graffiti marking material does not uniformly wet
6.5.3 Citrus-Based Cleaner, meeting the following basic out the test panel, the test surface is considered “repellent”.
composition: 40 to 90 % D-limonene, up to 50 % glycol ether, Cover as much of the surface as possible. In this case, the
up to 13 % non-ionic surfactant. appearance of the dried marking may be very irregular.
6.5.4 Isopropyl Alcohol.
8. Graffiti Removal Procedure Using Washability Tester
6.5.5 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK), conforming to Specifi-
cation D 740. 8.1 Level the washability apparatus and set it to operate at a
6.6 Pipet or Syringe, capable of depositing 10 6 1 mL of speed of 37 6 1 cycles/min (cpm); each cycle consisting of a
cleaning liquid on the test panel. complete forward and reverse stroke.
6.7 For Outdoor Exposures—Outdoor Exposure Rack, 8.2 Center the stainless steel tray and test panel below the
meeting the requirements of Practice G 7 for open backed path traveled by the sponge/holder and use “C” clamps to
exposures. securely clamp them in place.
6.8 For Laboratory Accelerated Exposures—Fluorescent 8.3 Wrap a dry, lint-free cotton cloth around the sponge so
UV Exposure Device, equipped with fluorescent UVA lamps that there are at least two layers covering the top and bottom
with peak emission at 343 nm, and operated in accordance with surfaces.
Practice G 154. 8.4 Place the cotton-wrapped sponge in the sponge holder
6.9 Proper Safety Equipment, as determined from the sol- and position on the traveling arm of the washability apparatus.
vent Material Safety Data sheets (MSDS), for example, solvent 8.5 Operate the washability apparatus until the wrapped
resistant gloves, and respirator. sponge moves across the marked area 50 times (25 complete
8.5.1 After the panel has been washed for 25 complete
Solvent-based permanent ink marker, Blue Sharpiey, water-based ink marker,
cycles, gently wipe it with no more than three complete cycles
Eberhard Faber Black, and solvent-based spray paint, Krylony Red have been using a clean, lint-free cotton cloth to remove the last remains
found to be suitable marking agents. of any material.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);
Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with MARGARET E CULL (LEVEL 6 MAJESTIC CENTRE); Thu Oct 27 18:44:58 EDT 2005
D 6578 – 00
8.6 Evaluate the test specimen for removal of graffiti. all replicate panels, the test is complete and the surface can be
8.6.1 Proceed to the next most aggressive cleaner, (see 6.5), rated as“ Cleanability Level 5”. If the graffiti marking is not
if visual inspection shows that it is obvious that the marking completely removed from any of the replicate panels, the test
has not been removed (8.8). is complete and the surface is rated as “Not Cleanable”.
8.6.2 A marking is considered as completely removed if 8.12 If the washability tester does not comply with appli-
there is no visual evidence of residual material or “shadow” cable safety requirements for use of solvents near electrical
and the following two criteria are met: equipment, evaluate cleanability with isopropanol, MEK, and Retention of 60° Gloss—After the graffiti marking any other solvents using the manual method described in
has been removed, measure the 60° gloss according to Test Section 9.
Method D 523 on each specimen. Determine the ratio of the NOTE 3—Evaluation of other cleaning agents is described in Annex A1
average gloss measured after the marking has been removed, to of this practice.
the average gloss measured on the panels prior to marking. The
ratio shall be at least 0.80. 9. Graffiti Removal Procedure Using Manual Solvent Color Shift—For each replicate specimen, measure Rubs
color in accordance with Test Methods E 1347 or E 1349 in the 9.1 In some cases, it may not be possible to evaluate graffiti
area where the graffiti was removed, and in an area where no resistance using a washability tester. In these cases, the
graffiti was applied. Calculate Delta E CIE LAB based on following manual cleaning procedure may be used if agreed
comparison of the average color coordinates for the cleaned upon between all interested parties.
