Long Quiz in Entrepreneurship Part 2

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I. Choose the letter of the best answer. a. Entrepreneurship

b. Entrepreneur
c. Relevance
1. Is a person who sets up a business with the aim d. Economy
to make a profit.
9. Which of the following is a relevance of
a. Entrepreneur entrepreneurship to SHS students?
b. Entrepreneurship a. It generates new wealth in an economy.
c. Social Change b. It aids students from all socio-economic
d. Livelihood backgrounds to think outside the box.
2. Refers to any significant alteration overtime in c. It creates opportunities and ensures social justice.
behavior patterns and cultural values and norms. d. It creates job.
a. Business Opportunity 10. Is the mindset that allows you to see opportunity
b. Social Change everywhere.
c. Socio-economic a. Entrepreneur
d. Relevance b. Entrepreneurship
3. Related to the differences between groups of c. Economy
people caused mainly by their financial situation. d. Business Value
11. The cultivation of productive relationships for
a. Livelihood employment or business.
b. Relevance a. Confident
c. Business Venture b. Determined
d. Socio-economic c. Networking
4. It is a new business that is formed with a plan d. Competitive
and expectation that financial gain will follow. It is 12. Habitually engaged in earnest and energetic work.
usually formed out of a need for a service or a. Hardworking
product that is locking in the market. b. Risk taking
a. Relevance c. Creative
b. Business Innovation d. Innovative
c. Business Venture 13. Refers to the act of creating a business or
d. Social Change businesses
5. It is simply the noun form of the objective a. Business Opportunity
“relevant” which means “important to the matter b. Entrepreneurship
at hand. c. Social Change
a. Relevance d. Socio-economic
b. Economy 14. Involves sale or lease of any product, service,
c. Entrepreneur equipment, etc. that will enable the purchaser-
d. Business Opportunity licensee to begin a business.
a. Relevance
6. Who acts as a coordinating agent in a capitalist b. Economy
Economy? c. Business Opportunity
a. Manager d. Entrepreneur
b. Finance Officer 15. It involves developing new products or
c. Entrepreneur improving existing technologies, processes,
d. Broker designs and marketing to solve problems, increase
7. Which of the following words is not associated with efficiency, reach new customers and ultimately
Entrepreneur? increase profits.
a. Innovative a. Business Innovation
b. Impulsive b. Livelihood
c. Collaborative c. Relevance
d. Creative d. Economy
8. The process of creation of a business.
16. Refers to their “means of securing the basic a. Networking
necessities (food, water, shelter and clothing) of b. Enterprising
life. c. Confident
a. Social Change d. Creative
b. Livelihood 26. Diana is graduating SHS. After her graduation she
c. Business Venture is planning to put up a computer shop. What core
d. Business Opportunity competency she needs to develop?
a. Arts and Science
17. The system of production, distribution and b. Systems and Application
consumption. The overall measure of a currency c. Repairs and Maintenance
system; as the national economy. d. Machine and Equipment
27. Monica is an employee of a fast-food chain. What
a. Business Innovation common competency she needs to develop?
b. Entrepreneur a. Time Management
c. Social- economic b. Managing Conflict
d. Economy c. Leadership
18. The act or fact of doing something that involves d. Critical Thinking
danger. 28. Mang Juan is the owner of the Juan Welding Shop.
What common competency he needs to develop?
a. Determined a. Change Management
b. Resourceful b. Human Relations
c. Risk Taking c. Time Management
d. Enterprising d. a, b and c
19. As good as or better than others of a comparable 29. If promotions and advertising are core
nature. competency in Entrepreneurship.
a. Confident a. Managing sales
b. Determined b. Listening to the sentiments of workers
c. Innovative c. Coordinating with partners
d. Competitiv d. Conducting Research
20. Having the quality of something created rather 30. These are your ability to lead, influence,
than imitated. communicate, supervise, negotiate and control people
at all levels. It is the ability to get along with people
a. Creative and motivate people to perform jobs. Entrepreneurs
b. Enterprising must effectively managed people.
c. Hardworking a. Personal Competencies
d. Determined b. Interpersonal Competencies
21. Introduce something new or different. c. Business Competencies
a. Competitive d. Core Competencies
b. Enterprising 31. It is considered as Entrepreneurial Competencies.
c. Innovative a. K.A.S.H.
d. Resourceful b. PECS
22. Showing initiative and willingness to undertake c. Common
new projects. d. Core
a. Enterprising 32. These are set of particular abilities and
b. Resourceful knowledge that sets a company apart from its
c. Hardworking competitors. It also refers to the key characteristics
d. Networking that successful entrepreneurs should have in order to
23. Capable of devising ways and means. be successful.
a. Confident a. Personal Competencies
b. Resourceful b. Business Competencies
c. Determined c. Interpersonal Competencies
d. Innovative d. Core Competencies
24. Firmly resolved. 33. These are your abilities to ground yourself so that
a. Determined you are secure and self- assured in whatever situation
b. Confident you may find yourself.
c. Creative a. Personal Competencies
d. Competitive b. Business Competencies
25. Showing assurance and self-reliance. c. Interpersonal Competencies
d. Core Competencies c. Promotion
d. Price
34. It indicates sufficiency of knowledge and skills
that enable someone to act in a wide variety of 41. Refers to those people who play a major role in an
situations. Because each level of responsibility has its organization.
own requirements, competence can occur in any
period of a person’s life or at any stage of his or her a. Product
career. b. Place
a. Competence c. Promotion
b. Business d. People
c. Common
d. Core 42. It refers to the direct and indirect selling of the
35. ____ is the systematic and objective identification, business.
collection, analysis, dissemination and use of
information for the purpose of decision-making a. Product
related to the identification and solution of problems b. Place
