Q2 Grade 9 Arts DLL 1 2 PDF
Q2 Grade 9 Arts DLL 1 2 PDF
Q2 Grade 9 Arts DLL 1 2 PDF
Daily Lesson Log SCHOOL Looc National High School GRADE LEVEL 9 MAPEH
art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior knowledge and skills
A. Content Standard
the arts as integral to the development of organizations, spiritual belief, historical events, scientific discoveries,
natural disasters/ occurrences, and other external phenomena
The learners...
perform / participate competently in a presentation of a creative impression (verbal/nonverbal) of a particular
artistic period
B. Performance Standard
recognize the difference and uniqueness of the art styles of the different periods (techniques, process,
elements, and principles of art)
A. References
pp. 231-239 pp. 247-249 pp. 231-249
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
pp 195-201 pp 206-207 pp 195-207
2. Learner’s Mateials pages
Perez, A., M., Santos., A., E., P., and Santarin., J., V., et. al. (2006). ACTIVE MAPEH III. Activity-Based and
Intergrative Worktext in Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health for High School Students. Manila. Magallanes
Publishing House
Perez, V., V., Luna, L., N., and Tomas C., E., et. al. (2004). MAPEH-CAT IV. Music, Art, Physical Education, and
Health-Citizenship Advancement Training. Quezon City. St. Bernadette Publishing House Corporation
Textbook pages
Perez, V., V., Luna, L., N., and Tomas C., E., (2004). MAPEH III. Music, Art, Physical Education, and Health.Quezon
City. St. Bernadette Publishing House Corporation
Santiago G., B., Defensor, M., D., and Vergara, L., A., et. al. (2004). MAPEH III. A Worktext in Music, Arts, Physical
Education and Health. Manila. St. Agustine Publications, Inc.
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
The teacher will ask the Compare and contrast The class tour guide will
students to give words A group of students will Renaissance and baroque recall facts about
which are related to perform their 1-3-minute arts BAROQUE PERIOD
A. Reviewing Previous
Baroque period, and it 'commercial' that reviews 5 min
Lesson or Presenting The
should be in alphabetical key instructional content
New Lesson
order. about the difference
(Ex. A= Arts, B= Barocco between Renaissance and
C= Caravagio ) Baroque Period
5 min
5 min 5 min
Guess the secret word or to the Philippines
phrase using only your expectacular churches The class tour guide will
remind the students about
group mate’s drawing https://youtu.be/KrSaQNY8QT
the following guidelines
inside the exhibit room
Separate everyone into Let the student complete
• Bags, cameras, video,
teams of 4. Have one the attached worksheet. mobile phones w/ camera
volunteer from each team (see attachment) are allowed in the museum.
come up to be the first • eating and drinking inside
round of drawers. The the galleries are not allowed
B. Establishing A Purpose For drawers are not allowed to • Tour coordinators are
The Lesson talk or motion during the responsible for the behavior
game, or draw symbols, of the group. Students
should stay with their group
numbers, or letters.
until the end of the tour.
• Anybody caught violating
The first team that raises the abovementioned rules is
their hand and guesses the subject to appropriate
object correctly wins one disciplinary actions. The
point for their team. Museum reserves the right
(see attachments) to cut the tour short and
ask the entire group to
15 min leave the premises
10 min
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
The teacher will present the
lesson by asking this
The teacher will present the question:
lesson by explaining the
importance of color What are the characteristics
harmony in achieving of the viewed Philippine
C. PresentIng Examples/
proper contrast and values churches that has similar
Instances of The New
Lesson of colors. characteristic with
Renaissance and Baroque
5 min
The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss
influences of iconic artist. artforms in the Philippines the Rubrics or criteria for
Da vinci with western influences. the exhibition.
Donatello Using the presented video
D. Discussing New Concepts
Caravaggio and pictures (See attachment. ART
And Practicing New Skills
15 min
5 min
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Student will explain the
Students will be group into relations and influences
4 individually members of of the Baroque art
the group will do their task. traditions to Philippine art
Students will answer the form
Group 1 will paint their
output in an illustration following questions.
Compare the two 10 min
board. Students will paint
any object in accordance architecture using
with the principle of art of the elements of art
Baroque Style. In what period you
F. Developing Mastery can classify the two
Group 2 will design a
(Leads To Formative structure? Why?
Renaissance inspired house
Assessment 3)
in an illustration board
15 min
Group 3 will design a
Baroque church using
magazine strips
35 min
The students will explain The students will express Students will share ideas
the importance of applying their insight about the how to identify the
G. Finding Practical
different media techniques influence of Baroque arts in influence of any
Applications Of Concepts
and processes to Religion artworks.
And Skills In Daily Living
communicate ideas,
experiences, and stories in 5 min 5 min
their artworks.
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
5 min
Research 3 Renaissance Collect picture of different Collect pictures and
Artworks, and 3 Baroque Philippine churches and information about the
J. Additional Activities For artworks make an album out of it activity and make a
Application or Name the following works,
Remediation corresponding name of
artist, and identify the era
when they were created.
1 group will be assigned to Chosen tour guide for
do a Classtime tommorows activity will
commercial they will Students will Continue prepare and present an
create a 1-3-minute doing the group activity entertainment travelouge
K. Assignment
'commercial' that reviews that will help the class
key instructional content
about the difference
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
between Renaissance and experience a museum as if
Baroque period they were on fieldtrip
A. No. of Learners Who Earned
80% In The Evaluation.
B. No. of Learners Who Require
Additional Activities For
Remediation Who Scored
Below 80%
C. Did The Remedial Lessons
D. No. of Learners Who Continue
To Require Remediation
E. Which of My Teaching
Strategies Worked Well? Why
Did These Work?
F. What Difficulties Did I
Encounter Which My Principal
or Supervisor Can Help Me
G. What Innovation Or Localized
Materials Did I Use/Discover
Which I Wish To Share With
Other Teachers?