surface, and the average color coordinates for the surface prior 9.2 Wrap a clean sponge with at least two layers of dry,
to marking, or for an unmarked area of the same specimen. For lint-free cotton cloth and rub across the marked area of a set of
a graffiti marking to be considered as completely removed, the marked specimens for 25 complete back and forth cycles, in
Delta E shall be less than 1. accordance with Practice D 5402. If it is obvious that the Evaluate and report any other damage that may have marking has been removed, the rubbing can be stopped before
occurred during the graffiti removal (for example, blistering, 25 complete cycles.
softening, loss of adhesion, etc.) according to relevant stan- 9.2.1 After the panel has been cleaned for 25 complete
dards. cycles, gently wipe it with no more than three complete cycles
8.7 If the marking is completely removed from all replicate using a fresh clean, lint-free cotton cloth to remove the last
panels after cleaning with the dry cotton cloth according to remains of any material, then evaluate for graffiti removal in
8.2-8.6, the test is complete, and the surface can be rated as accordance with 8.6.
“Cleanability Level 1”. 9.3 If cleaning with the cotton cloth wrapped sponge does
8.8 If cleaning with the cotton cloth wrapped sponge does not completely remove the marking, saturate a clean sponge
not completely remove the marking, mount a fresh test panel with a 1 % aqueous solution of mild detergent, and rub across
with the graffiti marking in the tray of the washability appara- the marked area of a set of marked specimens for 25 complete
tus according to 8.2. Saturate a clean sponge with a 1 % back and forth cycles in accordance with Practice D 5402. If it
aqueous solution of mild detergent and place it in the sponge is obvious that the marking has been removed, the rubbing can
holder assembly. Place 10 mL of the aqueous detergent be stopped before 25 complete cycles. Repeat for each repli-
solution on either side of the marked area and operate the cate panel with the marking being evaluated and evaluate for
washability apparatus according to 8.5, until the sponge moves graffiti removal according to 8.6. If the marking is completely
across the marked area 50 times (25 complete cycles). Repeat removed from all replicate panels, the test is complete, and the
for each replicate panel with the marking being evaluated, and surface can be rated as “Cleanability Level 2”.
evaluate for graffiti removal according to 8.6. If the marking is 9.4 If cleaning with the 1 % aqueous solution of mild
completely removed from all replicate panels, the test is detergent does not completely remove the marking, repeat the
complete and the surface can be rated as “Cleanability Level steps described in 9.3 using the citrus cleaner. If the marking is
2”. completely removed from all replicate panels, the test is
8.9 If cleaning with the 1 % aqueous solution of mild complete, and the surface can be rated as “Cleanability Level
detergent does not completely remove the marking, repeat the 3”.
steps described in 8.8 using the citrus cleaner. If the marking is 9.5 If cleaning with the citrus cleaner according to 8.9 does
completely removed from all replicate panels, the test is not completely remove the marking, repeat the steps described
complete, and the surface can be rated as “Cleanability Level in 9.3 using isopropanol. If the marking is completely removed
3”. from all replicate panels, the test is complete, and the surface
8.10 If cleaning with the citrus cleaner according to 8.9 does can be rated as “Cleanability Level 4”.
not completely remove the marking, repeat the steps described 9.6 If cleaning with the isopropanol according to 8.10 does
in 8.8, using isopropanol. If the marking is completely re- not completely remove the marking, repeat the steps described
moved from all replicate panels, the test is complete and the in 9.3 using MEK. If the marking is completely removed from
surface can be rated as “Cleanability Level 4”. all replicate panels, the test is complete and the surface can be
8.11 If cleaning with the isopropanol according to 8.10 does rated as“ Cleanability Level 5”. If the graffiti marking is not
not completely remove the marking, repeat the steps described completely removed from any of the replicate panels, the test
in 8.8 using MEK. If the marking is completely removed from is complete, and the surface is rated as “Not Cleanable”.
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);
Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with MARGARET E CULL (LEVEL 6 MAJESTIC CENTRE); Thu Oct 27 18:44:58 EDT 2005
D 6578 – 00
10. Recleanability Procedure 11.2.2 Unless otherwise specified, expose this set of panels
10.1 In many cases, it is necessary to evaluate whether a in accordance with Practice G 7 on an open backed rack that
graffiti resistant material will show the same level of cleanabil- faces the Equator is and oriented at an angle of 45° to the
ity after it has been cleaned and remarked with graffiti. To horizontal for 12 months in a hot, desert climate. For the
evaluate recleanability use the following procedure. exposure site, the mean monthly temperature during the coldest
10.2 After a graffiti marking is completely removed, re- month of the year shall be at least 10 °C, and the mean monthly
apply the marking to each replicate panel in accordance with temperature during the warmest month of the year shall be at
7.4. least 28 °C.