and opportunities in marketing. c. Promotion
a. Potential Market d. People
b. Wants
c. Marketing Research
d. Business
36. By standing your potential market as a proponent
of business you gain valuable information that can 43. Refers on how people think and talk about the
help you to identify how successful your product.
product/service is likely to be what the best price you
can set as well as the customers product preferences. a. Product
a. Better Customer Management b. Positioning
b. Needs c. Promotion
c. Increased Sales d. people
d. Business Growth
37. By conducting Market Research you can use tools 44. ____ is the part of the market you can capture in
of marketing campaigns (questionnaires, meetings, the future.
discussions, messaging) to reach a wide audience of
customers, reduce the time frame within which your a. Market Needs
product/ service reaches the customers, investigate b. Potential Market
current and future needs and expectations of the c. Target Market
customers and achieve higher customer satisfaction. d. Consumer
a. Increased Sales 45. Refers to a group of potential customers to whom
b. Better Customer Management a company wants to sell its products and services.
c. Business Growth a. Potential Market
d. None of the above b. Target Market
38. Though Market research your sales tends to c. Market Needs
increase and customer management gets better, your d. Marketing Plan
company gains an opportunity for further business
growth and development. 46. It inform the organizations about what product to
a. Increased Sales develop for what customers at what cost through
b. Better Customer Management which distribution channels reducing the uncertainty
c. Business Growth that a new product/ service development always
d. Marketing Research brings with it.
39. It pertains to the physical to the physical location a. Potential Market
of the business. b. Target Market
a. Product c. Market Needs
b. Place d. Positioning
c. Promotion 47. Is a motivating force that compels action for its
d. Price satisfaction.
40. It refers to the marketing offering of the business. a. Consumer
a. Product b. Market size
b. Place c. Need
d. Demographic Information. c. Accounting
48. Is a person or organization that uses a commodity d. Purchases
or service. 58. Is the way in which you take a new product.
a. Consumer a. Marketing Plan
b. Market size b. Marketing Research
c. Need c. Marketing Mix
d. Demographic Information d. Business Model
49. Is the number of individuals in a certain market 59. It is a written document that describes your
segment who are potential buyers. advertising and marketing efforts for the coming
a. Consumer year; includes a statement of the marketing situation,
b. Market size a discussion of target markets and company
c. Penetrated Market positioning and description of the marketing mix you
d. Demographic Information intend to use to reach your marketing goals.
50. Is a set of customers or clients who are already a. Marketing Mix
using a particular product or service. b. Marketing Research
a. Need c. Marketing Plan
b. Consumer d. Business Model
c. Market size 60. Refers to a company’s plan for making a profit.
d. Penetrated Market a. Marketing Mix
51. This is important to know the people in common b. Marketing Plan
as well as their preferences. c. Liabilities
a. Consumer d. Business Model
b. Demographic Information 61. Are the income you receive from your business.
c. Need a. Gross Receipts
d. Market size b. Bookkeeper
52. ___ is an operational document that outlines an c. Cost
advertising strategy that an organization will d. Revenue
implement to generate leads and reach its target 62. A key component to building a strong business
market. foundation.
a. Marketing Research a. Gross Receipts
b. Marketing Strategy b. Bookkeeper
c. Marketing Plan c. Cost
d. Promotion d. Revenue
53. He is responsible to the welfare of the 63. It refers to the income of the organization.
organization. a. Gross Receipts
a. Human Resource Manager b. Bookkeeper
b. Operation Manager c. Cost
c. R & D d. Revenue
d. None of the above 64. It pertains to charges and expenses.
54. Is an indispensable subset of accounting. a. Gross Receipts
a. Bookkeeping b. Bookkeeper
b. Financial c. Cost
c. Accounting d. Revenue
d. Purchasing 65. He/She responsible in using a manual system
55. Are the cost you incur to carry on your business. periodically copies journal transactions into a general
a. Cash ledger.
b. Expenses a. Gross Receipts
c. Assets b. Bookkeeper
d. Liabilities c. Cost
56. Are the property you own and use in your d. Bookkeeping
business. 66. Is a written document that describes in detail how
a. Cash a business usually a start-up.
b. Expenses a. Marketing Plan
c. Assets b. Marketing Research
d. Liabilities c. Business Plan
57. Are the items you buy and resell to customers. d. Cost
a. Bookkeeping 67. This aspect involves the operation of the business.
b. Financial a. Financial Aspect
b. Management Aspect
c. Marketing Aspect
d. Technical Aspect
68. It involves the product, place, price, promotion of
the business.
a. Financial Aspect
b. Management Aspect
c. Marketing Aspect
d. Socio-economic Aspect
69. The main priority is the welfare of the employees.
a. Socio-Economic Aspect
b. Management Aspect
c. Financial Aspect
d. Technical Aspect
70. It refers to the income and loss of the company.
a. Technical Aspect
b. Financial Aspect
c. Management Aspect
d. Marketing Aspect
71. This aspect wants to share and help other people.
a. Financial Aspect
b. Management Aspect
c. Marketing Aspect
d. Socio- Economic Aspect
72. The process of thinking carefully about a subject
or idea, without allowing feelings or opinions to affect
a. Competency
b. Job Opportunities
c. Creative Thinking
d. Enterprise
73. This refers to a possession of sufficient skill.
a. Competency
b. Job Opportunities
c. Enterprise
d. Managing Change
74. is the undertaking of activities associated with the
production, sale of distribution of products and
a. Competency
b. Job Opportunities
c. Managing Change
d. Enterprise
75. Refers to a good chance of Employment.
a. Competency
b. Job opportunities
c. Enterprise
d. Creative Thinking


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Master Teacher 1/Entrepreneurship Teacher

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