Baker 1983
Baker 1983
Baker 1983
Electricity Division, New Zealand Ministry of Energy
This paper reviews the cause of the inability of low solidity fixed pitch
vertical axis wind turbines to self start, and investigates a number of ways of
overcoming this problem. One approach is only applicable to variants of the
Musgrove VGVAWT and involves changes of blade geometry. Another approach is to
utilize blades having aerofoil sections that strongly exhibit the laminar
separation bubble phenomenon below the stall and that have low immediate post-
stall drag. Evidence is given that VAWT's can be made to consistently self start.
Cp turbine efficiency coefficient ( = power/ ~ p A v3
Ct thrust coefficient
E net energy produced by blade element in one revolution
q dynamic pressure
r blade radius
Re Reynolds number
V wind velocity experienced by blade element
Vd wind speed through plane of rotor
angle of attack of blade element
tip speed ratio ( = re/ Vd )
G.R. Watson showed in his paper "The self starting capabilities of low
solidity fixed pitch Darrieus rotors"[8] that the inability of Darrieus type
VAWT's to self start arises from the existance of a band of tip speed ratios
below the operating condition for which the net amount of energy collected by
each blade each revolution is negative. To achieve self starting a machine must
be altered in such a way that a net positive quantity of energy is produced at
all tip speed ratios up to the operating condition.
E = ~ r q Ct(~) d @
C o n s i d e r i n g e q u a t i o n i, it w o u l d appear that two of the variables carl be
m a n i p u l a t e d to alter E. They are the section Ct(~) c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s and,
implicitly,~(@). This latter can be a l t e r e d by a l t e r i n g the g e o m e t r y of tm~
VAWT, and the former by the choice of blade section.
tilt (the angle b e t w e e n the span line of the blade and the vertical) and is
given b y
O( = sin ( Vd ~ n ¢ cos9 ) (2)
V = ( ( r~- V d c o s @ )2 + ( Vd s i n @ c o s O )2 )~ (3)
A practical straight bladed VAWT utilising both the tilt and yaw effects mig~t
consist of one with a hinge of the Musgrove type rotated so that the bla~e ~,:
longer tilted outwards in the plane of the strut, but instead leaned f o r w s r d a.:
it tilted. This would allow it to retain the speed limiting spring that i: ~
valuable feature of Musgrove's machine. The offset hinge was suggested b~y
Mr. V.A.L. Chasteau, the author~ supervisor on the masters thesis from w~Jci
this paper came.
Given that laminar separation is inevitable at the suction peak for aerofoils
at low Re's, a section that encourages the formation of a separation bubble will
stall later than one that does not. To aid reattachment of the separated flow a
section should have a rounded nose and camber near the leading edge[4].
Figure 9 compares the Ct(~) curves of the NACA 0012 and the G5 420[6]. The
G~ 420 (see Figure i0) reaches a higher m a x i m u m u n s t a l l e d Ct and has a
relatively much smaller negative stalled region.
The strength of the suction is closely related to the acuteness of the forced
deviation of the flow of air along the pressure side of the aerofoil as it
leaves the t r a i l i n g edge[4]. The strength of the suction can be reduced by smoo-
thing the flow around the t r a i l i n g edge. The t r a i l i n g edge of tbe G~ 420 is more
acutely angled than that of the N A C A 0012 for positive angles of attack, and the
larger n e g a t i v e Ct after the stall is the result. The author built a VAWT using
blades h a v i n g the W o r t m a n n F X 6 3 - 1 3 7 section, w h i c h strongly encourages the
ratio, in this case about twice that of the upstres~n blades. If the upstr<~am
blades are operating at or near maximum efficiency, then the downstres~i I~i~des
will be considerably less efficient. Ntunbers are hard to determine in this ~:a~e
but the author calculates that the downstream blad(~s will produce betweer ',i'
and 10% of the power of the upstre~n blades. This is probably an e~treme ~ ~
as the three bladed turbine of the model is inefficient, having a maximm~i (J'~ ol~
0.25. If however a blade section is used that preferentiaY]y extracts power ~r~
the upwind side, then this effect wi]l be heightened, and not to t,he d e t ~ i m ~ t
of the turbine as there would be lJttie ~ensib]~ power o~ the d o w n s t r ~ i s:,<~ <
In theory and in practice it has been found possible to construct VAWT's in
such a way that they self start. The features to aid self starting that are
referred to in this paper are not mutually exclusive and could be combinea i~
one machine. Such a turbine would use blades having sections with good low
Reynolds number performance, and these would be assisted by some degree of
change to the turbine geometry.
I should like to thank my supervisor Mr. V.A.L. Chasteau for his help with ~ne
thesis from which this paper is extracted. I should also like ~o thank New
i. J.R. Baker, The self starting of vertical axis wind turbines, Masters ffhesis
in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Auckland, (1982)
2. C.J. Duremberg, Unsteady aerodynamics of vertical axis wind ~urbines, ]s~
British Wind Energy Association Workshop paper, (1979)
3. D. Gault, A correlation of low speed airfoil section stalling characteristic
tics with Reynolds number and airfoil geometry, NACA TN 396~, (1957
4. S.F. Hoerner, Fluid dynamic lift, published by the author (1975]
5- Correspondence between the author and Peter Holdsworth, Te Karaka, ]isbo~'ne
6. F.W. Riegels, Aerofoil sections, London, Butterworths ( 1 9 6 1
7. D.J. Sharpe, of the Mechanical, Aeronautical and Production Engineering
School of Kingston Polytechnic U.K. supplied ~his data
8. G.R. Watson, The self starting capabilities of low solidity fixed pitc~
Darrieus rotors, ist British Wind Energy Association Workshop paper, (1979)
I Vd
Thrust coefficient Ct
, U n s t a U e d positive Ct region
:o.~o j ~,,,,+. ~, A'+='"
High angle of
.O,lO ~ f /
, /~ / Stalled negative Ct / /
Angle of attack oc
• lo'.2o" ~o'. ~.o'.5o'. 6 ~ . 7.o'. q¢_ ~ ' . 1 ~ ' . Uo" 12o" 13.o" 1~o" 1so'.16.o'. 17o".
.ls0. =0.0
• Angle of a t t a c k 0,5
90" /
-Angle of attack oc
,60"- - - -~- . . . . .
Et is negafive for oc
between 1/,,° and 60* e=°"
20" A
e:~o °
-I =0 °
Tip speed rafio ~9
0,/~ 0,8 t2 1,6 2,0 2,4
Thrust coefficient
Thrust coefficient
O'j~ NACA0012
Ang|e of ati~ack oc
60" lZO" 180" 2~,0~ 300'
C_ NAEA 0012
5E ~20
FX 63-137
Figure 10
16 E
(arbitrary units)
12 5iJ 420
NACA 0012
e=60 ~
NACA 0012