10.3 Use the cleaning agent that completely removed the 11.2.3 Evaluate cleanability of the marked, exposed panels
marking and follow the appropriate cleaning procedure from in accordance with Sections 8 or 9.
Section 8 or Section 9 to remove the marking, and evaluate for 11.2.4 Evaluate recleanability in accordance with Section
removability in accordance with 8.6. 10.
10.4 If the graffiti marking is not completely removed, 12. Graffiti Removal From Panels That Have Been
repeat 10.2 and 10.3 with the next most aggressive cleaning Subjected to Laboratory-Accelerated Weathering
agents (see 6.5). If none of these cleaning agents results in Exposure
complete removal of the marking, the surface is classified as
12.1 Method A—Removal of freshly applied graffiti mark-
“Not Recleanable”.
ings from coatings that have been subjected to laboratory-
10.5 If the graffiti marking is completely removed, repeat
accelerated weathering:
10.2 and 10.4 until the marking cannot be completely removed.
12.1.1 Prepare a set of specimens to be evaluated in
The recleanability is classified as the number of cycles needed
accordance with Section 7.
before the marking cannot be removed.
12.1.2 Engrave or indent each of the panels in accordance
NOTE 4—If a surface could be effectively cleaned with citrus cleaner with Practice G 147 so that they can be identified after
for three successive marking applications, its recleanability rating would completion of the exposure.
be as follows:“ 3 Cycles, Cleanability Level 3”. If a surface could be 12.1.3 Unless otherwise specified, expose this set of panels
effectively cleaned with citrus cleaner, but after remarking, it took MEK in accordance with Practice G 154 for at least 2000 h using the
to completely remove the marking, its recleanability rating would be “1
Cycle, Cleanability Level 5”.
following cycle:
(a) Eight h UV at a black panel temperature of 60 °C,
11. Graffiti Removal From Panels That Have Been (b) Four h dark with condensation at a black panel tempera-
Subjected To Outdoor Exposure ture of 50 °C. If other exposure conditions or times are used,
11.1 Method A—Removal of freshly applied graffiti mark-
provide a complete description of the exposure conditions and
ings from coatings that have been subjected to outdoor
times in accordance with Practice G 154 and include it with the
11.1.1 Prepare a set of specimens to be evaluated in accor-
12.1.4 After the panels have complete laboratory acceler-
dance with Section 7.
ated weathering, apply graffiti markings in accordance with
11.1.2 Engrave or indent each of the panels in accordance 7.4.
with Practice G 147 so that they can be identified upon return 12.1.5 Evaluate cleanability of marked panels in accordance
from exposure. with Sections 8 or 9.
11.1.3 Unless otherwise specified, expose this set of panels 12.1.6 Evaluate recleanability in accordance with Section
in accordance with Practice G 7 on an open backed rack that 10.
faces the Equator and oriented at an angle of 45° to the 12.2 Method B—Removal of graffiti markings after the
horizontal for 24 months in a hot, desert climate. For the marked panel has been subjected to laboratory accelerated
exposure site, the mean monthly temperature during the coldest weathering:
month of the year shall be at least 10 °C, and the mean monthly 12.2.1 Apply the graffiti resistant material in accordance
temperature during the warmest month of the year shall be at with 7.1-7.3 and mark them in accordance with 7.4.
least 28 °C. 12.2.2 Engrave or indent each of the panels in accordance If other exposure locations and times are used, the with Practice G 147 so that they can be identified after
location and dates of exposure shall be included in the report. completion of the exposure.
11.1.4 After the panels have been returned from exposure, 12.2.3 Expose this set of panels for 1000 h in accordance
apply graffiti markings in accordance with 7.4. with 12.1.3.
11.1.5 Evaluate cleanability of marked panels in accordance 12.2.4 Evaluate cleanability of marked panels in accordance
with Sections 8 or 9. with Sections 8 or 9.
