q2 Grade 9 Health DLL 2 1 PDF
q2 Grade 9 Health DLL 2 1 PDF
q2 Grade 9 Health DLL 2 1 PDF
Harmful effects of drugs Prevention and control of substance use and abuse Long Test
II. CONTENTS on the body
o Short-term
o Long-term
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Mateials pages Pages 348-354 Pages 356-365
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
Gonzales, Fabella et.al, MAPEH Connections, Teacher’s Resource Material pages. 102-106
3. Textbook pages
“How addiction changes your “Teen Prevention on Bawal na Gamot by
brain” Addiction” Willie Garte
https://www.youtube.com/w https://www.youtube https://classroom.kids
atch?v=5f1nmqiHIII .com/watch?v=v2v1h health.org/classroom/
znCx_s 3to5/problems/drugs/
B. Other Learning
https://www.youtube drugs.pdf
.com/watch?v=2QL1j “ ABS-CBN Anti-Drugs
fOcz3I Advocacy”
The teacher will ask the The teacher will give theThe teacher will ask the
students to write the effects evaluating the learner students to write short
of drugs in the meta-card. from previous lesson. description on the
following words/phrases:
A. Reviewing Previous (5 minutes) (10 minutes) Decision-Making
Lesson or Presenting The Skills
New Lesson Resitance Skills
Drug Abuse
(10 minutes)
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
The teacher will show a The teacher will give a
video about the effects of situation then she/he will
drugs to the brain, then let ask the students what
them describe the brain they will do if they
when taking drugs. experience the following
( 5 minutes)
Your parents are
hosting a
neighborhood party
and are serving wine
and beer to adults.
B. Establishing A Purpose For Your friends want
The Lesson you to sneak a beer
to taste it.
( 5 minutes)
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
What are the reasons for What was the
their addiction? suggestions given
by the video in
What are the effects or order to prevent
consequences of their drug abuse?
choices? Which of that
prevention you
(5 minutes) think the most
important thing to
do?Why it so?
(10 minutes)
The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss
the harmful effects of the decision-making and
substance use and abuse resistance skills to
on the individual, family, prevent substance use
Discussing New Concepts school, and community and abuse and the drug
And Practicing New Skills ( Refer to page 354, Health abuse treatment and
9, LM) rehabilitation.
( 5 minutes) ( Refer to page 358-
361, Health 9, LM)
( 15 minutes)
The teacher will explain the
health, socio-cultural,
psychological, legal, and
Discussing New Concepts
economic dimensions of
And Practicing New Skills
substance use and abuse
(Refer to additional resources)
( 5 minutes)
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
to health, socio-cultural, (15 minutes)
psychological, legal and
economic magnitutude.
The group may write a
poem, a song, draw a
cartoon, poster, etc.
( 10 minutes)
The teacher will ask the Group Activity:
group to conduct a The teacher will ask
symposium or lecture about the groups to create a
the harmful effects of video presentation
substance use and abuse on based on the assign
the individual, family, school, task.
and community and health, ( A video sample will be
Finding Practical socio-cultural, psychological, provided: Abs-Cbn Anti-
Applications Of Concepts legal, and economic
Drugs Advocacy)
And Skills In Daily Living dimensions of substance use ( see attachment,
and abuse. Activity 7: Video
(see Act. 7, Group Task) Presentation)
(10 minutes for the
preparation,10 minutes for (40 minutes)
The teacher will ask the The teacher will let the
students to write their students listen to the
personal prayers for those song” Bawal na Gamot by
who been a victim of drugs.
Willie Garte”
Making Generalizations (5 minutes)
And Abstractions About Guide Questions:
The Lesson What was the
message of the
What line struck
you most?
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
( 5 minutes)
The teacher will ask the The teacher will use video
students to list 5 effects of presentation of the
drugs. groups to check thier
Evaluating Learning
insights. Students can
give feedback about the
submit videos.
The teacher will ask the For Students Needs follow up:
students to research one law Do activity Activity 25: Dear Sir/ Madam page 355, LM Health 9
Additional Activities For
or policies that pertains to
Application or For Advanced Students:
Remediation the punishment or
Research news report then prepare for news casting, the news should be
consequence of drugs use regarding the updates on drugs.
The teacher will ask the Each group will bring mobile phone or camera for the activity.
students about thier opinion Then in a short bond paper, make a placard about your comment in drugs,
on the “Close Up Rave example:
Party”. “Drugs will KILL you”.
Who they think is the
responsible on the
If you are one of the
parents of the victim,
what will be your
opinion or you will
A. No. of Learners Who Earned
80% In The Evaluation.
B. No. of Learners Who Require
Additional Activities For
Remediation Who Scored
Below 80%
C. Did The Remedial Lessons
Annex1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016
D. No. of Learners Who Continue
To Require Remediation
E. Which of My Teaching
Strategies Worked Well? Why
Did These Work?
F. What Difficulties Did I
Encounter Which My Principal
or Supervisor Can Help Me
G. What Innovation Or Localized
Materials Did I Use/Discover
Which I Wish To Share With
Other Teachers?