11.1.6 Evaluate recleanability in accordance with Section 12.2.5 Evaluate recleanability in accordance with Section
10. 10.
11.2 Method B—Removal of graffiti markings after the
marked panel has been subjected to outdoor exposure: 13. Report
11.2.1 Apply the graffiti resistant material in accordance 13.1 Report the following information for each material
with 7.1-7.3 and mark them in accordance with 7.4. being evaluated:
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved);
Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with MARGARET E CULL (LEVEL 6 MAJESTIC CENTRE); Thu Oct 27 18:44:58 EDT 2005
D 6578 – 00
13.1.1 Identification of coating or material being tested, 14. Precision and Bias
13.1.2 Procedure for preparation of the coating or material 14.1 Precision—There is not yet enough data to prepare a
being tested including cure time and temperature, precision statement for this practice. Subcommittee D1.46 is
13.1.3 Type of substrate, (if coating is applied to a material working on a round-robin to generate data for an appropriate
that has been applied to the test panels), precision statement.
13.1.4 Dry film thickness of surface being tested, 14.2 Bias—The concept of bias is not applicable to this
13.1.5 Exposure method used, practice.
13.1.6 Removal method used (washability tester or manual
rubs), and 15. Keywords
13.1.7 Repellency, cleanability, Delta E, gloss ratio, and any 15.1 anti-graffiti; cleanability; graffiti; removal
other damage observed in accordance with Table 1.
TABLE 1 Report Form for Repellency, Cleanability, and Re-cleanability of Graffiti Resistant Materials
Identification of surface being tested:
Exposure Method Outdoor exposure—Method A (exposure of panels prior to marking and cleaning). Provide complete description of exposure conditions if
(if used) different from those described in 11.1.3.
(circle one) Outdoor exposure—Method B (exposure of panels marked with graffiti before exposure) Provide complete description of exposure
conditions if different from those described in 11.2.2.
Laboratory Accelerated Weathering—Method A (exposure of panels prior to marking and cleaning). Provide complete description of
exposure conditions if different from those described in 12.1.2.
Laboratory Accelerated Weathering—Method B (exposure of panels marked with graffiti before exposure). Provide complete description of
exposure conditions if different from those described in 12.2.3)
Re-Cleanability Level (number of
Cleanability remarkings with complete removal and
Repellent level (1 - 5, or the cleanability level for last cycle where
Marking Material (yes or no) not cleanableA) graffiti completely removed)
Blue Permanent Marker6
Red spray paint6
Blue or black wax crayon
Black water based ink
Other marking material
agreed upon by all
interested parties
Cleanability Levels 1-5 are defined as:
Level 1 Graffiti completely removed with dry cotton cloth.
Level 2 Graffiti completely removed with 1 % aqueous detergent solution.
Level 3 Graffiti completely removed with citrus cleaner (see 6.5.3).
Level 4 Graffiti completely removed with isopropanol.
Level 5 Graffiti completely removed with MEK.
Not cleanable Graffiti still remains, or gloss ratio is less than 0.8, or Delta E of cleaned surface, compared to an unmarked area is
greater than 1.0.
(Mandatory Information)
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Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with MARGARET E CULL (LEVEL 6 MAJESTIC CENTRE); Thu Oct 27 18:44:58 EDT 2005
D 6578 – 00
Graffiti removal rating = 1 Graffiti is completely removed by both a dry cotton
cloth, and the cleaning agent being evaluated.
Graffiti removal rating = 2 Graffiti is completely removed by both the 1 %
aqueous detergent solution, and the cleaning agent
being evaluated.
Graffiti removal rating = 3 Graffiti is completely removed by both the citrus
cleaner, and the cleaning agent being evaluated.
Graffiti removal rating = 4 Graffiti is completely removed by both IPA, and the
cleaning agent being evaluated.
Graffiti removal rating = 5 Graffiti is completely removed by both MEK, and
the cleaning agent being evaluated.
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Reproduction authorized per License Agreement with MARGARET E CULL (LEVEL 6 MAJESTIC CENTRE); Thu Oct 27 18:44:58 EDT 2005